Kernos Revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque antique 11 | 1998 Varia Epigraphic Bulletin for Greek Religion 1994/95 Angelos Chaniotis and Eftychia Stavrianopoulou Electronic version URL: http://journals.openedition.org/kernos/1236 DOI: 10.4000/kernos.1236 ISSN: 2034-7871 Publisher Centre international d'étude de la religion grecque antique Printed version Date of publication: 1 January 1998 ISSN: 0776-3824 Electronic reference Angelos Chaniotis and Eftychia Stavrianopoulou, « Epigraphic Bulletin for Greek Religion 1994/95 », Kernos [Online], 11 | 1998, Online since 21 April 2011, connection on 15 September 2020. URL : http:// journals.openedition.org/kernos/1236 Kernos Kernos, 11 (998), p. 265-369. Epigraphie Bulletin for Greek Religion 1994/95 (EBGR 1994/95) In this eighth issue of EEGR we continue the attempt to reduce the chrono­ logical gap between the publication of a book or an article and its presentation in this bulletin. We have also included many addenda to EEGR 1990-1993. The principles explained in Kernos, 4 (991), p. 287-288 and Kernos, 7 (994), p. 287 also apply to this issue. As usual, works devoted exclusively to aspects of Greek religion (marked with an asterisk) are presented very briefly. However, we have included references to a few papyri of great religious significance as well as to Latin defixiones. The abbreviations used are those of L'Année Philologique and the Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum. If not otherwise specified, dates are Be. We are very much obliged to Oliver Hoover, M.A., for improving the English text. Abbreviations ACSS Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia. An International journal of Comparative SU/dies in HistOlY and Archaeology, Leiden­ New York, 1994. Alessandria N. BONACASA, C. NARO, E.C. PORTALE, A. TULLIO (edsJ, Alessandria e il mondo ellenistico-romano. 1 centenario deI Museo Greco­ Romano. Atti des II Congresso Internazionale Italo-Egiziano, Alessandria, 23-27 Novembre 1992, Roma, 1995. AM1H,6 YnOYPfEIO MAKEL'lONIAL KAI GPAKHL - YnOYPfEIO IlOAITILMOY­ APILTOTEAEIO IlANEnILTHMIO GELLAAONIKHL, To apxalOÂ.0YZK"O I!pyo arr, MaK"EDov{a ml ElpaK7], 6 (1992), Thessalonike, 1995. Ancient Magic M. MEYER, P. MIRECKI (eds.), Ancient Magic and Ritual Power, Leiden-New York-Kain, 1995. AncielU Medicine Ph. }. VAN DER EIJK, H.F.}. HORSTMANSHOFF, P.H. SCHRIJVERS (eds.), Ancient Medicine in its Socio-Cultural Context. Papers Read at the Congress Held at Leiden University, 13-15 April 1992, Amsterdam­ Atlanta, 1995. ANRW; 18.5 W. HAASE (ed.), Aufstieg und Niedergang der romischen Welt. Teil II: Principat. Band 18: Religion. 5. Teilband: Heidentum: Die reli­ giosen Verhéiltnisse in den Provinzen, Berlin-New York, 1995. Apollo }. SOLOMON (ed.), Apollo: Origins and Influences, Tuscon-London, 1994. Archaeology in the Peloponnese K.A. SHEEDY, Archaeology in the Peloponnese. New Excavations and Resem'ch, Oxford, 1994. 266 A. CHANIOTIS & E. STAVRIANOPOULOU AST, 10 X. Arastirma Sonuçlari Toplantisi, Ankara, 25-29 Mayis 1992, Ankara, 1993. Atalay Memorial H. MALAY (ed.), Erol Atalay Memorial, Izmir, 1991 [summarized, in part, in EBGR 1991: nOs 102 and 187]. Boeotia Antiqua, 3 J.M. FOSSEY (ed.), Boeotia Antiqua. III. Papers in Boiotian History, Institutions, and Epigraphy in Memory ofPaul Roesch, Amsterdam, 1993. Boeotia Antiqua, 4 J.M. FOSSEY (ed.), Boeotia Antiqua. IV: Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Boiotian Antiquities, Boiotian (and Other) Epigraphy, Amsterdam, 1994 [summarized, in part, in EBGR 1993/94: nOS 88 and 163], CHANIOTIS, Vertrage A. CHANIOTIS, Die Vertliige zwischen kretischen Poleis in der helle­ nistischen Zeit, Stuttgart, 1996. Corinthia T.E. GREGORY (ed.), The Corinthia in the Roman Period. Jncluding the Papers Given at a Symposium Held at the Ohio State University on 7-9 March, 1991 ([RA, Suppl. 8), Ann Arbor, 1993 [1994]. Cult Practice R HAGG (ed.), Ancient Greek Cult Practice from the Epigraphical Evidence. Proceedings of the Second International Seminar on Ancient Greek Cult, Organized by the Swedish Institute at Athens, 22-24 November 1991, Stockholm, 1994. DT G. AUDOLLENT, Defixionum Tabellae, Paris, 1904. L'eau R. GINOUVÈS, A.-M. GUlMIER-SORBIER, J. JOUANNA, L. VILLARD (eds.). L'eau, la santé et la maladie dans le monde grec. Actes du col- loque organisé à Paris du 25 au 27 novembre 1992 (BCH, Suppl. 28), Paris, 1994. L'Epigrafia deI villaggio A. CALBI, A. DONATI, G. POMA (eds.), L'epigrafia deI vil/aggio, Faenza, 1993. Estudios actuales J.A. LÔPEZ PÉREZ (ed.), Estudios actuales sobre textos griegos. Il. jornadas Jnternacionales, Uned, 25-28 Octubre 1989, Madrid, 1991. Forschungen in Lydien E. SCHWERTHEIM (ed.), Forschungen in Lydien (Asia Minor Studien, 17), Bonn, 1995. Historie S. ALESSANDRI (ed.), '[CTr0p{/]. Studi offerti dagli allevi a Giuseppe Nenci in occasione deI suo settantisimo compleanno, 'Lecce, 1994. I.Ko.Ko: A. BERNAND, De Koptos à Kosseir, Paris, 1972. J.Prose A. BERNAND, La prose sur pierre dans l'Égypte hellénistique et ro­ maine, Paris, 1992. Lykische Studien, 2 F. KOLB (ed.), Lykische Studien 2. Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der Polis Kyaneai in Zentrallykien. Berichf über die Kampagne 1991 (Asia Minor Studien, 18), Bonn, 1995. Masks ofDionysos Th. H. CARPENTER, Chf. FARAONE (eds.), Masks of Dionysus, Ithaca­ London, 1993. Nomodeiktes RM. ROSEN, J. FARRELL (eds.), Nomodeikes. Greek Studies in Honor ofMartin Ostwald, Ann Arbor, 1993. Opus Mixtum B. AL ROTH (ed.), Opus mixtum. Essays in Ancient Art and Society (Acta Instituti Romani Regni Sueciae in-8°, 21), Stockholm, 1994. Epigraphie Bulletin 1994/1995 267 Orchestra A. BIERL, P. VON MOLLENDoRFF, S. VOGT (eds.), Orchestra. Drama, Mythos, Bühne. Festschrift für Hellmut FlashaI' anliifilich seines 65. Geburtstages, Stuttgart-Leipzig, 1994. Phegos C1JT/y6ç. TlWl'm::oç 'l:6110ç Ylà 'l:OV mBT/YT/'l:1] LomjpT/ LlampT/, Ioannina, 1994. Philanthropeia kai Eusebeia G.W. MosT, H. PETERSMANN, A.M. RITTER (eds.), Philanthropeia kai Eusebeia. Festschrift fitr Albrecht Dihle zum 70. Geburtstag, Gottingen, 1993. Placing the Gods S.E. ALcocK, R. OSBORNE (eds.), Placing the Gods. Sanctuaries and Sacred Place in Ancient Greece, Oxford, 1994. Post-Herulian Athens P. CASTRÉN (ed.), Post-Herulian Athens: Aspects of Life and Culture in Athens, AD. 267-529, Helsinki, 1994. Scritti Corsaro C. CURTI, C. CRIMI (eds.), Scritti Classici e Cristiani offerti a Francesco Corsaro, Catania, 1994. Sen'tti Gentili R. PRETAGOSTINI (ed.), Tradizione e innovazione nella cultura greca da Omero all'età ellenistica. Scritti in onore di B. Gentili, Rome, 1993. Sibari Siban' e la Sibaritide. Atti dei trentaduesimo Convegno di Studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto-Sibari,' 7-12 ottobre 1992, Taranto, 1993. Stadtbild M. WORRLE, P. ZANKER (eds.), Stadtbild und Bürgerbild im Hellenismus. Kolloquium, München, 24. bis 26. funi 1993 (Vestigia, 47), München, 1995. STRUBBE, Arai ]. STRUBBE, 'Apal f,7CrlJIlf3WI. Imprecations against Desecrators of the Grave in the Greek Epitaphs ofAsia Minor: A Catalogue (IGSK, 52), Bonn, 1997. Studia Gerov M. TAè':EVA, D. BOJADZIEV (eds.), Studia in honorem Borisi Gerov, Sofia, 1990. Studies Hall D. FRENCH (ed.), Studies in the History and Topography ofLycia and Pisidia in Memoriam A.S. Hall (British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, Monograph 19), London, 1994. TRÜMPY, Monatsnamen C. TRÜMPY, Untersuchungen zu den altgriechischen Monatsnamen und Monatsfolgen, Heidelberg, 1997. Select Topics Ceographical areas (in the sequence adopted by SEC) Attika: 6. 16. 20. 22. 27. 50. 52. 61. 70. 75. 126. 152. 157. 165. 171. 180. 185. 187. 188. 191. 194. 19~ 206. 213. 214. 226. 246. 267. 277. 281. 284. 292. 295. 316. 327. 333. 341. 357. 358. 379. Aigina: 180. 214. 375. Peloponnesos: 292. 297. 357. 358; Korinthia 99. 144. 341; Argolis 58. 125. 154. 179. 240.290. 293. 294. 340; Epidauros 20. 75. 135, 215. 258. 307. 358. 369; Lakonia 100. 125. 127. 195. 201. 213. 301. 335. 357; Messenia 170. 246. 344. 345; Arkadia 125. 221. 279. 348; Eleia 238; Olympia 107. 112. 138. 150. 165. 214. 289. 307. 316. 326. 331. 349. 357. 358; Achaia 307. Megaris: 22. 23. 268 A. CHANlOTIS & E. STAVRIANOPOULOU Boiotia: 15. 22. 58. 59. 83. 125. 137. 246. 248. 258. 265. 292. 309. 331. 333. 341. 353. phokis: 292. Delphi: 16. 22. 23. 35. 53. 112. 135. 154. 178. 209. 211. 214. 220. 307.309. 330.357.358.373.375. phthiotis: 328. Aitolia: 297. Lokris: 39. 292. Thessaly: 71. 96. 272. 279. 354. Epeit"os: 53. 60. 92. 190. 197. 355. 385; Dodona 53. 125. 214. 358. ffiyria: 8. 53. 95. 111. Macedonia: 4. 5. 9. 10. 36. 58. 71. 104. 113. 115. 119. 160. 161. 199. 218. 269. 270. 271. 278. 291. 303. 329. 341. 367. Thrace 1 West Shore of the Black Sea: 22. 23. 89. 145. 199. 203. 224. 250. 266. 346. Not"th Shore of the Black Sea: 13. 14. 17. 51. 93. 192. 199. 202. 204. 212. 238. 318. 319. 365. 366. De1os: 52. 214. 219.239.300. Rhodes: 58. 62. 125. 136. 143. 186. 246. Lesbos: 58. 337. Kos: 62. 143. 180. 214. 298. 325. Cyclades: 31. 83. 149. 238. 341. Thasos: 341. 358. Samos: 143. 214. 341. Lemnos: 3. 214. Samothrake: 53. Euboia: 214. 246. 333. 341. Ct"ete: 20. 40. 53. 56-58. 65. 66. 125. 127. 134. 195. 199. 213. 236. 273. 283. 357. 358. 363. SieUy: 12. 112. 180. 199. 229. 230. 232. 233. 357. Italy: 30. 55. 72. 112. 114. 124. 199. 222. 231. 234. 254. 259. 262. 280. 282. 338. 377. Gau1: 199. Iberia: 7. 81. 82. 299. Britain: 158. 159. 199. Asia Minor: 195. 199. 208. 251. 274. 357. 358; Karia 19. 37. 62. 63. 76. 87. 106. 118. 176. 184. 246. 275. 293. 361. 362. 368; Ionia 37. 62. 80. 116. 117. 153. 166. 174. 177. 180. 246. 249. 293. 296. 312. 325. 330. 341; Lydia 54. 68. 97. 168. 225. 287. 302. 305. 306. 343. 376; Troas 141. 260. 324; Mysia 26. 49. 80. 197. 258. 330. 366; Bithynia 245.311; Paphlagonia 235; Galatia 205; Phrygia 64.
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