

California Radio KNAX(FM)- Co-owned with KMJ(AM). 1949: 97.9 KUTE(FM)-Coowned with KGFJ(AM) Los Angeles. mhz; 48 kw. Ant 290 ft. (CP: 50 kw. Ant 312 ft.). Prag 1948: 101.9 mhz; 650 w. Ant 2,780 ft. Stereo. 1989 sep from AM. Stereo. Net: MBS. Format: C &W. Lou Riverside Dr., Los Angeles (90039). (213) 669 -1000. Costanza, sis mgr; Rick Freeman, prog dir. Inner -City Bcstg Corp. Net: AP, ABC/FM, Sheridan. Rep: Mesta. Format: Adult contemp. Lawrene KOJY(FM)-See Dinuba. Tanter, prog dir; Harry Gandy, mus dir. Rates: $180; 180; 180; 180. AP. Rep: Torbet. Format: Adult 7- 15 -80). Net: KOJY(FM) -July 4, 1980: 91.5 mhz; 16 kw. Ant 870 ft. Bob Eurich, stn & contemp. Philip C. Davis, pres; Stereo. Box 12682 (93778). (209) 486 -5174. Radio gen sis mgr; Bill Weaver, prog & mus dir; David Butler, Bilingue Inc. (group owner). Format: Ethnic, bilingual, Goleta opns mgr; Steve Leader, news dir; Scott Dean, chief Latino. Spec prog: Jazz 19 hrs. Hugo Morales, exec engr. Rates: $26; 24; 26; 14. dir; Alicia Maldonado, stn mgr; Eleanor Lizardo, prog KMGO(FM)-Jan 30, 1982: 106.3 mhz; 365 w. Ant 879 dir; Samuel Orozco, news/info dir; Steve Weber Jr., -C Fairview Ave. (93117). (805) 964- KFIG -FM -1963: 101.1 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 310 ft. Stereo. ft. Stereo. 354 S. chief engr. Rep: Torbet. Prog sep from AM. Format: Adult contemp. Rates: 9821. Goleta Communications Corp. Format: Adult contemp. Stephen W. Shipman, gen $65; 60; 65; 20. 15, 1978: mhz; 2.45 kw. KVPR(FM)- October 89.3 mgr; Gary Eklund, opns mgr; Stephen J. Meade, prog Ant 1,890 ft. Stereo. 754 P St. (93721). (209) 486-7710. dir. Rates: $31; 31; 27; 23. KFNO(FM) -Not on air, target date unknown: 90.3 White Ash Bcstg Inc. Net: NPR. Format: Class, jazz, mhz; 1.43 kw. Ant 1,884 ft. 290 Hegenberger Rd., news. Mariam Stepanian, gen mgr; Wayne Oakland (94621). Family Stations Inc. (group owner). Angerame, prog dir; Jim Meyers, opns dir; Steve Harold Camping, pres. Weber Jr., chief engr. Gonzales KFRE(AM)-1937: 940 khz; 50 kw -U, DA -2. 999 N. KXEX(AM)-September 1962: 1550 khz; 5 kw -D, 2.5 KKMC(AM) -Sep 22, 1984: 880 khz; 5 kw-D, 1 kw -N, Van Ness Ave. (93728). (209) 441 -7600. KFRE Bcstg kw -N, DA -2. Box 12223 (93777). (209) 233 -8803. Atlas DA-1. 24 4th St., Box V (93926). (408) 675 -3331. Inc. (acq 4- 28 -71). Net: ABC/I. Rep: Hillier, Newmark, Bcstg. Inc. Rep: Caballero. Format: Span. John Monterey County Bcstrs. Inc. Format: Relg. Spec Wechsler & Howard. Format: C &W. Spec prog: Farm 5 Sonder, pres & gen mgr; Zwick Van Dyne, gen sis prog: Sp 2 1/2 hrs, It 1/2 hr wkly. Robert A. Jones, hrs wkly. Walter Lake, pres; Tal Jonz, VP, gen & gen mgr; Antonio Rabago, prog dir; Rene Cantu, news dir; pres; Carl J. Auel, VP & natl sls mgr; John N. Dick, gen sis mgr; Bob Mitchel, prog & mus dir; Barbara Badig- Steve Webber, chief engr. Rates: $20.70; 20.70; mgr; David Benton, prog dir; Marvin Clapp, chief engr. ian, prom mgr; Dick Carr, news dir; Hal Torosian, chief 20.70; 14.50. Rates: $18; 16; 14; 12. engr. KXTC(AM) -See Clovis. KFRY(FM)-Co-owned with KFRE(AM). March 15, Goshen 1948: 101.9 mhz; 1.8 kw. Ant 1,870 ft. Prog sep from KYNO(AM) -October 1947: 1300 khz; 5 kw-D, 1 kw- AM. Format: C &W. Stereo. N., DA -N. Box 6029, 2125 N. Barton (93703). (209) KYIA(FM )-Not on air, target date unknown: 90.1 255 -8383. Brown Bcstg Co. Net: UPI. Rep: Christal. mhz. 30544 Camp Dr., Box 283 (93227). Goshen KFSR(FM )Oct 30, 1982: 90.7 mhz; 256 w. Ant 60 ft. Format: MOR, big band. Spec prog: Farm 2 hrs wkly. Educational Bcstg Foundation, Stereo. Cal State Fresno, Shaw & Cedar (93740). (209) Wayne Decker, gen mgr; Sam Carter, gen sis mgr; 294 -2598. California State Univ. Format: Jazz, AOR, Brian Decker, local sis mgr; Ted Brown, prog dir; progsv. Spec progs: Black 3 hrs, class 2 hrs, C&W 4 Rachel McDougall- Smith, news dir; Andy Pavao, chief Grass Valley hrs wkly. James R. Wilson, gen mgr; Gilbert engr. Rates: $70; 60; 70; 60. Mosqueda, stn mgr; Tim Pozar, chief engr. KNCO(AM) -Oct 1, 1978: 1250 khz; 500 w -D, 1 kw -N, KYNO -FM-May 15, 1970: 95.7 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 320 DA -2. (CP: 5 kw -D). 212 W. Main St. (95945). (916) ft. Prog sep from AM. Stereo. Format: Top -40, CHR. KFYE(FM) -1946: 93.7 mhz; 68 kw ant 1,912 ft. 272 -3424. Nevada County Broadcasters. Net: ABC/E. John Lee Walker, prog dir; Jeff Davis, mus dir. Stereo. Del Webb Bldg., Suite 535 (93721). (209) 486- Format: MOR. Carroll E. Brock, pres; Chuck Gratner, 5294. KFYE-FM Inc. (acq 9- 1 -79). Group owner: VP & gen mgr; Jack Rollins, coml mgr; Mark Johnson, Sunbelt Communications. Net: RKO. Rep: Selcom. prog dir & prom mgr; Dick Erickson, mus dir; Russ Format: MOR. Michael Purcell, VP & gen mgr; Mike Garberville Powell, news dir, Frank Beyer, chief engr. Rates: Berlak, prog dir; Joe Helset, coml mgr; Ray Appleton, $18; 12; 14; 7. mus dir; Gary Chase, news dir; R.L. Stover, chief engr. KERG(FM) -March 1982: 104.7 mhz; 100 kw. Ant Rates: $45; 45; 45; 45. 2,500 ft. Stereo. Box 7 (95440). (707) 923-2052. Daniel KNCO-FM -Sep 7, 1982: 94.3 mhz; 250 w. Ant 1,018 J. Healey. Format: Adult contemp, oldies, C &W. Spec ft. Dups AM 90 %. Stereo. KGST(AM) -1949: 1600 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -2. Box prog: Class 5 hrs, jazz 4 hrs wkly. Daniel Healy, pres 11868. (93775). (209) 266 -9901. Lotus Communica- & prog dir; Patrice Healy, gen mgr; Bill Roddy, gen sls mgr. Rates: $10; 10; 10; 10. tions Inc. (acq 8- 1 -85). Rep: Lotus. Format: Sp. Greenfield Howard Kalmeson, pres; Ben Gutierrez, gen & gen sis mgr, Daniel Vallejo, prog dir; Stella Rona, news dir; KSUR -FM-Not on air, target date unknown: 99.5 Randy Stover, chief engr. Rates: $28; 23; 28; 19. Garden Grove mhz. 10880 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles (90024). Anita L. Levine. KIRV(AM) -Oct 1, 1962: 1510 khz; 500 w -D. (CP: 10 KIKF(FM)-June 21, 1961: 94.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 245 ft. kw, DA -D). 3636 N. First St. (93726). (209) 233 -0786. Stereo. 2 City Blvd West, Suite 183, Orange (92668). New Life Enterprises Inc. (acq 1- 9-75). Net: ABC /I, (714) 835 -1300. Orange Bcstg Corp. (acq 7- 21 -76). ABC /E. Format: Good music. Bill Dallas, gen mgr; Group owner: Aries Communications Corp. Net: AP. Grover City Ruby Nagel, mgr; Dick Dragavon, prog & mus Wechsler & Howard. Format: coral Rep: Hillier, Newmark, KLOI(FM) -July 4, 1984: 107.1 mhz; 530 w. Ant 720 ft. dir; Randy Stover, chief engr. Modern N. Arthur Astor, pres & gen mgr; country. Stereo. Box 1071, 1445 Grand Ave., Suite One Votaw, stn mgr; John Dzima, prog dir; Jack James (93433). (805) 489 -5564. R &L Bcstrs. Format: Loving mhz; kw. Ant KKDJ(FM )-Dec 8, 1979: 105.9 2.4 Elliot, news dir; Paul Sakrison, chief engr. & gentle. Laura A. Funston, co-owner & stn mgr; Rod N. First St., Suite 135 (93726). 1,960 ft. Stereo. 3636 B. Funston, co-owner, prog dir & chief engr; Eric J. Inc. Rep: (209) 226 -5991. Pacific Quadracasting Funston, pub svc dir. Rates: $7; 7; 7; 5.50. Weiss & Powell. Format: AOR. Wallace A. Heusser, Gilroy pres & gen mgr; Robert O. Franklin, gen sis mgr; Don KTOR(AM)-Not on air, target date April 1986: 1570 mgr; Riedel, Fischer, prog dir; Peter Napoli, prom Jeff KAZA(AM)-September 1957: 1290 khz; 5 kw -D, DA. khz; 5 kw-D, 1662 Willowmont Ave., San Jose (95124). mus dir; Andy Lopez, prod dir; Naomi Wright, traf mgr; Box 1290, 355 Town & Country Village, Stevens Creek (408) 264 -9882. Five Cities Radio. Gayle Gingold, news dir; Randy Stover, chief engr. Blvd., San Jose (95128). (408) 984-1290. Radio Fiesta Corp. (acq 5- 14 -73). Rep: Caballero Spanish Media. KKNU(FM) -Jan 6, 1962: 102.7 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 500 Format: Sp. Albert S. Rodriquez, pres & gen sis mgr; Hanford ft. Stereo. 2775 E. Shaw (93711). (209) 294 -1234. Jose Luis Lopez; prog dir; Filiberto Arteaga, mus dir; Format: Adult KOSO Inc. (acq 8- 15 -84). Rep: Blair. Rafael Alvarez, news dir; John Higdon & Dave Wil- KLTK(FM)-Listing follows KNGS(AM). contemp. David R. Milian, VP & gen mgr; Sam liams, chief engrs. Rates: $52; 46; 52; -. Ladd, prog dir; Scott Dean, Carter, gen sis mgr; Pete KMGX(FM) -Dec 24, 1976: 103.7 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 48; 48; 16. kw. Ant chief engr. Rates: $48; KWSS(FM) -Jan 1, 1970: 94.5 mhz; 1.15 500 ft. Stereo. 1765 N. Fine, Fresno (93727). (209) 2,580 ft. 550 El Paso de Saratoga, San Jose (95130). 252-8994. Western Sun Communication (acq 3-27- Western KMAK(AM)- June26, 1953: 1340 khz; 1 kw-D, 250w- (408) 866-5886. TWX: 910 -597 -5394. Cities 81). Net: MBS. Rep: CBS. Format: Top -40. Bob 12- Format: Al- N. 2020 E. McKinley Ave. (93703). (209) 266 -9448. Bcstg Inc. (group owner; acq 22 -82). Sieloff, gen & gen sis mgr; John Berry, prog dir; Carey McCarthy Bcstg Co. (acq 2 -72).

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