Dr. Ian Smith Gives Insight to Sentinel endorses Holly Hancock ‘The Ancient Nine’ For Superior Court Judge #60 (See page A-3) (See page A-17) VOL. LXXVV, NO. 49 • $1.00 + CA. Sales Tax THURSDAY, DECEMBERSEPTEMBER 12 17,- 18, 2015 2013 VOL. LXXXV NO 45 $1.00 +CA. Sales Tax“For Over“For EightyOver Eighty Years Years The VoiceThe Voice of Our of Our Community Community Speaking Speaking for for Itself Itself” THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2018 BY JENNIFER BIHM Contributing Writer One-on-One Exclusive U.S. Congresswoman Maxine Waters in a recent interview with the Senti- nel, said she is working very hard on her reelection campaign. She isn’t taking anything for granted and she is not backing down from those who threaten her. She’s on a mission, she said, to fight things like cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and to mitigate the grow- ing cost of education. Wa- ters is urging her constitu- ents to get out and vote in the country’s midterm elections, November 6, so that Democrats can take back the House. “If we take back the House, I think six members of the Congressional Black Caucus will be the chairs of the biggest committees of the U.S. Congress,” Wa- ters told the Sentinel. Waters denounces indiscriminate racist “We can propose leg- islation, we can do inves- killings of Blacks in the U.S., the horrific tigations, we can use our subpoena power. It will be massacre of Jewish victims in very powerful. And then, of course, if [congress- Pennsylvania synagogue and attempted members] aren’t willing to impeach [President Donald pipe bomb assassinations sent to her and Trump], we certainly will be in good position to get several democratic colleagues. rid of him in 2020.” Recently, Waters along with some of her Demo- VALERIE GOODLOE/SENTINEL FILE PHOTO Congresswoman Maxine Waters said she will continue to fight for human rights and she is not backing down from those who {See WATERS A-9} threaten her, in a recent interview with the Los Angeles Sentinel. BY JENNIFER BIHM BY BRANDON I. BROOKS Contributing Writer Managing Editor Mayor Eric Garcetti In honor of the up- this month, reached out coming general election, to Los Angeles’ African the Los Angeles Sentinel American community, in Newspaper spoke with LA order to give clarity on is- County Sheriff candidate sues like housing, educa- Alex Villanueva about his tion and jobs. These three campaign platform and things seem to be affecting mission to “reform, re- a disproportionate number build, and restore the LA of African Americans in Sheriff’s department.” the city, Garcetti said. But, Los Angeles County he wants to leave a mayoral PHOTO FROM LAMAYOR.ORG Sheriff candidate Villan- legacy of having addressed One of Mayor Eric Garcetti’s goals, he said during a re- ueva is running against BRANDON I. BROOKSE/SENTINEL FILE PHOTO the disparities with real cent roundtable with L.A.’s Black press, is to create pipe- Los Angeles County Alex Villanueva time solutions. lines from low income schools to viable careers in the city. Sheriff Jim McDonnell He began the round- who has held the position forcement leader and has campaign for LA County table with some members for a four-year-term. Vil- worked under four sher- Sheriff. of Los Angeles’ Black me- berg Foundation to kick off sent: women and people of lanueva is stepping into iffs. After announcing his Throughout his cam- dia, on the subject of jobs. Pledge L.A. Both entities color. the general election with retirement in February of paign, Villanueva has dis- The city, he explained, has have looked at the indus- more than three decades 2018, Villanueva was able } partnered with the Annen- tries and noticed whose ab- {See GARCETTI A-10 of experience as a law en- to completely focus on his {See VILLANUEVA A-14} BY ELIAS MESERET Associated Press Ethiopian lawmak- ers unanimously elected the country’s first female president on Thursday, days after approving one AP PHOTO Sahle-Work Zewde E. MESIYAH MCGINNIS/L.A. SENTINEL Representative Karen Bass poses with Comedian, Actress and Television Host of the world’s few “gender- head of state. The conti- Sheryl Underwood and a team of volunteers in front of the LA Sentinel during a balanced” Cabinets as the nent’s first female president,community phone banking event. country’s dramatic reforms Liberia’s Ellen Johnson continue. Sirleaf, left office this year. As seasoned diplomat “Congratulations, Mad- BY LAUREN FLOYD Angeles Sentinel hosted polls. Special guests Con- Sahle-Work Zewde as- am President! Women do Contributing Writer a 12-hour long “Get Out gresswoman Karen Bass sumed the largely ceremo- make a difference. We are the Vote” phone-banking and “The Talk’s” Sheryl www.lasentinel.net nial post, many celebrated With less than a week marathon with free shuttle Africa’s only current female {See PRESIDENT A-14} until election day, The Los services to early voting {See VOTE A-9} A-2A-6 LASENTINEL.NETLOS ANGELES SENTINEL NEWS NEWS THURSDAY,THURSDAY,JANUARY NOVEMBER, 1 9,2018 2014 BY SHAQUILLE WOODS house. We just didn’t grow Though they were not di- Contributing Writer up listening to classical rectly hateful, McGill de- music,” laughed McGill. scribed the overall igno- A story of a young “I often get asked that rance behind some racially boy from the South Side question. People think charged comments. of Chicago, who eventu- that growing up you have “It was more like some- ally makes musical his- a choice of what you get one coming to you saying tory sounds like something into. I don’t think that re- something racist and not from a movie. But this ally happens. I think you knowing it because they isn’t a movie. This is real. gravitate towards what are ignorant. Funny thing This is the real life story of appeals to you in that mo- is, I’ve never in my life Anthony McGill. ment. “ been mistaken as a classi- McGill, the first Afri- It was the moment he cal clarinet player. There is can American Principal picked up a clarinet that always a moment of shock Player of the New York he realized the instrument from everyone when I tell Philharmonic, shared his was something different. them my profession.” journey with the Los An- The clarinet became more Black success should geles Sentinel Newspaper. than an instrument. It be- be celebrated across all “I grew up in the South came a lifestyle of learning platforms and not just pop- Side of Chicago. My par- the notes and perfecting ular professions according ents wanted to expose my his craft. to McGill. He’s not a fan of brother and I to music, ” His passion led him to only celebrating one area McGill told the L.A Sen- perform for shows such of Black achievements. tinel. as Mr. Roger’s Neighbor- “Just because it’s not “So then, I started get- hood, NBC Nightly News, popular, doesn’t mean we ting involved in the music and the Steve Harvey haven’t already done it. programs with other kids,” Show. McGill also per- Knowledge is the fact that said McGill. formed at the 2009 inaugu- Black success has reached Those interactions with ration of President Barack into almost every corner of community kids sparked Obama. humanity,” McGill sternly his musical journey. They With an abundance said. exposed him to opportuni- of success, McGill never “Because if you think ties to travel and learn var- forgot his duty as a Black about, you ask what are ious musical instruments. man in America. Classical we good at? Well, it’s “I studied with great music does not have many normally the big sports, teachers of Chicago. I trav- people of color performing movies, and singers but eled to Japan, Italy and all at large venues. McGill no- we also have excellence in over the world. The sound, ticed the lack of represen- other professions. Do the the beauty of the instru- tation at a young age. younger generation know ments, and just the world “I began to notice about these people? If they of music made me fall in that in youth orchestra. It don’t, they might not think love.” wasn’t like I got into pro- they can do it. Black kids David Finlayso That love led him into fessional orchestra and around the world know Anthony McGill performed at the 2009 President Barack Obama Inauguration. his classical music pursuit. said Wow there aren’t any they can become president He’s often asked why he Black people. I’ve known thanks to Obama. We have developed a love for clas- since I was young.” to continue the conversa- Angeles Chamber Orches- in-residence. myself.” sical music. Many assume McGill continued de- tions of seeing someone on tra debut this past weekend. “I’m in control of what For more information the reason was due to his scribing his experience. stage that looks like you Led by guest conductor I can do. There are lots on McGill, please visit an- parents. Racist comments were because it can inspire a Thomas Dausgaard, McGill of barriers such as racism thonymcgill.com. “We grew up listening still prominent, even with whole generation.” was celebrated as part of his and prejudices, but the one to all types of music in the his professional success. McGill made his Los role as LACO guest artist- thing I can do is believe in ® Insurance companies vary by region. According to the American Heart Association, high blood pressure is called the “Silent Killer” because of its lack of warning signs.
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