454 CONG-RESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE: J .ANU.A.RY (), By Mr. RUSSELL: Resolution of Connecticut·Baptist Conven­ DEATff OF SENATOR WILLIAM.' J. SEWELL. tion, praying for the enactment of a law against polygamy-to Mr. KEAN. Mr. President, it is mypainfuiduty to announce• the Committee on. the Judiciary. to the-Senate the d.eath of my colleague, Gen. WILLIAM .r. SEWELL. Also, papers to accompany Honse bill granting an honorable He died at his home, in Camden, on December 27, at 9· o'clock discharge to Jerome A. Wilcox-to the Committee on Military ana 30 minutes in the morning. Affairs. On some other day I shall ask that the business of the Senate be· By Mr. SH.AFROTH: Petitions of citizens of the Second Con­ laid aside that appropriate tribute may be paid to his memory. L gressional district of Colorado, asking for an antipolygamy amend­ offer the following· resolutiops, for which I ask present consider­ ment to the national Constitution-to the Committee ·on the ation. Judiciary. · The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from New Jersey.· Also, petition of Union No. 14, American Federation of Labor, offers the resolutions which he sends to the desk, and asks· for Denver, Colo., in regard to employees in navy-yards, and for the their present consideration. The resolutions will be read. enforcement of the eight-hour law-to the Committee on Naval The Secretary read the resolutions, as follows: Affairs. Resolved, That the Senate has heard witlLdeep regret and profound sorrow By Mr. SHERMAN: Resolution of J. H. Warren Post, Verona, of the death of the Hon. WILLTAM J. SEWELL, late a Senator from the State N. Y., Grand AI.my of the Republic, asking that some of the new of New Jersey. ·· Resolved, That the Secretary communicate a- copy at these resolutions to war ships shall be constructed in the navy-yards of our country­ the House of Representatives. to the Committee on Naval Affairs. By Mr. WM. ALDEN SMITR: Resolution of the Board of The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Will the Senate agree to the Trade of Grand Rapids, .Mich. for the suppression of anarchy­ resolutions? to the Committee on the Judiciary. The resolutions were unanimously agreed to·. By Mr. SOUTHARD: Resolution of F. A. Snyder· Post, Grand Mr. KEAN. Mr. President, I also offer the following resolu- Army of the Republic, of Cygnet, Ohio, and citizens of Toledo, tion. Ohio, favoring the construction of war vesseLs in tlie United The PRESIDENT pro tempore. There olution will be read. State navy-yards-to the Committee on Naval Affairs. The Secretary read the resolution, as follows: Reso lved That as a further mark of respact to the memory of the deceased By 1\fr·. STEWART of New York: Resolution. of Typographical the Senate do now adjourn. Union of Oneonta, N. Y. , favoring the constrnction of naval The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Will the Senate agree to the vessels at Government navy-yards-to the Committee on Naval resolution? Affairs. The resolution was unanimously agreed to; and (at 12 o'clock By Mr. WANGER: Resolutions of Jenkintown Council, No. and 8 minutes p. m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow; Tues­ 504, Junior Orde1· United American Mechanics, faVOI.'ing there­ day, January 7, 1902, at 12 o clock meridian. enactment of the Chinese-exclusion act-to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. By Mr. WILLIAMS of illinois: Paper to accom~any Honse HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. bill granting a pension to Margaret Mitchell-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. l\101--<"DAY, January 6, 1902. Also, paper to accompany House- bilLfor the relief of Napoleon The Honse met at 12 o'clock m. B. Greathouse-to the Committee on Invalid: Pensions. The Chaplain, Rev. HID..'RY N. CouD:&~, D. D., offered the fol­ By Mr. WILLIAMSofMississippi: PaperstoaccompanyHonse lowing prayer~ bill for tlie relief ofEdmundKenne-dy-totheCommittee on War We come to Thee, Almighty God, our heavenly Father, because­ Claims. we believe in Thee as a faithful friend, a wise counselor; and a.. By Mr. WOODS: Petitions of E. T. Reynolds and other citizens tr-ustworthy guide, and becaUBe we know that in our weakness of Chico, Cal., for· antipolygamy le-gislation-to the Committee we ne-ed Thy cormsel and Thy guiding hand in all the affairs of on the Judiciary. life. We bless Thee for the season that"has just past, with its By Mr. YOUNG: Resolutions of various labor orders of Phila-­ hallowe-d associations and its far-reaching lessons, the home gath­ delphia, Pa., favoring the reenactment of the Chinese-exclusion erings, theil: ~leasnres and j.oys; and we thank Thee that Thou act and certain other measures-to the Committee on Foreign hascbrought . us together again in. health and strength. And, that Affairs. the great problems that shall come before this Honse may be ably Also, petition of Grocers and Importers' Exchange of Philadel­ and efficiently dis~osed of, give to these, Thy: servants, clear phia, Pa., for amendment to the-- bankrnl!tcY law-to the Com­ minds, high. resolves. and lofty endeavors that they may prove mittee on the Judiciary. themselves worthy of the confidence- reposed in them by a great Also, petition of Mississi;pp~ a;lli _Ohio Ri"~'er. ;pilots' Society, for people whom they represent~ Since we last met death has entered the improvement of the MisslSSlppl and Ohio nvers-to the Com­ into the Congre sional family and taken from it a wise and faithful mittee on Rivers and Harbors. statesman, who e character has_ left its impress upon those who By Jtfr. ZENOR: Papers to accompany Ho~se bill No. 3_024, for knew him and upon the nation he seL-ved. Comfo~-t, we beseech the relief of Thoma-s V. Strau-to the Committee on PensiOns·. Thee, the stricken family and bereaveli friends with the b:Wssed hope of immortality, and Thine shall be the praise through J'esns Christ our Lord. Amen. SEN.ATE. The Jomnal of the1Jroceedings of December 19, 1901, was read and a:pproved. MONDAY, January 6, 1902: SWEAB.mG ~OF MEMBERS. 1\Ir. Weeks, a Representative-elect from the State of Michigan, The Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D., offered the follow- and 1\fr. Smith, a Representative-elect from the State of Iowa; ing prayer: . appeared at the bar of the House and were duly qualified by taking 0 Thou with whom are the 1ssues of life and death, we are ill the oath requiTed by law. Thy prese~ce bowed, humble and reverent, as we remember that a chair upon this floor is vacant and that a:n honored member has PERSO:NAL REQUESTS FROM' MEMBERS. passed from among us. Let Thy compassiOn be the succor and By unanimous consent, the following personal requests from stay of the wife and children who are bereaved and of the gre~t members were granted: circle of friends by whom he was loved and whom he loved ill To Mr. GRIGGS, leave of absence indefinitely, on account of retui1n. illness in the family. Nor would we forget, a-s we come to Thee, Thine hon?re~ a~d To Mr. CRUMPACKER, leave of absence for two days, on account beloved servant the junior Senator from Arkansa-s. Mailltam his of illness in the family. fortitude and flhw of cheerful spirits. Bless the means used for LEAVE TO WITHDRAW PAPERS FROM T~ FILES. the relief of his bodily suffering., Grant to return him to such By unanimous consent, Mr. BISHOP was given leave to with-' health and strength as h~ ~ually J?Ossesses, and SJ?eedily bring draw from the files of the Honse, without leaving copies, papers him back with Thy benediction to his pla<!e upon this floor. in. the case of Clara B. Pyle, Fifty-sixth Congress, no adverse These and all other mercies we humbly ask, in the name of report having been made thereon. Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen. CHANGE OF REFERENCE. JoHN P. JoNES, a Senator from the State ofNevada,and Tno~ M. pATTERSON, a Senator from the State of Colorado, appeared m By unanimous consent, the following changes of reference were their seats to-day. made: . The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Secretary will read the Document No. 151, letter from the Secretary of War transmit­ Jom1nal of the last legislative day. ting a supplemental report as to claim for private property-taken The Journal of the proce-edings of Thursday, December 19, 1901, for military P1111?0ses_ in the war. with Spain-from the Commit­ was read and approved. tee on Appropnations to the Committee on War Claims. ' 1902'. CONGRESSION.AL. RECORD-HOUSK _ 455~ Document No. 127, a letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, an estimate of deficiency appropriation for Eastern Branch of Sol­ transmitting a copy of a communication from the Postmaster­ diers' Home, at Togns., :Me.-to the Committee on. Appropria-­ General submitting an additional estimate of appropriation for tions, and ordered to be printed. · his Department-from the Committee on the Post-Office and Post­ A letter from the Acting Secretary of the TreaStrry; transmit-· Roads to the Committee-on Appropriations. ting a copy of a communication from the Chief of Bureau of Sta­ Hou e resolutions Nos. 57, 60, and 61-from the Committee on. tistic.s submitting an estimate of appropriation for ren.tal of a Faval Affairs to the Committee-on Rules. tabulating machine-to the Committee on AJlpropriations, and· ordered to be printed. DEATH OF SE.....•UTOR SEWELL, OF NEW JERSEY. A lett-er from the Acting Se-cretary of the Treasury~ transmit-. Mr.
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