Now Available Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States HARRY S. TRUMAN, 1951 This is the 19th volume in the “Public Papers” series to be released. It contains public messages and statements, news conferences, and other selected papers that were released by the White House during the year 1951. Among the 307 items in the book are : the President’s annual message to Congress on the State of the Union; special message to the Congress recommending a “pay as we go” tax program; radio and television reports to the American people on Korea and U.S. policy in the Far East and on the need for extending inflation controls; the address and remarks in San Francisco at the opening of the Conference on the Japanese Peace Treaty; and the proclamation terminating the state of war with Germany. 747 Pages— $6.25 Published by: Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration Order from: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 r ’r n r 'v m i i ¥irT < IC ^ rrril Published daily. Tuesday through Saturday (no publication on Sundays, Mondays,« r H I r K / l l i M i K r l l l M r l l on the day after an official Federal holiday), by the Office of the Federal Register, Nation 1 Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration (m a ir address National Area Code 202 Phone 963-3261 Archives Building, Washington, D.O. 20408), pursuant to the authority contained in t Federal Reeister Act approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the Admm- Lm tive Committee of the Federal*Register, approved by the President (1 CFR Ch. I). Distribution is made only by the Superintend of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. nnv&ble in The F ederal R egister will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 per month or $15 perjrear, payam ^ advance. The charge for individual copies varies in proportion to the size of the issue (15 cents for f^ Do£Snents, each additional group of 40 pages, as actually bound). Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of docuiu U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. _ . ... fi0 titles, pur- The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the Code op F ederal R egulations, which is published ^ d e r 50 t r n e ^ suant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended. The Code of F ederal R egulations is sold by the Superimen« Documents. Prices of books and pocket supplements are listed in the first F ederal R egister issue of each month. regulations. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the F ederal R egister or the Code op F ederal R Contents THE PRESIDENT COMPTROLLER OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM CURRENCY Notices PROCLAMATION Rules and Regulations Valley Bancorporation; notice of International Literacy Day______ 11639 application for approval of ac­ Investment securities regulation; quisition of shares of bank_____11695 Louisiana Capital Construction Wachovia Bank and Trust Co.; EXECUTIVE AGENCIES and Improvement Commission order approving merger of public improvement bonds____ 11641 banks________________________ 11695 AGRICULTURAL STABILIZATION AND CONSERVATION SERVICE CONSUMER AND MARKETING FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Rules and Regulations SERVICE Rules and Regulations Hunting in certain wildlife ref- Tobacco, certain varieties; rates Rules and Regulations of penalty per pound__________11655 uges: Expenses and rate of assessment: Alaska_________________________ 11662 Iowa (2 documents)____________ 11663 AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Certain varieties of pears grown in Oregon, Washington, and Migratory birds; open seasons See also Agricultural Stabilization California__________ ________11657 and possession_________________ 11658 and Conservation Service; Com­ Fresh Bartlett pears grown in Notices modity C r e d i t Corporation ; Oregon and Washington____ 11657 Hearings, etc.: Consumer and Marketing Serv­ Fresh prunes grown in desig­ Boat Seafarer, Inc_____________ 11684 ice. nated counties in Washington Johnson, Richard N____________ 11684 Notices and in Umatilla County, Oreg. 11657 Potter, Clyde R _______ 11684 Irish potatoes grown in Area No. Delaware, Iowa, Maryland, and 2 of Colorado________________ 11658 INTERIOR DEPARTMENT Wyoming; designation of areas Tokay grapes grown in San Joa­ for emergency loans___________11691 quin County, Calif___________ 11657 See also Fish and Wildlife Serv­ Idaho, Nebraska, Virginia, and Handling limitations: ice ; National Park Service. West Virginia; designation and Lemons grown in California and Notices extension of areas for emergency A rizo n a___________________ 11656 Authority delegations: loans------------------------------------- 11691 Valencia oranges grown in Ari­ Commissioner of U.S. Fish and zona and designated part of Wildlife Service______________ 11685 ARMY DEPARTMENT California__________________ 11656 Director, Bureau of Commercial Rough rice; U.S. standards_____ 11653 Fisheries____________ 11685 Rules and Regulations Proposed Rule Making Director, Bureau of Sport Fish­ Standards of conduct for Depart­ eries and Wildlife________ 11685 ment of the Army personnel__ 11642 Egg products; grading and inspec­ Statements of changes in finan­ tion__________________________ 11666 cial interests : Milk in southeastern Florida mar­ ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Anderson, John S ______________ 11685 keting area; recommended, de­ Carpenter, Hubbell_____________ 11685 Notices cision____ ______________;J ___ 11669 Eppard, Clyde M__,____________ 11686 Hall, Glenn J __ _______________ 11686 Catholic University of America; is­ DEFENSE DEPARTMENT Knapp, Russell V_____________ 11686 suance of facility license amend­ S ee Army Department. Lengnick, Lewis W____________ 11686 ment______________ 11692 McNealey, John Lawrence____ 11686 Commonwealth Edison Co.; re­ FEDERAL AVIATION AGENCY McNeer, Charles S __________ 11686 ceipt of application for con­ Rules and Regulations Negroni, Julio A______________ 11686 struction permit and facility Neubauer, John Paul___________ 11686 license________ 11691 Airworthiness directives; Hawker Ramirez, Rafael R ____________ 11686 Siddeley Model DH. 125-1A air­ Schultz, Leroy J _______________ 11687 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION planes_________ 11641 Watson, Charles W____________ 11687 Rules and Regulations Positive control areas and route Williams, Carl H______________ 11687 segments; correction___________ 11641 Interior Department; excepted service------------------------------------ 11651 Notices INTERSTATE COMMERCE Pay under other systems; miscel­ Airports District Office at Reno, COMMISSION laneous amendments; correc­ Nev.; notice of closing_____ ____ 11695 tion------------------------------------------ 11651 Notices FEDERAL MARITIME Canadian Pacific Railway Co., et COAST GUARD al.; rerouting or diversion of COMMISSION tr a ffic _______________________ 11698 Proposed Rule Making Rules and Regulations Fourth section applications for re­ Apprentice engineers; licensing lief ____________________________11697 and certificating of merchant Oceangoing common carriers and Motor carrier: marine personnel______________ 11665 persons shipping for own ac­ Temporary authority ap p li­ count; licensing_______________ 11652 cations ____________________ 11697 COMMERCE DEPARTMENT Transfer proceedings___________ 11697 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION See Maritime Administration. MARITIME ADMINISTRATION Notices COMMODITY CREDIT Rules and Regulations Hearings, etc.: CORPORATION Pacific Power & Light Co_____11695 Compensation payable to agents, Notices Sacramento Municipal Utility general agents, and berth D istrict______ _______________11695 agents; miscellaneous amend­ Sales of certain commodities; Sep­ ments _____________ :__________11651 tember sales list____ ___ 11687 Young, Marshall R., Oil Co., et a l --------------------------------------11693 (Continued on next page) 11637 11638 CONTENTS NATIONAL PARK SERVICE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE SMALL BUSINESS Notices COMMISSION ADMINISTRATION Rules and Regulations Management Assistant et al.; Notices Mount McKinley National Park, Hearings, etc.: Small business size standards; Alaska; delegation of author­ Lincoln Printing Co--------------- 11696 definition-------- ---------------------- 11651 ity _____ ____________________ 11684 Pennsylvania Gas Co., et al----- 11696 United Security Life Insurance TREASURY DEPARTMENT Co_________________________ 11696 RENEGOTIATION BOARD Westec Corp___________ 11696 See also Coast Guard; Comptroller of the Currency. Rules and Regulations Notices Permissive exemptions from rene­ Prudence Mutual Casualty Co.; gotiation; “stock item” exemp­ surety company acceptable on tion _________________________ 11651 Federal bonds_______ ________11684 List of CFR Parts Affected (Codificçition Guide) The following numerical guide is a list of the parts of each title of the Code of Federal Regulations affected by documents published in today*s issue* A cumulative list of parts affected# covering the current month to date appears at die end of each issue beginning with the second issue of the month. A cumulative guide is published separately at the end of each month. The guide lists the parts and sections affected by documents published since January 1# 1966* and specifies how they are affected. 3 CFR 12 CFR 32 CFR P roclamation: 1 11641 579_____ ________ 11642 3739____________ 11639 1455—_____ _____ 11651 13 CFR 5 CFR 121_____ 11651 32A CFR
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