>tgi i^^>si ,^H OSORIO *y.^...^..^^ m THE RIGHT CLOTHES FOR THE NOTRE DAME • • Our unmatched experience in knowing what is correct—^and i: practical—^in clothing for the Notre Dame man is reflected in our huge selection of fine clothing and furnishings. Why J. 4 not come in soon and look them over? '] On :the Campus—Notre Dame The Scholastic M AS A NOTRE DAME MAN. YOU CAN CHARGE IT THE CAMPUS SHOP WAY PAY 1/3 IN JANUARY, 1960 PAY 1/3 IN FEBRUARY, 1960 PAY 1/3 IN MARCH, 1960 No Carrying Charge Your charge account is open at the Campus Shop! Get what you need, when you need it and charge it the Campus Shop way. Designed for University men who live on a budget, this handy way to charge your clothing needs makes it possible to get what you need now and pay 1/3 in January, 1/3 in February, and 1/3 in March. No interest or carrying charges, of course. On the Campus—Notre Dame L October 23, 1959 -Li-~*i%5a,»»£? ? RENEW YOUR SCHOLASTIC OUR COVER: This week marks the re­ SUBSCRIPTION NOW! turn of Ivan Osorio to the cover of the 3 SCHOLASTIC. Neither Ivan nor his 3 J. ^ V s V iHs O N drawings are strange sights to our 3 a I 3 ± 0 oil ± O 1 THE BOOK SHOP readers, and like his other covers, this a V o S 3 N o| s 3 J. 3 one is quite likely to provoke a con­ ± 0 V •iln 1 >ys S y 3 1 ! V PAPERBACKS siderable amount of comment. N 0 1 N O •s ± • 39 H 0 3U o S This week Osorio's cover deals ± 3 Tn IP CONTEMPORARY with the annual homecoming festivities Ad 33^ N s HP Np ± CARDS AND GLASSWARE which take place this week end. Some W o Scd 3 1WUk M1 P 3 N • familiar figures {St. Mary's girls?) will V 1 n •wlJOTB V ± 3 no doubt be noticed but some additions 3 D 0 3 1 3 W All the Best Sellers ^H ,c5IH1.70VU>f 1 ± have been made. Other than this )d 3 3 1 ^H oLHonoNa 1 N O X o nothing more need be said about the l-KSM noA, 3a3/nA 130 N. MICHIGAN STREET a U V d V s 3 w cover. Right down from the Bus Stop UBMSMVIODM KQDL KR08SW0RD No. 4 ACROSS 49. Kind of Vegas 50. One for the pot 1. Flat-top hill 5. Cowpoke's colleague DOWN 9. Of 0.xford A refreshing 10. Cooler, but with Kools! not the clink 2. Prep with a rep 11. Dissolve her defenses 3. It's a comfort 4. It does the 12. homo crawl 13. It looks 5. likeH Sweetie's 15. Actress Hagen 6. last name 16. Target for Blame French blade 7. Head man at 18. Downs in some colleges England 8. Describing 20. This one you've certain boats gotta d:g 14. Kool kind 23. With the of magic lip curled 17. What Grampa had 24. Mr. Yale 19. to do to propose And so forth 25. 21. A nut 26. What gagmen paradoxically A type of try to produce 22. room There's one for 29. When your throat tells you 23. every her it's time for 26. Dry He started a , come 27. up to Kool! "The Tatler" 33. This is the way Buy your Kools 28..b y the to go, formally the occasion Ill-advised 34. 30. One of the pre-date Vitamin B's vegetable 31. Vehicle for 35. Half ersatz juvenile 36. Catskill drag race without a cat 32. The main course 40. Make like the 37. Epitome of new Marilyn cleanness, 41. You are (French) smoothness in 43. Steady number smoking 44. Struggle Durante chant: memento 38. " , dinca, 45. French novelist It's after Sept. doo" 46. CoUeen-land 39. Answer to 47. Country-style "ShaU we?" 48. Slaughter 42. Little sister 44. Ocean YOU NEED THE MILO MENTHOL KING-SIZE Of KGDL^ PAoa/rettel e 1959, Brmm ft Williamson Tobacco Corp. «-' *'«.---w^^o««. The SchoUtstit C^cofim so what else by CHRIS FOLEY IS newr There's lots of news across the cam­ tions, 34 got crushed ribs in the line, and come back. In fact, some of them haven't pus this week, so let's get right into it: one member of the social commission got come back yet. In fact. Father Collins AS WAS REPORTED LAST WEEK, slugged for wising off to an irate senior. sent a little message to all those who our interhall footballers have begun a haven't come back yet. It goes some­ series of engagements against the lads MY WEST COAST CORRESPOND­ thing like this: from Michigan State prison; fortunately ENT advises that we should be waiy Seniors, seniors, shame on you; I can report that none of our boys de­ of the Southern Cal Trojans who will be It's been a iveek since we heard frmn cided to stay within the walls as D. Jim here to take on the Irish Nov. 28. He Ausum feared — instead the afternoon states that the unbeaten Trojans trans­ you. proved quite profitable. MoiTissey coach port that big defensive line to "away" All of lis at the Golden Dome Mike Lind has infonned me that his games in a special airplane equipped Wish that you ivould come back home. squad, badly in need of players, was able with double security steel mesh cages But have a real good time even though to piT a couple of linemen away from and that the boys are accompanied not it's late the talent-rich state team. They are end by a team physician, but by a veteii- 'Cause fellas, you ain't gonna graduate. Dave Cobalt, a convei-ted safecracker, narian. and Alvin (Slash) Williams, a homicidal maniac. Cobalt has enrolled in the Col­ ID PICTURES WILL NOT BE HERE'S A REAL BONANZA lege of Science, while Williams will en­ TAKEN this week. I am pleased to re­ ter the College of Arts and Letters. port that the last set of pictures was Do you enjoy practical jokes? For a Watch for them in interhall action soon. acceptable, and shall take this oppor­ limited time only I have been authorized tunity to explain the original mix-up. As to offer to you, the public, the most SOCIAL COMMISSIONER Bill Blip some of you doubtless know, the wrong colossal assortment of jokes and tricks reports that the new "fi-ee for all" sys- machine was sent fi'om Chicago. Instead ever assembled. Here's just one of hun­ of a picture taking apparatus, an X-ray dreds of gags you receive in this cidlec- tion: You offer a friend a free samfde ARE YOU A WALL-FLOWER? machine was sent, and while the result­ ing films were quite interesting, they of toothpaste, Rotadent, and ask him to Do you find yourself standing alone were unsuited for ID purposes. Don't try it and tell you how he likes it. Nat­ soberly in a corner while your friends woriy though, fellows, for an infii-maiy urally the poor boob will try it, and cavort around raging roaring drunk at spokesman has said that few if any stu­ imagine his reaction when witliin a few parties, dances, etc.? Are you a victim dents recieved a lethal dose of X-rays days his teeth begin to turn black and of your own metabolism which keeps you the first time through. A Geiger counter actually FALL OUT! That's just one miserably sober no matter how much has been set up at Nieuwland if you fA this terrific group of laughs, which' you drink? Suffer no more! Medical would like to check your radioactivity includes the famous "exploding razor" science has solved your problem in the rating, however. (dad'll get a big charge out at this one) form of a miraculous new product, and our "poison ivy flowers" (for man).' SMASH, which will enable you to join ALWAYS A SUBJECT OF INTER­ Send only $L98 today to LOTS OF in the fun. Just slip one of these won­ EST to all students is the summer jobs LAUGHS, South Bend, Indiana. drous SMASH tablets into your glass held down by varsity football players. and in no time at all you'll be flat on This year most of them worked con­ ALL THE TALK about quiz shows your back in a deep satisfying intoxica­ struction or something of that sort, but being fixed brings to mind a little mat­ tion that lasts the whole night through! some came up with really unusual sum­ ter that has long puzzled me. Is that Now YOU can be the center of attrac­ mer jobs. Sophomore end Les Traver, for instance, peddled marijuana to teen­ Deans' List really on the level? Think tion, the life of the party. If you are about it a little — how could anybody now an alcoholic, or if you are seriously agers in his home town of Toledo, Ohio. Big Bob Sholtz spent the summer as a get an average that high without beings interested in becoming one, you can't crooked? Now myself, I didn't pass any afford to pass up this offer. Send only diamond cutter, while Monty Stickles was a dentist and Bill Mack, junior courses last year so I don't have any 25c in coin to SMASH, South Bend, average, but I know some gays who Indiana, for a trial size.
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