- - - ---- - - - - &-4. U;II C-nRfi-4:nm ~~GJ~LILnw rr ~PIIUP WIPC~LIIIY 100 East Mermaid Lane, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19118 Meeting for worship'- 10:3OAM First-day School - 10:45 AM I January 1994 I'homas Conrad. Clerk Peg Myers, Overseers Paul Lrtskow, Asst. Clerk Stanley Myers, Treasurer Shirley Philips, Overseers ~MarthajaneRobinson, Newsletter Committee Meetings Overseers - Karen Cromley Worship & Ministry - bIary I.ou Hurwitz Peacr SL Social Con~enls- Stapeley K~ll Calendar Notes Sote #I - Urge deep culs in rnjiilary spending and Note #4 - Our Januai-y forum is designed lo serve mnre funds for human needs. two goals: fist, to explore the relation between the traditional Quaker nlulislry lo those experiencing. Xote #2 - PYbf h'finistrq. and Worship Committee or facing prison, and the powefil feelings of will be holding their. business meeting following a helplessness and anger that many feel about per- bag lunch after meeting for worship, Interested sonal safety; and, second, to continue to remind hiends are welcome. ourselves of the resources within our meeting corkunity. Long-time attender Paul George, who Note #3 - A session (9:30 - 3:30) lu complete the has been a public defender for a number of years, review of re-clratted sections of Faith and Practice. will talk about the ways in which his work can be The meeting hi~sreceived tirafts prior to the Xo- experienced its an expression of Quaker spirituality, vember called sessions. Please call now to reserve and the ways in which it seems at times to fall childcare: 627-2667. DeacIhe for anangements is seriously short of that. Please join us in seehing a week prior to the session. No walk-ins. A noon through honest discussion to help deepen our meal will 11ol be yrovitleti; pleueb~inga lurlch or intlividual icnd tiulleclive unders~andiigof a clfi- plan to eat locally. cult, impol-iant and painfill subject. 3 Note #S - Middle School Gatheling (eactes 6-8) Topic of Consideration for , wiU br: held at Gwynedd ~~1eclui~~uuse.Topic is January !blonthly Meeting "Gender Bender: the Freedom to be Who We i Are." LinuteJ lo 50. Call Jermifel- Galloway, If70rship and hlinistrq. will talk about the 241-7222, for tletai!~. process whch led them to recommend that Marthajme Robinson be recorded its n minister by Chestnut Hd1 Friends Mertmg. Pendie Hill Schedule - January 1994 Query # 10 - The Environment CaU 215-566-4507 for more infomakon. Scholarslp help is available Are ypu,c~.nce.qed. .. that our increasing power over fiom Overseers and Pendle Hill nature sfiouldnot be used irresponsibility but with :, ,:, ,. , ... reverence for life and with a sense of the splendor , . Jan. 17 - kctire of God's continuing creation? *** What are you Grasping the Elusive Peace in the middle East doing to conserve natural resources for the welfare Everett Mendelssohn of future generations? Do you practice and encour- age thoughtful family planning? What are you Jan. 21-23 doing to assure adequate food, shelter, education, In Search of a Quaker Philosophy of Education and love for all people in all countries? Paul Lacey Jan. 24 - Lecture Sound Amplification System Long-term Quaker Witness in the Middle East Nancy Nye Are you having less trouble hearing the Word of God than the words of your fellow Friends? If Jan. 24 - Silent Retreat hearing the spoken messages in meeting for wor- Salty Palmer ship is difficult for yoy then try our sound ampM1- cation system. Jan. 31 - Lecture Human Rights and the Role of In 1992, the meeting purchased a sound amplifica- Non-governmental Organizations tion system for use in both the meeting and gather- Fionna McKay ing rooms. We have three very sensitive rnicro- phones in the ceilings, a mixer-amplifier, a small Coming Up in February F?L.I radio bansmitter in the office, and six small "Walkman-like" radio receivers - each with an Feb. 26 - Callcd Session of PYi\,I ea~phone.You can control the sound level. On !nost Sundays, only three receivers are being Editor's note: Did you sign the guest book a used, so we always have one available for you to while back and check that you wanted the news- try. You should see the greeter or Steve Gable for letter? Please note that after you receive four a receiver. Friends who use these receivers repolt issues, you wiU be sent a postcard aslung you if that they are more able to understand everything you wish to continue to receive the newsletter. IF that is said. YOU DO NOT RETURN THE CARD, YOU? NAA/LE WILL BE DROPPED FROM A note to all Friends: Be aware that the system is TEE MAILING LIST! The card is already always "ON." Sensitive or personal conversa- addressed and stamped - all you have to do is put tions may be overheard by others if spoken in the a check on the right heand sign it. Thanks. meetingroom or gathering room. DEADLINE for all items for the next issue of the Newslerter is the Sunday after business meeting - the 20th of September. Please submit all items in wliting to Hertha Reinemam. TwcnQ-four people gathcred in silence as Query Such an effort rmght be as simple as additional #9 on race relations was read. many concerns and signs to the meeting house or a ..question corner'' reflections werc shared about Friends historical and after meeting, where members and attenders would current relations with people ot color. be available to answer questions of newcomers. Another method of educating others about Friends Topjli J~ri'onsideration:.C~memorat~~n.o_f might be pamphlets with Penn's (and present-day ~WiamPenn's Birthday - Tlicia Walmslcy rc- Friends) ideas on problems such as housing, jobs, viewed the history of Penn in Philadelphia, com- education. and race relations. menting that he c,in be seen as a catalyst for goals -. in the next century for fhls meeting? the wider I he foiiowing lninute was accepted. I'he meeting Quaker community and for outreach to non- to ask committees to focus on the Penn Friends. As the founder of Philadelphia and Commemoration and develop one or two ideas for Pennsylvania, Penn is the best knom Friend action. Each committee wi!.l nominate a member outside Quaker circles. He received a charter fsom to attend a special called meeting where our partici- the King of England to found a "Holy Experi- pation in the Conmemoration will be discussed. ment" anti stayed initially for two years. Penn was a nobleman and did'not intend to establish democ- Carla White agreed to coordinate this effort, with racy in the colony, but he had a number of visions the called meeting planned for February. Carla including city planning, reform of the penal sys- will talk with clerks of cornmittees, establish a date tem, and trial by juv. He wrote on world govern- and time for the meeting and put a notice in the ment and peace, concepts now embodied in the Newsletter. United luations. Business Matters: Tom read a letter from the A question for Chestnut FTiU Meeting is how we Awbury Arboretum Association, describing the2 might perpetuate Pem's enduring qualities and summer environmental program and thanking the visions both with our meeting and in the broader meeting for its grant. community Peace and Social Concerns Commit- tee has some ideas. A prize might be given to Religious Education Committee: Carla White someone who writes an article on the vision of repo&d that the First-day School has 20-30 peace. Or. given that Penn's work with luative children in attendance, a large proportion of the 38 .4melicans was revolutionar~.for the time, we children in the meeting directory. Most of the slots might have an event, such i~sa tree planting, with for teachers have been Wed, but people are stiil thc local Xatn~e.4me:ican community It was needed to help as their schedules allow. At noted that we might coordinate with PYM's hdian Februuy's business meeting, the Religious Educa- Committee. tion Committee will lead a discussion on how the FDS and the children fit into the spiritual life of the Othcr ideas cmcrgcd in discussion. Struck by the meeting. fact that Penn reduced the number of capital crimes fsom 100 to 2, someone suggested a project Nominating Committee: Tom Conrad has been that focuses on restorative justice and an alternative asked to continue as Clerk and has requested to prison - one that would hold both a victim of a additional time to thiuk about it before it is brought clime and offender in the same light and concern. to business meeting for consideration. Nominating Also, can we take the question of outreach seri- Committee reconmends the appointment of the ously, becoming more accessible and available. following oacers of the meeting: Paul Laskow, Assistant Clerk; Roberta Foss, Recording Clerk; December 1993 minutes, conk .%lois TCielka. Recorder; Stan Myers, Treasurer. The meeting apuroved these nominations wirh enthusiasm and gratitude. ilnnouncements: .A. new coordinator is need to work at Friends Center on the William Penn Commemoration. Anyone who is interested should let lricia Walmsiey know. The mneethg adjourned aRer a period of silence A Reflection Marthajane Robinson I 'condcr why somc medical professionals h3i.c a God is our refuge and strength, hard tune belie\@ that someone is dealing with our safetv in times of trouble. their illness in a spiritual way. They want people to Wc are cak though the whole earth trembles be optimistic and to tight. Vanessa (a patient at and the clifi fall into the sea. IEP - not her real name) got the impression from Our trust is in the Unnameable, them that because she wasn't all upset that they the God who makes all things right.
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