Saint Theresa of Avila Parish 10 Saint Theresa Avenue, West Roxbury, MA 02132 Prayer of Saint Theresa of Avila Christ has no body now on earth but yours; yours are the only hands with which He can do His work, yours are the only feet with which He can go about the world, Yours are the only eyes through which His compassion can shine forth. Christ has no body on earth now but yours. Mass Schedule Daily: 6:45 A.M., 4:00 P.M. Saturday: 4:00 P.M., 5:30 P.M. Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 A.M., 12:00 Noon Eve of Holy Days As Announced Holy Days As Announced THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME —O CTOBER 25 , 2015 PRIESTS OF SAINT THERESA’S SACRAMENTS Reverend Monsignor William M. Helmick, Pastor Reverend Richard S. Bradford CONFESSIONS: Saturday, 3:00-4:00 p.m. & Thursday before First Friday, 4:30 - 5:00 p.m. IN RESIDENCE Most Reverend Emilio S. Allué, S.D.B. BAPTISMS: Baptism is celebrated on the second and fourth Auxiliary Bishop of Boston, Emeritus Sundays of the month at 1:15 p.m. Baptism Preparation for Reverend Raymond G. Helmick, SJ parents and Godparents takes place on the Friday prior to the Reverend Peter P. Nolan, C.S.Sp. second Sunday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in the Chapel. Parents are asked to contact the Rectory (617-325-1300) at least two PARISH STAFF weeks before the Baptism. Principal of St. Theresa's School, Mrs. Jean Leahy MARRIAGES: Couples planning to be married at St. Theresa's RELIGIOUS EDUCATION should make an appointment with one of the priests at least six Sister Marie-Julie Seguin, Diane Flynn, Jennifer McKiernan months prior to the wedding date. RCIA Susan Abbott EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Exposition is held every Saturday in the Chapel following the 6:45 A.M. Mass DIRECTOR OF MUSIC with Benediction at 3:30 P.M. Come and spend some quiet time Brandon Santini with Our Lord. PARISH OUTREACH WILLS AND BEQUESTS: have been very helpful to Saint Sister Virginia Kelleher, CSJ • 617-325-1300 x 127 Theresa's Parish over the years, and we hope they will continue to assist the parish in its good work in the present and in the future. PARISH SECRETARY Mrs. Carol O'Brien • 617-325-1300 “I am like a dish that is broken but my trust is in you, O Lord" CONTACT INFORMATION -ps. 31 Rectory:.......................................................617-325-1300 Do you need help for domestic violence? Fax:.............................................................617-325-0380 Call 1-800-992-2600 - a 24 hour hot-line. School:.............. ........................................617-323-1050 PREGNANCY HELP: This program of the Pro-Life Office of CCD office:................................................617-469-2898 the Archdiocese of Boston offers free guidance and counseling Parish Web Page:.......www.sttheresaparishboston.com for pregnant women who seek a solution other than abortion. School Web Page:.....www.sttheresaschoolboston.com For help, call toll free 1-800-649-0999. Local address and phone The Church is handicapped accessible and air conditioned. number: 5 Wilson Street, Natick, MA 01760, 508-651-1900 SAINT T HERESA OF A VILA P ARISH THE YEAR OF ST. THERESA OF AVILA IN WEST ROXBURY A NOTE FROM MONSIGNOR HELMICK During the past several months, we have done several things in our parish to mark the 500 th Anniversary of the Birth of Saint Theresa of Avila. Among these things was the use of quotations from her in the parish bulletin and on our webpage, to help us grow in the process of having God at the center of our lives, to help us realize, as Theresa did, how important prayer and reflection on God’s love are for each of us, on a daily basis. We will Joann Coughlan, Father Raymond Helmick, S.J., His Eminence Sean continue to have a weekly quotation from the works of Cardinal O’Malley, Monsignor William M. Helmick Theresa in our bulletin, with the hope that this will be helpful for anyone who reads the bulletin. During this Theresian year, our Annual Lenten Mission was led by Father George Evans. He is a student of the life and writings of Theresa, and his homilies were a wonderful combination of the readings for the Lenten Weekdays and the life and actions of Theresa. It was very effectively done. At the end of May, we had a musical and dramatic performance in the Main Church, entitled “The Interior Castle”. This event was presented by a group of professional musicians and actors from Washington, D.C. Through the eyes of a young 21 st century journalist and her editor, it looked at how Theresa’s life would affect people living in our present culture. It was something different, but I think- - - and hope- - - it was helpful to the people who at- tended. The production was also seen at the Carmelite Monastery in Roxbury and at Boston College. The high point of the celebration of the 500th Anniversary of the Birth of Theresa of Avila was the 12 o’clock Mass last Sunday, October 18. His Eminence, Cardinal Seán O’Malley, was the celebrant of the Mass, along with Bishop Emilio Allué, Bishop Arthur Kennedy, Father Richard Bradford, Father Peter Nolan, Father James Flavin, Father John Nichols, Father Raymond Helmick, S.J., and your humble servant. I was most grateful to the many parishion- ers who came to this Mass and gave such a warm welcome to our Cardinal. In a most special way, I am grateful to Joann Coughlan, who assisted Father Raymond with the preview of his new mosaic about the life of Saint Theresa in the Pavilion. I am most grateful as well to Brandon Santini and the members of the Parish Choir, to the altar serv- ers, and to everyone who prepared for and participated in the Cardinal’s Mass, including the custodians who had the Church sparkling for the event. Cardinal O’Malley gave a remarkable homily, which I hope to print when I receive a copy of it. His homily was based on the Scripture Readings of last Sunday, but he wove the life and personal holiness of Saint Theresa in to the readings in a wonderful way. He described Theresa as a person who really understood the words of Jesus, which were part of the Gospel Reading from Saint Mark last Sunday:”…whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant; whoever wishes to be first among you will be the slave of all. For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many.” The Cardinal gave some examples of how Theresa of Avila accomplished this in her life. Five hundred years later, with the help of God’s grace, may all of us try always to do the same. Reverend Monsignor William M. Helmick Pastor 2 WEST ROXBURY , MASSACHUSETTS MASSES DURING THE WEEK Veterans’ Mass MONDAY November 8, 2015 6:45 A.M. NOT SCHEDULED 12:00 Noon P M MARTIN O CONNOR ANNIVERSARY MASS- 4:00 . ’ — Sunday, November 8, the Sunday before Veter- TUESDAY ans’ Day, we will have a special Mass at 12:00 6:45 A.M. NICHOLAS LAMBERTI —MEMORIAL MASS Noon, in the Main Church to observe Veterans’ 4:00 P.M MICHAEL MALONE —MEMORIAL MASS Day. The homilist at the Mass will be Father Edwin D. Condon, ordained a Priest of the Arch- WEDNESDAY diocese of Boston in 1961. He is a Captain in A M JAMES LYDON ANNIVERSARY MASS 6:45 . — the United States Navy. 4:00 P.M. MANUEL REAL —MEMORIAL MASS For eleven years Fr. Condon served in three THURSDAY parishes: St. Joseph’s in Pepperell, Sty. Mary’s in Lynn, and St. Cath- 6:45 A.M. LUIGI COSCIA —MEMORIAL MASS erine’s in Somerville. 4:00 P.M. MARY T. MCCARRON AND MAGGIE WYNNE In 1972, Fr. Condon was commissioned a Chaplain in the United States Navy. He has served with the Amphibious Navy, Norfolk, Vir- MEMORIAL MASS ginia; Marine Air Station, Iwakuni, Japan; and at the U.S, Naval Acad- FRIDAY emy, Annapolis, MD. He was assigned as Chaplain, Submarine 6:45 A.M. JOHN SR ., JULIA , AND JOHN FLANGAN , JR . Squadron 2, Groton, CT followed by a tour in the Recruiting Command MEMORIAL MASS and in 1985 was ordered to the Aircraft Carrier USS Theodore Roose- 4:00 P.M. KYRAN KENNEDY —MEMORIAL MASS velt (CVN-71) where he is a “plank owner.” He served as the Assistant Fleet Chaplain, U.S. Atlantic Fleet followed by a tour as Claimant Chap- ATURDAY S lain, Commander of Naval Education and Training, Pensacola, FL. In 6:45 A.M. ROSA AND GIUSEPPE MUSTO -MEMORIAL MASS 1994, he was ordered as Fleet Chaplain, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Honolulu, Hawaii. He retired from the Navy as Command Chaplain, Naval Sta- tion, Mayport, FL in 1999. Readings for the Week of October 25, 2015 Returning to the Archdiocese of Boston, he was named Pastor, St. Sunday: Jer 31:7-9/Heb 5:1-6/Mk 10:46-52 Denis’ Parish, Westwood, MA, from which he retired in 2005. Monday: Rom 8:12-17/Lk 13:10-17 Fr. Condon served as the Regional Episcopal Vicar for the South Re- Tuesday: Rom 8:18-25/Lk 13:18-21 gion of the Archdiocese until 2006. He presently serves as the Vicar for Pastoral Care of the Clergy. Wednesday: Eph 2:19-22/Lk 6:12-16 We look forward to welcoming Father Condon here on November 8, Thursday: Rom 8:31b-39/Lk 13:31-35 and we hope you will save the date and will attend this Mass to honor Friday: Rom 9:1-5/Lk 14:1-6 all our Veterans.
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