Journées de la SF2A 2011 20-23 juin, Paris Liste des abstracts Book of abstracts June 16, 2011 Contents Properties of unusual void LSBDs versus cosmological simulations pre- 1 A00 - Séance plénière SF2A 12 dictions : S.A.Pustilnik (SAO, Invited talks ................... 12 N.Arkhyz)J-M.Martin (OdP, Stellar Physics with GAIA : B. Plez . 12 GEPI)Kniazev A.Y. (SAAO, CFHT en route to a new era : Christian Cape Town; SAI, Moscow) . 14 Veillet . 12 Effects of asteroids on the orbital mo- ALMA early science cycle 0 : et après ? tions of terrestrial planets : S. : J. Pety . 12 ALJBAAE, J. SOUCHAY . 14 Quoi de neuf sous le soleil ?Observations Caractérisation orbitale de beta :Pictoris spatiales récentes et perspectives B et conséquences sur les mod- : Frédéric Auchère . 12 èles existants : Hervé Beust, Gael Astrochimie: chimie des origines? : Chauvin, Anne-Marie Lagrange . 15 Louis d’Hendecourt . 12 Le programme Cosmic Vision de l’ESA : 2 A01 - Les Grands Relevés Extragalac- Athena Coustenis . 13 tiques et Cosmologiques 15 Space Time Explorer & Quantum Test Invited talks ................... 15 of the Equivalence principle : A. Extragalactic Science with EMIR/GTC : Landragin & STE-QUEST team . 13 R. Pello & the GOYA collaboration 15 Comptes rendu du colloque RetD INSU Dernières nouvelles des programmes : Pierre Kern . 13 spatiaux en Astronomie- Migration planétaire et couplage migra- Astrophysique : Fabienne tion/accrétion : Aurélien Crida . 13 Casoli . 15 Champs Magnétiques à la surface des Physics of the Accelerating Universe étoiles géantes et supergéantes (PAU) and Dark Energy Survey avec Narval et ESPaDOnS : (DES) : Francisco J Castander- Michel Aurière . 13 PAU collaboration DES collabora- The Spanish Astronomical Society. tion . 15 Present and Future : Emilio J. The QUIJOTE CMB Experiment : Alfaro . 13 Rubino-Martin, for the QUI- Accélération de particules aux chocs non- JOTE Collaboration . 15 relativistes et relativistes : Guy Pelletier . 13 Planck: the largest extragalactic and cosmological survey in the sub- Etude des amas de galaxie par effet SZ millimeter! : G. Lagache, on be- avec Planck : M. Douspis pour la half of the Planck collaboration . 16 collaboration Planck . 14 Construire l’égalité professionnelle en- Review of Herschel HerMES and AT- tre les femmes et les hommes au LAS Results : I. Pérez-Fournon CNRS : Pascale Bukhari . 14 (on behalf of the HerMES and H- ATLAS consortia) . 16 The Virtual Observatory in action : E. Solano . 14 Oral contributions . 16 Poster contributions . 14 The formation of large galactic disks: ECHO : The Exoplanet CHaracteriza- survival or revival? : Hammer . 16 tion Observatory : Beaulieu J.P., Empreintes de l’énergie noire sur la for- Coudé du Forresto V., Ollivier mation des grandes structures : M., ECHO consortium . 14 Vincent Bouillot . 16 1 The Orbital distribution of the satel- Readying ALMA for extragalactic obser- lite galaxies:Cosmological corre- vations : Pere Planesas . 19 lations and Origin : LATIFA The Mass-Size Relation in High Redshift Benjouali, MARIA ANGELES Clusters : Lauriane Delaye, Marc Gómez Flechoso2, and ROSA Huertas-Company, Simona Mei . 19 Doménguez-Tenreiro . 16 The Next Generation CFHT: A Wide- The Effect and Influence of Star For- Field Spectroscopic Facility for mation and Gas Accretion on the the Coming Decade : P. Cote Turbulence in the ISM, on Self- on behalf of the ngCFHT Concept regulation and on the IMF. : Loic Study Team . 19 Le Tiran, Matthew Lehnert . 16 Distinctive rings in the 21-cm signal The Influence of the Environment in of the epoch of reionization : Compact Galaxy Groups : V. Patrick Vonlanthen & Benoît Charmandaris, T. Bitsakis . 17 Semelin . 19 Galaxy & AGN Evolution through Large Redshift Surveys or the Need The DAFT/FADA Survey status and for upgrading VIMOS towards latest results : Guennou L., the NIR : Tresse, Laurence & Adami C., Ulmer M.P., Clowe VIMOS-IR Team . 17 D., Durret F. et al . 19 Non-thermal physics of galaxy clusters : Assessing the masses of black holes in ob- C. Ferrari . 17 scured environments: prospects Tracing a coherent picture of the Cos- for JWST and SPICA : K. mic Star Formation Rate Den- Dasyra, L. Ho, H. Netzer, sity in the past ∼ 12 Gyr with F. Combes, B. Traktenbrot, E. the VVDS Deep and Ultra-Deep Sturm, L. Armus, D. Elbaz . 20 spectroscopic surveys : Cucciati, Querying for heavily obscured AGN Tresse, Ilbert, Le Fevre et al. 17 via high 9.7 micron optical The ALMA capabilities for observing depths:results from the 12- dust settling in protoplanetary micron, GOODS, and FLS disks : Yann Boehler . 17 Spitzer spectroscopic samples. : The Polar Large Telescope, an Infrared K. Dasyra, I. Georgantopoulos, Large Synoptic Survey Telescope E. Rovilos, A. Pope, Y. Wu . 20 : N. Epchtein et le consortium PLT 18 Search and analysis of strong lenses in SC0028-0003 un superamas de galax- large surveys : F. Brault . 20 ies exceptionnel à z ∼ 0.23 pour ’IMAKA: a new powerful survey instru- tester le modèle de collapse grav- ment for CFHT. : Burgarella, itationnel. : Dominique Proust, Cuillandre et al. 20 Gastao Lima-Neto, Laerte Sodré, Mapping local properties and submm Hugo Capelato. 18 excess in nearby galaxies with Properties of LBGs from redshift 4 to Herschel and LABOCA : Maud 6 : Stéphane De BarrosDaniel Galametz, Marcus Albrecht, SchaererDan Stark . 18 Robert Kennicutt, Franck CFHTLS: The Distant Universe : Hervé Bertoldi, Axel Weiss, Bruce Aussel on behalf of the Steering Draine ... 20 Group . 18 Etude des galaxies hôtes des Super- The Next Generation Virgo Cluster Sur- Novae de type Ia dans le projet vey : Mei, Simona; Ferrarese, L. The Nearby SuperNovae Factory & the NGVS team . 18 (SNfactory) : Rigault Mickael . 20 Toward a Universal Formulation of the A new method for the cosmological anal- Halo Mass Function : P.S. ysis of X-ray galaxy cluster sur- Corasaniti, I. Achitouv . 18 veys. : Nicolas Clerc, Marguerite Early-type galaxies: mass-size relation at Pierre et al. 20 z∼1.3 for different environments : A. Raichoor, S. Mei, F. Nakata, Star formation in chemically young Local S. A. Stanford, B. P. Holden, A. Group galaxies : P. Gratier . 21 Rettura, M. Huertas-Company, A new explanation for the Disk of Satel- M. Postman, P. Rosati, J. P. lite : Sylvain Fouquet . 21 Blakeslee, R. Demarco, P. Eisen- Bulge formation patterns in AP3M- hardt, H. Ford, G. Illingworth, M. SPH simulations - questions J. Jee, T. Kodama, M. Tanaka, to be answered by future and R. L. White . 18 extragalactic missions : A. A Bayesian Approach to Gravitational Obreja, R. Domínguez-Tenreiro, Lens Model Selection : Irène M. Doménech-Moral, F. J. Balmès, Pier-Stefano Corasaniti 18 Martínez-Serrano and A. Serna . 21 2 Morphological classification of galaxy A panchromatic study of two pairs of clusters : F. Rostagni, C. Benoist galaxy clusters : Florence Dur- and S. Maurogordato . 22 ret, Tatiana F. Lagana, Markus Clustering of galaxies in the Cosmic Haider, Christophe Adami, Em- Infrared Background : Aurélie manuel Bertin . 24 Pénin, Guilaine Lagache, Olivier The baryon fraction in five galaxy groups Doré . 22 : Nicolas Martinet, Florence Dur- Unveiling the dusty star formation his- ret, Tatiana F. Lagana and Gas- tory of the Universe at z ∼ 2 tao B. Lima Neto . 24 : Laurie Riguccini, Emeric Le Dust-Obscured star formation and the Floc’h, Marc Sauvage . 22 contribution of galaxies escap- Selection, characterization and photo- ing UV/optical selections at z∼2 metric redshift determination for : Laurie Riguccini, Emeric Le QSOs in the ALHAMBRA sur- Floc’h, Olivier Ilbert, Hervé AUs- vey. : Matute, I., Márquez, sel, Mara Salvato, Peter Capak, I., Masegosa, J., del Olmo, Henry McCracken, Jeyhan Kar- A., Perea, J, Husillos, C. + taltepe, Dave Sanders, Nick Scoville 24 ALHMABRA team . 22 The Crab Nebula at high energy: re- Morphological classification of galaxy cent variability and flares : M. clusters : F. Rostagni, C. Benoist Lemoine-Goumard for the Fermi- and S. Maurogordato . 24 LAT collaboration . 22 The universality of galaxy colours and Coincident searches for neutrinos and star formation histories : I. gravitational waves with the Chilingarian, I. Zolotukhin . 24 ANTARES and LIGO/VIRGO Study of physical properties of type Ia detectors : B. Bouhou et al . 22 supernovae and cosmological ap- Results from the first 3 years of opera- plications : comparison between tion of the Supernova Legacy Sur- observations and simulations : vey (SNLS) : Balland, C. and the Flora Cellier-Holzem . 25 SNLS collaboration . 23 On the evolution of the distribution XXL - An overview of the ultimate XMM of baryons in a simulated local extragalactic survey : M. Pierre . 23 group univers : S. Peirani . 25 New diagnostics of Lyman-alpha blobs - implications for massive high- Instrumental calibration of wide field redshift haloes and galaxy forma- imagers. : Francesca Villa tion : Matthew Hayes . 23 (LPNHE) for the SNDice Collab- Poster contributions . 23 oration . 25 Looking for high-redshift galaxies behind SNFactory spectral data : A.Canto, the lensing cluster A2667. : Nico- S.Bongard . 25 las Laporte, Roser Pello, Daniel The ALMA capabilities for observing Schaerer, Johan Richard, Jean- dust settling in protoplanetary Paul Kneib, Frederic Boone . 23 disks : Yann Boehler . 25 A reionization scenario from HII regions merging histories : Jonathan Chardin, Dominique Aubert . 23 3 A02 - Helio et asterosismologie, avancées et perspectives dans le contexte des nou- ”Cinématique du nuage moléculaire en velles missions spatiales et instruments effondrement” : Amaury de Ker- terrestres
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