I . ♦•; &Jwna. Radison UniVfersity Llbmi P» ^ttntenburg. Va. £801 OCT 2 W New rules, budgets start today By CHRIS KOUBA New rules and reduced budgets for on the 1040'form, such as moving federal financial aid programs went expenses, but before deductions. into effect today, the start of the 1981- Students with a family adjusted 82 fiscal year. gross income of $30,000 or more must The law sets limits" called take a financial needs test. Needs of $l authorization ceilings, on how much to $499 will be met if a lender wants to money can be appropriated to the make a loan that small. Needs of $500 programs. Money probably will be to $1.000 will be met. probably with a appropriated by the end of October. flat $1,000 loan. Needs over $1,000 will The budgets and rules will affect aid be met but cannot exceed $2,500 a for the 1982-83 school year. year for undergraduate students or Usually appropriations are less $5,000 a year for graduate students. money than authorizations, according Social Security benefits and G.I. to Pat Smith of the American Council Bill payments are to be counted at on Education. "At the rate we're their full value when figuring student need. These previously were not going, it's fairly hard to tell" if that counted will happen this year, she said. This year's authorizations are based on The minimum annual repayment on last year's appropriations. Smith the GSL is increased from $360 to $600 expects the amounts to be close this a year. year. The GSL is to be awarded only after Here are the major changes in other financial aid possibilities have programs affecting James Madison been exhausted. Congress makes no University students: authorization ceiling on the GSL. About 55 percent of JMU students Students from higher-income receive GSLs. according to McRae. families face more difficulties to This issue... receive the Guaranteed Student Loan. Efforts to tighten control over the Duke HI, JMU's bulldog mascot, died of leukemia this summer. Since 1978. anyone was eligible for the Pell Grants <also\called the Basic His successor may be on the Way. See story, page 2. GSL. Now families with an adjusted Educational Opportunity Grant) gross income of $30,000 or more must failed. Proposals-tfiJimit the grants to The 2nd Annual Riathalon was held here Tuesday, attracting pass a needs test to receive the loan. $1,800 a year or to 50 percent of at- about 90 participants. See Sports, page 13. Adjusted gross income Hr the tendance cost were dropped. combined income of a student and This is the only major program for parents minus the adjustments listed See AID, page 2 Federal delays slowed process By CHRIS KOUBA ended up working in excess of 60 hours A heavy work load and federal a week." government delays slowed the financial aid process at James McRae had anticipated it would Madison University this summer, take four to six weeks for JMU to according to John McRae, director of process an application. He said the financial aid time was cut to a few days by the end The Department of Education of August. divides congressional appropriations Acklene Knott, loan officer at among the nation's schools, McRae Valley National Bank, said, "not said, noting that the department has knowing what happens there (JMU). I been slower to do sc«.in the past few find them to be very slow" in I years. This year JMU was notified of its share of the money in mid-July. McRae noted that the department McRae called already is behind for next year's programs Congress mandated the federal expectations department to formulate regulations as part of the new laws taking effect 'absurd' today yet the task is not done. "Here we've got new a law going processing applications. "I just had intoeffect and we don't know what the complaint after complaint." she said. regulations are. That is absurd." he When a bank loans a student money, said. it must wait for the school to complete a form OP O»«. school's costs. Knott - ■■ IDEALLY. STUDENTS would have said JMU took as long as six weeks to been notified of their financial aid do this. awards by August 1. McRae said, but McRae responded. "I don't think JMU did not know how much moneyjt any bank had applications five feet could award until the second week of high." He said he must process ap- July "It would"be okay if we started plications in the order they are school in October," he said, calling received. the late notification "asinine." Photos by Yo Nagaya JMU began notifying students of MOVING THE FINANCIAL aid their awards around August 1 and offices from Varner House to Hoff- finished the task during registration. man Hall put the office a week behind ...me a line McRae said about 5.000 applications in its work, McRae said, noting this C'orkey Couffman of the Rockinghaim Construction Co. lowers a new telephone were processed and about 3,000 had no effect on the delays. The move cable to co-worker Jimmy Thompson. They were replacing the cable to the awards were made. : was made in the second week of June, Warren Campus Center Wednesday!morning. "The loan applications were in a pile five feet high." McRae said. "We See DELAYS, page, 2 :——-.: -.: ■ ■ ' > iS»».v Pago 2 THK BKEKZK Thnrsdaj October I. IWI Mascot dies over summer; successor eyed "By KATi: I'ARPEK keVpcr <>t Duke III cousin who's expecting all (Jreek organizations on said 'Jumps Madison Pniversity This is very unusual in a around, Halloween." Nelson campus help pay for Duke IV. He never would have been » - lost its mascot (o leukemia young dog." Nelson said said "We have a bid in for a -.nice an average purebred a very good watchdog because over the summer Duke III, .1 Dyke III was (wo and a half male and we expect to pick bulldog c.osts about Jtfiod Hut he liked people too much." bulldog, had a growth in his wars old hv... .., '^*«i«vcnil>er " Nelson -aid . >' '^- .vpl#n' ^V-Jvelsoji Raid He added that 1 i »■ „»•';>■ -jwwgaud suffered (or about a Plying far.obtaining another Sigma Phi Rpsilon "doesn't come' through we'll while Duke was lovable, "he month before he died: ac- mnscof have already, begun fraternity had bought Duke 111 buv him ourselves ." was aloof and verv dignified 'earding to Mr William R The Nelsons have checked and given him to the NELSON Di:s< Itlltl I) "You could not cuddle or Nelson, head of (he Political with the kennel in Richmond university The Nelsons had Duke 111 as the perfect hold him." Nelson said "That Science Department and from which Duke III was taken care of him '• ; mascot for the university He • was -hard to do anyway. purchased "He has a female It has been suggested that loved to go to the games He because he weighed sixty five would sit and watch the pounds " baseball and basketball But, "as bulldogs go. he was games, and actually lollow the verv trim." Nelson said •Aid ball with his eyes At football Dl'KK I was owned by Dr 'Continued from pane 11 milbon for this program this million for the College Work games, he enjoyed the crowd Henry Meyers in the Political which Congress year but last T-*ar ap- Study Program Last year the more, because the ball was too Science Department and the hard to follow The baseball authorized increasing propriated $186 million The program received $550 dog appeared at some .IMP amounts of money over the prom-am also uses money paid million McRae said about 250 team gave, him a baseball, games next three years $2 65 billion back from previous year's .IMP students work, in thus which he would run qfter and Duke II lived with one of the this year $2 8 billion next year loans program" put in his mouth Some athletic trainers and died and $3 billion the following McRae estimates that 450 baseball players thought he young of heat exhaustion, a year The actual ap- students here will receive The changes are the result would bring them good common occurence in NDSI.s this year luck and would touch him bulldogs because their noses propriations might not follow of the Omnibus Hudget 1 this trend, however Other Reconciliation Hill which was before they went to bat. and it are short and they are prone programs were authorized the Congress authorized $555 signed into law Aug. 13. often seo/ned to help."Nelson to respiratory problems same amount of money for each of the next three years Last year the Pell Grants were appropriated $2 fi billion. but $254 million of that was to pay off previous years' deb's McRae said about 1 I per cent of JMP students received Pell Grants last year the King of Beers, •The Virginia . 1 oljege Scholarship Assistance Program affei te : percent if students hen is coming through. McRae said This program matches funds." dollar for dollar, with a federal program which was authorized $76R million The federal program was appropriated ?7ti 7ri million last year The Supplemental educational Opportunity (.rant was authorized $370 million, the same amount it was appropriated last year McRae said it affects about one percent of .IMP students The interest on National Direct Student Loans was raised from 3 percent to 5 percent A hike to 7 percent had been proposed Congress authorized $286 * Delays Continued from page 1> before the Department of Education made its decision on ap- propriations McRae liked the move.
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