Read us online - www.heraldbonus.co.za - follow - like 25 500 FREE 20 January 2020 “Don’t worry about me mom - I’ve got support and that means I’ve got it” seems to be the message of these three learners on fi rst day of the new 2020 school year in North West on Wednesday, 15 January. If all goes well, these kids will be ready for the world out there in 2032. The excited little ones are Owame Raseomane, Beverly Chingwa and Hailey Theys of Laerskool David Brink. Win R1000 with online adverts We would love to give you R1000 - just to thank you for adver� sing with us. All you have to do to be in line to win, is to visit our website at h� ps://www. northwestnewspapers.co.za/heraldbonus/ and book your classifi ed advert online. All adverts placed online will be eligible for the lucky draw - private adver� sers, businesses, organiza� ons, clubs and churches. Get rid of all your unwanted items, sell your products or tell our readers of the services you can render - you can get more than you bargained for. Start 2020 on a profi table note - you could be the lucky winner. PAGE 2 BONUS 20 JANUARY 2020 No registration fee required for NSFAS qualifying students Repo rate cut down BONUS - RUSTENBURG - Higher Education, Science and Technology Minister, Blade Nzimande, says all National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) qualifying students do not have to pay upfront registration fees at universities or colleges. 25 basis points "The fact that for the first time NSFAS is able to breaking number of applications by the closing date say you qualify, it means therefore, when you go to of 30 November 2019, with more than 543 268 first- BONUS - RUSTENBURG - The Reserve Bank has reduced register when you've been accepted, you've got proof time applications (prior year 428 929), received from the repo rate by 25 basis points to 6.25% in line with market to say, 'I don't have to pay registration'. applicants across the country, with majority of the expectation. Announcing the decision on Thursday (16 Nzimande said that NSFAS has received a record- applications online via the myNSFAS portal. January), South African Reserve Bank Governor Lesetja Kganyago noted that the domestic economic outlook remained fragile. "Despite a rebound in local GDP in the second quarter of 2019, GDP contracted in the “MAKE” YOUR OWN MONEY third expected to show some positive growth," he said. Despite this, he said, the Monetary Policy Committee of the SA unanimously decided to reduce the repurchase rate by 25 basis points. Brand new 2020 Blank Space Kganyago said, however, monetary policy actions will continue to s on anchoring inflation expectations near the midpoint of the inflation target range in the interest of balanced and sustainable growth. Art competition kicks off The Repo Rate was last cut in July 2019. RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - It is 2020, the once called "new" millennium is already 20 years old and once again we're at the beginning of a brand new year. Rustenburg Herald/Bonus invites all art enthusiasts to take part in this year's Blank Space Art competition which is presented by Rustenburg Herald/Bonus in collaboration with Pick 'n Pay Beyers Naudé and Greystone Crossing. Once again prize-money of R1 000 is up There is no entry fee and your can post/enter Fake tender advert for grabs at both stores respectively every your art at any participating store of Pick n month with an additional grand prize of Pay (Greystone Crossing or Lifestyle Square shopping vouchers to the tune of R10 000 in Beyers Naudé Avenue). warning, NW Health at each of the participating stores towards You may enter as many ORIGINAL art the end of this year. Withing the next week works as you wish. A closing date for the or so, our readers will be introduced to competition will be announced soon. Let’s the two overall winners of the 2019 Blank get those entries rolling in... BONUS - RUSTENBURG - The North West Health Department has distanced Space Art competition when the presentation itself from a fake fumigation tender advert circulating on social media. of the prizes takes place. Keep watching The advertised tender for fumigation, supposedly for a certain health facility in the Rustenburg Herald and province, is littered with spelling and grammatical errors. Bonus. To be next in line "Social media users have been left to believe the officials of to win, you have to do is the department are incompetent. The advert is damaging to the to use the Blank Space image of department. provided every week in "The North West Health MEC, Madoda Sambatha, has called the Rustenburg Herald and on law enforcement agencies to pursue such scammers and create your ORIGINAL bring them to book," the department said. artwork on it or attach your The department reminded the public that all tenders below R2 art work to it. Remember - million are done at the district, and below R500 000 at facility no photo copies are allowed. level. Sambatha warned young people, especially matriculants You can use any medium, and those looking for jobs, to be vigilant against scams related chalk, pen or pencil, paint, to the intake of nursing students and advertisement of jobs in glass, ceramic, wood, plastic One of our first entries for the 2020 Blank Space Art the health facilities. or whatever you can think of. competition - the artist is Kinglsey Chidawati. (67 /$7 029,(6 CALL 0870550046 FOR TICKETS 7+,6:((.(1' '21·70,66 -80$1-,7+( 1(;7/(9(/ % $ ( 3/$<,1* '2/,77/( ' ,) :,7+),5( % / 2<6)25 %5,'*(6 &RGHRI&RQGXFW 3XEOLVKHU $XGLW 7KLVQHZVSDSHUVXEVFULEHVWRWKH&RGHRI(WKLFVDQG 3XEOLVKHGE\1RUWK:HVW1HZVSDSHUV 3W\ /WG 7KHGLVWULEXWLRQRI &RQGXFWIRU6RXWK$IULFDQ3ULQWDQG2QOLQH0HGLD DQGSULQWHGE\1RUWK:HVW:HE3ULQWHUV 3W\ /WG WKLV$%&QHZVSDSHU WKDWSUHVFULEHVQHZVWKDWLVWUXWKIXODFFXUDWHIDLU DGLYLVLRQRI&73/LPLWHG&RHW]HU6WUHHW$OO LVLQGHSHQGHQWO\ DQGEDODQFHG,IZHGRQ¶WOLYHXSWRWKH&RGHZLWKLQ ULJKWVDQGUHSURGXFWLRQRIDOOUHSRUWVSKRWRJUDSKV DXGLWHGWRWKH GD\VRIWKHGDWHRISXEOLFDWLRQRIWKHPDWHULDO GUDZLQJVDQGDOOPDWHULDOVSXEOLVKHGLQWKLV SURIHVVLRQDOVWDQGDUGV SOHDVHFRQWDFWWKH3XEOLF$GYRFDWHDW QHZVSDSHUDUHKHUHE\UHVHUYHGLQWHUPVRI DGPLQLVWUDWHGE\WKH ID[<RXFDQDOVRFRQWDFWRXU&DVH 6HFWLRQ RIWKH $XGLW%XUHDXRI &RQWDFWXV 2ႈFHURQNKDQ\LP#RPEXGVPDQ &RS\ULJKW$FW1R &LUFXODWLRQVRI 7HO)D[ RUJ]DRUORGJHDFRPSODLQWRQRXU RIDQGDQ\ 1RUWK:HVW 6RXWK$IULFD (PDLOPDLOEDJ#UXVWHQEXUJKHUDOGFR]D ZHEVLWHZZZSUHVVFRXQFLORUJ]D DPHQGPHQWVWKHUHRI 1HZVSDSHUVHZHZZVSDSZVSV $GGUHVV&RHW]HU6WUHHW5XVWHQEXUJ 1RWH&OLHQWVUHDGHUVSDUWLFLSDQWVDQGDGYHUWLVLQJDJHQWVJXDUDQWHHWKDWWKHUHSURGXFWLRQRIWH[WDQGRULPDJHVSURYLGHGWRWKHPHGLDFRPSDQ\IRUDGYHUWLVLQJSXUSRVHVFRQWUDYHQHVQHLWKHUFRS\ULJKWOHJLVODWLRQQRUDQ\RWKHUODZ 20 JANUARY 2020 BONUS PAGE 3 Father, grandparents in court for Alleged rhino sexual abuse poacher BONUS - RUSTENBURG – A grandfather and grandmother will join their son-in-law in the dock when the son-in-law appears in court again on charges of rape and sexual abuse. The alleged victims are aged eight and ten. arrested During June 2019 the grandmother of two when a member of the public becomes aware children reported to the SAPS in Rustenburg of this. The grandparents and parents were that her son-in-law allegedly raped and living together since 2013 in Randfontein. sexually abused her two grandchildren. The They moved to Rustenburg where they BONUS - BOITEKONG - A police Constable has been arrested and has already suspect, a 43-year old male was arrested also lived together in East End for some appeared in Court for the alleged conspiracy to Commit Rhino Poaching. and since appeared in the Rustenburg time,"explained police liaison officer, capt During a Crime Intelligence Operation Amukelani Nkuna appeared before the Magistrate’s Court. The case was remanded Elsabé Augoustides. in the evening of Tuesday (14 January), Tlhabane Magistrates' Court on Thursday several times, and is scheduled for another According to information, the biological members of the Provincial Organised (16 January) for the alleged conspiracy to court appearance on 21 January 2020. The mother of the children left the suspect during Crime intercepted four suspects, who Commit Rhino Poaching. He will remain suspect was not granted bail. June 2019 and moved in with another man. were allegedly in the process of poaching in custody until his next court appearance During the ongoing investigation in this The children brought these incidents of rhinos at a Game Lodge in Boitekong, on Friday (24 January)," said Myburgh. case, it was determined that the grandparents rape and sexual abuse to the attention of near Rustenburg. Furthermore the suspects are possibly have been aware of the ongoing rape and the mother’s new friend and he insisted it According to information received from linked to more cases of rhino poaching sexual molestation since 2013, but did not be reported to the SAPS. It was only then, Provincial Police Spokesperson, Colonel reported in Pilanesberg and more arrests report it. Subsequently, the court issued during June 2019, that the grandmother also Adéle Myburgh, the suspects, upon are eminent. The North West Provincial warrants of arrest for the grandparents during reported it to the Police in Rustenburg. The realising that they were cornered, three of Commissioner, Lieutenant General Sello December 2019 and they were arrested on 31 grandparents received bail of R 1000 each them disappeared into thick bushes, police Kwena, congratulated the team for the December. The suspects briefly appeared in and will re-appear. managed to arrest a 33-year-old suspect, arrest. He said that it is disappointing court on 2 January 2020 and their case was The Cluster Commander of Rustenburg, who was the driver of the vehicle, a VW when a police member is arrested for the remanded until 31 January. In terms of the Maj Genl Arthur Adams condemned the Polo. alleged conspiracy to commit a crime, but Act on Sexual Offences, the grandparents incidents which he said were allegedly "Upon further investigation, the suspect that unlawful and corrupt conduct will not were expected to immediately report these committed by the people who were supposed was identified as being a police Constable.
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