DIOCESE OF NEYYATTINKARA His Excellency Rt. Rev. Dr. Vincent Samuel S.T.D. Bishop of Neyyattinkara Bishop’s House, Neyyattinkara, Aralummood P.O. Trivandrum – 695 123, Kerala, India : 0471-2223133, 2220693, Fax: 0471-2222262 :[email protected] : [email protected] Web : www.neyyattinkaradiocese.org B. 10.8.1950 / O. 19.12.1975 / E.O. 01.11.1996 F. 27th September 1. Very. Rev. Msgr. G. Christudas Vicar General Bishop’s House, Neyyattinkara Aralummood P.O. Trivandrum – 695 123 : 0471-2227137 (P), 2223133, 2220693 Mob. 9847069309,9447534132 : [email protected] [email protected] Manager Emmanuel College of Arts and Science &Emmaneul College of BEd. Training Vazhichal, Kudappanamood P.O Thiruvanathapuram : 0471-2248416, 2248113 : [email protected] [email protected] : www.emmanuelcollege.ac.in B. 14.01.1950 / O. 19.12.1975 / F. Christ the King 2. Very Rev. Msgr. D. Selvarajan JCD Episcopal Vicar &Regional Coordinator (Neyyattinkara Region) St. Xavier’s Church, Thirupuram Thirupuram P.O., Trivandrum - 695 133 Mob. 9447864433 & Director, Logos Pastoral Centre San Jose Nagar Neyyattinkara, Trivandrum – 695 121 : 0471-2221194 : [email protected] &. Judicial Vicar Bishop’s House, Neyyattinkara Aralummood P.O., Trivandrum – 695 123 : 0471- 2221941, 0471- 2222760 B. 27.01.1962 / O. 23.12.1987 / F. Christ the King 3. Very. Rev. Msgr. V.P. Jose Episcopal Vicar &Coordinator of Ministries Logos Pastoral Center, Neyyattinkara, San Jose Nagar 695121 &. P.P.,Our Lady of Assumption Forane Church Vlathankara P.O., Trivandrum – 695 134 : 0471-2236165, C. 2236617, Mob. 08547678999, 8921922356 [email protected] [email protected] B. 19.05.1967/ O. 12.04.1994 / F.19th March 4. Very Rev. Msgr. Rufus Pius Lean Episcopal Vicar&Regional Coordinator (Nedumangad Region) & P.P., St. Therese of Lisieux Church Manikapuram, Puthukulangara P.O. Nedumangad, Trivandrum – 695 541 : 0472-2899989, C. 2898042, Sch. 2898995 Mob. 09495124160 : [email protected] B. 05.05.1951 / O. 19.12.1974 / F. 30th April 5. Very Rev. Msgr. Vincent K. Peter M.A., S.T.D. Episcopal Vicar &Regional Coordinator (Kattakada Region) & P.P. St. Joseph’s Forane Church Undencode, Cheriyakolla P.O. Trivandrum – 695 504 : 0471-2250310, C.2251310, Sch. 2250245, Higher Sec. 2250768, Mob. 09895224139 : [email protected] & Director&RectorKurisumala Pilgrim Centre : www.kurisumala.com, [email protected] www.svmrinstitute.org, [email protected] B. 19.07.1965 / O. 19.12.1989 / F. 27th Sep. 6. Very Rev. Msgr. Alphonse Liguori Episcopal Vicar & FinanceCoordinator V.F.& P.P. Immaculate Conception Cathedral Neyyattinkara P.O., Trivandrum – 695 121 : 0471-2222760, C. 2222337 & Manager Christu Jyothi E.M. School, Chullimanoor : 0472-2878903, 2182373 : www.christujyothischool.com Mob. 9495666363 B. 08.01.1956 / O. 20.12.1980 / F. 1st Aug. 7. Very Rev. Dr. Jose Raphael D.C.L. Chancellor Bishop’s House, Neyyattinkara Aralummood P.O., Trivandrum – 695 123 : 0471- 2221941, 0471- 2222760 & P.P., St. Joseph’s Church, Pathanavila Arumanoor, Poovar P.O. Trivandrum - 695 525 Mob. 8547700874 :[email protected] B. 13.04.1973 / O. 30.12.2004 / F.19th March 8. Very.Rev. Fr. Sabu Varghese Finance Officer Bishop’s House, Aralummood P.O. Trivandrum – 695 123 & P.P. Velamkannimatha Church Mylamood, Nellivila, Balaramapuram P.O. Trivandrum – 695 501 : 0471-2291068, C.2291020 Mob. 9446172705 : [email protected] B. 01.11.1970 / O. 21.04.2003 / F. 20th Jan. 9. Rev. Fr. Kiran Raj D.P. Procurator Bishop’s House, Neyyattinkara Aralummood P.O., Trivandrum – 695 123 : 0471-2223133, 2220693 & P.P., Sacred Heart Church Olathani, Thirupuram P.O. Trivandrum – 695 133 : 0471-2222523, Mob: 8943681551 : [email protected] B: 24.08.1986 / O: 31.01.2015 / F: Christ the King 10. Rev. Fr. Rahul lal E. S. Secretary to Bishop& Diocesan Judge Bishop’s House, Neyyattinkara Aralummood P.O. Trivandrum – 695 123 : 0471 -2220692 Mob. 9188841980 [email protected] B: 04.04.1980, O & F: 14.09.2010 11. Rev. Fr. AjeeshChristhudas C.L. P.P., Little Flower Church, Vazhichal, Kuttamala P.O. Vellerada695505, Trivandrum Dt. c. 0471-2248367 : Mob. 9995961919, 7012454374 : [email protected] B. 18.10.1984 / O. 19.04.2013/ F. 18th Oct. 12. Rev. Fr. Aji Aloysius P.P., St . Joseph’s Church KillyKurissadi Jn. Kollode P.O., Kattakada Trivandrum – 695 571 Mob: 9746493949, 9975567208 :[email protected], [email protected] B: 27.10.1974 / O: 09.06.2008/ F: 21st June 13. Rev. Fr. Aji Rose T. Germany C/o Bishop’s House, Neyyattinkara Aralummood P.O., Trivandrum – 695 123 : 049-7637549509 : [email protected] B: 25.06.1974 / O: 13.04.2004/ F. 23rd Aug. 14. Rev. Fr. Aju Alex Assist. P.P., St. Elizabeth’s Church, Arayoor Plamoottukada P.O., Trivandrum – 695 128 : 0471- 2217607, C. 2215088 Mob: 7025989431 B: 31.10.1989/ O: 27.04.2019 15. Rev. Fr. Alex Simon Asst.P.P., St. Paul’s Church Maranalloor, Ooruttambalam P.O. Trivandrum - 695 507 : 0471 – 2298273, C. 2298216 Mob: 9497470005 B. 04.07.1990 O. 26.01.2018 16. Rev. Fr. Alan Joe Santos SAC P.P., Infant Jesus Church, Puthenkada Thirupuram P.O. Trivandrum – 695 133 : 0471-2261008 Sehion – 2262898, 2263808 Mob: 8547746271 B. 22.05.1991, O. 04.05.2019, F. 19th March 17. Rev. Dr. Aloysius Sathyanesan Vice Rector, St. Francis Xavier’s Seminary Seminary Junction, Ezhakode, Peyad P.O. Trivandrum – 695 573 : 0471- 2283959 / Mob. 9496666830 : [email protected] B. 28.03.1978 / O. 18.09.2006 / F. 21st June 18. Rev. Fr. Anand R. Das Germany C/o Bishop’s House, Neyyattinkara Aralummood P.O., Trivandrum – 695 123 : [email protected] B. 02.05.1986 / O. 01.01.2014 / F. 4th August 19. Rev. Fr. Aneesh George IVDei Parish Priest, St. George Church, Neduveli, Konchira P.O., Trivandrum – 695 615 : Mob.8403077387 : [email protected] B.07.04.1986 / O. 13.05.2014 / F.13th June 20. Rev. Fr. Aneesh Kumar P.P., Holy Rosary Church, Changa, Aryanad P.O. Trivandrum – 695 542 Mob.8086629691 Email: [email protected] B. 28.05.1987 / O. 25.02.2017 / F.15th Nov. 21. Very Rev. Fr. Anil Kumar S. M. Director, Board of Lay Ministry Logos Pastoral Centre, San Jose Nagar Neyyattinkara,–695 121, Trivandrum Dt. & V.F., P.P.,Sacred Heart Church Chullimanoor –P.O. Nedumangad – 695 541 Trivandrum Dt. Mob. 09995379165 : [email protected] B. 07.04.1972 / O. 23.04.2003 / F. Christ the King 22. Rev. Fr. Anuraj R.L. Italy C/o Bishop’s House, Neyyattinkara Aralummood P.O., Trivandrum – 695 123 [email protected] B. 28.07.1990/ O. 24.08.2019/ F. Christ the King 23. Rev. Fr. Ben Boss C.C. Italy C/o Bishop’s House, Neyyattinkara Aralummood P.O., Trivandrum – 695 123 : 0471-2297777 : [email protected] B. 21.07.1985/ O. 18.01.2014/ F. 11thJuly 24. Rev. Fr. Benedict G. David P.P., St. George ChurchErattinpuram Veliyamcode P.O. Koovalassery – 695 512 Trivandrum Dt. Mob: 7594895596 : [email protected] B. 13.05.1986 / O. 28.08.2017 / F. 11th July 25. Rev. Fr. Benhur Benedict OCD Asst. P.P., Holy Cross Church, Ayira P.O. Parassala695 502, Trivandrum Dt. : 0471-2200906, C. 2129620 Mob: 9074839605 B. 13.12.1988/ O. 21.04.2018 26. Rev. Fr. Binu T. M.A., M.S.W. Director Youth Ministry Logos Pastoral Center, Neyyattinkara, 695121 &P.P., Blessed Sacrament Church Nellimoodu P.O., Kanjiramkulam- 695 524 Trivandrum Dt. : 0471- 2264231 C. 2264386 Mob. 9496813634 : [email protected] B. 07.12.1979 / O. 22.04.2009 / F. 7th Dec. 27. Rev. Fr. Binu Varghese Priest in Charge, Christ King Church Kattakkada P.O., Trivandrum – 695 572 Mob. 9526186429 B. 29.01.1985 / O. 26.01.2016 / F. 23rd April 28. Rev. Fr. Bosco Thomas TOR P.P., Infant Jesus Church Edacode Nemom P.O. Trivandrum 695020 0471-2162838 Mob. 8281501712 : [email protected] B.08.01.1982 / O. 19.05.2009 / F. 31st Jan. 29. Rev. Fr. Bruno Xavier Italy C/o Bishop’s House, Neyyattinkara Aralummood P.O., Trivandrum – 695 123 B. 30-06-1989/ O. 23.10.2017/F. 6 th October 30. Rev. Fr. ChristaferYasaya. P.P., St. Mary’s Church, Udiyankulangara Amaravila P.O. , Trivandrum – 695 122 : 0471- 2231163 C. 2231927 : [email protected] : Mob. 8138098809 B. 07.10.1981 / O. 27.09.2010 / F. 25th July 31. Rev. Fr. Christin C.T. C/o Bishop’s House, Neyyattinkara Aralummood P.O., Trivandrum – 695 123 [email protected] B. 20.02.1988 / O. 26.08.2017 / F. Christ the King 32. Rev. Fr. Christudas A. USA C/o Bishop’s House, Neyyattinkara Aralummood P.O., Trivandrum – 695 123 B. 04.10.1944 /O. 20.12.1968 /F. Christ the King 33. Very Rev. Fr. Christudas M.K. V.F. &P.P., Infant Jesus Church, Misiha Nagar Kiliyoor ,Vellarada P.O., Trivandrum -695 505 : 0471 – 2242305, C. 2243433 Mob. 9447884884 B. 07.05.1970 / O. 24.04.2001 / F. Christ the King 34. Rev. Fr. Christudas Nino Spain C/o Bishop’s House, Neyyattinkara Aralummood P.O., Trivandrum – 695 123 B.13.08.1988 O. 28.07.2018 /F. Christ King 35. Rev. Dr. Christudas Thomson Rector, St. Vincent’s Seminary John Paul II Nagar CheenivilaRoad, Koovalassery P.O. Trivandrum -695 512 : 0471-2297777 / Mob. 8281838384 & P.P., Good Shepherd Church Velicode, Ooruttambalam P.O. Trivandrum – 695 507 : [email protected] B. 14.5.1973 / O. 26.4.2001 / F. Christ the King 36. Rev. Fr. Cleetus T. P.P., St. Joachim’s Church, Thachancode Kuttichal P.O., Trivandrum . 695 547 : 0472 – 2850649, C. 22850268, 9995068259 Mob. 9447931029 : [email protected] B. 07.02.1976 / O. 18.04.2009 / F. 27th April 37. Very Rev. Dr. Cyril C. Harris V.F.& P.P., Christ King Church, Plavara Nedumangad, Trivandrum – 695 541 Mob.
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