. mah- ~~~~~~~~~ -W * 1R^^ A ----- B a------ n*^ IW ,e - .^tf flfe^^ * * Bnf s~~~~~~~~~~ vlama w Vol. 10, No. 9 STUDENT PUBLICATION OF STATE UNIVERSITY OF N. Y. AT STONY BROOK Tues., Dec :. 6, 1966 luoiciary Exercses Amato Seeks Democratic Nomination Power Aof JudicialReview F~or Babylon Town Council in 1967 For the first time in the history A junior History major at the State University at Stony Brook is seeking the of the University, the Polity While arranging the lighting for Democratic nomination for Babylon Town Councilman, a position the production of the Fantasticks, up for election in Judiciary has exercised the November, 1967. Richard Amato, 20 year-old the defendant, Mr. X asked Neil president of the Suffolk County Young power of Judicial Review. Judi- Democrats, received public support for his Akins, chairman of the S.A.B. candidacy from Democratic Suffolk County cial Review is the process in Executive H. Lee Dennison, at a press for two tickets conference at County Headquarters, Novem- which the Court has the right to Special Services ber 30. for the performance. Since he examine the legality of a previ- came under the category of a Mr. Amato, who will be 21 on president ous legislation and to call this for the past year and willing sources, without, he said, paid worker he was refused this July 10, in time to make the No- a half. The leaders of -the group committing himself legislation unconstitutional. Al- to any par- privilege. However,- after the vember ballot, is- in his third se presented their proposals to Mr. though this power is not specif- icular group's policy. e did, Gymnasium was opened to the mester at Stony Brookl He is a Dennison about three weeks wally delegated to Polity Judici. ago, however, see the of a public it -became apparent that transfer student from C.W. Post and he reacted favorably to the working relatiobship with the lo. ary in its constituion, it is not Mr. X had ignored the refusal and College. idea. The 63 year old County Ex- cal Democratic ader throuh denied either. had proceeded toe take two seats. ecutive is attempting to start a joint agreement on the general Speakng' with X Sae These seats had been specifically new youth movement within the outlines of policy presented by The incident involved concern. Mr. ato discussed some of reserved for two other people and ranks of the Suffolk Democratic the Babylon Conservative Party ed the present reserved seating the circstances surrounding not for Mb. X Mr. X. twice Party in an effort to create Coun- whe pa " es to arrangement used at special his ed ment mid his view of asked to move, first by Bob ty-wide party unity together with te Democ', and Ama*s, school functions. The Student Ac- the. issues involved in the ca- Aviies, Board is, in charge of B ze and then by Net Akins a winnin ntum in this 2- vew onvcowsrte Towaissues. -As dejibed.re it, a i and they use a is of people himFelf, reused each time. When to-l Rplican swhd. ^we .- X "Draft Io^" ;M owl *orgf- fib wo they. feel are entitled to this thfe origil holders of the seats need Petle wh fresh _x ~im y -awed withhe - Suffo&tc Young privilegy. This list includes Stu- arrived, they were fortunate to --es to= w fum - tlture.e le find cancelled -seats elsewhere. Democrats. of which be has been yong s~int"tsad Dennison portant es exe vesa dent Activities Board members, ead er s with om h e ha t E~xeutive Committee members, A formal complaint was made while making his unprecedented abor l -h this was endorsement of Amatos cand estai contact during his members of the Adminstration against Mr. X iad te nure as Y brought to the Polity Judiciary dacy last Wednesday. e Deoratts Eod Faculty, those who helped as will conduct his areas that for review and decision. President. He ushers and in other Mr. Amato stressed the fat campaign primarily from the concern tho function, and, also, that he was running as an ind Democratic Committee Office id the school photography crews. Under the power of Judicial _pendent Democrat and would This does not- include those who Review the Court decided that steer clear of anv direct nnlicy Smithtown. Ken MacCalpen, 28, a were being paid for their services the present seating arrangement connection with the local Town contractor, is Amato's campaign In the preparation of the function. is arbitrary and unfair to the stu- Democrats. He said he feels this manager. He has a statewide dent body. They said that it is a independent image is necessary tour planned, with the first meet- system of reward and violated in order to win in Babylon, where ing scheduled at Westchester. the rights of the students. As a there has not been a non-Repub- JN Plays Santa result of this decision, the de- lican Councilman elected for the Other stops include Virginia, Con- Mrs. Couey of the Dean of fendent Mr. X was found to be last 40 years. He seeks to be necticut and. Washington D.C. Students staff announced last innocent. RICHARD AMATO "the one independent voice on Amato confessed a possible dif- week that the JN Legislature will to Babylon Town Council." Ac- ficulty with finances; the money sponsor a Christmas. party for 50 cording to registration records, children in the Upward Bound he needs he will have to raise independent voters comprise 25 himself. program on December 10, in JN SNACK BAR SLUM per-cent of the total number eli- lounge, from 11 o'clock until 4 in gible to cast a ballot in Novem- Amato made news earlier this the afternoon. nor The vending-machine Snack The pictures were not posed, ber. Amato will actively seek this year when he issued a statement Bar under C-Wing in G-Dorm were the conditions exaggerated a cam- There will be a costumed San- bloc's support by waging has, since the opening of the for the sake of sensationalism. based on that to the press strongly criticizing ta Claus there to give out pres- paign primarily new, SAGA-operated Snack -Bar The only things out of the or- from regu- the University Administration for ents. These toys are needed des- issue -independence under the E-F-G side of the same dinary are the smashed cigarette control on Council is- the alleged slight to Democratic perately. Kenny May the Chair- lar party dormitory, gone out of style machine, the destroyed phone sues. There is good precedent man of the Food Committee, said gubernatorial candidate Frank D. way out. The picture above, and booth, and the ripped-off coat for this type of approach; as that they want gifts of about O'Connor on his visit to the Uni- the ones that follow on page 7 rack. The ripped wallpaper is on Amato said, "Pike (Otis G. Pike, - three dollar value, preferably versity in comparison to the of- show the dirty conditions as they the ground-level entrance to C- Democratic Representative from new, left in JN mail room in- have regularly existed during the Wing close to the building. the Suffolk Congressional Dis- ficial treatment extended to Gov- care-of Howard Ritberg, JN Leg- greater part of this semester. Continued on Page 7 trict) ran on the independent ernor Rockefeller on what Amato t islature Chairman and creator of ticket as did Dennison. I'll have and the the party. described as a political, to be independent to win. You Governor and University describ- . Howie's band will provide mu- have to appeal to the voters, not ed as a non-political, visit. His sic that night from 9-1 A.M. at to the party bigwigs." recent endorsement by Dennison a mood open to all S.U.S.B. stu- dents. Mr. Amato will have to obtain was covered by several daily his nomination from the Babylon Continued on Page 4 Town, Democratic Committee, a SENIORS group of 200 which represents a Senior pictures for Specula will voting population of 18,000. The be taken on December 13, 14 and Committee will vote on the nom- Want Statesman? 15 from 9:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. ination in March, 1967. Amato To make your appointment, sign must get a simple majority of People who wish to receive the up on Wednesday or Thursday, the latter number in order to Statsman should leave their December 7 and, 8, from 10 A.M. secure the nomination. In seeking name and Mailbox number in to 5 P.M. in the Gymnasium Lob- this broad popular support, the campus mail-slot of the near- by. This is the "eating" area of the Snack Bar under C-\Winu in (D-Imonn. Amato is seeking help from all est mailroom. PAGE 2 THE STATESMAN TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1966 - d : - Noun Theater Dept. Presents Polity The Week To tome Wilder's "Ow Gown'> P0litics December 6 - Dec-ember 13 By Low Bewtt and Steve Pihack Tuesday, December 6 - MECHANICS FACULTY SEMINAR Due to the letter of commiW Professor Stewart Harris, State University at Stony ment that Moderator Martin Dor- Brook. Recent Development In Non-Equilibrium xe presented to the Executive Statscal iMechanics - 1. Kinetic Theory of Dense Committee during the meeting of Gases. 4:00 P.J .-. November 16, 1966, the next Faculty Lounge, 3rd Floor, meeting (November 21) was con- Engineerinig Building ducted at its normal fervor. As International Club - Lecture and Slides 8:00 P.M.
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