Wy^' TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1942 V) t i a Z Z0C8TEEK iHtutr^pBtrr iEoftiins Hrntlb Average Daily Circulation For the Month of January, 1943 The Weather Miss Lorraine Delaney of 22 Members of Center . Hose Com­ Tho’ Brotherhood of the Con­ Rev. J. J. Sharkey of St. Luke's Forecaat of C. S. Weather Bureau Lenten services will be held to­ Laurine. daughter of Mr. and church. South Glastonhury will Hawthorne street who has been Emerffency Doctors Mrs. C. Arthur Hoagliind.of Step­ pany No. 2. are requested to meet cordia [..iitheran church will hold morrow.at 7 30 and avcr.v Wedne.v its regular buslne.-i.s meeting this preach at the Lenten service to­ suffering from an Infected foot, 7,088 day evening fhroligh Lent at St. hen .street, accompanied her mottle at the headquarters at 7:1.1 this has been admitted to the Memorial Little rhangp In temperature to­ About Town evening, and from there will pro­ evening at the church. morrow evening at 7:30 at St. Member of the Audit Physicians of the Manchester John's Polish National church. er and uncle, Evan Nyqiii.st. oh a Mary's Episcopal church. hospital. night. three weeks' vacation trip through ceed in a body \o the W'atk^s Bu^m u of Ctrculatlona iEupttitm Medical association who wlU Prlsdlla Ann Prentice,Vyoung Florida., P'lineral Home to pay a final tri-. Tliere will b^'an all-day sewing respond to emergency calls to­ The W. B. A. Red Cross Flr.st session tomorrow at Center church Manchester— A City o f Village Charm dnuchter o t Sergreent end Mre. Jo- morrow -atternoon. are: Dr. hiite to August .«ilmonscn. one of •eph Prentice, of 612 Middle turn­ Aid class will meet this evening the old-time liremrn of the com­ house for Bntl.sh War Relief 24 HOUR SERVICE Robert Keeney and Dr. Arthur with Mr.s. Ethel Cowles of 72 Hud­ The Married Couplc.s club will pike eeet, U Improving rapidly el pany. R ange and VOL. LXL, NO. 125 (ClaseUled AdvertiilBa On Page U ) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 23. 1942 (FOURTEEN PAGES) the Mencheater Memorial hospital,, B. Moran. son .street. The Guard team will enjoy a supper and poverty social PRICE THREE CENTS .Ht the Second Concregal lonal following an appendectomy. have a rehearsal Thursday evening t at 7:3i)iat the Y. M. C. A. ihiirch torhorrow evening at 6:30. The Manchester Chapter of the Fuel O ii CITY The regular communication of I American Reil Cross will hold its S EFFECTIVE 8t. Bfidget'a church women will Manchester Lodge of Ma.sons will meet to eew for the Red Cross this .V daughter was bom on .Sunday Mt. and Mrs. William Rublnow annual meeting tomorrow after­ In Memory of Wake Island Defenders be held In the Temple at 7:30 to­ at the Hartford ho.spital. to Mr. WELDON’S OWN .evening at 7;30. and again tomo^ of East Center street, who have noon at four o'clock in Center The 1 53 Parnell Place night. The Entered Apprentice ile- and .Mr.s. Joseph Roginkii. of 226 1 row afternoon at 1:30. Y*™ to> been .spending a part of their win­ ‘hurch hoiisi'. This will be an Ini- NEW FORMULA 1 Donald Fitzgerald, Australian Bombers ree will be conferred libers Sink Three Woodbridge .street. afghan squares la atlll needed and ter vacation in Miami and othei portant meeting and evi iy persi^ TOOTH PASTE W. G. Glenney donatlona may be brought to the parts of Florida, are now in St who has joined the Red Cros.sXs las I.,ewie of the Board of Linne Lfalge No. 72 Knight.s of Petersburg. eligible to atteml / Little Bit Goes Further 1 PHONE j PnJI meeting. Assessi is a patient in the Hart- Co. with an eye Infection. Pvi.hias will hold their regular -----------------:------------------------- — Get \ Tube Today Coal, Lumber, Masons' Supplies, ford meeting tomorrow night at Orange The regular meeting of Ander At Our Pharmacy! Paint hall. The meeting will open at 336 No. Main St. Tel. 4148 Raid Rabaul, Timor; aon-Shea Auxiliary. V.F.W., will Clerk of of A.ase.asors, Big Jap Transports; eight o'clock, and the Ftank of be held this>vening at 8 o'clock Neal Cheney ^en off duty for due to illness. Esquire will he conferred on a class at the V.F.W. Home. Officers are the past two w of candidates. requested to w'ear uniforms os sev eral candidates will be initiated. Johnson Brothers tods install- ed three new fluorescent in Get 30 Jap Planes The Emblem Club will hold the Town Clerk's office. BEFORE YOl: BLV .\.NY Claim ‘Mortal Blow’ public card party at the Elks home in Rockville tomorrow evening at The Sunday School cabinet of KIND OF INSl R ANCE 8 o'clock. the Church of the Nazarene will (’ AM, 6t>:n American Volunteer and Attack Follows Observa­ Ja|>aiiP!4P Assert 6 8 Al­ meet tonight in a business session Part of Goiirpiitration (HENEY Moving Units America Told Mary Bushnell Cheney auxiliary. at the home of Mis.s Gertrude K. BBN.IAM1N Royal Air Force Fliers tion of I.,arge Japa­ lied Warplanes Baseil Possibly Mussing for Wil.son in Vernon It is requested 9.1.3 Hale RIdg. U. S. W. V., will have a social that all who have cars and tho.se Strike One of Heav­ nese Naval Forces in On Java Deslroyeil; Expertpd Direct .As­ meeting tomorrow evening at 8 desiring transportation will please At Singapore Doubting Is o'clock at the Y. M. C. A. meet at the churrh no later than ix: iest Blows at Nippon­ Vicinity of Dili, Cap­ Nifqmiiese Navy Offi- sault on Java: Japa­ 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting will con­ ALICE COfMCXN ese in Burma Today; ital of Portuguese eial Says United Na­ Officer David Galligan of the po­ tinue as usual Wednesday at 7:3U (Known tJueen^Alice) TOMORROW NIGHT Seen Murder German Trap nese Planes Gonccn- lice department will return to at the Church of the Nazarene .SPIIUTIIAL MEDniM Carry Out Effective Portion; Report Nip­ tions Have .More Than tralc .Altuck.s on duty tomorrow following .several Choir rehearsal will follow this .Si'venth Daughter of a Severttb Son ST. JAMES’S SUHOOU HAI.I, — I’ ARK STREET weeks absence due to illness. service, with Mrs. Florence E. Rom With a Veil. Sweeps Over Enemy Japs Controlled Both ponese Transports in 1 ,0 00 Planes in S4>iith- Davies ff arns \ation Island .Airdromes for ■Wood, directing. Readings Dally, Including Sunday Positions on Sittang. Erwin L. Haye.s, of 5 Ford 9 A. .M, to 9 P. .11. Or By .\ppoint- Air and See About Harbor Are Burning. Mesl Paeifie .Area. Not lo Regard Russia Sixth .Successive Day. atreet. was arrested early this Mrs. Fred Vincent and Mr. and mriiC In the Service of the Peo­ morning at Main and Maple Mrs. Louis Walker and daughter. ple for 30 Years. Rangoon, Burma. Feb. 25. Island; Only Merchant Canberra, Australia, Feb. Tokjo (From Japanese ff'ith Contempt and streets on an intoxication charge. HaiuioenK, Ja\a. Pel). '25.— Dorothy of East Fairhaven, .Massa­ 169 Churrh Street. Hartford, Conn. — (/P) — American volunteer I Shipping Left in Port. i 25.— (/P)— Australian bomli- Hroadcasl.s), Feb. 25.—(/P)— ' Doubt and Suspicion. chusetts, were week-end guests of Phone 6-0097 IN !f^i—Three; large Japanese Mrs. Annie Walker and family of group fliers and R.A.F. pilots I ers, striking at an encroach- Imperial hcaci(|uarters as­ I transports, part of a concen­ 91 Birch street. struck one of their heaviest ^ London. Feb. 25—lA’i-i-Any at­ ' ing rim of Japanese lodg- serted toda\' Japanese air New York, F«*b. 2T» -F A tration po.^.sihly mas.sinjr for Store Closes at Noon PRIZES blows at Jajianese air tempt t(. withdraw British troops ! merits in islands 100 to 500 raiders had delivered a "mor­ warning that Aimiun noli the ex|)ected direct as.<<ault on Wednesdays The weekly setback tournament will be held tonight at the Red strength over Burma to<lav, ; from Singapore would have "been ! itiiles north and northwest of tal blow to the Ih'itisb and fall into the Nazi -tny) by -regard- ' ,Ia\a, have been sunk tty Al­ Men's Social club ,st eight o'clock destroying 30 enemy planes ! sheei murder " because Japan con- Australia, attacked both Ra- Dutcii Air Forces" liy , de- ing Bus.sia with «ontcnipl an*l lied homhinjf planes off Ma­ sharp. All players are requested !• W u r u Tz e r and carrying out effective 1 trolled both the air and sea about baul and Timor last night, a .stro\ing 68 Allied wai'iifanes I doubt and suapn ion wa.s s<junded cassar, (*ncmy-held port in RIB LAMB to make a special effort to be pres­ sweeps over enemy positions 1 the island, an informed source based in Java yesterday, tjut I today by Jo.scph K. Pavio, former ent. ! said today. Royal Australian Air Force southwest (’elebes within 400 along the Sittang river front. An communique announced today. a Navy .spoke.smnn said the tTnit- ambas.sailo! to the Soviet F'nion mile.s of Java'.s ea-’ lern tip, Ih'i Army communique indicated that I He disclosed that the British ed Nations had more than 1.000 The attitmle of toti many Amer­ CHOPS Members of Sunset Rebekah lanos 26 RFAA L A R ^ iMES i had only merchant shipping at the The attack on Timor followed the Diitih E.i.sl Imlies high commaml the British Imperial force.s.
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