Working together to meet the challenge April 20, 2021 The annual EMSB Parent Volunteer Appreciation Evening took place virtually this year during National Volunteer Week, which ran from April 18 to 24, under the theme of “Working Together: Meeting the Challenge.” You can click and access the program at on YouTube. Ambassador of The Year: Jamie Orchard With Jamie as anchor, The Global Evening News was named Best Newscast Ambassador of The Year in Eastern Canada by the Radio/Television News Directors Association in 2007 and earned the award for best breaking news coverage in 2006. In 2004, she Jamie Orchard is this year’s Ambassador of the Year. She recently concluded was named one of city’s most remarkable women by the Board of Trade of a distinguished 23 year career with Global TV, where she served as senior Montreal and was a finalist for the YWCA Women of Distinction in 2007. An anchor and news editor for the evening news. She previously covered the active volunteer, in 2008 she won the Izzy Asper Community Service Award news in Montreal for CTV and CBC. Recently she launched The Second for her work with the Action Centre, an organization that provides help for Act Project (SAP), a blog that offers a safe space filled with inspiring physically and mentally challenged Montrealers. stories of courage, compassion and kindness. You can see it at www. thesecondactproject.ca Since the inception of the EMSB’s Volunteer Appreciation Evening, Jamie has been a regular co-emcee. “Jamie also had a strong presence at our schools, not only as the parent of two students, but in front of the camera,” commented EMSB Chair Joe Ortona. “We thank her for all of the contributions she has made to us over the years.” Volunteer of Distinction Recognizing Volunteers The Volunteer of Distinction for this year is Mary Nitti from Pierre Elliott This year’s Virtual event included recognition of all volunteers, notably those Trudeau Elementary School in Rosemount, who for the past 21 years continues with five years of service or more. There were formal presentations for Jamie to volunteer her time, energy and creative talents to enhance the school. Orchard, Mary Nitti, remarks by Mr. Ortona, Interim Director General Pela Mary, is a loyal, devoted and hard working woman. She is the heart of the Nickoletopoulos, Parents Committee Chair Caleigh Saucier and Mikael Alam school. Over the years, Mary has helped students, parents, and staff members. from La Capitale and some student musical performances from the students at FACE School. The Roles of a Parent Volunteer in Pandemic Times The COVID-19 pandemic has naturally curtailed the traditional volunteer activities at schools. Instead of lunch buffets served by parents for teachers and staff during Teacher Appreciation Week, it was lovingly assembled individually boxed lunches, or gifts and cards delivered to the school. Rather than convening in the staff lunchroom for monthly Home and School meetings, it has been sitting at the kitchen table after dinner to meet via videoconferencing. What stands out in the parent volunteer community this pandemic year is the heartfelt will to continue to help out and stay connected with their children’s schools. Principal of Leonardo Da Vinci Academy elementary school in Rivière-des-Prairies, Nadia Sammarco, says it’s really a matter of thinking outside the box. For example, the festive and popular “Breakfast with Santa,” where some 25 parents would normally be on hand to serve breakfast to large groups of children, was adapted so that individually boxed breakfasts could be brought to classrooms, while music played on a cart wheeled down the hallway. And there was even Santa, who made a surprise appearance in each classroom doorway.” Please stay tuned to our website and the next edition of the EMSB Express for Kristin McNeill’s comprehensive look at volunteerism during the pandemic and a comprehensive recap of our Virtual event. Volunteers 1-4 years Abelardo, Lysanne Beaulieu, Mario Accardi, Francesca Bedkowska, Anna Alalouf, Carole Bedkowska, Barbara Alessandrini, Marco Bellon, Liana Alexis, Melissa Belo, Melinda Allooh, Waleed Benabou, Jessica Alogbo, Simone Benbaruk, Sabine Alsmadi, Zainab Berghout, Choukri Amoroso, Francesco Bermack, Jordanna Amoruso, Nadia Bernstein, Ashly Andersen, Brian Christopher Bérubé, Tanya Andersen, Maja Rovsing Bibi, Josephine Antenucci, Marisa Bikas, Kyriaki Antippa, Sophie Biunno, Carmela Antonio, Silvie Blaine, Patrick Araujo, Sandra Blais, Debra Our Argyriou, Maria Blaise, Edwige Asencio, Monica Blake, Candace Attiana, Kimia Blake, Caminee Augello, Charlotte Blanchette, Annie Volunteers Au-Pichette, Catherine Boghen, Jennifer Avino, Amanda Bongiorno, Josie Aylward, Alison Boriak, Oxana Baccari, Mary Borrelli, Marisa Bachellerie, Flore Bouayad Agha, Youcef Bachmann, Rachel Boudreau, Dominique Bachmann, Rachel Bourgeois, Myriam Bailo, Linda Bozzo, Tania Baker, Kristie Brook, Katie Ballan, Alicia Brook, Tara Banks, Jennifer Brook, Shawna Barasso, Antonella Brownrigg, Maimouna Barberio, Nadia Bufo, Flora Barone, Valerie Burke, Pamela Barter, Renee Buscio, Domenico Bastounis, Dina Byer, Joy Batchoun, Melissa Cabral, Nelson Batista, Sandra Callender, Sharone Batstone, Kelly Camard, Sophie Battista, Melinda Cambridge, Debbie Battista, Lina Campeau, Sandrine Battista, Carmela Cancilla, Luciana Volunteers 1-4 years Volunteers 1-4 years Cannavino, Nadia Colalillo, Gina Debrecen, Jennifer Doubt, Jessica Cantini, Nancy Condo, Tania Decobellis, Tania Dres, Niki Canzano, Ellie Condoroussis, Catherine Del Balso, Patrizia Drivakos, Maria Carbone, Clotilde Contarini, Fillippa D’Elia (Sheikh), Sophia Dudley, Jo-Anne Carchedi, Carmy Corbeil, Jesse Denommé, Pascale Dufour, Anique Cardillo, Franca Corbi, Stefania Desai, Ushma Dumais, Sandra Cardinale, Sonia Costa, Jimmy Desbiens-Leighton, Alexandra Dumont, Stephane Carestia, Angelina Costanzo, Gina Desforges, Myriam Dussault, Alain Carioti, Connie Côté, Réjean Desforges, Katherine Dykes, Sabrina Carosello, Nadia Courcelles, Melanie Di Fruscia, Linda Elharrar, Vanessa Carreiro, Jennipher Craig, Nadia Di Giacomo, Domenico Engel, Jody Cartier, Phillippe Crecco, Alessandra Di Giacomo, Brigitte Epstein, Wendy Cartier, Candice Cribari, Ivana Di Giosia, Anna Ermes, Sarah Cartillone, Melania Crisci, Marysa Di Lena, Sonia Falcone, Marilena Caruso, David Cristiano, Rosie Di Manno, Marco Fanelli, Grace Catalano, Giovanna Croll, Alistar Di Martino, Maria Lisa Farace, Marge Catalano, Meg Cruz, Kembly Di Mauro, Lucia Farella (Furfaro), Rachela Caternicchia, Enza Cucuzzella, Linda Di Michele, Mike Farella (Vaccaro), Franca Ceccarelli, Antoinetta Cullen, Mieke Di Molfetta, Nadia Farrella, Imma Cercillo, Lissethy Curie, Lisa Di Nezza (Matteo), Sophia Fascia, Carolyn Cerroni, Gianni Currie, Sophie Di Nolfo, Anna Fata, Brunella Cestra, Jennifer Da Costa, Lory Di Nolfo, Natalie Fava, Nadine Chan, Stanley Da Costa, Sandie Di Pasquale-Farina, Pino Ferguson, Tanya Chan, Christopher Da Costa, Shahida Di Perna, Karen Ferland, Guillaume Charest, Isabelle Dachille, Mariella Di Pietro, Lidia Ferraesi, Sabrina Cherella, Daniella Dagostino, Diana Di Salvo, Ada Ferrara, Vivian Chiarappa, Tania Dancause, Ann-Marie Di Stefano, Diego Ferraro, Lori Chiazzese, Gianni Daoud, Lama Wasim Di Tiello, Marina Fiaschetti, Richard Chiazzesse, Angela D’Arienzo, Laura Di Vaccaro, Alexandra Fiengo, Sabrina Chinappi, Arlette De Block, Helene Di Vicenzi, Sarah Flocari, Lois Choy, Bonny De Bortoli, Patrick Dias-Forget, Terry Fong, Julie Christos, Rafaella De Ciccio, Sabrina Diaz-Almendariz, Jessica Forget, Louise Ciabattoni, Giovanna De Fazio, Carla Dillon, Kieran Forgione, Cassandre Ciampini, Melanie De Guzman, Sherlyn Dionne-Boutin, Melissa Ann Frade, Rosemary Ciarlo, Johnny de koos, Andras Discenza, Maria Teresa Fragapane, Mirella Ciccarelli, Stephanie De Luca, Vanessa Dizazzo, Lea Franco, Guiseppe Cilla, Barbara De Luca, Alex Doctor, Heidi Fratangelo, Melissa Civitillo, Antonietta De Melo, Nancy Doherty, Nancy Fratino, Anna Daria Clarizio, Sabrina De Palma, Nicola D’Onofrio, Cynthia Fuoco, Sonia Clinunak, Carmen De Sousa, Ana Paula Dorfman, Allison Furiani, Suzie Coffey, Theresa De Stefano, Teresa Dorschel, Winona Furlong, Jennifer Colafabio, Sabrina De Stefano, Pina Dos Santos, Robert Gabbay, Vardit Volunteers 1-4 years Volunteers 1-4 years Gabriele, Sandra Holgate, Emily Lagace Dawson, Anne Macri, Natalie Galerio, Miranda Honiges, Lisa-Marie Lai, Beverly Magill, Steve Gallo, Sabrina Horak, Jana Laliberte, Danielle Maizza, Franca Garcon, Celine Hussain, Ayesha Lallouz, Melanie Manstavich, John Garofalo, Verena Iacono, Giuseppina Lancelotta, Giovanna Marateo, Frank Gatien, Jennifer Iafrancesko, Cristina Lane, Dawn Marci, Karina Gaudio, Nadia Iaizzo, Deanna Lapolla, Nadia Marciante, Meryl Gauris, Julie Iannantuono, Nancy Lariviere, Erin Marco, Debbie Gavita, Laura Ianniciello, Adelina Larocci, Melanie Marovitch, Maureen Gendron, Lyne Iavenditti, Lina LaRocque, Néomie Martin, Christina Germile, Lisa Ierra, Angelo Lauro, Lisa Martinek, Lenka Gervasi, Emily Infantino, Meri Lazar, Suzie Martino, Josie Gesualdi, Maria Ishmael, Jerry Le Moyenne, Kristen Martins, Christina Ghandi, Unmesh Iulianella (Ciambrone), Ivana Leckner, Mitchell Mascola, Angelica Ghayourmanesh, Shaheen Jean, Jamillah Lee, Hyunyoung Masrani, Hala Giambona, Maria Christina Jensen, Glen Lee, Vivian Masse, Bianca Glazer, Alyssa Jiwan, Zenith Lee, Suzanne Massimo, Sabrina Gloria, Jacklyn Jodoin, Annie Lefebvre, Jasmine Mastromateo, Enza Gnahore, Oliver Joo, Hannah Lemaire, Géraldine Materassi,
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