MID MURRAY COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT PANEL Minutes Meeting held in the Council Chambers, Main Street, Cambrai Monday 30 January 2006, 10.00am 1. PRESENT BJ Taylor (Presiding Member), IR Mann OAM, HE Knipe, DT Townsend, DJ Burgess, R Dawkins (from 10.07am), R Mead, IK Bormann and GL Drinkwater 2. IN ATTENDANCE Mr KL Goldstone, Environmental Services Manager Mr GD Parsons, Development Officer – Planning Ms JL Brewis, Development Officer - Planning 3. COMMENCEMENT AND WELCOME 10.00AM The Presiding Member declared the meeting open and welcomed all members. 4. APOLOGIES Nil. 5. CONFIRMATION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES (Page 1838 – 19/12/2005) 1880/1 D Burgess moved that the minutes of the Mid Murray Council Development Assessment Panel Meeting held on 19 December 2005 be taken as read and confirmed. Seconded D Townsend. CARRIED. 6. DEVELOPMENT REPORT 1880/2 I Mann moved that the report be received. Seconded H Knipe. CARRIED. Development Assessment Panel 1880 Minutes 30 January 2006 MID MURRAY COUNCIL 6. DEVELOPMENT REPORT CONT’D BUSINESS ARISING FROM REPORT 10.12 AM B Taylor declared an interest in Development Application 711/63/01, S Turner and vacated his Chair, left the Chamber and did not vote or take part in any discussions. D Burgess took the Chair. 6.9 Development Application 711/63/01 – S Turner 1881/1 I Mann moved that an extension of time for a further twelve (12) months be granted to Development Application 711/63/01 in the name of S Turner. Seconded H Knipe. CARRIED. 10.18 AM B Taylor returned to the meeting and took the Chair. 6.8 Development Application 711/504/05 – Environmental Energy Australia Pty Ltd 10.26 AM Mr Rob Brown & Mr Rob Bowring, representors, addressed the Panel in relation to Development Application 711/504/05. 10.34 AM Mr Brown & Mr Bowring retired to the gallery. 10.35 AM Mr John Thomas, of Environmental Energy Australia Pty Ltd, and Mr David Hutchinson, of Access Planning, addressed the Panel in relation to Development Application 711/504/05. 10.56 AM Mr Thomas & Mr Hutchinson retired to the gallery. 11.00 AM The meeting adjourned. 11.14 AM The meeting resumed. 1881/2 R Dawkins moved that Provisional Development Plan Consent be granted to Development Application 711/504/05 subject to the following conditions and notations:- Conditions a) The development shall be carried out in accordance with the details and plans submitted with the application unless directed otherwise in the conditions set out hereunder. Cont’d Development Assessment Panel 1881 Minutes 30 January 2006 MID MURRAY COUNCIL 6. DEVELOPMENT REPORT CONT’D 6.8 Development Application 711/504/05 – Environmental Energy Australia Pty Ltd cont’d Conditions cont’d b) Adequate and appropriate fire fighting equipment shall be provided prior to commencement of operation of the facility and shall be maintained in sound condition at all times for protection of the facility from bushfire and for the control of fire within the development herein approved, all to the reasonable satisfaction of Council. c) The exterior materials of all buildings shall be constructed and maintained bronze olive in colour unless otherwise agreed in writing by Council. Conditions as required by the Environment Protection Authority a) Any material likely to degrade water quality (chemicals etc) must be stored within a bunded compound/area, which has a capacity of at least 120% of the volume of the largest container to be stored with in the bund, and which is designed and constructed to prevent the escape of material into surface or groundwater resources. Note: The EPA Bunding Guideline will assist with appropriate design and management of bunded areas: http:www.environment.sa.gov.au/epa/pdfs/guide bunding.pdf b) All stormwater run-off from car parking areas, driveways and other hard surfaced areas must be collected, contained, treated as necessary, and disposed of in a stormwater management system such that there is no contamination of water resources (surface or underground). Note: All storm water discharged from the site must conform to the Environment Protection (Water Quality) Policy 2003 (SA). c) Exhaust from the gas turbines shall be suitably dispersed to ensure the maximum predicted nitrogen dioxide concentration at ground level does not exceed 158 micro grams per cubic metre. Notations a) This approval does not imply compliance with the Electricity Trust of South Australia Act 1946 (as amended), or the Regulations thereunder. It is the responsibility of the owner and the person undertaking development to ensure compliance with the same. b) You are advised to contact appropriate authorities including ETSA, Telstra and SA Water in relation to the location of supply lines and other requirements prior to commencing work. Cont’d Development Assessment Panel 1882 Minutes 30 January 2006 MID MURRAY COUNCIL 6. DEVELOPMENT REPORT CONT’D 6.8 Development Application 711/504/05 – Environmental Energy Australia Pty Ltd cont’d Notations cont’d c) Consent Valid 36 Months If substantial work on the development is not commenced within twelve months of the date of this consent, or substantially completed within thirty- six months of the date of this consent, a fresh consent must be obtained. d) This application has been assessed and approved pursuant to the provisions of the Development Act 1993. The approval of the owner of the land to which this consent relates must be obtained prior to commencement of work. e) During the period that the development is being undertaken care should be taken to ensure all paper, plastic, rubbish and other waste material associated with the building work is secured and contained within the subject land. Upon completion of the development the contained waste shall be removed from the site and appropriately disposed of. f) The applicant is advised that any proposal to clear, remove limbs or trim native vegetation, unless subject to an exemption under the Native Vegetation Act 1991, requires the approval of the Native Vegetation Council. Any queries regarding the clearance of native vegetation should be directed to the Native Vegetation Council Secretariat on 8124 4700. Notations required by the Environment Protection Authority a) The applicant is reminded of its general environmental duty, as required by Section 25 of the Environment Protection Act, to take all reasonable and practical measures to ensure that the activities on the whole site, including during construction, do not pollute the environment in a way which causes or may cause environmental harm. b) An environmental authorisation in the form of a license is required for the operation of this development. The applicant is required to contact the Environment Protection Authority before acting on disapproval to ascertain licensing requirements. Conditions of license will include, but will not be restricted to:- • Total oxides of nitrogen in both gas turbine exhausts shall be measured as soon as steady state operation is achieved and no later than 12 (twelve) months after commissioning. These measurements are to be made by a contractor acceptable to the Environment Protection Authority using EPA method 03.06. This starter shall be made available to the Environment Protection Authority within twenty (20) working pays of its receipt by the licensee. Cont’d Development Assessment Panel 1883 Minutes 30 January 2006 MID MURRAY COUNCIL 6. DEVELOPMENT REPORT CONT’D 6.8 Development Application 711/504/05 – Environmental Energy Australia Pty Ltd cont’d Notations required by the Environment Protection Authority cont’d • Noise monitoring by a suitably qualified acoustic engineer shall occur following commissioning to confirm the projected noise modelling. c) A license may be refused where the applicant has failed to comply with any conditions of development approval imposed at the direction of the Environment Protection Authority. d) Any information sheets, guideline documents, codes of practice, technical bulletins etc that are referenced in this response can be accessed on the following website http://www.epa.sa.gov.au/pub.html Seconded I Mann. CARRIED. 7. LATE CORRESPONDENCE Nil. 8. OTHER BUSINESS Special Meeting 1884/1 I Mann moved that a Special Meeting of the Development Assessment Panel be scheduled for 4.30pm on Monday, 13 February 2006 at Cambrai for the purpose of considering a report in relation to Development Application 711/231/05 in the name of R Fromm. Seconded R Mead. CARRIED. 9. NEXT MEETING To be held in the Council Chambers, Main Street, Cambrai on Monday, 27 February 2006, commencing at 10.00am. 10. CLOSURE 11.48 AM The Presiding Member declared the meeting closed. ……………………………………… PRESIDING MEMBER ……………………………………… DATE Development Assessment Panel 1884 Minutes 30 January 2006 MID MURRAY COUNCIL – DEVELOPMENT REPORT 6.1 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS RECEIVED DURING THE REPORTING PERIOD 6 DECEMBER 2005 TO 17 JANUARY 2006 Development No. 711/585/05 Date Received 08.12.2005 Name J Maloney Description Swimming Pool Location Lot 362 of F208738, 2 North Terrace, Mannum, Hundred of Finniss Development No. 711/586/05 Date Received 09.12.2005 Name S & B Williams Description Dwelling Location Lot 1 of D56261, McPhee Avenue, Blanchetown, Hundred of Skurray Development No. 711/587/05 Date Received 09.12.2005 Name RJ Allan & J Vink Description Dwelling Location Lot 16 of D49587, Section 645, Sprinkler Drive, Hundred of Ridley Development No. 711/589/05 Date Received 09.12.2005 Name Walker Flat & Districts Community Hall Description Kitchen Re-Build Location Section 686, Government Road, Hundred of Ridley Development No. 711/590/05 Date Received 13.12.2005 Name H Hockey Description Shed Location Section 430, Milendella Road, Sanderston, Hundred of Angas Development No. 711/591/05 Date Received 15.12.2005 Name Mid Murray Local Action Planning Committee Inc Description Placement of Signage Location Section 855, Government Road, Hundred of Finniss Development No. 711/592/05 Date Received 15.12.2005 Name Mid Murray Local Action Planning Committee Inc Description Placement of Signage Location Section 868 of H750800, Government Road, Hundred of Younghusband Development No.
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