Books Available in the Azrieli Institute of Israel Studies Reading Room (updated on November 23, 2017) Abramov, S. Zalman, Perpetual Dilemma: Jewish Religion in the Jewish State Abrams, Judy & Felsenburg Marx, Eva, Retenue Par Un Fil / Une Question de Chance Abrams, Judy, & Felsenburg-Marx, Eva, Retenue par un fil; Une question de chance Abrams, Judy, & Felsenburg-Marx, Eva, Tenuous Threads; One of the Lucky Ones Abuelaish, Dr. Izzeldin, I Shall Bot Hate, a Gaza Doctor's Journey AbuKhalil, As'ad, Bin Laden, Islam & America's New "War on Terrorism" Achcar, Gilbert & Warchawski, Gilbert, guerre des 33 jours - La guerre d'Israel contre le Hezbollah au Liban et ses consequences Adler, Amek, Six Lost Years Afek, Yishai, Israeli Humor and Satire Agassi, Yossi, Agassi, Yehudit, & Barnes, Moshe, Who is an Israeli (Hebrew) Aharoni, Sara & Meir, Israel - Economy & Society 60 years Aharoni, Yochanan, Way and Sites (Hebrew) Ailon, Galit, Global Ambitions and Local Identities, an Israeli-American High Tech Merger Albion-Dror, Rachel, Tomorrow of Yesterday (Hebrew) Albright, William Foxwell, Archaeology and the Religion of Israel Aleichem, Shalom, My Life (Hebrew) Al-Haj, Majid & Mielke, Rosemarie, Cultural diversity and the empowerment of minorities Allegro, John M., Chosen People - a Contraversial History of the Jews Allon, Yigal, My Father's House Allon, Yigal, Shield of David, the Story of Israel's Armed Forces Almog, Shmuel, & Reinharz, Jehuda & Shapira, Anita, Zionism and Religion Alon, Azaria, Natural History of the Land of the Bible Alon, Ktsia & Keshet, Shula, Breaking Walls (in Hebrew) Alon, Yigal, War and Victory about the Six day war (Hebrew) Alona, Shlomit, Cannot do otherwise (Hebrew) Alpert, Carl, Israel Alpert, Fran, Holocaust, Israel - Jerusalem Alter, Robert, Modern Hebrew Literature Amar, Yossi, Vision of the Negev (Hebrew) Amichai, Yehuda, Poems Amichai, Yehuda, Travels Amiti, Yossi, Egypt and Israel - a view from the left (Hebrew) Amit-Kohn, Uzi, Jarach, Renato, Glick, Caroline, & Biton, Nissim, Israel, the ``Intifada`` and the Rule of Law Amster, Joel, Israel in Three Dimensions - a Photographic Album of Israel's Landscapes in Three Dimensions Anati, Emmanuel, Palestine Before the Hebrews Anctil, Pierre & Robinson, Ira, Communautés juives de Montreal Anderson, Scott, Lawrence of Arabia - War, Deceit, Imperial Folly and the Making of the Modern Middle East Angel, Marc D., Rabbi Haim David Halevy Angell, Roger, Nothing but You Antonovsky, Aaron & Arian, Alan, Hopes and Fears of Isralis Arel, Chiled & Keenan, Irit, Identity, Narrative and Multiculturalism (Hebrew) Arendt, Hannah, Eichmann in Jerusalem, a report on the Banality of Evil Arkel, d. Van, Antisemitism in Austria Armstrong, Karen, History of God Armstrong, Karen, Islam, a Short History Armstrong, Karen, Jerusalem - One City, Three Faiths Arnold, Abraham J., Judaism - Myth, legend, history and custom - From the Religious to the Secular Aronoff, Myron & Kubik, Jan, Anthropology & Political Science Aronoff, Yael, Political Psychology of Israeli Prime Ministers Aronoff, Yael S., The Political Psychology of Israeli Prime Ministers: When Hard-Liners Opt for Peace Aronson, Shlomo, Making Peace with the Land: Designing Israel's Landscape Associated Press, Lightning Out of Israel, The Arab-Israeli Cnoflict Attal, Sylvain, La Plaie - Enquete sur le nouvel antisemitisme Attali, Jacques, Boniface, Pascal & Israel, Gerard, Israel, les juifs, l'antisemitisme Aubin, Henry T., Rescue of Jerusalem Auron, Yair, Israeli Identities - Jews and Arabs Facing the Self and Other Austryn Wolfson, Harry, Philosophy of Spinoza - Unfolding the Latent Processes of His Reasoning- Volume II Ausubel, Nathan, Treasury of Jewish Folklore Aviad, Janet, Return to Judaism Avineri, Shlomo, Herzl and the Foundation of the Jewish State Avishai, Bernard, Tragedy of Zionism, Revolution and Democracy in the Land of Israel Avi-Yonah, Dr. Michael, Jerusalem Avi-Yonah, Dr. Michael, Jerusalem Avner, Yehuda & Rees, Matt, The Amassador Avnery, Uri, 1948 - A Soldier's Tale: The Bloody Road to Jerusalem Avriel, Ehud, Open the Gates! Azaryahu, Maoz & Troen, S. Ilan, Tel-Aviv The First Century, Visions, Designs, Actualities Azaryahu, Maoz & Troen, S. Ilan, Tel-Aviv The First Century, Visions, Designs, Actualities Azrieli, Danna J., One Step Ahead, David J. Azrieli, Memoirs: 1939-1950 Azrieli, David J., Rekindling the Torch, the Story of Canadian Zionism Baedeker, Karl, Baederkers Jerusalem and surroundings 1876 Baer, Yitzhak F., Galut Bahat, Dan, Jerusalem Stone and Wind (Hebrew) Baker, Roger, Splenour of Israel Baldensperger, Philip, Immovable East (Hebrew) Balfour, Ella, Spirituality Leadership In Israel (Hebrew) Bar Zvi, Mickael and more, Le Sionism Face a ses detracteurs Bar-Am, Micha, Israel, a Photobiography the First Fifty Years Bar-Am, Micha & Alon, Azaria, Across Sinai Barbavi, Eli, Historical Atlas of the Jewish People Bard, Mitchell, Myths & Facts, a Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict Bareli, Avi, Authority and Participation in a New Democracy: Political Struggles in Mapai, Israel's Ruling Party, 1948-1953 Barkai, Haim & Liviatan, Nissan, The Monetary History of Israel: The Bank of Israel - Volume 1 Barkai, Haim & Liviatan, Nissan, The Monetary History of Israel: The Bank of Israel - Volume 2 Barness, Chaya, Gallows (Hebrew) Bartov, Dado (Hebrew) Bar-Zohar, Michael, Armed Prophet, a biography of Ben Gurion Bar-Zohar, Michael, Ben-Gurion: A Biography - A (Hebrew) Bar-Zohar, Michael, Ben-Gurion: A Biography - B (Hebrew) Bar-Zohar, Michael, Ben-Gurion: A Biography - C (Hebrew) Bar-Zohar, Michael, Lionhearts, Heroes of Israel Bar-Zohar, Michael, Spies in the Promised Land Bar-Zohar, Michael & Michal, Nissim, Dare Fighters (Hebrew) Bar-Zohar, Michael & Mishal, Nissim, Mossad: Greatest Missions of the Israeli Secret Service Bar-Zohar, Michel, Spies in the Promised Land Bass, Warren, Support Any Friend: Kennedy's Middle East & the Making of the US-Israel Alliance Bastin, John, Emergence of Modern Southeast Asia: 1511-1957 Bauer, Julien, Sept Années à Jérusalem Bauer, Julien, Sept Années à Jérusalem Bauer, Yehuda, Jewish Emergence from Powelessness Baum, Claire, Hidden Package Beatty, Aidan, Masculinity and Power in Irish Nationalism, 1884-1938 Be'er, Haim, Feathers Begin, Menachem, Revolt, The Dramatic Inside Story of the Irgun Bein, Alex, Theodor Herzl, A Biography Bein, Alex, Theodor Herzl, A Biography of the Founder of Modern Zionism Beker, Bronia & Joseph, Joy Runs Deeper Bell, Gertrude, Woman in Arabia, the Writings of the Queen of the Desert Bell, Gertrude, Woman in Arabia, the Writings of the Queen of the Desert Belloni, Stefania, Petra, the Pink City of the Desert Bellow, Saul, To Jerusalem and Back Bellow, Saul, To Jerusalem and Back Beloni, Stefania, jerusal Ben Artzi-Pelossof, Noa, In the Name of Sorrow and Hope Ben Cramer, Richard, How Israel Lost, the Four Questions Ben Elissar, Eliahu & Schiff, Zeev, La Guerre Israelo-Arabe, le premier livre Israelien sur les evenements de juin 67 Ben Ezer, Ehud, Unease in Zion Ben Gurion, David, Rebirth and Destiny of Israel Ben Yosef, Sapi, Little Big Country (Hebrew) Ben-Ari, Nitsa, Suppression of the Erotic in Modern Hebrew Literature Ben-David, Dan, State of the Nation Report - Society, Economy and Policy in Israel - 2010 Ben-David, Laura, Moving Up: An Aliyah Journal Bender, Abby, Israelites in Erin: Exodus, Revolution & the Irish Revival Bender, Abby, Israelites in Erin: Exodus, Revolution & the Irish Revival Bender, Abby, Israelites in Erin: Exodus, Revolution & the Irish Revival Bendov, Meir, The Kotel (Hebrew) Bendov, Meir, The Kotel (Hebrew) Ben-Dov, Meir, Naor, Mordechai & Aner, Zeev, Western Wall Ben-Gurion, David, Hebrew Worker and the Hisdatrut (Hebrew) Ben-Gurion, David, Israel, a Personal History Ben-Gurion, David, Jews in their Land Ben-Gurion, David, Uniqueness & Destiny - On the security of Israel (Hebrew) Benjamin, Rabbi & Barash, Asher, Selected writing of Herzl (Hebrew) Ben-Menashe, Ari, Profits of War, Inside the Secret US - Israeli Arms Networks Bennett, Ramon, Philistine: The Great Deception Ben-Tzvi, Isaac, Israel and the Settlement (Hebrew) Benvenisti, Meron, Son of Cypresses: Memories, Reflections and Regrets from a Political Life Ben-Zvi, Yad, Jerusalem: a Walk Through Time Bergman, R. Ya'akov Moshe, Question of Redemption Bergman, Ronen, Point of no return (Hebrew) Berkman, Ted, Cast a Giant Shadow Berman, Colette & Miller, Yosef, Beautiful People of the Book - A Tribute to Ethiopian Jews in Israel Bertinetti, Marcello & De Fabianis, Carlo, Jerusalem Bertinetti, Marcello & De Fabians, Carlo, Jerusalem Best, Geoffrey, Churchill and War (Hebrew) Bickerton, Ian J., Concise History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict Bickerton, Ian J., Concise History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict (incl Post 9-11) Bill, James A. & Springborg, Robert, Polotics Middle East Bin Sultan, HRH General Khaled, Desert Warrior, a Personal View of the Gulf War by the Joint Forces Commander Bird, Kai, Good spy, the Life and Death of Robert Ames Birenbaum-Carmeli, Daphna & Carmeli, Yoram S., Kin, Gene Community - Reproductive Technologies among Jewish Israelis Birkland, Carol J., Unified in Hope, Arab and Jews Talk about Peace Black, Ian & Morris, Benny, Israel's Secret Wars Bloch, Dan, Tous les Chemins Menent au Kotel (French) Boertien, Maas, Israel's Declaration of Independence Boger, Jan, To live in the Fire… The Photographic journal of an Israeli Soldier Bondy, Ruth, Israel. Face of a People. Bornstein, Max, Citoyen de nulle part Bornstein, Max, If Home is not
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