Padua News Padua News is the official quarterly Newsletter of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church Cnr Exford & Wilson Roads, Melton South, VIC 3338 Tel: 03 9747 9692; Fax: 03 9747 0422; Email: [email protected] This issue of Padua News is also published on the Parish Website http://stanthonysmeltonsouth.wordpress.com/padua-news/ Issue 47 March 1, 2018 From our ParishMessage Priest….. from Father Fabian My grandma Connie is the My grandma has been living eldest of ten children; seven in Melbourne for about thir- girls and three boys. My teen years and last year in November my grandma Father Fabian Smith grandma was eighteen when Parish Priest her dad, Alphonse, passed wanted to make a trip to away with cancer. My India to visit her three sis- grandma had just started ters. So I accompanied my teaching in the Railway 90 year old Grandma and Wishing each of you and school; it was a school run her 83 year old sister, Joyce, your families every blessing for the children whose par- to India to visit their three for the remainder of Lent ents were employed by the sisters, Antoinette, Lilian and all the joy of Easter. Railways (The British and Phyllis, back home in brought two good things to Madurai. When people May the risen Christ Father John-Paul Mount be with you always. Assistant Priest India - the Railways and asked why she had come Cricket!) only for ten days, my grand- ma replied, “They wouldn’t photo I saw them all sad, I After my great grandfather give more time off.” My suppose it was probably the grandma had a wonderful passed away, my great grand- last time they would get to mother, Rosemary, and the time catching up with her see each other. So to cheer other nine children moved in sisters and old friends. It them up I said to them, “You with grandma. Life was was a very good trip for my all look like you have one tough with all its struggles grandma but not without its foot in the grave.” And they Father Patrick Bradford challenges for me. Assistant Priest for a young widow with her all started laughing. After I ten children. Faith in God took the photo my grandma and daily family prayers saw A couple days before we said, “We don’t have one them through life. It was could leave we had all the foot in the grave we have one nothing short of God’s sisters together for lunch foot outside the grave.” providence. and after lunch I asked them to huddle up for a I thought to myself how pro- photo. While taking the found. At this age, my grandma, having gone Photo: Grandma Connie and her sisters through so much in life, has not lost her sense of humour, Padua News Committee her love for her family and Dolores Turcsan her faith in God. It is her Edwina La Rose faith in God that has enabled Lorraine Tellis Rebecca Comini her to live life in hope in the Ken Dumandan midst of all life’s trials and Imalsha Silva struggles. Grandma often Kim Barton says how her daily rosary, Godwin Barton family prayers and going to If you are interested in helping Mass every day as a child and with any of the tasks in the as a mother and grandmother production of the Padua News, has been her source of please contact any one of the committee members or email: strength through life. [email protected] Thank you. Continued on the next page Issue 47 Page 2 Padua News Message from our Parish Priest (Continued from previous page) Prayer indeed is the secret of a Happy, ued presence of the risen Jesus in our Wishing each of you and your fami- Holy and Fruitful Life. Through a life midst help us to live in hope remem- lies every blessing for the remainder of prayer we receive countless graces bering that our God who created us of Lent and all the joy of Easter. May from heaven that enable us to live life also sustains us through all our trials the risen Christ be with you always. well in the midst of our struggles. May and struggles we face each day. So the graces we receive through this Ho- don’t live life with one foot in the Many Blessings, ly Season of Lent fill us with much grave but rather live life with one Father Fabian Smith hope and joy as we approach Easter, foot out of the grave. the Feast of all feasts. May the contin- Pope Francis’ Lenten message Taking his cue from the words of offers. He is our Father Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew: and he wants us to live life “Because of the increase of iniquity, well. the love of many will grow cold” (24:12), Pope Francis’ Lenten Almsgiving sets us free message was sent to help the Church from greed and helps us in preparation for Easter and to help to regard our neighbour as the Church experience this time of a brother or sister. What I grace anew, with joy and in truth. possess is never mine alone. When we give alms, charity seems to die in our own These words appear in Christ’s we share in God’s providential care hearts, that this is never the case in preaching about the end of time, spo- for each of His children. If through the heart of God! He constantly gives ken on the Mount of Olives, where me God helps someone today, will us a chance to begin loving anew. the Lord’s passion would begin. In He not tomorrow provide for my reply to a question of the disciples, own needs? For no one is more gen- The entire Church community is in- Jesus foretells a great tribulation and erous than God. vited to celebrate the sacrament of describes a situation in which the com- Reconciliation in the context of Eu- munity of believers might well find Fasting weakens our tendency to vio- charistic adoration. itself: amid great trials, false prophets lence; it disarms us and becomes an would lead people astray and the love important opportunity for growth. During the Easter Vigil, we will cele- that is the core of the Gospel would On the one hand, it allows us to ex- brate once more the moving rite of grow cold in the hearts of many. perience what the destitute and the the lighting of the Easter candle. starving have to endure. On the other Drawn from the “new fire”, this light Each of us is called to peer into our hand, it expresses our own spiritual will slowly overcome the darkness heart to see if we are falling prey to the hunger and thirst for life in God. and illuminate the liturgical assembly. lies of these false prophets. We must Fasting wakes us up. It makes us “May the light of Christ rising in glo- learn to look closely, beneath the sur- more attentive to God and our neigh- ry dispel the darkness of our hearts face, and to recognize what leaves a bour. It revives our desire to obey and minds”, and enable all of us to good and lasting mark on our hearts, God, who alone is capable of satisfy- relive the experience of the disciples because it comes from God and is tru- ing our hunger. on the way to Emmaus. By listening ly for our benefit. to God’s word and drawing nourish- The Pope then extends his invitation ment from the table of the Eucharist, The Pope says that the Church, our to all who are open to hearing God’s may our hearts be ever more ardent Mother and Teacher, along with the voice, to raise our plea to God, in in faith, hope and love. often bitter medicine of the truth, of- fasting, and in offering whatever we fers us in the Lenten season the sooth- can to our brothers and sisters in The Pope wishes his blessing to all ing remedy of prayer, almsgiving and need! with affection and the promise of his fasting. prayers for all of us and in turn re- The Pope urges members of the quests our prayers for him. By devoting more time to prayer, we Church to take up the Lenten journey enable our hearts to root out our se- with enthusiasm, sustained by alms- Extracted from: cret lies and forms of self-deception, giving, fasting and prayer. And to http://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/ and then to find the consolation God know that if, at times, the flame of news/2018-02/pope-francis-lenten- message-2018.html Padua News Issue 47 Page 3 The Nashville Dominicans arrives “To pray, to study, to teach” Photos (Top Left): In order from left to right: Sister Anastasia Reeves, Sister Cecilia Rose t the invitation of Archbishop Den- A Pham, Sister Maria Joy Zeitoune and Sister Mary Rachel Capets; is Hart, four Dominican Sisters of St. Top and Top Right: Sisters exploring on their first days in Melbourne; Cecilia recently moved to Melton and (Top Right-Bottom) Father Fabian gifting the Sisters with a Monstrance have begun teaching at Saint Catherine of Siena and Catholic Regional Col- in Sydney. Sister served on the Sister Mary Rachel Capets is currently lege, Melton. The sisters are living youth ministry team in Sydney and teaching Humanities and Religious temporarily in Melton West while working for World Youth Day Education at CRC, Melton.
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