ASFOAWN -2 ASFOAWN -1 in a stroller, he ran down and they were were just happy that the can missed the baby. Everybody apologized and went their way. Rumor #2: one troublesome security fuard went to bust a party on the 14tn Editorial loor and drew his gun and went into a combat position on a roomful of kids.. Truth: one troublesome security fuard went to bust a party on the 14tn ASFOAWN is the "fixer" for Atlanta loor and touched his gun while placing fandom. Sharon Webb is trying to get a his hands on his hips. There is some robot for the upcoming DeepSouthCon, so disagreement if he was or was not play­ that it can sit on a panel with her. ing with the snap. Her first choice of advertising media was ASFOAWN. ---oooOooo— If we are successful in hooking ASFOAWN has only three slots on its Sharon up with a robot, maybe we ought 250 person mailing list. Some of you to run a personals section in the wants non-paying subscribers are going to get ads section. It does get pretty dull bounced when a paying subscriber comes just reading about used leather good, along. If you are going to subscribe, wigs and rabbits. then make the check or money order for three dollars out to Joe Celko, Box --------000O000— 10558, Atlanta, GA 30310. Anyone or For a good time, call (404) 455- group who wants to contribute more cash 7141. For a REAL good time, call (303) is blessed among fans and can get special mention for their gift in our humble pages. -- oooOooo--- -- oooOooo— Sara Fensterer contributed $10.00 to the ASFOAWN fund. If you would like Most of the questions asked about to. save a fanzine and see your name in the internal working of ASFiC in the print, then you too. should7, send me spine flyer we ran for Dan Taylor were an­ money. Besides this mention she will swered at their last meeting. The basic also be guaranteed of NOT appearing on reason for incorporation is to protect the cover of an upcoming issue. Little the members from law suits. If you do does she suspect that this agreement doe not think this is a good idea, talk to not exclude a centerfold. fans from Chattanooga who are still Nancy LaValley also sent a few paying a debt out of their own pockets. extra bucks, to cover the expense of carrying the deadwood. ---oooOooo— Brad is dropping out as co-editor ---ooooooo--- of ASFOAWN for awhile,, because he wants The August issue had a few more time to pursue his writing career. So typographical errors and the pages were you guys only have me to kick around. a bit disorderly. I tried to get it to If anyone else wants to fall on a live press so that I would not have to worry handgrenade, drop me a line. about working at the Atlanta Fantasy Fair and getting ready for WorldCon at ---oooOooo--- the same time. I was in charge of the 198 3 HUGO AWARDS hospitality suite at the Atlanta Fantasy Novel - Foundation's Edge by Asimov Fair and nave I got war stories! The Novella - Souls by Joanna Russ post, office actually delivered them Novelette - Fire Watch by Connie Willis within a few days of receipt! Short Story - Melancholy Elephants by This Septeber issue is running out Spider Robinson late because of the conventions. I Non-Fiction Book wanted to run some photos from both - Foundations of Science Fiction by WorldCon and the Atlanta Fantasy Fair James Gunn costume contests. It looks ike that Pro Artist - Mike Whelan will have to be done as a special issue. Fan Artist - Alexis Gilliand Fan Writer - Richard Geis -—oooOooo— Fanzine - Locus Let me kill two rumors from the Drama - Bladerunner Atlanta Fantasy Fair: First Fandom - Manly Wade Wellman Rumor #1: a fan decided to throw a John W. Campbell Award coke can off of one of the Omni bal­ - Paul 0. Williams conies and spiked a black baby in the head, just to see if it would bounce off. Truth: there was no such report filed with the Omni, the Atlanta Police Department or the hospitals. The most likely source of this rumor was a fan who knocked a can off of a railing. It splashed near a black family with a baby -MORE- ASFOAWN -3 ASFOAWN -4 Fandom Magazines Larry Propp, co-chairman of ChiCon IV, the last WorldCon, died of a heart attack on 1983 July 29 in Evanston IL. I got a review copy of INCREDIBLE I have heard that he was suffering chest TALES OF ADVENTURE volume one umber pains and drove himself to a local hos­ eight. This is a digest-sized fanzine pital where he died. He was 38 years with a heavy, hand colored cover. The old. He seemed to be in good health at contents is a mixture of comic strips the DeepSouthCon where I last saw him and text for fifty-two pages (all in and he had a history of high blood pres­ black and white for"only $1.50 !), from sure but no prior heart trouble. I do Quasar Graphics, 2383 Akers Mill Rd #H- not have further details at the time of 1, Atlanta, GA 30339. this writing. This is a fun fanzine like we used Larry and I shared a motel room to in the 1960's. It is comic strips years and years ago at one of Joe and short stories, not insider clique Green's launch parties. I never kept in stuff or apazine stuff. The only thing touch as well as I should have, since he I would suggest is that they try to do was operating out of the Mid-West and I complete comic strips (or do we call am hopelessly Southern. He was fun to them graphic stories since we moved be around, a good drinking partner. He uptown?) in an issue, instead of doing was by trade a lawyer. Larry was on the continued ones. WorldCon Atlanta committee and provided In the old days we had overdosed on an experienced voice, common sense and early Jack Kirby stuff. They have a some legal advice. He had been co-chair strong shot of Kirby and the new X-Men for ChiCon IV and chairman for several with a strong dose of H.P. Lovecraft to WindyCons in Chicago. boot. I am very, very sick of writing It dawned on me that I don't know obituariess for ASFOAWN. I do not like of anyone who is doing this sort of the amount of death that seems to fill thing anymore. The amateur comic strip my column inches. has become the limited edition or alternate press, gone to good artwork, color, and retail distribution channels. The home projects seem to be dead. I really liked seeing INCREDIBLE TALES OF ADVENTURE, just for the nostalgia.value. You might want to pick up a copy if you have never seen this end of fandom. -- oooOooo— Also received in the mails was a copy of Mike Van Houten at Oxford Bookstore LINGUACODE, a publication of the Atlanta has some good news for comic collectors. Star Trek Society (no price given). In about two or three months, Oxford This is an annual that the Atlanta Star Bookstore will open up a another store­ Trek Society puts out. Nice cover work, front a few doors down from their cur­ physically attractive package. The rent location in Peachtree Battle Shop­ written material was quite good, ping Center. It is the one with the would fault the interior artwork as zig-zag windows. being fanzine level, but that is minor. This new place will feature a huge The only bad part is that I cannot tell increase in floor space and Oxford plans you how to get a copy if you are not in to stock it with everything, including the Atlanta Star Trek Society. limited edition press comics, Japanese (hear that, Jerry Collins?) and other foreign magazines that you cannot really get in Atlanta right now. Oxford Bookstore is already the largest bookstore in Atlanta, and pro­ bably in the top ten in the Southeast. Letters Their used and collectible section is good right now, but very crowded. [The following note was written on a proof copy of a paperback cover. The book is EARTH CHILD, first volume of the Earth Song Triad.] Dear ASFOAWN: Thanks for sending ASFOAWN; it's -MORE- -MORE- ASFOAWN -5 ASFOAWN -6 always interesting and fun to read. I can imagine the massive injection I appreciate the "robot call." We of egoboo that Isaac Asimov's judgement would dearly love to have a little "Rob­ of MOON OF ICE provided. I hope it does bie" at.DeepSouthCon. not force a title change to MOON OF This 'postcard" will be out in SLUSH because the author became so October. We have some editor-interest feverish over the compliment. Mean­ going now for a Terra Tarkington book - while, you should put aside a dozen or GLITCH ON THE BULLRUN...stay tuned. so copies of that issue of ASFOAWN and My short story "A Dream In Rose­ keep them in a safe place for a decade wood" will be in the second edition of or two. Then they will become extremely the new fantasy magazine IMAGO, and my valuable rarities for which Asimov col­ story "Shadows From a Small Template’1 lectors will pay enormous sums, because will be reprinted in Asimov's anthology they contain, several hundred Asimov A SPACE OF HER OWN.
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