Friday, 20 November, 2020 WEATHER PAGE 22 TV GUIDE PAGES 25-26, 47-48 PUZZLES PAGES 24,49 CLASSIFIEDS PAGES 52-54 borderwatch.com.au | $3.00 SHOPPERS ASSURED: Foster’s Foodland manager Dave Foster is confident stock levels can be main- Call for calm tained at the Millicent retailer during the six-day lockdown. as shops are inundated RAQUEL MUSTILLO [email protected] A LIMESTONE Coast supermarket re- corded its busiest day in its seven-de- cade history on Wednesday as a surge of people flocked to stock up on sup- plies for the six-day lockdown. Despite assurances by state au- thorities supermarkets would remain open throughout South Australia’s snap lockdown, Millicent store Foster’s Foodland was stripped of toilet paper, flour and bread shortly after the wide- ranging restrictions were announced. Foster’s Foodland manager Da- vid Foster recalled a sense of calm at around 1pm which was replaced by unprecedented “chaos” 15 minutes later. INUNDATED: Shoppers queued in long lines at su- permarkets across the Limestone Coast on Wednes- day afternoon following the South Australian lock- Story page 2 down announcement. State of solidarity RAQUEL MUSTILLO Mount Gambier’s testing site jumped Premier Steven Marshall, which has closed Exercise has been banned and individuals from an average of 70 tests per day in recent schools, pubs, cafes and workplaces, while who leave their premises to undertake essen- [email protected] weeks to 274 on Tuesday as South Australia weddings, funerals and outdoor sport have tial activities must wear a mask when outside. SOUTH Australia has entered its second day of was thrust into alert mode due to a COVID-19 been banned for at least six days. wide-ranging and comprehensive restrictions cluster emerging in Adelaide. Supermarkets and bottle shops will remain as the state grapples with a new surge of coro- The rise in testing preceded Wednesday’s open, but people are restricted one visit per navirus cases. historic lockdown measures announced by day per household. Story page 3 New T-Roc Visit You’ll just want one Barry Maney Volkswagen Sleek design with the best 43 Percy Street, Mount Gambier of an SUV and a hatchback. 08 8721 3400 It’s the purchase you’ll spend barrymaneyvolkswagen.com.au a little longer admiring and want to show off everywhere. You may not need the new T-Roc, but you’ll want one. 12470769-SG48-20 2 NEWS Friday, 20 November, 2020 BORDERWATCH.COM.AU Supermarkets stripped bare RAQUEL MUSTILLO “My customers might come in and buy a SWIFT REOPENING: few packets of toilet paper because they live [email protected] The Shearer’s Cook Cafe princi- out at Furner, or they will come in and buy a A LIMESTONE Coast supermarket recorded pal owner Melissa Armfield carton of milk every day, so it is really hard to its busiest day in its seven decade history on said the six-day closure was restrict. Wednesday as a surge of people flocked to necessary to quickly com- “I know the customers and they do it all the stock up on supplies for the six-day lockdown. bat the spread of COVID-19. time so it is really hard to stand at the check- Despite assurances by state authorities su- out and say that person can have three toilet permarkets would remain open throughout paper packets and that person cant. South Australia’s snap lockdown, Millicent “We will have restrictions if it seems exces- store Foster’s Foodland was stripped of toilet sive, like if someone comes in and has bought paper, flour and bread shortly after the wide- 12 hand sanitisers we will probably say you ranging restrictions were announced. can’t do that.” The Kentish Place supermarket smashed Mr Foster thanked customers for their pa- an unenviable record set during the first wave tience and praised staff members, many of of coronavirus, with customers lined up from whom were called into work after the panic the checkout to the back of the store to make buying started to try and meet the increased last-minute purchases ahead of lockdown. demand. On the checkout to help out was Shearer’s Foster’s Foodland manager David Foster Cook Cafe principal owner Melissa Armfield, said staff were caught off guard when shop- who left her store during the supermarket pers descended to the store shortly after a rush to provide assistance to staff and pack press conference outlining the lockdown. the bags of customers. He said the five-hour period from the an- “Ms Armfield’s cafe, located next door to nouncement until the store’s closure at 6pm Foster’s Foodland, is one of hundreds of busi- was the busiest in Foster’s 73-year history. nesses which have been forced to close for at “At 1pm we were quiet and at 1.15pm it was least six days as part of the directive. total chaos,” he said. The cafe was open until late on Wednesday FRANTIC SHOP: Customers lined up outside SUPERMARKET DELAYS: Many shoppers at “I have never seen anything like it before in to sell its remaining stock before the manda- my life. Woolsworths Millicent on Wednesday as entry Woolworths Millicent stacked trolleys full of es- to the store was limited to ensure spatial dis- sential items on Wednesday afternoon ahead of tory shutdown, with a number of residents “We had no warning and no time to think tancing requirements were adhered to. the mandated lockdown. stopping in after their grocery shop. about it - it just happened. Ms Armfield hoped the lockdown would be “I don’t like seeing customers lined up times in temperatures of up to 29 degrees. “We have plenty of stock, which will con- short-lived and said while a minimal amount three deep at the checkout, let alone lined up Following widespread panic buying, Wool- tinue to flow to stores from our distribution of stock was lost, it was “better than losing to the back of the shop at every aisle. worths reinstated purchase limits on key centres.” your life”. “It was the busiest day we have ever had in products including toilet paper, flour, meat However, Mr Foster said he was reluctant to “It’s probably not going to be for months if the history of our business.” and bread, with Coles undertaking the same establish product limits and hoped stock lev- everybody does the right thing,” she said. Hundreds of people stood in line both in- measure earlier in the week. els could be easily maintained without enforc- “We will be fine, we will get out on the other side and outside supermarkets across the re- Woolworths supermarkets South Austra- ing restrictions on customers. side and it will be all good. gion on Wednesday afternoon to buy supplies, lian general manager Karl Weber encouraged “I think it will be better this time because it “We didn’t lose much stock, but there might with staff restricting entry to ensure custom- customers to continue shopping as they nor- is only isolated in our state, so products won’t be an issue when we get out of lockdown to get ers adhered to social distancing measures. mally would and only buy what they need. be going to the eastern states first,” he said. stock back in because of deliveries. According to one Woolworths Millicent “As an essential service, our supermarkets “But it depends on how widely the restric- “We get a lot of our stuff from Foster’s and customer, the store provided patrons with a will remain open to support our customers’ tions affect things like warehouses and distri- when people panic but last time, it was an is- free bottle of water upon entry after long wait food and grocery needs,” he said. bution. sue just to get basics.” Close contact Santa to stay away during lockdown capacity boost THE highly-anticipated Santa’s Boulevard will not go ahead this weekend due to South A NEW $1.7m system which will increase Australia’s strict lockdown. the capacity to trace close contacts by 150pc is being rolled-out as part of the State Organised in lieu of the traditional Mount Government’s response to COVID-19. Gambier Christmas Parade, the event - to be Health Minister Stephen Wade said the new held Saturday and Sunday night at Blue Lake system will allow faster contact tracing on a Sports Park - would have created a drive- wider scale, allowing people to isolate sooner through festive display for Limestone Coast in the event of an outbreak. residents. The new Pandemic Contact Tracing Model Sponsored by NF McDonnell and Sons, increases the capacity to trace close contacts the modified format planned to be a CO- by 150pc - up from an approximate capacity of VID-19 safe replacement for the annual 40 cases to over 100 cases per day. Mount Gambier Christmas Parade. Mr Wade said the model has the capacity to It was to feature a sea of twinkling lights, activate semi-automated systems to manage decorations, Christmas music and 15 static even higher numbers of cases. floats, including the Nutcracker, Teddy Bears Picnic, Mayor’s Christmas Appeal Star, He said the threat of the virus was still “very real” and the government was continually Timmy the Express Train, Christmas Stock- looking to improve its response to safeguard ing, Pirates Rrr Us, Hansel & Gretel, Bill the the community. Steam Shovel, T’was the Night before Xmas, Timber Toy Town revamped as The Enchant- “A slow response to any potential positive ed Castle, Parade Queen float, Christmas cases could be disastrous for both the public Tree, Father Christmas (supplied by Mount health safety of South Australians and also our economy,” he said.
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