90' l * *VL1» Dally Mwi Classified Ads. Pages-Subscribe for FjA/> jagDjIgflj^ffs. Try brie, per word 8 Ttie News, per month *J\J\J Ic ___=_==—= TOOVLVCIAL LIBHI^" NELSON, B. C TUESDAY, NOVEMBER t2, >9Q7 NO. 175 VOL. 6 • • AMERICAN MINING MEN FEDERATION OF LABOR • GRANBY CLOSED DOWN. • HAS SURPLUS • • EVADING WW TENTH CONVENTION OPENS TO­ FOG AT SEA RUSHJNISH ANNUAL CONVENTION IN SESSION • (Special to The Daily News. • DAY IN JOPLIN AT NORFOLK • Grand -Storks, Nov. 11.—In com- * • pllanoe with a wire received here • WIDESPREAD INTEREST TAKEN IN GOMPERS WILL HAVE STRUGGLE • today from New Tork, the Granby III Kaiser Wilhelm Delayed on Government Roads Return a • smelter is being closed down and * How Chinese Circumvent the THE PROCEBDIN-S Zinc Plant to Be finished TO KEEP LEAD • by tomorrow night all of ithe eight • Arrival • furnaces will have been cleaned up • Head Tax Joplin, Nov. ll-4_undr-ds of mine at Once Small Profit • and banked and not a hand will be + Norfolk, Nov. 11 — With president • attiring at the big'plant. No rea- • operators representing many millions of Samuel Gompers presiding, the 27th an­ • son ls given for ihe complete close • dollars of capital invested in mining in­ nual convention of the American Federa­ • down. * dustries in various parts of the United tion ot labor was called to order at 10 • * GRAVE DIVORCE JUDGMENT IS RECEIVED AT WINDSOR NEW USE OF ELECTRICITY ANNUAL RAILWAY REPORT ************.************* States are in Joplin today for te opening o'clock this morning in the Jamestown of the tenth annual convention of the exposition auditorium. Hundreds of American congress, For many months delegates are here representing all the THE REAL_0BJECTI0N DECISION BY MR. JUSTICE the mining and commercial interests of AFFECTIONATE MEETING MEN; START WORK TO­ national and International labor unions NEARLY 600 MILES OF the "town that Jack built" have been affiliated with the Gompers body and CLEMENT MAKES DOUBT­ TAKES PLAOE BETWEEN MORROW - INAUGURA­ ROAD NOW UNDER WHY ORIENTAIS ARE NOT WANT­ preparing for the reception of the dele­ nearly all state federations and central FUL THE LEGALITY OF gates to the congress and have aroused UNCLE AND NEPHEW- bodies. Many matters ot great Interest ED IN <B. C. TION OF PROCESS CAN­ CONTRACT— MINISTER such widespread Interest as to make this are to come before the convention and ALL PROVINCIAL DI­ ROYAL TOWN GIVE-} without exception, the greatest gather­ NOT FAIL TO BRING A several sharp tights for supremacy ln OF AGRICULTURE'S RE- MIGHT EASILY CONTROL DESTINY VORCES SINCE CONFED­ ing in the history of the congress. Near­ the organization are expend before the GERMANS WELCOME. I REPORT. :'' f!" OP PROVINCE " . ERATION OF CANADA. ly every state in the union is represent­ LARGE BUSINESS. _. session has completed its business. Alt ed, the scores of mining companies have regular sessions will be held ln the Ar­ (The Toronto Globe) sent agents here with advertising litera­ mory hall ln the city of Norfolk. Gover­ Portsmouth, Nov. 11.—Owing nor Swanson and officials of the city (Ottawa, Nov. ii.—the annual report The appointment of W. L. M. King as l'* (Speoial to The Daily Newi) ? ture setting forth the advantages of their Tomorrow morning tlio man­ commissioner to enquire into the con- [ respective districts. to a chilling and dense fog which agement will re-start workmen government, the exposition %M lhe la­ of the minister of rallwas for the nine Vancouver, Nov. 11.—Mackenzie King bor bodies ot Norfolk ial Virginia par­ mon4hB fiscal period, ending March 31 dltlons connected with the importation M ' this afternoon began the work of In- One of the most important matters to made a passage from the Isle of oriental Immigration Into British Colum­ mth a few men on the Canada ticipated ln the owning session. last, was Issued Saturday, qulr Into the cause of the Oriental im-' be taken up by the congress is that of Wight impossible, the German bia during the past tew weeks IB ample dealing with mining stock sharks and Zinc company's building and plant Canada has eo tar expended on rail­ migration in a most practical manner. imperial yacht Hohenzollern, hav­ It is thought that, Ireiwe the present .proof ot the determination of the do­ Adjourning the formal inquiry imme­ promoters of fake properties. For many cpuvtntlon has adjourned the American ways 1329,240,947. Over thirteen mil­ in Fairview. On the arrival of J minion government to get all the tacts diately after the formation of the court, years this fraudulent business has been ing on board emperor William, Federation ot labor will go on record as lions of this amount was spent prior to of tho engineer, work will ]_e of the situation, The tlrst step In the he went to the imimigration sheds where carried on in a barefaced manner with the empress and the other mem­ being opposed to the presidential aspira­ confederation. There was carried to prosecuted with a larger forco tions of secretary Taft. President Gom­ solution of the problem ls to clear away seventy-six Chinese had just arrived on the natural result that the mining in­ bers of the party, who are to capital amount $162,050,056, which in­ whatever mystery still clings about it the Empress, having advanced the Ave dustry has been brought ito disreputue pers has characterized the secretary as visit ling Edward and queen Alex­ and will be nishtd to a conclu­ the "Injunction candidate for president" cludes twenty-lve millions to the C. P. and bring into the open light ot day all hundred dollars head tax, were detained among investors. The mining fraud com­ sion. It is expected that the and brands him as being "conspicuously R. amd $167,210,490, which Includes over the means by which the Hindus and awaiting his examination. Twelve were mittee of the congress which wl]l pre­ andra, were unable to cross tho and wilfully hostile and unfair to or­ thirty-five millions paid' out as railway Japanese have been induced or assisted examined and lt was found in every case sent its report at the present meeting harbor bar here on the early tido plant will be in operation by the ganized labor." The opinions handed subsidies and chared to the consolidated that the men had not more than a dol­ is composed of C. J. Downey Denver; to come into this country in unusually and did not reach thc jetty until opd of February or beginning of down by Mr. Taft, when he was a federal fund. The total revenue from confed­ large numbers. Once these are disclosed lar or two on the. They said friends R. I_. Herrick, Scranton; A. W. Mclntyre, March, 'depending largely upon court Judge have been used, according eration, received on government rail­ the government and perhaps parliament here had promised them employment Everett; H. C. Beeler. Cheyenne; three hours after the appointed to president Gompers "to constantly fur­ and relatives in China hud advanced the judge W. F, Clarke of Glover, Vt, ways was (118,819.264. will be in a position.to deal effectively and time this aftcernoon. , . ''! the severity of the weather. ther encroach upon the personal rights head tax. They stated that It was un­ report will contain recommendations and liberties of our citizens, when these For the nine months fiscal period the with the matter. The The Hohenzollam, with tho The Canada /.ine company's gross earnings of the government toads derstood they would work until the head and suggestions in regard to statutes citizens are worklngmen." Meanwhile the discussion of the ques­ that should be adopted by every state in escorting fleet, authored off Salza electrical reducton process in . It ls likely that Goniper? will have were f 6,509,186. ' The Intercolonial tion from varloup points of view goes tax and their board was repaid. One earned $6,248,311, the Windsor branch man who was booked for Moose Jaw order lo guard unsuspecting investors Hill for the night, not having one which has proved a eotnmer- the struggle of his life to maintain his on in both Canada and the United States. place at the head of the federation. So­ (40,440, and the Prince Edward railway in the November number of the North will have to wait here until the money against get-rich-quick sharks, The laws been able to enter Sundown Bay, e'al success in Sweden and while cialists and other disgruntled ones in 1215,434. The gros9 expenses were (6,- American Review there are two papers is forwarded for his ticket, and two of the various states will be discussed 328,895, leaving a net surplus of $180,- on the subject, one by Mr. Lusk an Eng­ boundTor Toronto are Jn a similar with a view to recommendation to other Isle of Wight, according to pro­ the Nelson plant is not a popy of the labor ranks have commenced a sys­ 440. There was a prot of $218,000 on tematic agitation against the re-election lishman who has resided for many yenrs plight. One boy of fifteen years, ad­ states. The Beeler law of Wyoming, the gram. Tho German emperor's an European model, yet the pro­ the Intercolonial, of thirty thousand on of Gompers. They also demand a gen­ In New Zealand and Australia and the mitted that he came here to attend California law and the Pardee law, now faith in thc healing qualities of the Windsor branch and a deficit of other by Joaquin Miller, the well known cess here is the result of four aud eral new set of officers Including the $67,713 on the P.
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