'^r T h tiW m d m Avcfaga DaOy Cireabtion Pbr the Moeth ef December, tS46 ef C. a. Weetti 6 ,6 1 3 sreCtIwAndK ef Orenlatlnta Manche$Ur^A City of ViUago Charm (FOURTE^ PAGES) PRICE THEBE w Fhge U ) MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, JANUARY 20,1941 V O L L X ., NO. 94 Enlisted Men Third Inaugural Sh«tters Precedent ^ Flieeing Italians Roosevelt Proclaims Under Watch r /Driven from Sudan For Insanity Protect ose Two Involved in Tear­ / As Kassala Falls ing O f Noid Flag at Lib­ erty from Psychopath­ British Forces Are Aid­ See French ic Ward of Hospital. ed by Ethiopiaiis in President Stands ^ew Driwe; Fascists Washington, Jan. 20—(W — The Talks Again Highest G>urt [People Face headed Beside Navy said today Its two enlisted $aid to Be in Flight men involv^ In the tearing of Justice H ughes to Placitsr.- On 200 Mile Front; With Nazis Naxl.flag at San Francisco latriy Annuls State . Job ^to Save His Hand on Worn OtH, Ethiopians Big Factor. had been "under observation., In tha ^ psycopathic ward” of the Naval ^ Negotiations Expected Alien Statutel Nation Now Cairo, Egypt, Jan. 20.—(ff) hospital on Mare Island, Calif. ^ To Be Resumed as Re­ —British'forces, in pursuit They were at Liberty from the hospital, itwas said at the time of Term ; Inaugural TaBC of Italians falling back from sult of Reconciliation Rules Out Penn. Law Americans Know De­ the Incident. Sermon on Demoerney the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Of Laval and Retain, Renewed although unofficial On Registration; G. M. mocracy Not Dead in have pushed into Eritrea, at German demands for satisfaction World, Roosevelt As­ two points, British head­ today raised the question of Ixises Finance Appeal; Washington, Jan. 20.-i-(iP) .Bulletin! whether the State Depfrtment quarters announced today. Vichy, France, Jan. 30— New River Rule Stands serts in Inaugural Talk — Franklin D. Rtxisevelt, fiof* would go beyond' its written ex­ Striking beyond Kassala, on (;P)—Chief of State Marshal pression of regret over the destruc­ emnly taking hia third I«v*-, Washington, Jan. 20.—tO — the Su^D iMe of the border, PhUippe Fetain will alt tight tion of the German, consulate’s Washington. Jan. 20.— The idential oath beneath tb# swastika flag in San Francisco. Supreme Court held today that Text of President Roosevelt’s In­ from which the Italians were with his present oaMnet. a Capitol’s sunflecked dome, ^ reported driven yesterday high government source said Reqrets Follow Pretest the paasage of the 1940 federal augural address: , The State Department expressed On each naUonal day of In­ proclaimed to defense-minded . with the aid of Ethiopian ir- today, until Adolf Hitler re­ law requiring registration of auguration since 1789, tta people plies to hla Christmaa Eve Its regret# over the Incident yes­ Americans today that “oi^ regubrs, the British said President Franklin Delano Roosevelt mad* frequent references aliens Invalidated a 1939 Pann- have renewed their sense of dedi­ iiirseagr outlining bow Qer- terday In response to a protest strong poipose ia to protect from the German embassy. Hours to the "i^lrit of America" and the "spirit of democracy" today In hla sylvania alien regletratlon statute, cation to the United States. they were “now operating nnui • Frendi collaboration In Washington's day the task of and perpetuAte the m te g riif exHild ooatlaae. This Inform­ later authorixed sources la Berlin third biauguial M>eech. The 1,200-word address was a veritable ser­ Justlep Black delivered the eastward’’ of Tessenei and mon on democracy. the people was to create and weld of democracy.” . BsiPow R. Sabderat “in contact with ant said cabinet ehangee announced that the German opinion, which upheld Justice m i^t take plaoe Mdy when (Charge D’Affaires here had been togsthw a nation. I shivering prowd estimated b>'.; the retreating enemy.” Department contention* that the In Lincoln's day the task of the mnrm e fiM Fernand de Brinon, Petaln’s instructed to ask punishment of peopip was to preaerv* that nation I capitol police at nHMM luUSg Sebderat la on the border about the two men arrested In the case, regulation of alien registration ambassador In oocnpled "is exclusively the concerp of the I from- disruption from................ 'within, '75,000, the president gtoed 20 milea east o f Kassala and Tea- France, brought HlUet's an­ as well as assurances that the con- scDei, about 30 miles southeast of federal government.” In thla day the task of** tta pao- bareheaded btaide Chief JBS* i swer. Be added thdt no date aidste would be permitted to fly War Questions Occupy Jualice Stone wrote a dissent­ ple la to save that nation and Ito the recaptured town, la several hod been set for De Brinon the flag. tice Charlee Evans j mUea innde Eritrea. ing opinion in which (Thief Jus­ InaUtuUofM from disruption from to come to Vlcby. There waa some speculation that without. placed hia hand on a *ax>csUties about Sabderat and the authorised sources were un­ tice Hughes and Juatice McRey- noMs concurred. Risk Peril of Inactlen old Dutch family Bible add ^ ^ Tessenei, which the Italians have Vichy, France, Jan. 20—(ffV— aware of the note the State De First Part of Meeting strongly foitiflcd, were yesterday JueUce Black eald that “ the To ua there has come a time, in promised to “preserve, p«®- German • French negotiations, partment already had sent. This power to restrict, limit, regulate, the midst of swift happenings, to occupied without oiqxwtUon by vrhicb came to a dead end last note was not an apology b^uae, tect and defend the ooBsHto« our troops," the war bulletin said. and register allena as a distinct pause for a naoment and taka stock Dec. IS when Pierre Laval lost his diplomats here explained, ^vem __ ___ —to racall what our place ta hla- tion.” ' ' la Cotton OrowlBg Region H itler and M ussolini Re- ]^ 0 ] * a [ 0 P O F C C S group is not an equal and continu­ cabinet poets of vice premier and ments customarily do not spok>gixe "cta"current poWer|ton^,»>** » > ^ ’ ^ red lscow A mighty cheer went np firetfl J • (U the British have taken Tea­ foreign minister, were expectMl ported in Complete Ac- © ously existing sed have pushed beyond it formally for acta which they attri­ of state and nation, but whatever ' what we are and what wt may b*. tta multitude Jamming tta bgoad today to be resumed soon as a re­ bute to individuals. If we do not, w* risk the real peril to the east, they apparenUy are cord; Diplom atic Mat­ power a state may have Is sub­ sult of the reconciliation of Laval The State Department Informed T o H it British of Inaction. driving down the valley of the and French Chief of State Mar­ ordinate to supreme national law." River Gash vriilch fiowa In the di­ the embassy disposition of the case ters Also , Discussed. shal Philippe Petaln. would be made by San Francisco Point e f fMaaeat (Oonttnneg On Page Tan) rection of the Red Sea at the An official announcement yes­ Justice Stone, in hla dissenting Eritrean port of Msssau*. which authorities. Fighting Italy terday said their "misunderatand- Released front Jail Berlin, Jan. 20.—(A*)—Mil _____ opinion, aoserted: an RAE communique said was j "Assuming, aa the court holds, twice raided Saturday night Tes- In the meantime the two United Itary questions were report- (OoBttnnsd on Page Two) States Naval enlisted men arrested that (Tongreaa could constitutional- -T.^na/ba, senal Is a rail head and center of by informed ,u.rter, t/A x i. Seeking lo D e f e a t ly set up an exchwtve registration Talk of Gift a cotton growing region.) The Fascist flight was said to Froesa m inIn Mi>f1itprranf*an.jfieaiierranwn,i I ^ ^ sUens, I think it has occupied the first part ba g^naral afi stong the 200-mlIe tion _»wwith the case— war** released, o ^ ^ nn^tl^ today between To Block Aid Sudanese Sorder front Berati Target A t P resent M ain T hea- provlne* *f th* courts to do that A communique of the British i n . J iSSTob^Sl^by'^AiSJSliS^^ which Oonsrese has failed to do.” Middle Bast' (Command gave tta ter of Hard W arfare. Stone added that “at a time I I t rMiniil Kflicl? Tsoimi in which, it- wsa of- when the^ercise of the federal Bill Programl first news of the Italian with­ ’ TO* i^oTO^res argued ttat. ffclally announcsd, ths Axis drawal from Kassala four days Rome, Jan. 20—(;P)—Vlrglnlo power Is oelng rapidly expanded ago. Oayda, often the editor sounding through (Tongreaslonal action. It Is It'anepo S t flr t p d ^ *'' •*>®“*‘* be contended for Complete difficult to overstate (hs import­ Opponents of Lease-1 "Tha Italian troops along thla -T U C S O m * 1- I prevttitini: violation of tho mill* MWSCOrd HA aU qUMtionSa board of Axis poUcy, Indicated front ars ratraattng. pursued and ance of safeguarding against such t*ry and veUwu code of Caiiforw Field MairiihAl Gen. Wilhelm today that Germany luid Italy Lend Bill M aj Intro- haramed by our mobile detach­ dimuniUons of state power by ments,” it added. L Af chief of the Nazi high combining forces in the vague inferences as to what Con­ ' duce Substitute to GiYej Kasimla, only 15 miles from the Greeks ' "inriuuon^or a‘tumuu!?^t^ an- command and s high lUlian Mediterranean in an attempt to gress might have intended If It border of Italian Eritrea, had been tacks North of Klisu-1 archistic actita or as an aid to | officer were available for ad­ defeat the BriUSh there, at pree- had considered the matter or by British Two Billions.
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