Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Pune DepartmentActivity Report- Sanskrit Samhita Siddhant Department Jan 2020 to Dec 2020 Faculty Members:- Sr. No. NAME& DESIGNATION PHOTO 1. Dr. Mohan R. Joshi Professor & HOD 2. Dr. Madhura Kulkarni Lecturer (Assistant Professor) 1 3. Dr. Bharti Kanoj Associate Professor 4. Dr.Kotasthane Samarth Prakashrao Associate Professor 5. Dr. Supriya A Gore Lecturer (Assistant Professor) 6. Dr. Ashvini Vitthal Kamble Lecturer (Assistant Professor) 2 ACTIVITIES IN THE DEPARTMENT Regular Activities: 1. Teaching: 2. Non-Teaching : Other activities: Visits:- I. BHANDARKAR ORIENTAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE, PUNE(12/02/2020) BY Vd. Madhura Kulkarni, Vd. Ashvini Kamble, Vd. Supriya Gore, Vd. Sonal somani, Vd. Pankaj jambre, Vd. Neha Birari. II. TARACHAND HOSPITAL, PUNE (15-18/03/2020) (Visit with first yr. BAMS Students for early clinical exposure) Vd. Mohan Joshi, Vd. Bharati Kanoj, Vd. Madhura Kulkarni, Vd.Supriya Gore, Vd. Ashvini Kamble, Vd. Kotasthane ,Vd. Kavita Jadhav, Vd. Smita Bhave, Vd. Sushma Raje, Vd. Sonali somani, Vd. Pankaj jambre, Vd. Neha Birari. III. TMV MANUSCRIPT LIBRARY, PUNE (18/02/2020) Vd. Mohan Joshi, Vd. Madhura Kulkarni, Vd.Supriya Gore, Vd. Ashvini Kamble,Vd. Bharti Kanoj, Vd. Samarth Kothasthane, Vd. Kavita Jadhav, Vd. Smita Bhave, Vd. Sushma Raje, Vd. Sonali somani, Vd. Pankaj jambre, Vd. Neha Birari. IV. ANAND ASHRAM (15/02/20) Vd. Mohan Joshi, Vd. Madhura Kulkarni, Vd.Supriya Gore, Vd. Bharti Kanoj, Vd. Samarth Kothasthane, Vd. Ashvini Kamble Vd. Kavita Jadhav, Vd. Smita Bhave, Vd. Sushma Raje, Vd. Sonali somani, Vd. Pankaj jambre, Vd. Neha Birari. V. COVID -19 SHAPAT VIDHI AT TAMV, PUNE(23/10/2020) By Vd. Mohan Joshi, Vd. Madhura Kulkarni, Vd.Supriya Gore, Vd. Ashvini Kamble, Vd. Bharti Kanoj, Vd. Samarth Kothasthane. VI. HANDWASH DEMO UNDER NSS ACTIVITY AT TAMV, PUNE -(1/10/2020) By Vd. Mohan Joshi, Vd. Madhura Kulkarni, Vd.Supriya Gore, Vd. Ashvini Kamble, Vd. Bharti Kanoj, Vd. Samarth Kothasthane 3 VII. LIBRARY DAY AT TAMV, PUNE -24/10/2020 By Vd. Mohan Joshi, Vd. Madhura Kulkarni, Vd.Supriya Gore, Vd. Ashvini Kamble, Vd. Bharti Kanoj, Vd. Samarth Kothasthane. Departmental activities:- Sr Subject Place Date No of No of No. Particip Resource ants Person 1) Training WS on Women’s rights T.A.M.V 16/01/2020 100 4 (Co-ordinator with Dr. Yogini Patil) 1) “Suravani-2020” T.A.M.V 26/05/2020 103 4 2) Dnyanamrut- Online Quiz contest T.A.M.V 25/07/2020 1329 - 3) Namami Charakam-Poster T.A.M.V 25/07/2020 215 - Presentation competition 4) Code training conducted under T.A.M.V 9/10/2020 40 - Safety committee -Brown code (Co- ordinated with NABH Committee) 5) Code training conducted under T.A.M.V 9/10/2020 80 - Safety committee –Pink code (Co- ordinated with NABH Committee) 6) Code training conducted under T.A.M.V 13/10/2020 80 - Safety committee –Red Code (Co- ordinated with NABH Committee) 7) Code training conducted under T.A.M.V 20/10/2020 80 - Safety committee –Blue code (Co- ordinated with NABH Committee) 8) Seminar on Advance Ayurvedic Therapeutic Diet for students from TAMV, th European Academy of Ayurveda. 12 Feb 2020 80 4 Pune (Resource person) 4 1) State / National / International level Workshop / Seminar / CME programs- Sr No. Name of Name of the Place of the Date of the Presentation the Conference / Event Conference/E Conference Teacher/St vent /Event udent Information of Teachers: 1. Dr. Mohan National seminar TAMV, Pune 2/02/2020 poster Joshi on skin disorders 2. Dr. Mohan Seminar on Advance TAMV, Pune 12/02/2020 Resource person Joshi Ayurvedic Therapeutic Diet for students from European Academy of Ayurveda. 3. Dr. Mohan Online Faculty School of 2 Nov to 8 Resource Joshi Development Ayurveda, Nov. 2020 person Programme D.Y. Patil 'Aaharovalokana' University, Nerul, Navi Mumbai 4. Dr. Mohan National webinar Mistry of 3/05/2020 Delegate Joshi on culture and Manuscript IGNCA tradition of India 5. Dr. Mohan International Yoga TAMV, Pune 21/06/2020 Delegate Joshi Day 6. Dr. Mohan International Yoga TAMV, Pune 21/06/2020 Participated Joshi Day, Quiz competition 7. Dr. Mohan National webinar Samhita 25/07/2020 Delegate Joshi on Dept“Seth Charak Chikitsa Govindji Raoji Siddhant” Ayurved College & Hospital, Solapur” 8. Dr. Mohan webinar on Shaashwat Eco 05/06/2020 Participated Joshi “Environmental Sustainability Stewardship:Need and Club,Departme Potential Role-Play nt of Civil by an Educational Engineering, Institute” Pune on occasion of World Environment 5 Day, 9. Dr. Mohan Suravaani 2020 Dept of SSSD 5/26/2020 Participated Joshi on, with TAMV, Pune 10. Dr. Mohan National webinar G. J. Patel 8/10/2020 Resource Joshi on “Samhita-2020” Institute of Person and Clinical Ayurvedic Speaker Application of Studies and Charaka Samhita Research,New Vallabh Vidyanagar, Anand, Gujarat,A Constituent College of CVM University 11. Dr. Mohan National Webinar Kriya Sharir 7 /09/2020. Delegate Joshi on Shatkriyakal, dept. of Datta “KRIYAKAL- Meghe 2020” Ayurvedic Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Nagpur - 12. Dr. Mohan “Trained AYUSH MCIM 8/4/2020 Delegate Joshi Doctor for Covid-19 preparedness response and containment” 13. Dr. Mohan National Webinar Department of 30/07/2020 Delegate Joshi on Ayurveda Tattvavabodha - Samhita - 2020 with the Siddhanta of theme of MAM’s “Darshana Sumatibhai Shastras and Shah their Application in Ayurveda Samhitas” Mahavidyalaya , Hadapsar, Pune on the 14. Dr. Mohan National E- IQAC 8/07/2020 Delegate Joshi Conference on Yashwantrao NAAC’s new Chavan school frame work of of social work 6 accreditation and satara. assessment for higher educational institutes in India. 15. Dr. Mohan Online Program Shri 1-3/07/2020 Delegate Joshi “Ayur Vision- Gulabkunverba future vision of Ayurved Ancient science”. Mahavidyalaya , Gujrat Ayurved University Jamnagar. 16. Dr. Mohan National webinar IPGT& RA 20/07/2020 Delegate Joshi on Teaching in Jamnagar Ayurveda scope and challenges. 17. Dr. Mohan National webinar Dept. of 8/09/2020 Delegate Joshi on Charak Chintan Samhita DY 2020 Sharriera and Patil College Indriya sthana of Ayurved & Research centre, Pune 18. Dr. Mohan Online Quiz on UBA cell of 18/05/2020 Delegate Joshi Covid-19 Bhagwant Institute of technology Barshi. 19. Dr. Mohan National Webinar Samhita 25/7/20 Delegate Joshi On Charak Chikitsa DeptSeth Siddhant Govindji Ayurved College and Hospital, Solapur 20. Dr. Mohan National webinar Mandsaur 6/07/2020 Delegate Joshi on common GIT Institute of problems in Ayurved children and Education and management Research. 21. Dr. Mohan National webinar Mandsaur 7/07/2020 Delegate Joshi on Understanding Institute of Shatkriya kaal Ayurved Education and Research. 22. Dr. Mohan National webinar Mandsaur 8/07/2020 Delegate Joshi on Institute of Understanding the Ayurved concept of Education and panchmahabhuta in Research. Ayurveda 7 23. Dr. Mohan National webinar Mandsaur 9/07/2020 Delegate Joshi on Institute of Review of snake Ayurved bite management Education and and heavy metal Research. toxicity. 24. Dr. Mohan 3 days basic Mandsaur 18/08/2020 Delegate Joshi research workshop Institute of introduction to Ayurved research Education and methodology and Research. ethical issue in medical research with associated group activity. 25. Dr. Mohan Certificate course Gurukrupa 18- Delegate Joshi in Biomedical foundation 25/09/2020 Research association with MCIM and UVSS , A/CPTR 26. Dr. Mohan Certificate course Gurukrupa 18- Resource Joshi in Biomedical foundation 25/09/2020 person Research association with MCIM and UVSS , A/CPTR 27. Dr. Mohan Third Webinar IAMJE 11/09/2020 Delegate Joshi presenting the findings of 5 th webinar series on essential of medical writing 28. Dr. Mohan National webinar Pravara’s 17/08/2020 Participated Joshi on role of Medical Rasaushadhi in Ayurved and Autoimmune Shri Eknath disorders Rugnalaya (rasamrut) 29. Dr. Mohan National webinar Ayurved 29/10/2020 Delegate Joshi on clinical Sevasangha’s Neuroanatomy Ayurved Mahavidyalaya ,Panchavati, Nashik 30. Dr. Mohan National webinar Dept of 28/08/2020 Delegate Joshi on Kamala Nidan Rognidan,MA Panchak and M’ssumatibhai interpretation of it shaha Ayurved mahavidyalaya ,pune 8 31. Dr. Mohan AVISHKAR MUHS Nashik 22/01/2020 (Poster & Joshi Research Festival- Paper) – 1st 2019 Prize 32. Dr. Mohan AVISHKAR Mumbai 28- Poster /Paper Joshi Research Festival- 30/01/2020 presentation 2019 33. Dr.Kulkarni National seminar TAMV, Pune 2/02/2020 Poster Madhura on skin disorders 34. Dr. Kulkarni National webinar Dept. of 14/ 05/2020 Delegate Madhura on Introduction to Sanskrit Samsadhani- studies, online Hyderabad computational University tools for Sanskrit 35. Dr. Kulkarni National webinar Mistry of 3/05/2020 Delegate Madhura on culture and Manuscript IGNCA tradition of India 36. Dr. Kulkarni International Yoga TAMV, Pune 21/06/2020 Delegate Madhura Day 37. Dr. Kulkarni International Yoga TAMV, Pune 21/06/2020 Participated Madhura Day, Quiz competition 38. Dr. Kulkarni National e- Ayurveda 03/08/2020 Delegate Madhura conference on Role Teachers of Sanskrit Association, Language in Maharashtra Ayurveda. State Branch 39. Dr. Kulkarni National webinar Kayachikitsa 05/11/2020 Delegate Madhura on Dept. SSAM, Dwiwidhopakram- Hadapsar, A clinical approach Pune 40. Dr. Gore National seminar TAMV, Pune 2/02/2020 Poster Supriya on skin disorders 41. Dr. Gore National seminar TAMV, Pune 2/02/2020 Paper Supriya on skin disorders 42. Vd. Supriya National Seminar NIMA 10th Jan Paper Gore Ayurvivek Auditorium 2020 TAMV Pune 43. Vd. Supriya National Webinar PDEA college 13,14,21,28 Delegate Gore Series I On Nigadi Pune th June Darshan Shastra & 2020 Ayurveda 44. Vd. Supriya International Yoga TAMV, Pune 21/06/2020 Participated Gore Day, Quiz competition 45. Vd. Supriya National Webinar SSNJAT’s 10th& 13th Delegate Gore NIRAMAYA 2020 Seth Govindji July 2020 9 Raoji Ayurved College & Hospital, Solapur 46. Vd. Supriya National Webinar VKRY & 15th July Delegate Gore On Clinical ASP;s 2020 Application of Siddhakala Ayurveda Ayurved Siddhanta with Mahavidyalaya Special reference ,, Sangamner to Indriya Sthana of Charak 47.
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