Learn how to cope with surprise tax bills C1 OUTDOORS Sumter County bald eagles nesting along Boggy Branch C6 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2017 | Serving South Carolina since October 15, 1894 $1.50 Lawmakers debate medical marijuana BY BRUCE MILLS Supporters of the bill tout that and tweaks are made to the bill while [email protected] medical marijuana helps people in it’s in the full Medical Military Mu- treatment for chronic pain, severe nicipal Affairs Committee of the A proposal to legalize medical mar- epilepsy and other debilitating ail- House. ijuana merits serious debate this ments. Opponents of the bill — Wheeler is a member of that com- year in the Statehouse, say members which include members of the law- mittee. He said he expects the com- of the local legislative delegation. enforcement community — say the mittee to take up the legislation in State Reps. David Weeks, D-Sum- proposal essentially asks the state to the next week or so. If the bill passes AP FILE PHOTO ter, and Will Wheeler, D-Bishopville, endorse a street drug to treat nearly through the committee, it will then People line up to be among the first in Nevada to and state Sen. Thomas McElveen, D- everything and is a pathway to recre- reach the House floor. Last year, it legally purchase medical marijuana. Members in Sumter, made their comments last ational use. didn’t reach the House floor, he said. the South Carolina Statehouse say a proposal to le- week on the controversial bill in Weeks and Wheeler are both inter- galize medical marijuana merits serious debate. front of the state Legislature again. ested in seeing what amendments SEE DEBATE, PAGE A10 Lady Generals are state basketball champs School board will address procurement audit findings BY BRUCE MILLS [email protected] A separate audit of purchase processes that found Sumter School District didn’t follow its own procurement policy will be before the Sumter School District Board of Trustees on Monday at its regularly scheduled monthly work session. Independent accountant Robin Poston completed the procurement audit in early December, and it revealed McGHANEY five findings. Among those included two sole source pro- curements that didn’t have adequate documentation to provide justi- fication for sole-source determination and “numerous instances” of approved “emergency procurements” that should have been solicited during a longer time frame for the most competitive pricing. Poston, of Harper, Poston & Moree, P.A., also conducted the district’s annual audit of financial statements last fall that RICK CARPENTER / THE SUMTER ITEM The Thomas Sumter Academy Lady Generals give one giant group hug after winning the SCISA Class 2A state basketball tournament Saturday at Sumter County Civic Center. For more details, turn to B1. SEE AUDIT, PAGE A7 Shaw cuts ribbon on its medical facility BY JACK OSTEEN The new medical facility, in in addition to assisting service [email protected] conjunction with local special- members, dependents and re- ty providers, is now prepared tirees of Shaw Air Force Base Col. Daniel T. Lasica, 20th to support the medical needs offers additional services Fighter Wing commander, of approximately 31,000 eligi- ranging from TRICARE ad- said even though a lot has ble beneficiaries, according to ministration to radiology for changed since 1944 when it information released from Team Shaw members. comes to the facilities for the Shaw Air Force Base. Throughout its more than 20th Medical Group, taking Of the region’s eligible ben- 70-year history, the 20th Medi- care of airmen has not. eficiaries, there are approxi- cal Group provided care both Lasica cut the ribbon Friday mately 12,500 active-duty ser- to stateside and overseas air- on a new $57 million, vice members, retirees and men and soldiers. 116,000-square-foot, three-story, family members enrolled with The clinic consolidates servic- state-of-the-art medical facility the 20th Medical Group for es currently located in various before a crowd of young and primary care. JACK OSTEEN / THE SUMTER ITEM old airmen as well as many The clinic replaces the ex- Young airmen and other 20th Medical Group members prepare to cut civic leaders from Sumter. isting clinic, built in 1976, and SEE SHAW, PAGE A7 the ribbon on the new clinic at Shaw Air Force Base on Friday. VISIT US ONLINE AT CONTACT US DEATHS, A13 WEATHER, A16 INSIDE Information: 774-1200 Vivian N. King Henry Parker MORE SEASONABLE 4 SECTIONS, 34 PAGES the .com Advertising: 774-1246 Steven Eric Kinsley Mary Mayrant VOL. 122, NO. 96 Classifieds: 774-1234 Cooler with plenty of sunshine; Naham McBride Sr. Earlese T. Holmes mainly clear tonight Business C1, C2 Delivery: 774-1258 Earthalee H. Carroway Abraham McCray Classifieds C7 News and Sports: Lewis T. Roacher Barbara A. Hodge HIGH 63, LOW 38 774-1226 Shirley M. Gregg Lee Colclough Opinion A14 Mitchell S. King g Sports B1 Not too big. Not too small. NllOur home loans are just right for you. Sumter: 803.469.0156 Manning:g 803.433.4451 bankofclarendon.com ."//*/(t46.5&3t4"/5&&t46..&350/t8:#00 A2 | SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2017 THE SUMTER ITEM Call: (803) 774-1226 | E-mail: [email protected] Judge denies bond to sexual assault suspect BY ADRIENNE SARVIS McElveen was outside. [email protected] Dennis said McElveen was arrested without incident while walking along A magistrate judge denied bond Fri- the road in the mobile home park day for Edward Earl McElveen, 66, of about noon on Wednesday. A handgun Dalzell, who was arrested for allegedly described by the victim was found on kidnapping and sexually assaulting his his person during the arrest, he said. neighbor this week. The bond denial re- According to Sumter County Sher- mains effective until McElveen, a regis- iff’s Office Public Information Officer tered sex offender, goes before a circuit Ken Bell, McElveen’s hearing was not judge for another bond hearing in April. held within 24 hours of him being ar- McElveen is charged with kidnap- rested because he was detained for ping, first degree criminal sexual con- weapons charges. duct, felon in possession of a weapon, A suspect can be detained for a max- unlawful carry of a weapon and pos- imum of 24 hours without being session of a weapon during a violent charged, he said. Bell said McElveen crime for allegedly binding the victim, also invoked his right to an attorney 78, with duct tape and sexually as- immediately after he was taken into saulting her twice within a 12-hour pe- custody so officers could not question riod between Tuesday and Wednesday him without an attorney present. in Scenic Lake Mobile Home Park. RICK CARPENTER / THE SUMTER ITEM While he was detained, investigators Magistrate Judge Larry Blanding Magistrate Judge Larry Blanding, right, denies bond to Edward Earl McElveen, left, Fri- spoke with the victim and were able to denied bond for all five charges day afternoon at Sumter-Lee Regional Detention Center. establish probable cause to get war- against McElveen until a circuit court rants charging McElveen for the as- judge could set bond during a hearing had been in an intimate relationship tim’s arms and wrists with duct tape sault, he said. The warrants were at 8:30 a.m. on April 7 at Sumter Coun- for about one year before the relation- and sexually assaulted her, he said. served on Thursday, well within the 24 ty Judicial Center. The victim and her ship ended one month ago. Dennis said McElveen forcibly hours that the law requires, he said. family were present during the hear- He said the alleged incident started moved the victim to his residence next McElveen is a registered sex offend- ing at the Sumter-Lee Regional Deten- about 5 p.m. on Tuesday when door where he sexually assaulted her er after being convicted of third-de- tion Center on Friday. McElveen went to the victim’s resi- a second time. He said the victim was gree criminal sexual conduct, and as- During a news conference on dence asking for food. While inside the able to escape and call law enforce- sault and battery of a high and aggra- Wednesday, Sheriff Anthony Dennis victim’s residence, McElveen allegedly ment on Wednesday morning after re- vated nature on Sept. 1, 2005, in North said the victim and alleged attacker pulled out a handgun, bound the vic- moving some of the duct tape while Charleston. LOCAL BRIEFS FROM STAFF REPORTS Sumter High AFJROTC seeks donations Sumter couple cashes in FROM STAFF REPORTS snacks for the cadets who during lottery drawing will participate in the Sumter High School’s Air march. All proceeds will go A Sumter man has his wife Force Junior ROTC program to the local chapter of the to thank for being $300,000 rich- will host its annual Bataan DAV. Checks should be made er after playing a combination Death March Remembrance to “Disabled American Vet- of family birth dates in Sun- from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Satur- erans.” day’s Palmetto Cash 5 drawing day, March 11, at the school. DAV is an organization at the Shiv Food Mart in Co- Several local veterans’ orga- chartered by Congress for lumbia. nizations, including Ameri- disabled military veterans of “If it wasn’t for her, I can Legion, Disabled Ameri- the U.S. Armed Forces that wouldn’t have played that day,” can Veterans and South Car- helps them and their fami- he said. “I was busy, and she olina Combat Veterans lies with transportation to put my numbers in for me.” Group, as well as some ac- and from appointments and The Sumter couple is plan- tive-duty personnel from provides them with equip- ning to pay off their mortgage Shaw Air Force Base, will ment, such as walkers and and keep the win quiet.
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