Centennial celebration Football fever Not the norm Borough residents party all Area high school teams Summit man offers new weekend in centennial bash. and an outlook featured subjects for his readers See pictorial. Pages 7-9, in a special insert. to enjoy, Page B4, Mountainside Ech< "Your Best Source For Community Information' A WORRALL COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER MOUNTAINSIDE. N.J., VOL.37 NO.45—THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1895 TWO SECTIONS — 50 CENTS Borough Time saved Board hears comments Highlights on ranking, test scores Facing a room full of parents and well as results of a PTA survey, will students concerned about the district's bo discussed by the ad hoc commitice Voter registration academic ranking system, the Region- on ranking when it holds its next The deadline for registering to al High School Board of Education meeting Oct. 10. vote in the November General heard comments on the matter Tues- In other matters of academic Election is Oct. 10, To register, day night for future consideration. achievement, the board also was pre- sec Borough Clerk Judith Osty About a dozen of those in atten- sumed with the district-wide results of at Borough Hall, To register by dance at Jonathan Dayton Regional several standardized tests. mail, call 232=2400 and request High School addressed the board on The Stanford Test of Academic a mail registration application. the matter, offerring what district Cur- Skills had been given to the regional To vote in a specific election, riculum Supervisor Kenneth Mattficld high school's freshmen and sopho- a voter must be registered at called the "extremes and middle of the , mores in April. least 29 days in advance. Those debate." The breakdown of the three high who have not voted in four "I don't think a crystal vision of a schools' TASK results is as follows: consecutive years or have solution will emerge," ho added. • At Governor Livingston Regional changed their name or residence Parents and students of the three High School, 175 freshmen were must re-register. high schools are divided. Those from tested. In reading comprehension, 53 Governor Livingston said the district' percent scored above average, 44 per- Fall programs should abolish the system; those from cent scored average, and 2 percent hoto By Jay Hochbtrg Dayton and Arthur L, Johnson said it scored below average. A The Mountainside Public Mayor Robert Vlglianti inspects the contents of the 25-year-old time capsule should bo kept. Also in reading comprehension, Library began its fall programs opened Saturday during the Heritage Day fair. Among the contents were a photo- One parent explained the rift as a 148 GLHS sophomores were tested. for children yesterday. raph of the Deerfield School class of 1970, a letter from then-Principal'Harry problem facing GLHS students, Fifty-five percent scored above aver- On Wednesdays until Oct. 4, trown. a letter dated February 1971 from Emily Hoffarth and assorted tapes, films, where high grade-point averages age, 45 percent scored average, and the library will offer "Toddler periodicals and publications of civic groups. The contents of the capsule will be often leave good students in lower no one scored below average, Time for Twos," an introduction kept at Hetfield House. On Jan, 2, the centennial time capsule will be buried. perceniiles. In mathematics, 51 percent of the to the library and storytime for Offering an opposing view, Clark ninih-graders scored above average, 2-year-olds, resident Dennis Lincoln told the 44 percent scored average, and 5 per- The sessions begin at 10:30 board the system of academic ranking cent scored below average. a.m. Registration is required and is a form of recognition of excellence, In mathematics, 58 percent of the Board hears standard test results lOth-graders scored above average, may be done by phone. Call "A number of students work very 40 percent scored average, and 2 per- 233-0115, A parent or care-giver By Cynthia D. Gordon c universal low scores, of which Dolan presented during the hard," ho added. "They strive to be meeting: cent scored below average. must accompany each child dur- Staff Writer ../'If therp|J5 a problem with a parti- number one; they want the tangible According to Dolan, 43 percent of In English, 49 percent of ninth- ing the sessions, It is recom- Deerfield School guidance counse- cular gradcicvej or child, the teacher recognition that comes with rank," mended that children arrive ear- lor Barbara Komoroski reported on would address that," Komoroski s^id, the fifih-graders indicated reading graders reached the above average The discussion comes several ly in uruer to receive name-tags. the district-wide results of the Early was very important; 51 percent mark, 49 percent scored average, and Deerfield Principal Margaret Dolan months after the collection of surveys .Warning Test and Iowa Test during thought that reading was important. 2 percent scored below average. Additional programs for older presented to the board the school submitted by high school faculty the last Board of Education meeting. For the second grade, 76 students -In-English, 38 percent of lOth- children have been scheduled administration's proposed goals for members, who were split in similar According to Komoroski, Deerfield listed at least one favorite author, and graders reached the above average for later this year, including the 1995-96 school year. groups. "Sloryiimc Theater" for kinder- students did well. 92 percent said they'd like to receive mark, 59 percent scored average, and The first goal involves continuation books as a present. The comments heard Tuesday, as 2 percent scored below average. gariners, which begins on Oct. "We were very pleased with how of the use of calculators, and to Intro-, Ten students listed the Toys 'R Us 3, the children did," she said, adding that duce them to grades 3-7. Ways to catalog as their favorite magazine. most students scored in the 90th operate a calculator, and how to usd The board also agreed to accept the pcrccntile. They want your blood one to solve mathematical problems gift that the PTA proposed to give to Multiplex expected "We are especially pleased with the Children's Specialized Hospi- will be taught by teachers. Calculators Deerfield School; two maps — one of second-, third- and fourth-grade tal will hold a blood drive on also will bo introduced into K-2 the United States and the other of results," Komoroski also said, "We classes. to open in April '96 Sept, 29 from 10:30 a.m. to New Jersey — to be painted on the were pleased with the sixth grade; During its meeting Tuesday night, 4:30 p.m. The next goal, an "unofficial" one, blacktop outside. theater at the site was passed by the they improved so much," the Borough Council added touches to Donors must be at least 18 is to continue encouraging students' The board also approved a partial Board of Adjustment last week. If a Sony Theaters' plans for the former years old, weigh at least 110 In those test results, which show reading outside the classroom and list of 10 substitute teachers; other 45-day appeal and review period Echo Lanes property. pounds and be in general good how Mountainside students compared independent of schoolwork. substitutes still have to be inter- remains uneventful, the theater would to others nation-wide, the language be open for business in April of 1996. health. According to Dolan, the program viewed, according to Superintendent The council passed a resolution that portion scores were all high, as were Berson told the council. has been successful, and the school of Schools Leonard Baccara, allows Sony to transfer one of the two all the math scores, "The composite In other planning-related matters, will continue to promote reading as a The increase in salary for the dis- liqour licenses it had acquired with Doing lunch scores all showed improvement," the Borough Council passed two life-long activity. trict's substitute teachers also was the land purchased surrounding the Komoroski said. resolutions in preparation for ropav- The Union County Regional approved, raising it from $65 to S70 Echo Lanes, site. The movie theater "We're trying to get children to ing Central Avenue. High School District offers low- The EWT is given to eighth- per day. chain will hold the other license, have favorite authors," Dolan The first authorized the borough's cost lunches to its students, and graders in March, It's a test of read- Substitute custodians' and substi- according to Sony attorney Mark Ber- explained, application for aid from the state provides free lunches to children ing, writing and math skills. The Iowa tute secretaries' salaries also were son, for use in a "family-style sit- Department of Transportation. The from households of gross Test's results are intended to point out The second- and fifth-graders were increased, from S10 to $10,50 per down restaurant," problems in specific grade-levels, by second authorized the hiring of R, incomes at or below federally given a survey to complete, the results hour, Sony's plan to construct a 10-plox established standards. Mellusi & Sons, a Berkeley Heights- based contractor, to perform tho work Applications for both the al a cost of more than 5113,200. reduced price and the free lunch Also, slated for construction is the programs have been mailed to Parks chief asks committee to consider ideas land near the tennis courts; public the parents of all of the high By Jay Hochberg of a 20 deer per square mile density number of deer-related accidents. tary issues through addition rcstrooms will bo built by Two-Ways school students, and additional Managing Editor and would recommend changes.
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