January 7, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H27 watch in several States the tragedy of S. 23. An act to provide for a 5-month ex- tigated one Republican President and I, lost children by the children’s protec- tension of the Temporary Extended Unem- early in my career, investigated an- tive services. ployment Compensation Act of 2002 and for a other Democratic President. Later, he I have already filed a bill dealing transition period for individuals receiving served on the Committee on Foreign compensation when the program under such with infant abandonment in hospitals, Act ends. Affairs, and it was his service there and also the question of hospitals at- that led to his lifelong concern for the S. RES. 1 tending to the information or trying to people of the Middle East and to his ef- find family members of abandoned chil- Resolved, That a committee consisting of forts to mediate their conflicts. He cre- two Senators be appointed to join such com- ated the Center for Middle East Peace dren that may be left, or newborn ba- mittee as may be appointed by the House of bies that may be left in hospitals. We Representatives to wait upon the President and Economic Cooperation to assist in will be looking to file a bill dealing of the United States and inform him that a that effort. with and addressing the question of quorum of each House is assembled and that At the funeral service held for Wayne children’s protective services across the Congress is ready to receive any commu- Owens, Gordon B. Hinckley, president the Nation. nications he may be pleased to make. of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Let me first of all say that there are S. RES. 2 Day Saints, said of him: ‘‘Any man who many who do good work as part of the Resolved, That the Secretary inform the is engaged in the cause of peace is en- system of protecting our children in House of Representatives that a quorum of gaged in the cause of Christ. By that States across the Nation. Let me ap- the Senate is assembled and that the Senate measure, Wayne was a true Christian.’’ plaud those individuals. Particularly, I is ready to proceed to business. The world is poorer for his passing. I would like to cite the Harris County S. RES. 5 join my colleagues in extending to his Children’s Protective Services that had Resolved, That the House of Representa- wife, Marlene, and his children and worked with me so valiantly on the tives be notified of the election of Ted Ste- grandchildren our deepest sympathy issue of baby abandonment and other vens, a Senator from the State of Alaska, as for his loss, and our profound respect child protection issues. President pro tempore. for their husband, father, and grand- But when there is fault and error, S. RES. 9 father. We will miss him. when there is a circumstance such as Resolved, That the House of Representa- GENERAL LEAVE that that generated the loss of life of a tives be notified of the election of the Honor- Mr. CANNON. Mr. Speaker, I ask 7-year-old boy in New Jersey, and the able Emily J. Reynolds of Tennessee as Sec- unanimous consent that Members have starvation of two very young children, retary of the Senate. 5 days to submit tributes to their we need to address the question of ac- f former colleague. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there countability by our children’s protec- TRIBUTE TO THE HONORABLE tive services across the Nation. objection to the request of the gen- WAYNE OWENS, FORMER MEM- tleman from Utah? So I will be filing legislation to re- BER OF CONGRESS FROM UTAH quire an accounting of the children There was no objection. Mr. CANNON. Mr. Speaker, I yield to that are under their jurisdiction, an The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. the gentleman from New York (Mr. annual reporting, and a knowledge of LAHOOD). Under the Speaker’s an- nounced policy of January 7, 2003, the HINCHEY). whose possession those children are in. Mr. HINCHEY. Mr. Speaker, I thank Our children are our most precious re- gentleman from Utah (Mr. CANNON) is recognized for 60 minutes as the des- the gentleman for yielding to me, and source, and therefore we need to in- thank him for providing me an oppor- clude legislation to protect them at ignee of the majority leader. Mr. CANNON. Mr. Speaker, as dean tunity to express my deep affection and every opportunity that we have. respect for Wayne Owens and his mem- Mr. Speaker, I will also be filing two of the Utah delegation, it is my sad duty to announce to the House the ory. private bills, and have filed them, one I can say that we were very good passing of the Honorable Wayne Owens, dealing with Gao Zhan, an outstanding friends, even though our tenure here in a former Member of this body and a academic from China, who still at this the House of Representatives did not good friend to many of us. point has not received her citizenship. coincide. He was leaving for the second She was held against her will in China Wayne died unexpectedly just before time, actually, as I was coming in in just a few months ago. We are de- Christmas of a massive heart attack 1993; but we were associated by virtue lighted that she is released, and her while walking on the beach in Tel of the fact that we were interested in husband and son are citizens; and I Aviv, Israel, at the conclusion of a similar issues. Two of those issues hope we will consider her plight. peace-seeking trip to several countries most principally were the protection Let me also say, Mr. Speaker, that I in the Middle East. He was only 65 and preservation of open space in the am filing a private bill on behalf of the years old. State of Utah and peace in the Middle Kesbeh family, who have been in this That Wayne Owens would be involved East. country for almost 12 years and have in that kind of activity as his life It was because of the initiative of made every effort to become citizens, ended is no surprise to those of us who Wayne Owens that I became the spon- and in fact have a 9-year-old daughter. knew him. He spent a significant part sor of a very significant piece of legis- We hope that under the laws of this of his life trying to bring about accom- lation here in the House of Representa- land their case can be considered and modation of the interests and passions tives which would set aside a vast that we will treat them fairly under plaguing that part of the world. amount of publicly owned land in the our laws. Wayne Owens served in this House State of Utah to be incorporated with- Mr. Speaker, I believe we are here to from 1973 to 1975 and again from 1987 to in that property owned by the Federal work, and I hope that my colleagues 1993, representing the people of the Government which is declared wilder- will join me in supporting the legisla- Second District of Utah. His political ness; in other words, affording it the tive initiative that I have put forward career inspired a generation of young highest level of protection for today and, as well, that we will find com- people with his political idealism. He and for future generations. promise and opportunity to work with was a Democrat and he and I differed Future generations is what Wayne those who are unemployed and to pro- on many policy issues, but we never Owens often had in mind, whether he vide an outstanding economic stimulus disagreed on the need for the involve- was working on environmental issues package. ment of the electorate, and especially or working with young people in his f young people, in the art and science of own State of Utah or elsewhere. He was making law. In fact, I might say that also, as we all know, dedicated to the MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE while we disagreed on almost every idea of bringing about peace in the A message from the Senate by Mr. issue, he was never, and I hope I also Middle East between Israelis and Pal- Monahan, one of its clerks, announced was never, disagreeable. estinians and others in that part of the that the Senate has passed bills of the In the House, Wayne served on the world. following titles in which the concur- Committee on the Judiciary, and we He first developed this intense inter- rence of the House is requested: had parallel careers in that he inves- est as a result of his missionary work VerDate Dec 13 2002 03:59 Jan 08, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K07JA7.054 H07PT1 H28 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 7, 2003 for the Mormon Church. He was, of Mr. CANNON. Mr. Speaker, I first thinks of you like a brother, an older course, a devout Mormon, and had, as would like to thank the gentleman brother, a very dear person and we will all Mormons do, performed significant from New York (Mr. HINCHEY) for his all miss you very, very much. missionary work on behalf of the Mor- comments. He and I worked closely to- Mr. CANNON. Madam Speaker, I mon Church.
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