■' <■ -'V «jMiiii|ljijM • <* -■ % . ^.. , / \ TUESDAY, ^EPTOIBER !,-»W Avtnftsgs DUIyDuty PNet Prtse Run f ABE FOURTpa* \ Tkt Wsether ^ tt»n ftt H erallt f « r Hm W « 9 Aug, ss, issa WmtamsA «f D. i. WWOw Wmmm Miss Evelyn t^odanlioni, R .N ., 10,630 Home rJotidIncee m i4 warm t»- who has been a patient at the New iniians/ V elive r Bikes .to Home ] Town Seeking, nlght. riMr Mid Set acata tamer- About Tq^ England Deaconess Hospital, Bos­ Hr ut tka AHdIts. / •< OradatlMN^ ton, has returned to town and if Care^for Aged Manche$ter~—A City of VUlage Ckatni Itn . Cm -I Not of Ifarlbor- convalescing at her apartment, 316 HALE'S Will Be foh M rty dent of Man- Center St. ^ _ 6f Mreir Mn- chMter. U yOL. LXXIL NO. 884 (Olaaaifled ASvartlMag an ftuge tt) MANCHESTER, C O ^ ., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, dr«d Hartford, an- Mrs. Alice M. Norman of East Wel|«re' Direirtor J^eeds (TWENTY-POUR PAGES IN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE FIVE CENTS / other for ir local restdent, who Center St. has been enjoying a trip Home* for 10 People Sunday at the Hart- through the OaUkill MU., Nldgara PEN Falls and Canada. Now in Almshouse nUs Is the Arkensas River Auxiliary to the Disabled M anch^ter Grange wjill meet to­ The town's WeWar* Dept, is jCmericM Veteran?. No. 17. will morrow at 6 p.m. In Orange HpU. I 'm eet tomorrow night at *■ o'clock Members from nelgh^ " J sacking homes for 10 elderly par­ ;il Noon at the VFW Home at Manchester Granges will be guesU. Ikical sons now in the town's almshouse / Green. Following the businea.', Grangers are requested t«r tiring which is slated tor abandonment. All-out War articles of food for thf Home Eco­ meeting a social hour will be held Welfare Director ' Albert E. In charge of Commander Ruth nomics table. \ Daddarto. Behrend said today. Slutp, for Ttu W)sd, Morning ^ Members of/ihe Manchester Although the town Is net obliged Mrs. Ada M. Watson. 29 Crest Registered N ju fM Assn, will hold to find homes for the group, . wood Dr., Jeft yesterday by Amer­ their flrst^ ll meeting tonight Behrend pointed, out, the .Welfare. SPBCIALi ican' AiriinM from Bradley Field" tii.V Memorial ■ HofplJ for Phoenix, Aria., where she will diningroom. Mrs. Howairi Dept, will take listinge of homes spend a four months vacation with war) for the 10 persons, four of: whom PERFECT WRITING X her sister, Mrs. Frank Whitton. ,rw«ladings. will receive old age assistance under the new stale welfare laws. Paul R. Zenaie, 24 Laurel Miss Marilyn E. JMC* and MlSs w ill drive his 1912 Ford Eileen M. McGowih. who were Persons who wish tb board any car In the 1953 revival o f^ e his­ graduated from ilanchester High of the almshouse residents should Ball Point Pens^ A G a v DivorWe toric GUdden tours of antique cars. School in JunCj<4iaVe been working contact the Welfare Dept., West Seeks Parley Dulles Tells Behrend said. Tlie W elfare Direc­ The tour, which begimron Sept. 14, in |he Memprial Hospital during w ill travel frpm J3eveland, Ohio, the summfK and will continue an tor pointed but^ however, that to In fi.asorted colors with metal top clasp. to Detroit, Mic the staff/As nibses’ aides. ^ boaid two or more persona, re­ X •• ■ quires a license. There is no charge E a c h ........... Of Convention The Kehler group of the South for the license and anyone Inter­ Th^ Ward Group of the Solith Methodise Women's Society of ested rosy contact Behrend for M/thodiat W.SCS q ill meet next further In^ortnatlon.____ Christidn Service, will hold its drst Week Wednesday, Sept. 9, instead New Policy etrt^gether of the new • season.' A subcommittee from the Board DUPONT NYLON DE LUXE Paris, Sept. 2 i/P)— The United ^tates.-F’rance and Britain of tomorrow night as previously A t le«at that's where Htlzeae thought It waa. It heed te Saw aaSer thla hrldge la Dodge City, 'u i^ a y . Sept. 8, at the home qt announced. The meeting will be of Directors will report on the have proposed to Rus.sia a Rig Fpor Foreign Mini.sters’ meet, ..rirs f Ralph E. Caven, 31 Jensen St, almshouse building on West Mid­ Kaa., bat praloaged drooth aet aaly dried op ike river, hot replaeed It with thla Jaagle of weeds. ITa- inar at LuRano, Switzerland, Oct. 1.5, the French Foreign O f­ ' St. Louis, Sept. 2 OP)— The held at the home of Mrs. Lorraine leaa sasne hMlvy ralaa eome aaea, the Arhaaeea win be well lata Its third dry year. Ih * state la aaffer- Peterman Instead o f at the church. dle 'Tpke. when the Board meets' fice .said today. The propo8^i;'was in identical^tes deliver^ Amencan LeKhwi urged W f again Sept. 11, according to'Direc­ Ing, alaag with the reet ef the aatloa, aa the maaelve heat wave raattaoea. First Quality Hosiery by the Western B ig Three to Moa- •................... —.............. day an all-out war, including tor Theodora Fairbanks, commit­ Persona accustomed to uMng the cow today, a Foreign office a^kea-• _ yse, qf. Atomic and, hydrpgqitiZ reading.-room roaintalned by. the tee chairman. ______ .. 'man aaid. ' ' ' ‘ Ideal Scientist Church at the_ Ma­ I The fommittee was appointed by In new colors. 84 graufre, 15 denier dark seam hosiery French Htate View bombs, to drive Communists sonic Temple are reminded ‘ that j the Board to study the disposition tAtr Force from Korea if peace negotia- Stating France's jriew, .in con­ they may use the room this eve­ 1 o f the almshouse and later aaked Crop Loss at Five Millidn with reinforced heel and toe for extra wear. - nection .with th ew H c, the apokea- t i o n f f ^ i l. ning from 7 to 9 o'clock. This Is I to include the need for additional man aald "the French government It t o ^ ita stand even me Seer*, an extension of the usual reading apaod in ttu Municipal Building waa c:arcful .to avoid all uaelcaa Joins Hunt tary of State Dulles was telling It hours for the present. and Police Station In their Inveati- diar.uaxlon and argument" with that Red Chinese aggression , Herald Pholp. gation. It appears likel.y that the In New England Heat Belt Riiaata. feeling that the problcma against Korea or Indochina might Ralph Von Ecker of Keeney St., —' Bicycles collected in the Kiwanls Club's campaign to provide two and three-wheel transportation almahouae w ill be used to ease the . 5 9 * ^ p h to be aettle^ "ahouid only be dia- provok^war between th* West and a haember of the local 4-H Club, for children at the Tolland County Home get hoi.sted aboard a pickup truck that Will carry them I.0 space problem in either the Munle--j , cuaoed when 'the mtnistera get to- For Plane (Jhlna itself. won four ribbons at the Hartford their new owners.' Matthew Moriarty, whose Center Street service station and garage was used as r ipal Building or the Police Station. By THE AH80C1ATED PREHS vtoll of deaths from prostratlon»«'the fire threatened a piggery In •• Given B4g fH-ation collection point, hefts one three wheeler aboard the truck as Uoyd Hobron. Kiwanif president, p^repares A s N ew England sweltered for and drownlngs, forest fires in bone Haugua, 40 hogs were turned loose. > xhe spokesman added that, "the County 4-H Fair held at Bradley BMirend and General Manager Seattle, Sept. 2 (IP)— Fog Dullee, given a big ovation a)i ha to hand up another. Santo Parla, a M oriarty Bros, employe, who will deliver the bikes, is loading the jUie 6th day in 90-degrec heat, dry woodland created a new prob- A forest fire on Crotched'Moun^4 French government continues to Field Saturday and Sunday. He Richard Martin have recommend­ and low clouds lifted todav walked onto the convention floor \ placed third with his senior Jer­ truck. ■ ed that the almshouse pe aben- ANOTHER SHIPMENT! MaoMchusetta agriculture offl- Urn. Fifty-three fires were re-' tain, • near Fraqceatown, N. ! believe the problem of free elec- -j . • r- rostrum, appeared to be laying sey calf and fourth in the show­ doned and the current-Ini^et con­ riala today estimated a five mIL , ported in New England yesterday was controlled lete yesterday after tlona'' In Germany "la the key tO| -Air rorce sent planes down a new go'vetWment policy of ing and fitting contest, placing lion dollar crqp lots from a month-'] 37 in. Massachusetts but le w ; burning ovcf. 12 acreti and threat­ a German settlement and that warning potential aggressors ■ Twin sons, David Francis -and tains only enough nioaey to run EXTRA HEAVY FLANNEL BACK Ofi ILL aloft to^search rugged gouth-, over the first prlxe junior year­ long drought; wara seilous. ening FranwstoWn Vipage. Fire­ these elections can't be organized where'the United Statea Intonds to Daniel Edmund, wore born Satur­ the institution until Oct. 1, west Washington mountains ling wi^iner, owned- by Nancy W il­ Btata Agriculture Commissioner The worst was along the Mei- fighting eivws remained on at^nd- without an entente (agreement) fight for security protection. day at the Manchester Momor:Bl i Fairbanks. ’Director MattheW and forests for a vanished air­ cox, alM a member of the local Henry T. Broderick called the rose-Saugus line in Massachiiaetts Iby duty through the night.
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