WOLFSON COLLEGE RECORD 2016 WOLFSON COLLEGE WOLFSON OXFORD The Record is now distributed by email to those who have submitted an email address to the College and is also available to download and read on the College website. Paper copies have been sent to those without access to email and to those who have requested a copy. The Hedgehog and the Fox designed by Theo Sundh WOLFSON COLLEGE RECORD 2016 Contents page Family Society 112 President and Fellows 5 Fiftieth Anniversary Ball 113 College Officers and Membership 17 Football 115 Editor’s Note 19 Full Dance Latino 116 The President's Letter 20 Meditation 116 Obituaries 31 Music Society 117 Fiftieth Anniversary Odissi Dance 118 Celebrations 44 Old Wolves Lunch 119 Alumni Relations and Development 2015–16 50 Pilates 121 List of Donors 52 Punt Club 121 Gifts to the Library 58 Reading Group 121 Scholarships, Travel Awards, Romulus 122 and Prizes 2015–16 59 Running Club 123 Degrees and Diplomas 62 Squash 125 Elections and Admissions 87 Tibetan New Year 126 Fellows 87 Wine Society 126 Visiting Scholars 89 Yoga 127 Graduate Students 90 Research Clusters 129 Elected members of the Oxford Centre for Life-Writing 134 Governing Body 97 The President’s Seminars 135 Clubs and Societies 98 Some memories of the College’s AMREF Group 98 early days Arts Society 99 by Glen Dudbridge 136 Badminton 103 Conferencing at Wolfson by Louise Gordon 139 BarCo 103 Boat Club 105 Oxford Florilegium by Barbara McLean 142 Cherwell Day 107 Choir 107 The Record 143 Cricket 108 Births 143 Croquet 109 Marriages 143 Darwin Day 2016 110 Deaths 143 Entz 110 Professional News 144 Environment 111 Books published by Wolfsonians 147 Wolfson College at 1 October 2016 President Lee, Hermione, DBE, MA, MPhil, FBA, FRSL Governing Body Fellows Abramsky, Samson, MA (MA Barrett, Jonathan, BA (MA, PhD Cambridge, PhD London) Professorial Cambridge) Ordinary Fellow, Associate Fellow, Christopher Strachey Professor of Professor of Computer Science Computing Benson, James William, MA (BA Andersson, Ruben, (BA SOAS, MA Macalester College, MA Minnesota, City Lond, MSc PhD LSE), Ordinary PhD Stanford) Ordinary Fellow, Fellow Associate Professor in Migration University Lecturer in Sanskrit and Development Boehmer, Elleke, MPhil, DPhil (BA Austyn, Jonathan Mark, MA, DPhil Rhodes University, South Africa) Ordinary Fellow, University Lecturer in Professorial Fellow, Professor of World Surgery: Transplantation Immunology, Literatures in English Professor of Immunobiology Brown, Harvey Robert, MA (BSc Aveyard, Paul N, (BSc, MB, BS Canterbury, New Zealand, PhD London, MPH, PhD Birmingham) London) Ordinary Fellow, University Professorial Fellow, Clinical Reader Lecturer in the Philosophy of Physics, in the Department of Primary Care Professor of the Philosophy of Physics Health Sciences, Professor of Behavioural Cannon, Catríona, MPhil (BA Dublin, Medicine MA UCL, MCLIP) Ordinary Fellow, Bangha, Imre, MA (MA Budapest, Deputy Bodleian Librarian PhD Santineketan) Ordinary Fellow, Chappell, Michael A, MEng, DPhil Associate Professor of Hindi, Ordinary Fellow, Associate Professor of Banks, Marcus John, MA (BA, PhD Engineering Science Cambridge) Ordinary Fellow, University Lecturer in Social Anthropology, Professor of Visual Anthropology 5 Charters, Erica Michiko, MA, DPhil De Melo, Wolfgang David Cirilo, (BA Carleton, MA Toronto) Ordinary MPhil, DPhil (MA SOAS) Ordinary Fellow, University Lecturer in the History Fellow, Associate Professor of Classical of Medicine Philology Cluver, Lucie, DPhil (MA Cambridge) DeLaine, Janet, MA (BA, PhD Ordinary Fellow, Associate Professor of Adelaide) Ordinary Fellow, Associate Evidence-based Social Intervention Professor of Roman Archaeology Coecke, Bob, MA (PhD Free Fellerer, Jan Michael, MA (MA University of Brussels) Ordinary Vienna, Dr Phil Basel) Ordinary Fellow, Fellow, University Lecturer in Quantum Associate Professor of Non-Russian Computer Science; Professor of Quantum Slavonic Languages Foundations, Logics and Structures Galligan, Denis James, MA, BCL Conner, William James, MA (BA (LLB Queensland), DCL, AcSS Grinnell) Ordinary Fellow, Development Professorial Fellow, Professor of Socio- Director Legal Studies Costa, Matthew, (MB BChir PhD East Gardner, Frances, MA, DPhil Ang, MA Camb) Professorial Fellow, Ordinary Fellow, Professor of Child and Professor of Orthopaedic Trauma Surgery Family Psychology, Reader in Child and Curtis, Julie Alexandra Evelyn, MA, Family Psychology DPhil Ordinary Fellow, Professor of Giustino, Feliciano, MA (MSc Torino, Russian Literature PhD Lausanne) Ordinary Fellow, Czaika, Mathias, (MA Konstanz, PhD Professor of Materials Modelling Freiburg) Ordinary Fellow, Associate Goodman, Martin David, MA, DPhil, Professor of Migration and Development DLitt, FBA Professorial Fellow, Professor Dahl, Jacob Lebovitch, MA (BAS of Jewish Studies Copenhagen, PhD California) Ordinary Hamnett, Gillian, (BA Newcastle) Fellow, Associate Professor of Assyriology; MSt Ordinary Fellow; Senior Tutor Secretary to the Governing Body 6 Harrison, Paul Jeffrey, MA, BM, McKenna, William Gillies, MA BCh, MRCPsych, DM Ordinary Fellow, (BSc Edinburgh, PhD, MD Albert Clinical Reader in Psychiatry, Honorary Einstein) Professorial Fellow, Professor of Consultant Psychiatrist, Professor of Radiation Biology Psychiatry Morin, Richard Antony, (BA Howgego, Christopher John, MA, Lincs and Humbs, MA KCL, MBA DPhil Professorial Fellow, Keeper of the Northampton) Ordinary Fellow; Bursar Heberden Coin Room, Professor of Greek Nissen-Meyer, Tarje, (Diplom and Roman Numismatics Munich, MA PhD Princeton) Ordinary Jarvis, R Paul, (BSc Durham, PhD Fellow, Associate Professor of Geophysics Norwich) Ordinary Fellow, University Payne, Richard E (BA Colorado, PhD Lecturer in Plant Sciences, Professor in Princeton) Ordinary Fellow, Associate Cell Biology Professor in Sasanian Studies Johns, Jeremy, MA, DPhil Ordinary Pila, Jonathan MA (BSc Melbourne, Fellow, University Lecturer in Islamic PhD Stanford) Professorial Fellow, Archaeology, Professor of the Art and Reader in Mathematical Logic Archaeology of the Islamic Mediterranean Probert, Philomen, MA, DPhil Jones, Geraint, MA, DPhil Ordinary Fellow, Professor of Classical Ordinary Fellow, University Lecturer in Philology and Linguistics; Vicegerent Computation Rawlins, (John) Nicholas Pepys, MA, Lange, Bettina MA (BA, PhD DPhil Senior Research Fellow, Pro-Vice Warwick) Ordinary Fellow, Associate Chancellor for Development and External Professor of Law and Regulation Affairs Lewis, James Bryant, MA (BA Redfield, Christina, MA (BA University of the South, MA, PhD Wellesley, MA, PhD Harvard) Ordinary Hawaii) Ordinary Fellow, University Fellow, Professor of Molecular Biophysics Lecturer in Korean Studies McCartney, Matthew Howard, MPhil (BA Cambridge, PhD SOAS) Ordinary Fellow, Associate Professor of Political Economy and Human development of India 7 Rice, Ellen Elizabeth, MA, DPhil Sud, Nikita, MA, MPhil, DPhil (BA (BA Mount Holyoke College, MA Delhi, MA Mumbai) Ordinary Fellow, Cambridge) Senior Research Fellow, Associate Professor of Development Studies Ancient History and Archaeology; Fellow Taylor, David Guy Kenneth, MA, Librarian and Archivist DPhil Ordinary Fellow, Associate Rickaby, Rosalind, MA (MA, PhD Professor of Aramaic and Syriac Cambridge) Ordinary Fellow, University Vedral, Vlatko, MA (BSc, PhD Lecturer in Biogeochemistry, Professor of Imperial) Ordinary Fellow, University Biogeochemistry Lecturer in Theoretical Quantum Optics Riede, Moritz, (MSc Camb, Ventresca, Marc J, MA (AM, PhD PhD Konstanz) Ordinary Fellow, Stanford) Ordinary Fellow, Associate Associate Professor of Soft Functional Professor of Strategy Nanotechnology Wells, Andrew James, (MA, PhD Roberts, Paul Christopher, MA (BA Cambridge) Ordinary Fellow, Associate Camb, MPhil Sheffield) Professorial Professor of Physical Climate Science Fellow, Sackler Keeper of Antiquities Wolff, Jonathan, BA, MPhil Roesler, Ulrike, MA (MA, PhD Professorial Fellow, Blavatnik Professor of Münster, Habilitation Munich) Public Policy Ordinary Fellow, Professor of Tibetan and Woodruff, Christopher Marshall, Himalayan Studies (BSc Chicago, MA Calif Los Angeles, Schulting, Rick J, MA (BA, MA PhD Texas) Professorial Fellow, Simon Fraser, PhD Reading, PGCE, Professor of Development Economics Queen’s Belfast) Ordinary Fellow, Yürekli-Görkay, Zeynep, (BArch Associate Professor of Scientific and MArch Istanbul Technical University, Prehistoric Archaeology PhD Harvard) Ordinary Fellow, Stewart, Peter Charles N, (MA, Associate Professor of Islamic Art and MPhil, PhD Cambridge) Ordinary Architecture Fellow, Associate Professor of Classical Art and Archaeology 8 Honorary Fellows Mance, Jonathan, the Rt Hon Lord Mance, MA Adams, John W, (BA Rutgers, JD Seton Hall, LLM New York) Miller, Andrew, CBE, MA (BSc, PhD Edinburgh) Bradshaw, William Peter, Lord Bradshaw, (MA Reading), FCIT Rezek, Francisco, DipL (LLB, DES Minai Gerais, PhD Paris) Burgen, Sir Arnold (Stanley Vincent), (MB, MD London, MA Cambridge), Screech, Michael Andrew, MA, DLitt FRCP, FRS (DLit London, DLitt Birmingham), FBA, FRSL Chan, Gerlad Lokchung, (BS MS California, SM SCD Harvard) Smith, Sir David, MA, DPhil, FRS, FRSE Epstein, Sir Anthony, CBE, MA (MA, MD Cambridge, PhD, DSc London, Sorabji, Sir Richard, CBE, MA, DPhil, Hon MD Edinburgh, Prague, Hon FBA DSc Birm), Hon FRCP, FRCPath, Hon Thyssen-Bornemisza, Baron Lorne FRCPA, FRS, Hon FRSE, FMedSci Wood, Sir Martin, OBE, MA (BA Goodenough, Frederick Roger, MA Cambridge, BSc London), FRS (MA Cambridge) Hamilton,
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