Mr . M. Robinson 512 Grosvenor Bldg. Providence, R. I. THE HOME NEWSPAPER ·OF RHODE ISLAND AND SOUTHERN MASSACHUSETTS c:::::::i:::::l[hc JJtmlsh mernlb~ Vol. X, No. 51 PROVIDENCE, R. I., FRlDAY, AUGUST 23, 1935 R. I. Jews Flay _Hitler; Urge O_lympic Boycott THE MODERATE MR. METCALF CARNIVAL Capacity Audience Vigorously Emphatic For ways that are neutral and words that are in its Denunciation of Nazi Persecu­ vague U. S. Senator Jessie H. Metcalf, like Bret Harte's FOR HOME tions of Jew, Catholic, Protestant famous Chinaman, is most peculiar. His latest demon­ stration of how to mouth 24 words without saying any­ PLANNED Rhode Island Jewry rallied in impressive numbers thing exceeds even his best previous effort. That, in it­ As the time draws near for the in Elks' Auditorium last night to register a definite and self, is some attainment. The Senator has for some forthcoming second annual Carnival Sept. 16-21, of the Jewish Home for emphatic protest against Nazism, against Adolph Hit­ years held the Senate record for straddlilllg a fence the Aged of Rhode Island, the com­ ler and his oppressive measures against a free· people without leaning. mittee in charge is putting on full speed to make this Rhode Island's and to advocate retaliatory measures against Der Fueh­ Invariably, when Senator Metcalf has been in a greatest outdoor carnival. Plans rer. Over 2,000 packed the auditorium when Dr. Ilie precarious position, in danger of forgetting himself have been worked out to date to Berger, president of the R. I. Council of the American­ make thiS carnival a social and a and thereby getting both feet on the same side of the financial success. Jewish Congress called the meeting to order and intro­ The outstanding feature each eve­ top 1·ail, he has saved himself by some miraculous state­ ning will be the famous Diving Gor­ duced the chairman, Joseph H. Gainer, former mayor men! of his position. The statements are always so dons,. a group of three young ladies of Providence. Almost as many as succeeded in gain­ amb1guou.s that the Senator regains his equiHbrium and two men. The act reaches its ing entrance to the auditorium, were forced to stand climax. when Capt. Sky-High Gor­ while_ his constituents are trying to decipher the hldden don climbs a 110-foot ladder and outside and express their sympathy with the speakers meanmg. ablaze from head to foot leaps into whenever the name of Hitler was mentioned. a 5½ foot tank. The Hon. Jessie's latest effusion, his reply to the Since the last meeting of the com­ Well-Known Leaders Join in Denunciation of Germany's Ruling Party mittee, three additions have been invitation to th~ anti-Nazi protest meeting of the Rhode made. Lo.uis Torgen is soliciting l~land Ccuncil, Amc1·lcan Jewish Congress is-as·clear as merchandJse for a drurr and cosmeti denc~ 0!~c~~-c~8 \~~~~~::re o\n ~~ JGr~ 1t1,0 ~:!ric!1~end~fe~Rd ~:"~i mud and as illuminating as a lump of coal in a dark booth. Morris Cooper is again do­ German Chancellor was mentioned letters from prominent personages, nating all of the ice cream as well and references to the possible with- among them the famous "maybe I cellar dm-ing an eclipse of the moon. as beverages to be sold on the drawal of the American team par- do, Maybe I don't" letter of Senator Declining the invitation because of the press of grounds. ticipation in the Olympic games in Metcalf. Senator Peter G. Gerry sent Samuel Shore who will have Berlin, drew tumultous applause. All his regrets and in a forceful para­ business, (The Senator is a busy man) he wrote: charge of a fully-equipped vegeta­ in all it was an informative evening graph, aligned himself with the "It is certainly a sad thing t:iu:t any coun­ ble and fruit department. Mi ss Fin­ for those who oppose the principles Jews of Rhode Island. John M. klestein and Mrs. Samuel Ganzer and practices of Nazism and a sad O'Connor also regretted his inabil­ try should not be fair and just to all people are organizing a crew of 11th hour evening for the Little Man with the ity to be present but left no doubt without rega1·d to 1·ace or creed." solicitors. Little Moustache. as to his feelings toward his Jewish The general director Teddy Max Former Mayor Gaynor was in friends. With amazing dexterity the Senator avoids men­ is busy arranging the major details rare form. His introduction of the Following the reading of the let­ tion of either the Jews or the Nazis. His evident reac­ of the carnival. various speakers was in his cus- ters, Alter Boyman spoke in Yid• tomary manner, prefaced by a few dish, outlining the aims of the tion to the invitation to put himself squarely on record words which left no doubts as to meeting and predicting that the res­ as favoring the muzzling of the mad dog of Europe is Many Features at where his sympathies lay in the olutions to be presented would be struggle now going on in Germany. unanimously adopted. "Well, I won't need those Jewish votes for a long while'. Zionist Carnival His outspoken advocacy of retalia• The microphone was moved onto When I do I'll throw them a little slush and they'll come tory measures, whether in the form the stage when Governor Theodore running like sheep." Plans for the Carnival to be con­ of a boycott or in refusal to par- Francis Green took up the c~dgels ducted by the Providence Zionist ticipate in the Olympic games, was for an oppressed people. In his us­ Maybe they will, Senator. But forthright Ameri­ District Council to be held at Glad­ the keynote of the meeting. ual forthright manner, the governor cans li_ke Senato1· Walsh of Massachusetts, Mayor La­ stone Plat, Narragansett, Saturday, The first speaker, Max L. Grant, bludgeoned right and left. His char­ Sunday and Monday, August 31, a director of the Seminar of Human acterization of the Nazi leader Guardia of New York, Governor Grnen and Senator Sept. 1 and 2, are progressing nice­ Relations, mincing no words, casti• would have done credit to Winchell. Gen-y of our own state and many othei·s have not been ly under the directiO'n of a commit­ gated Adolph Hitler as Providence His affirmation of his oft-taken tee headed by Robert S. Grant. The people have never heard him taken stand on the side of the J ews of afraid to protest the outraging of a great people even schedule of events already lined up to task before. In biting phrases Rhode Island drew rounds of ap­ if no election impends. Your ambiguous statement' were assure the ultimate in entertain­ that time after time brought the plause. ment. The proceeds will go to the crowd to its feet, Mr. Grant re- Likewise did the speech of Rev. it not fo~· its childishness, would be an insult. Certainly, general Zionist fund. counted the sins of omission and Fr. Lorenzo McCarthy of Providence the Jewish people of Rhode Island will rnmember it The committee in charge is: Rob­ commission attributable to the ~r- College keep the audience on the ert S. Grant, chairman, Charles L. man "Man of Evil Destiny." So dy- qui-vive as did the address of Wil• when you again seek public office. And remembering Silverman, Dr. David Luber, Sam­ namic was his speech that at its li am Conroy, president of the Rhode they may resent it. ' uel Feingold, Joseph Keller, Abra­ conclusion, the audience rose en- Island branch of the A. F. of L. ham Heller, Dr. !lie Berger, Jacob masse and for a few minutes the The resolutions presented by Her• S. Rabinowitz, Mr. and Mrs. Sam­ auditorium resembled a national bert M. Sherwood, were unanimous- uel Michaelson, Sonie Silverman, convention. ly adopted. American Athletes May Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith and Mrs. Israel Miller of Pawtucket. Swat Hitler's Swastika Asks Liberals to Join They Reached The Top - I Should American athlet;s partici- opinion, the Herald will, starting in Fight on Fascism pate in the nex t series of Olympic with this issue, publish a ballot by game6 to be held in Berlin, Ger- means of which you may vote early MOSCOW (JTA) - A united ---------By I. D. CLAIRE--------- many, in 1936. The J ewish Herald on this important matter and show front of liberal forces to combat is deti irous of ascerta ini.ng sentiment the American Olympic Governing Fascism and its concommitant, anti­ Some fourteen years ago a little son. Bis ambition, of course, among J ew ish peo1>le on this im- Board just what you think of the Scmitism, was asked by s1>eakers at Jewish boy stood on the stage of the was to 1>lay the Palace. then the portant question. proposal to send a team of athletes the Communist International Con­ Bijou Theater in New Haven, dazed, goal of every vaudeville hoofer. To enable read ers to express an to Berlin. gress here this week. dumfounded and scared to death The little Jewish boy split away Mr. Haupner, a member of the while spnghetti benders from Fix­ from Edwards and booked a t urn of Russian Communist Party, declared well Ave. showered him with pea­ his own. He billed himself as a hoof­ OLYMPIC BALLOT tha.t intellectuals throughout the nuts, fo lded papers and what have er.
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