THE 00 '- - - -- - .-_- -----.---__ - .--- .:F -- vol. I1 - EASTER No' I 1957 T:H f;nctl am He aor//' IN all quarters of the globe, BTH projectors are the fint ehoice for perfect sound and vision. 0nly BTH proiectors haye all these special features * High+pecd, high-incnia fswlwl which eliminates' wow' and,judet', * Rcv er se-r un n i n g.- qu i cA re -v ind *' idp.iz; interchanging spols. * Available with magneticloplcal sound ysun (lllodel 4St) or oprical nund sysun only (Model 45o). * New duign of take-up mechanisn- smooth-aa i ng aod trouble-free. THE BRITISH THOMSON.HOUSTON COHPANY LIt',tITED. RUGBY ENGLAND l,tabu o( tlr El grocl of <omfiaia THE COMMUNICATOR. Distortion lletected - T ransrnis sion Perfected The introduction of electronic techniques to the measurement and correction of telegraph distortion brings laboratory precision to the maintenance of modern line and radio telegraph circuits and all equipment, including teleprinters. The equipment described and illustrated on this page is representative of the contri- bution made by ATE to this field. Sends an autotnatic test message, or cltaracters' or rez,ersals at Lt^' speed bettteen 20-80 bauds rith or zt'ithottt disrcrtion. The CRO has q circular tinrc base for distortioil nttttsurenreilts ort s,tncltrotous signals onll', or relq' aLljustDttttt. ll'eight 3i lb. I.D.rll.S.6l For distortion meoslretneilts ort zt'orking cit'ctrits rtithout interrupting serrice. Each elemeut of a start-sIoP signal appears separatel.l'ort the spiral time base displat. Adjustable speeds from 2O-80 bttuds. Weight 33 lb. Hi,gher speed tersions cart be xtpplied to ordcr. REGEI{ERAIIYE REPEIIER TRR.' is a slart-stal. .h;; ttttit coJe e,.1tripnttt, d;-rrglrrl to corr€cr distotrtlon on lortg line or r,tdio ieltgraph circtrirs. It coi;rs l/l; -f iid rdrigr -15, 50 or ?5 batrJs. attd acciprs srgrta/.s :llrl itp to f9 " distortion. AT r 460t-BX r07 AATOMATIC nELEPIIOI{E & ELECTBIC CO. LTO. STROWGER HOUSE, ARUNDEL SIREET, IONDON, W.C.2 felephone: TEMPLE BAR 9262 Coblegroms: SIROWGEREX TONOON THE COMMUNICATOR GievesL I M I TE D Ouffitters to the Royal l{aay 27 OLD BOND STREET . LONDON \^/.I Telephore fYf,e F:.k 2276 *slr.rvgudc*agdt/4 aaa S. G. BROWN LTD. SHAKESPEARE STREET incorporating WATFORD, HERTS Thc Submarine Signal Co. Ltd, Tel.: 72.11 THE COMMUNICATOR The Mogozine of the Communicotions Bronch, Royol Novy EASTER, I957 VOL. ll. No. I CONTENIS page page Eoltontnr- 5 Tsr Trlecn,rpHrsr (S) BnnNcn 25 Fonswono BY CAPTATN A. H. C. Gonoor How To Br A Co--suluNr 26 LENNox, o.s.o., n.u. 5 PensoNnlrry PlcE ... 26-27 H.M.S. "Mencunv" AND HER Fonsrlns 6 H.M.S. "PRorEcroR" 28 Covr"rssrorrNc Fonrcnsr ... 7 MsorrrnRANEAN 29 Frn Ersr 8 RrlrsEo Crnrl,ro^-rlt Gulor 32 WHo wls rHE GREATEST SlcNnl Orrtcen? 15 Tnr COr',rrvruNrc,lron Ar Tsr RrCrs 38 Wr rnxe Our Hrrs OEE To ... 18 Tnr PeNorNr 39 Ersr INous ... 19 Polrrrcs Mlor Ensy 39 Tse Bnrocr oN Tsr Rtvrn Kwrt 2l Oop To Rocx 'N Ror-l ... 4l TRAcKs FoR JAcK AND ENsIGN Srnrrs... 22 Hove SrlrroN 43 Txs Arncnrrr Clnntpn Seunonox 23 Flmt Arn Anu 57 " SrcNlr- CrLrslres " 24 GorNc Tse RouNos lN "Msncuny" 59 Evrn Trur ... 25 CorrartuNrcnttoNs Glzrrrr' 61 Editor: Lieutenant Commander (C) N. F,c,wcETr, R.N. Treasurer: Instructor Lieutenant K. O. Bnrcsr, B.sc., R.N. Art Editor: Leading Wren Hulrsv Secretary: Leading Wren SprLolNc Editorial Staff: Instructor Lt. Commander A. T. IREToN, R.N. Business, Production and Advertisemenl Manager : Mn. Eocnn Srncounr, 2 Station Hill, Farnham, Surrey. CONTRIBUTIONS All MSS., photographs and cartoons should be sent to the Editor at H.M.S. "Mercury", as below These will be returned to the senders only if asked for, and responsibility for them cannot be accepted by the Editor. Subscription Rates for 1957 are as follow's For the whole year . 6/- post free For each issue J/10 or 2l2l post free Bulk orders from commands, ships or establishrnents, 2/- per copy, post free. The Magazine is published at Easter, Summer and Christmas. Some back numbers are obtainable. **** Cheques and/or postal orders should be made payable and sent to: The Editor, Tse Coptt'.tuNIcAToR, H.M.S. "Mrncunv", East Meon, near Petersfield, Hampshire. PUBLISHED AT H.M.S. ..MERCURY" Phrtltt lr1' cr)urt(D of Chas. Whil(. l'he F-irst Sea [,ord unreils the portrait of Her Maiesty 1'he Queen in H.M'S. "Mercury" THE COMMUNICATOR EDITORIAL To Petty Officer Telegraphist Dry To Leading Telegraphist ... Dry and minus 34 An apology is due for the Christmas Number, To Yeomen of Signals .12 because the Ceremonial Disc was overtaken by To Leading Signalman . Dry and nrinus 69 Chapters l2 and l3 of Q.R. and A.[. Unfortunately You will no doubt have seen or heard aboi \e f(rr lhe Editorial Staff. n'rinor amendments were Temporary Manning Standards promulgateti ir nrade to these chapters after their last visit to the Adnriralty Fleet Order 517/57. The cuts imposed are Signal School. We hope that no major crises have severe. and rvill inevitably give the inrpression that occurred as a result of these errors. A revised Disc the seagoing Communicator is going to have to is included in this number. work even harder than he does at present. Every Communicators have responded well to the call possible step is being taken however, to ensure that for stories about the Suez Affair. However, I would no greater burden shall fall on the reduced conrple- like to point out in answer to the various inuendoes, ments, and I hope that it is generally realised that that H.M.S. Mercurl'managed to stay open all the these manning standards are the only way in which tinre and that the Christmas Number of the we can get through this critical period and at the Magazine was produced with no nlore than the same time take active steps to improve the ratio of usual hectic rush. Horvever, Suez has had its effect U.K./overseas service. on the Magazine insofar as the delivery is concerned. Another important developnrent which has now I hope that all our avid readers have now been received oflrcial approval is that nrany of the jobs satisfied even though there have been a longer might in shore M.S.O.'s in the U.K. at present undertaken wait than usual. by civilians will in future be filled by communication a entertaining we Among variety of contributions ratings. This is a further step to improve the shorei welcome articles from past Communicators, includ- ratio, it will take quite long tinre to "Hotspur" sea but a ing Commander H. P. Mead and of the implement. Prizes Daily Telegraph. are once again offered for The special new National Service intake at Devon- photograph the best article, and cartoon submitted port Signal School is running well and the first for the Summer Number. Full details are contained classes will be at sea during the latter half of the year page on 64. to help relieve the load. we various In recent numbers have tried to cover The conrmunication drafting office in Portsmouth sports and now it is the turn ofSoccer to be featured. moves up to Haslenrere with the New Central pleased shortl;-' The Editor would therefore be very to Drafting Authority.rThis move will in no way alter receive an article from someone in "the know" or our present close contact with the drafting team. to be put in contact with a Soccer expert. The Communication Divisional Officers will remain available as your local contact at Chatham, Devon- port and in H.M.S. Mercurl, and all vrill have direct FOREWORD access to the new Central Authority. I would like you to bear in mind the importance by of filling up the new Preference Drafting cards with CAPTAIN A. H. C. GORDON LENNOX, care and attention. The snrooth running of the new D.S.O., R.N. scheme will depend a great deal on the clarity and accuracy of the infornration you provide. Although I said in the Christmas number that I To all of you who are in shore billets and who do should not have the opportunity of writing to you not receive Preference Drafting cards, it is important all again, I find that I am in fact still in the chair on that if you wish to volunteer for any particular ship the Editor's deadline date for contributions. or station you should do so well in advance. The There is little I can add to the main points that I Drafting Authority tells me that he has already set down in December. We are still suffering from received practically all the volunteers he wants for the aftermath of the Suez crisis and a delayed ships commissioning in the next four months and recommissioning programme. The Drafting authority recommends that anybody contemplating';.rlun- is doing his best to provide the very large numbers teering should endeavour to do so six months ahead. we require to put on course and has made an The new accommodation block al Mercury is excellent start, but it is already clear that the training going ahead well and I think that there is now little targets will not be met in full, and that the shortages doubt that it will be ready for occr.rpation in forecast in Petty Officer Telegraphists, Leading November. 1957. Telegraphists and Leading Signalman are likely to Due to the necessity for economy it is most be serious.
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