Complete Local News Of A Population Of i o t r /: l o , o 5 o t h e w e a t h e r Rain, somewhat warmer today. ■Vol. XVIII No. 937 ESTABLISHED !»24 HILLSIDE, N. J.( THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1942 OrriCIAL NRWHI’APKK Mr o r TIIE TOWNSHIP OF IIILLSIDK 4 PRICE FIVE CENTS CALLED TO DUTY B a s i n F o r Earlier Closing At H.S. HIGH RANKING DECORATED Requested By Students Award Navy Cross F l o o d s I s Want Opportunity To service. Many who now have part- _..Accept Available Job* ■Ume jobs said that they cnnl 4 gpi. more time in if the board acted A petition asking the Board of favorably on their proposal. P l a n n e d Education go shoijten the high school day to permit students time Cite Wages Paid off in the afternoon to work in Tiie high wages paid by defense Navy Department Letter Project, Involving factories and others is particularly war and other industries, was pre­ Reveals Lt. Knox Saw Other Towns, May sented to the board at its meeting appealing to most of the students. in the high school last Thursday. As an example, they cited one stu­ Action In Coral Sea Take Some Time The petition was signed by» 660 of dent making. 71 cents an hour for the school’s 700 pupils. part-time work, ana another mak­ Notification of the award of tiie The question of flood control was The students requested that ing 65 cents on a midnight to Navy Cross to Lt. tj. g.) Leslie L. again brouglit before the Township classes begin at 8:30 a. m. and end 8 a. m. shift. They also stated B. ivnox, who was reported missing Committee at its meeting in the at 1:30 p. m. The hours now in that they believed there is a great in action m tiie Pacific war zone Junior Iflgli School Tuesday eve­ effect are from 8:30 a. pi. to 3:17 demand for workers in stores. laM. June 6, was received tills week ning by members of the West End P- m. The school hours were not M ost of tiie students could not uy his parents, Mi. and Mrs. David Civic Club. Township officials With the dates oi dealer registra­ changed when the State Defense work full shifts because school laws iymox, oi 3e llurden street. Notice .rated that there had been a meet- tion under'"the iuei rationmg pro-„ Transportation Committee ordered do not permit their doing so. A di tiie award definitely established ng Tuesday afternoon between gram set lor next Tuesday and most of the schools to open and clause in the law designates that ihr l a d Unit Lt. K nox Look part members of the committee and rep­ Wednesday, Octouer 2U and 21, War close a half hour later each Mon­ students under 16 cannot work m the Coral Beu engagement with resentatives of the Union County Tice and Rationmg Boards through­ day. Tiie school had been on a longer than from 7 a. in. to 6 out the Btule have been iniormeti the Japanese, which had only been Path Commission. It was reported split session before the new build­ p. m., and others in the 16 to 18- by Blale OPA headquarters ol the surmised at tiie time. hat plans have been introduced ing was opened two years ago. year group from 6 a. m. to 10 p. m. general registration procedure and A letter announcing Lhe ai [or the formation of a huge basin DR. EDWARD J. MORESS Approximately sixty students Ur subsequent distribution ol ap­ •huh by Captain- L E. DanfleliflellK a collect excess water during heavy William M. Raphael, president oi LT. LESLIE B. KNOX Dr. Edward J. Moress, of 1524 swarmed the halls to wait tiie open­ ALEXANDER DVORETSKY plication iorms to consumers. Assistant Chief of Navy Personnel,Jiiuel, tins and permit it to flow off again the Board of Education, said tiie Maple avenue, who has been com ing of the board’s meeLing. Many Alexander Dvoretsky, of 1229 It was emphasized that anyone declared ‘‘Uie award was made in vlien the rains subside. However, petition will be acted upon at the missioned a captain in the U. S. discussed possibilities of obtaining Robert sLreet, son of Mrs. Olga who sells either fuel oil or kerosene recognition oi his heroism a-ryl he committee stated tire matter regular meeting next month or at Army Medical Corps, arrived by jobs, while others believed, they Solowey, has been promoted1 to the P olisli* Americans at retail must register with his ra­ service as a pilot ol an airplane of :ould not be rushed as ocher towns a special session. The- proposal airplane Sunday at San Antonio, would have, no trouble getting jobs rank of major in tiie 122nd Coast tioning board oil tliqse dates. This a lighting squadron hi tiie Coral vere also affected. "W e have our was referred to a special com­ Tex., to take up his duties at the left open by men drafted for the mittee. Artillery Battalion, Anti-Aircraft, includes grocery stores, hardware Be a May 7, 1942. The decoration eeth m it and we won't let go," Aviation Cadet Training Center it was announced this week, Maj. Dedicate Banner and paint stores, gasoline service and accompanying citation will be [Chared Committeeman Hugo Gen- there. Dvoretsky, who has made a career stations and garages which sell held in the Navy Department pend­ Sunday afternoon marked the Members of the West End Dr. Moress, who has been practic­ of tiie Army, having entered in kerosene at retail, as well as iuel ing further information us fio the Civic Club were invited to attend ing in Hillside sinc<f\1932, was on 1929, is believed to be the first Hill- dedication oi a service flag by the oil dealers. status of your son.” Tires Granted W\ Drunken Driver Polish-American Club outside its all futiu'e conferences between town­ the staffs of the Babies’ Hospital sider to rise to this rank in the Rationing officials also pointed Mrs. Knox revealed this week ship and county officials. and Beth Israel Hospital, Newark, regular army- clubhouse on Bloy street. The flag, out that in aduition Lo those using ihat Uie missing flyer saw action in measuring 6x8 feet, has 105 stars A letter from Congressman Don­ and the Elizabeth General Hospital. He was for years a member of the luel oil, consumers who use kero­ the American attack on the Mar­ Rationing Board Decision Upheld affixed to it representing Americans ald McLean, who had requested He had been school physician at 102nd Essex Troop Cavalry of New­ sene Jfir such Domestic-, institutional, shal ana Gilbert islands and when of Polish descent who arc in the aid from the Federal Works Agency the George Washington School and Local Rationing Board Number 8 In Common Pleas Court last week, ark, and transferred to the Coast and' agricultural uses os m stoves, promoted iroin ensign Lo lieutenant armed forces. the flood control, was read, had charge of the Baby Health has announced the following grants Judge Waiter L. Hetfleld, III, up­ Artillery Corps when the 122nd ranges^ lamps, farm machinery and on April i, he had been cited lor stating that nothing could be done Station here. He had also been for tiie past week: truck tires, Louis held the conviction of Edward Evans, Battalion was organized in Jersey Those, who Look part in the cere­ equipment, urooders, and farm meritorious service. A no ther son, 'about the situation at present un- City. mony were Mayor George W. Iier- physician for the Fraternal Order Zimmerman, 2 tires and 2 tubes. of Jersey City, on a drunken driv­ trucks, will have to lili out an Cecil Knox, recently became an en­ less-it imperiled the health of war- licli and members of the Township of Eagles in Hillside. He is a Grade 2 passenger tires—Carl Le- ing charge here on March 15. A application form m order to* be sign in the Navy. workers. However, he referred the member of the Hillside Progress pore, 4 tires, 2 tubes; Stefan Feiner, sentence of ninety days, mandatory Committee, -representatives of the able Lo purchase kerosene under commit,lee to John Gallagher, re­ 1 tire; Thomas Halbert, 2 tires, 1 because this was Evans' second1 of­ Board of Education, Walter Howell, the fuel rationing program. gional director in New York. Club. Dr. Moress is a graduate of the Cornell University Medical tube; Owen Komiskey, 4 tires; Sal­ fense, was reimposed by the court. Contrast G.O.P. commander ol Hur den-Looker Post The general procedure lor die Members of the Civic Club also School. vatore Cambria, 4 tires; Willard Evans had been arrested here 50, American Legion; Eli Plant, distribution oi the fuel oil and kero­ Missing Max ine / reported that the storm sewers on president of the club; Wilbur TL Mrs. Moress and their two chil­ Cupit, 4 tires, 2 tubes; C. A. Paoler- March 15 by Patrolmen Victor sene ration application form s to Vale and Harvard avenues had1 be­ Cox, past commander oi the Ameri­ dren will continue to live at their cia, 2 tires. Heller and Horace Tichenor, both Finances With consumers ana die distribution oi come filled with silt and needed can Legion, and principal ol' the ration coupons was outlined as ioi- home. Adolf Licht was granted 4 truck of whom reported he had been Oil Casualty List cleaning.
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