start Putiing together Dollar signs Work i.s underway to re-open'a Local •diabetics have formed a Local hockey product becomes small gold mine near closed town supportgroup,to help each $'1.5 million man with San Jose of CasSiar/NEWS A13 other/COMMUNITY B1 Sharks/SPORTS 01 " I 75¢ PLUS 5¢ GST OCT DA,RD VOL. 6 NO. 28 Scott storms NDP stronghold THE SIZE of Reformer Mike Liberal canai~ Riaoda respomlv¢ on the W.ay it spent "Ia the spirit of the Reform Scott's victory in ~qkeena sur- W[t~rly rode the Ltl~ral wave to money." party, I'm committed to this," prised even ~ campaign a second place finial) with 7,477 Scott said the Reform patty will Sobol said of recall. organlzen Monday nlgh~. votes and won her l~me town of act as t~ "fiscal coascteme" of The only bigger ~urprise was Prin~ Rul~n. tl~ m¢la-. Christian Hedt~e Party cain- the dlstnt0gration of NDP support National Party candidate Isaac "We want to b~a 8 a new qtt~li- date I.xff.e Kwanles received 646 here. Sobcl surged into ~burth place tyofdel~tetotheHoeseofCom- votes while OreeaPeter Mehlla8 Scott won wlth xl,968 votes with 2,425 votes, edgi~ out 1110118/'he ~ received 178 and Calvin Denyluk with all but one pen reporting ha Ptosressive Con~©rv~ti~ Danny, Natl~nnlparty ¢~tndldate Isaac of th~ Natural LaW part./ received a rl~lng that has eleeteA New Sbe~i~n who received 21126, . ,%lXfl reluctznfly magratulated 152. De~Is allbut on~s in the last The "local violin ~f the Troy! Scott, sayi~ the suc~sRtt ore- Former paemler Dave Banett 35 yem. •. slaughter said he Wmn't aura didato several lime~:'de¢¢tved fell tn hhl own fidin8 of NDP candl~te ~o~ Barrett what happened, . vol~n~ F~lutmalt4uan de Ft~a..to_p caged Scott to concene defeatJust "It'samllerceatmG"Sheridan " "It isn'taulumphforthedom- year-old paraeh!~te candidate 75 minutes Into the voto- said. "It go~ up md It go~t ocrattc process when winnin 8 1~ frora the Reform Party. down." expense of counllag, " • , .... at the. truth," ~ld Barrett finished thl~ wt~ 6,537 Scott said he would have mu~ SobeL Scott swept his hometown of blDF votes -- tO,O0~ I ~wer than preferred a minority lgovenmleat And, he continwd, I~'s .8oin8 Kitimat by more .than 650 votes In i988 under NDP MP Jim so his parrycould have forceA 11~ to start working 0n a petitiott to and demolished all 0plmsition in Mike Scott Fulton. government '"to be more haveScottt~called. Tepee, Thomhlll:aad Smitbem. JoeBarrett- I i : THORNHILL Toxic storage ":'. "'12 ba, n sought ~ii THORNHILL WILL be a hazard- . ::: ': i:~!i!::~' '. ous waste free zone if Kitimat ~. ~::~,":~ Sfikine regional district directors ~ get their way, " ........O fre'Ctors~votod: 8-Y(wi th dii-ee:..... ~i' tom Bob Coop0r, Pete Wceber and Darlene Cornell opposed) last Saturday calling on the environ- i meat ministry .to place a [ moratorium on applications to bring hazardous waste into Tllornhill for storage. The issue came up last winter when Dairyland Foods applied for a permit to store PCBs from its properties around the province at its Kofoed Dr. location in Thornhill. The company backed down in .,;!~'~,.::. • . !-~. !. the face of interne public opposi- tion even though environment Les Watmough ministry officials said the . status as a haven from hazardous proposal was safe and• should be waste storage angered some allowed to proceed, directors from other communities. But Thomhill director Lea Wet, Chairman Ray Brady,' from mough says neighbours are Kitimat, demanded to know why worried Dalryland will try again just Thornhill should be ex- and have pressed for a bylaw ban- erupted and be made .some kind ning such proposals, of "environmentally distinct ':.~ '.. ~;:•~!:i'!i: ' :':~''~" :.... :: <~ :" ~'~~:':~: ~;' .~....... , :: !',.!i~ ~ .... ........ They're very nervous," he area." 'said. Terrace mayor Jack Talstra sug- B Tart but sweet The regional district's legal ad, gested the move could affect the vi~, however, is that such a operations of companies that have LEMONADE is the name of one of Terrace Little Theatre's matrons who get together to sell lemonade. The result is a i bylaw would not prevail over a locatiom in Thornhill and loca:l latest one-act play, opening tomorrow night at the MeColl tart, lightly-sweetened tale that splashes 30 yearsof joy , [ permit or order issued under the tions in othercommmaities,. ' and tragedy across the stage. The. double-bill runs Oct. Waste Management Aet. "What happens to the hazard. Playhouse along with The Diary of Adam and Eve. Gall Instead, he explained,, they ous waste generated in Thom~ MacDonald and Margaret Sinjur (above) play Edith 2i~-30 and Nov. 4-6. sought to get a moratorium for hill?" demanded New H azelton Northrup and Mabel Lamston, two lonely small town • Thornhill on such proposals. ..... But giving Thomlalll special Cont'd Page A2: : , ': . ,.. ( ", Big:jet Government axes disclosure returns of controversial steel head stats CANADIAN AIRLINES is bringing back its Boeing THE ENVIRONMENT minis- run, which was one of the wont 737 jot service Oct. 31. try's policy of releasing regular runs on record. "We believed them. But it doesn't do very much good if The estimated 16,800 stoelhead It was taken away .the end " reports on the strength of the they're ridiculed elsewhere, perhaps with some vail- that entered the river were about of September to be used by Skeenasteelhead run has been a political party, for th0 fed- torpedoed by senior officials, dation." haft the 10-year average and" far oral clcction~, The steelbead figures released below target levels." "We released~o 73% ~: have long been the target of The target for steolbead returns one to the .Liberals and one Prince Rupert i commercial until we get that sorted out." protests in early August of corn- to the fiver is 44,000. to the. Comcrvhtives,, said fishermen and Department of ' Asked if he had confidence in mercial fishermen, who opposed Hooton said, the viability Of Canadian Airlines regional Fisheries and Oceam (DFO) the numbers ministry staff had a reduction in fishing at the fiver some individual steelhead runs ts manager Herb Pond last staff, who deny the steelhead are been releasing, Narversaid: ~ " mouth from two days a week to '~ sedonslythreatened. week. : ' as weak as provincial biologists "We believed ':them. But It one. ' "The Copper is in desperate There'S no telling which contend. :.. doesn't do very ::much good If • Commercial ' fishermen straits this year,', he said~ !'It,s In 737is corningback. :. Smithers fisheries biologist Bob they're ridiculed elsewhere, perk protested in the streets and verysad shape.,, That means:travellers have Hooton released the last stee!head Imps with some validation." wrapped nets around the DFO " Other tributaries, such as the the o orturdt to either sit re ort in mid,August. Normally . He said both federal and building! ' " in Prince: i Rupert • .: , u ppe r - and • I ow e r S~tUt, the PP o Yoceu led b ' thP are released until the endof B...h U^^4^... nrovinetal ministries hope to ,'That was reahy, rea!lysaaana Babtnei the Bulkley.':and: the in a seat nce P Y . Y . ~uu nuutuu ~ oH' durin the off disappointing," be sale " Morlee were described b .......Hooton Jean Chretlen orby Kim ' the run in early September. review!he p ~ .: g ,, . ^~..:, .... ~t.,., -roteS* DF0 .-',-.:-'-:,',, : .... ' Cam bell .... ' ..... Hooton said he was told to "not reports hailed after vocal protests season m an attempt to make tart,., = .,,,,~ U~ 1" , nn mmgmat . CanadianAJrllnesP ' ~ i ..... brought, create any undo dis~mfo rt and to from DF0. sure , to the grea" test degre e p os - omcials. .... granted fishermen. ...... more Narver,, said "tnteme. _discus , ..... .... ' " ,' e e " e that we a e~ on what's frequent openings;. • : stem with DFO are now un-: in asmaller ietia Fokker F- just stoprelessing the things.., There was some dlsagre mnt slbl , gr . , -~hxt~.,: .,g~a i,u./z! n~,~;' #-.~ ....-._...: ~ .~;~ ~= +:A~, 2~ 28 to ......fill the gap whlle the .....Environment ...... ministry, fishe fl ~' between...... the DFO interpretation belngre leased.',:.. : . ......:.._.., . : : .,.::-riuut~.: o,.u,,. ~,.~..tpa~J, , ,z_.., 'tu~ :avtw,y..tu, . ~., dutu~au ,: ,,, , hOw 'uum-. _.L ........ -..~- ~ ...... ., ........ c~.~.a.aJ.~.a,~;.'n;.#d ~ra.,e~.said.: :,~i~;4,~'i...,.4 ~L....4.., ,~h~..cmtd tq ":Nffrver ': lndteatext uru's tins summer s run me,ease 1L Wia~. ~. merelat mnmg wm oe:manago /~/was away- . : : :, mau~u u.~,ut~,=y, ,,m, , ,utuum =,= u~t uwu, ~ "-'--. , " ......... : ..,.. ..... ~ : ,_:., e, _, .......,;- ~ .....~,.~-~.:,,,~....,.,:..~, <:~,;?,. ,• :~::::-...... ~..,:............ :~ ,:, he~o~e~.!tlie.:~l~.e..of: -: ....... .;:. :~: ...~ : .the...,,~::..... said . we.won........ ,!ease",' any- mon~ .: response ......stemmed . from , ~.,the z.~ per c~tt~.... aneau ot =ast yu.~: ....: next.... summer, : A2 - The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, October 27, 1993 T Councillor backs Twedle Large Selection co=turn,for all occasions Including: for Adults and Children . Halloween . ".d ','~ r... _~ ~ ~*; - Easier anger at sewer system . ~ . ., ~¢, -Christmas Rose Schlbll TWEDLE AVE. residents thinl¢ ahead. LIP, the decision to install a sanitary 635-4763 While acknowledging the rules Following the vote, King '-'- ~7 " ~-~-~ ..... - sewer system on their street was had been followed correctly, reiterated his concerns. Noting undemocratic, says councillor King said the six residents op- existing homes on Twedle had Rick King. posed to the project ~ he was their own septic systems, new And they resent havingto pay one of them -- felt "democracy ones in three eases, he reiterated, for a system they don't need and was not served." "It's clear who's going to , one which primarily benefits a Given there was no clear benefit." ~.o developer, he added. numerical majority, he And rather than residents hav- Council initiated a Local Im- maintained, the sower line should ing to now pay approximately provement Project 0JP) vote on not be going ahead.
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