TEXAS HIGHER EDUCATION COORDINATING BOARD Community Colleges TUITION AND FEE DATA The tuition and fee data reported on the following pages reflects the average amounts charged to resident undergraduate students enrolled in exactly 15 semester credit hours (SCH) per semester at Texas Community Colleges. Amounts reported include statutory tuition and average mandatory. A student's actual charges may vary based on the student's type and level of enrollment, the student's specific personal circumstances, or for other reasons deemed appropriate by the institution. FOOTNOTES: * All data was reported under definitions for tuition and fees adopted January 2006 by the Coordinating Board. (1) Alamo Community College District reports all colleges under it including San Antonio College (2) Lone Star College System was formerly North Harris-Montgomery Community College Note: The Total Academic Charges column is the sum of Statutory Tuition + Mandatory Fee for each school. The bottom of the column is the average (excluding zeroes, if any) of the Total Academic Charges of each school. Community Colleges – Total Charges Total Academic Charges: Statutory Tuition, Designated Tuition, Mandatory Fee, Average College and Course Fee Resident Undergraduates, Fall Semester, 15 SCH Institution 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Alamo Community College District $1,044 $1,044 $1,044 $1,094 $1,330 $1,360 $1,570 $1,570 Alvin Community College $902 $902 $917 $937 $970 $999 $1,000 $1,015 Amarillo College $1,216 $1,216 $1,276 $1,276 $1,276 $1,355 $1,355 $1,355 Angelina College $1,016 $1,063 $1,145 $1,184 $1,297 $1,355 $1,445 $1,536 Austin Community College $1,245 $1,275 $1,845 $1,931 $1,925 $1,921 $1,906 $1,933 Blinn College District $2,025 $2,130 $2,535 $2,470 $2,635 $2,925 $2,985 $3,075 Brazosport College $1,147 $1,147 $1,252 $1,252 $1,357 $1,357 $1,357 $1,357 Central Texas College $1,405 $1,398 $1,631 $1,581 $1,921 $1,975 $1,772 $1,355 Cisco College $1,890 $1,965 $2,010 $2,235 $2,310 $2,310 $2,385 $2,415 Clarendon College $1,465 $1,465 $1,615 $1,615 $1,615 $1,808 $1,808 $1,920 Coastal Bend College $2,168 $2,168 $2,168 $2,178 $2,203 $2,203 $2,203 $2,203 College of the Mainland Community College District $887 $887 $887 $887 $887 $887 $887 $887 Collin County Community College District $572 $587 $587 $632 $692 $752 $812 $842 Dallas College District $780 $780 $885 $885 $885 $885 $885 $1,185 Del Mar College $1,442 $1,457 $1,457 $1,457 $1,532 $1,585 $1,630 $1,660 El Paso Community College District $1,310 $1,310 $1,400 $1,730 $1,730 $1,895 $1,895 $2,060 Frank Phillips College $1,544 $1,544 $1,544 $1,680 $1,680 $1,636 $1,636 $1,636 Galveston College $974 $974 $974 $1,049 $1,049 $1,049 $1,049 $1,169 Grayson College $1,233 $1,257 $1,326 $1,456 $1,471 $1,546 $1,601 $1,738 Hill College $1,186 $1,231 $1,312 $1,462 $1,462 $1,612 $1,612 $1,612 Houston Community College $1,014 $1,014 $1,016 $1,016 $1,016 $1,016 $1,151 $1,271 Howard County Junior College District $1,131 $1,161 $1,291 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 $1,305 Kilgore College $972 $976 $1,025 $1,228 $1,245 $1,439 $1,444 $1,485 Laredo College $1,690 $2,065 $2,065 $2,065 $2,065 $2,065 $2,065 $2,055 Institution 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Lee College $951 $983 $1,046 $1,046 $1,099 $1,342 $1,342 $1,342 Lone Star College System District $966 $1,016 $1,114 $1,199 $1,214 $1,218 $1,530 $1,379 McLennan Community College $1,745 $1,745 $1,745 $1,745 $1,745 $1,745 $1,745 $1,850 Midland College $1,198 $1,242 $1,302 $1,357 $1,404 $1,404 $1,399 $1,439 Navarro College $1,402 $1,777 $1,858 $2,060 $2,017 $1,976 $2,176 $2,321 North Central Texas College $930 $990 $1,140 $1,230 $1,275 $1,365 $1,500 $1,500 Northeast Texas Community College $1,199 $1,321 $1,327 $1,422 $1,459 $1,532 $1,598 $1,695 Odessa College $1,265 $1,325 $1,325 $1,340 $1,340 $1,400 $1,400 $1,460 Panola College $1,175 $1,185 $1,190 $1,285 $1,330 $1,360 $1,420 $1,450 Paris Junior College $1,335 $1,410 $1,485 $1,800 $1,950 $1,950 $1,965 $1,980 Ranger College $1,665 $1,800 $1,875 $2,120 $2,224 $2,210 $2,420 $2,495 San Jacinto Community College $825 $885 $885 $960 $960 $960 $1,170 $1,170 South Plains College $1,799 $1,979 $2,114 $2,189 $2,294 $2,448 $2,603 $2,794 South Texas College $1,800 $1,807 $1,866 $1,857 $2,049 $2,049 $2,215 $2,275 Southwest Texas Junior College $1,333 $1,333 $1,333 $1,393 $1,393 $1,512 $1,587 $1,587 Tarrant County College District $825 $825 $825 $885 $885 $885 $960 $960 Temple College $1,359 $1,359 $1,374 $1,374 $1,494 $1,524 $1,554 $1,714 Texarkana College $1,205 $1,240 $1,285 $1,390 $1,390 $1,465 $1,510 $1,570 Texas Southmost College $1,999 $2,014 $1,978 $1,978 $1,978 $1,978 $1,953 $1,925 Trinity Valley Community College $1,187 $1,226 $1,293 $1,356 $1,353 $1,419 $1,418 $1,418 Tyler Junior College $1,360 $1,360 $1,435 $1,564 $1,632 $1,721 $1,721 $1,721 Vernon College $1,346 $1,346 $1,346 $1,346 $1,451 $1,526 $1,548 $1,548 Victoria College $1,727 $1,828 $1,755 $1,782 $2,237 $2,411 $2,476 $2,144 Weatherford College $1,164 $1,224 $1,224 $1,224 $1,224 $1,299 $1,359 $1,674 Western Texas College $1,220 $1,220 $1,220 $1,220 $1,295 $1,385 $1,430 $1,430 Wharton County Junior College $1,355 $1,355 $1,355 $1,385 $1,460 $1,460 $1,460 $1,490 STATEWIDE AVERAGE $1,292 $1,336 $1,398 $1,462 $1,520 $1,576 $1,624 $1,659 Community Colleges – Mandatory Fee Resident Undergraduates, Fall Semester, 15 SCH Institution 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Alamo Community College District $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $70 $85 $85 Alvin Community College $242 $242 $242 $262 $280 $309 $310 $310 Amarillo College $566 $566 $596 $596 $596 $630 $630 $630 Angelina College $135 $180 $180 $150 $255 $315 $405 $405 Austin Community College $240 $270 $840 $926 $920 $916 $901 $928 Blinn College District $555 $660 $690 $765 $900 $960 $1,005 $1,050 Brazosport College $262 $262 $322 $322 $382 $382 $382 $382 Central Texas College $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Cisco College $900 $975 $1,020 $1,170 $1,170 $1,170 $1,170 $1,170 Clarendon College $735 $735 $810 $810 $810 $930 $930 $930 Coastal Bend College $273 $273 $273 $283 $308 $308 $308 $308 College of the Mainland Community College District $212 $212 $212 $212 $212 $212 $212 $212 Collin County Community College District $107 $107 $107 $17 $32 $32 $32 $32 Dallas College District $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Del Mar College $617 $617 $617 $617 $617 $625 $625 $625 El Paso Community College District $150 $150 $195 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 Frank Phillips College $705 $705 $705 $780 $780 $771 $771 $771 Galveston College $395 $395 $395 $425 $425 $425 $425 $470 Grayson College $237 $297 $372 $480 $517 $552 $587 $608 Hill College $253 $253 $259 $259 $259 $259 $259 $259 Houston Community College $549 $549 $551 $551 $551 $551 $656 $776 Howard County Junior College District $106 $106 $116 $125 $125 $125 $125 $130 Kilgore College $414 $401 $403 $379 $296 $404 $405 $414 Laredo College $915 $1,290 $1,290 $1,290 $1,290 $1,290 $1,290 $1,280 Lee College $276 $278 $281 $281 $304 $437 $437 $437 Lone Star College System District $272 $302 $302 $302 $332 $332 $499 $30 McLennan Community College $135 $135 $135 $135 $135 $135 $135 $240 Institution 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Midland College $285 $330 $360 $360 $375 $375 $375 $375 Navarro College $761 $1,033 $1,071 $1,208 $1,175 $1,154 $1,282 $1,355 North Central Texas College $300 $300 $300 $390 $450 $510 $645 $645 Northeast Texas Community College $608 $698 $713 $771 $794 $824 $854 $899 Odessa College $315 $330 $330 $345 $345 $345 $345 $345 Panola College $675 $675 $675 $765 $765 $765 $765 $795 Paris Junior College $120 $195 $195 $300 $1,125 $1,125 $1,125 $1,125 Ranger College $375 $435 $480 $725 $770 $770 $770 $770 San Jacinto Community College $140 $140 $140 $150 $150 $150 $0 $0 South Plains College $999 $999 $999 $999 $999 $1,073 $1,148 $1,224 South Texas College $571 $598 $683 $697 $776 $820 $840 $885 Southwest Texas Junior College $454 $454 $454 $514 $514 $574 $649 $649 Tarrant County College District $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Temple College $390 $390 $330 $330 $330 $330 $360 $555 Texarkana College $470 $490 $490 $575 $575 $575 $590 $590 Texas Southmost College $1,249 $1,264 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $1,150 $1,150 Trinity Valley Community College $630 $630 $660 $690 $690 $735 $735 $735 Tyler Junior College $726 $726 $801 $867 $912 $1,001 $1,001 $1,001 Vernon College $600 $600 $600 $600 $675 $750 $750 $750 Victoria College $554 $626 $629 $628 $629 $671 $748 $791 Weatherford College $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $225 Western Texas College $405 $405 $405 $405 $480 $480 $480 $480 Wharton County Junior College $810 $810 $810 $840 $915 $915 $915 $945 STATEWIDE AVERAGE $451 $481 $506 $540 $576 $600 $631 $632 Community Colleges – Average College and Course Fee Resident Undergraduates, Fall Semester, 15 SCH Institution 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Alamo Community College District $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Alvin Community College $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Amarillo College $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 Angelina College $41 $43 $35 $44 $37 $35 $35 $126 Austin Community College $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Blinn College District $90 $90 $90 $100 $100 $300 $300 $300 Brazosport College $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Central Texas College $35 $22 $3 $1 $25 $19 $2 $0 Cisco College $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 Clarendon College $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $113 $113 $120 Coastal Bend College $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 College of the Mainland Community College District $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Collin County Community College District $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Dallas College District $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Del
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