IICAG 5 SOKS• "J)0:c DINrCR'i 25c! fi P P» 1I f• '• ^ • o J o•. * r i uI**' ! ii ni n >• ir i mi n 492 3 4- The Lowell olutne 17, Issue 15 Serving Lowell Area Readers Since 1893 Wednesday, February 24, 1993 \Along Main Street City contemplates purchase of tank for $1.35 million project The start of ihe water sys- been determined according to LDtCLL ^OCLf tem improvement project Tim NcNamara of Fishbeck, which City officials hope to Thompson, Carr and Huber. start lhis summer, will be de- The types of tanks being pendent on financing. considered are Ihe boll steel PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES The $1.35 million project storage tanks which could al- will be financed through rev- low for greater flexibility. a Parent Teachcr confcrcnccs for the Unwell High School enue bonds, special McNamara says that, how- jkand Middle School will be held Wednesday, Feb. 24 from 5 lo assessments and user fees. ever, is not a prime concern. •9 p.m. and Thursday, Feb. 25 from 6 to 8 p.m. John LeFevre and Tim There is ihe pre-cast con- McNamara of Fishbeck, crete tank and the welded and | ANNUAL SHOWBOAT QUEEN S PAGEANT Thompson, Carr and Huber pai nted steeI storage la nks I ha t provided an update on the pre- are also being considered. s The Annual Showboat Queen's Pageant is scheduled for liminary design phase for the The steel storage options Saturday, April 17. Applications may be picked-up at the west side and northeast water would costs $353,000 includ- • following locations: Lowell High School, FMB Slate Savings improvements. ing the earth work. The 11111111111 m i irn Bank, Family Fare, Pfallers Clothing & Shoes. The water main routing is ore-cast concrete tank, includ- The deadline is Friday, March 19. For more information from Bowes Road to Alexan- ing ihe earth work would cost •call Carol Briggs at 897-5501. dria, up Ridgeview, beyond $553,000. » Sibley to Gee Drive north, McNamara said original along Gee Drive to Alden thought was given to purchas- j*. ATHLETIC BOOSTERS "SPRING FLING" Nash, from there to the corpo- ing a one-million gallon tank, The Lowell Athletic Boosters will have their first annual rate limits, then, M-21 west however, he was warned that "Spring Fling," a craft-bake sale and gently used formal/party between Ridgeview Drive to purchasing a tank too big risks TrZJCrtKT FiM7 dress sale on Saturday, March 27 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.It will Alden Nash (city limits). the possibility of getting stag- be held at the Lowell Middle School, 12675 Foreman Rd. While, not yet approved, it nant water. For more information, as a seller or a buyer, contact Deb is thought that an 800,000 The tank'sdimensions will Williams at 897-6405, Mike or Sharon Lesky at 691-7776 or gallon tank will be recom- be 28 feet high and 74 feet in Lowell Middle School at 897-9222. mended. The type of tank that diameter. The liquid depth will set on a parcel of land just would be 25 feet. ENTRY FORMS AVAILABLE FOR north of Gee Drive has not yet ARTS COMPETITION Entry forms are available for the Lowell Area Arts Coun- School/Township water project flowing smoothly cils Seventh Annual West Michigan Regional Competition. A After months of delays the struction of the water and The first order of business Ihe board is able to look at Ihe juried event, the competition is open to all West Michigan water and sewer project for sewer projects. The money for t he boa rd was to ta ke ae ria I topographical map it can de- artists. This years juror will be Patience Young, Curator of Lowell's new high school is was deposited in separate in- photos of the su rround ing area termine which route would Education with the Detroit Institute of Art. headed in the right direction. terest bearing accounts and to determine the best route for best serve the facility and com- Over $1,000 in cash awards will be given in the following Lowell's Township Board will be used, at the discretion both lines. The film has been munity. categories: The Kathic Quada Memorial Purchase Pri/e, Best received the needed funds, of the township board, to pay taken and developed by The proposed route of the of Show, Best 2-D, Best 3-D, Creative Use of Materials and $500,000 for each project, for incoming bills related to Abrahms Surveyors but has water main w ill run from Fore- Jurors Selection. Entry forms are available from the Lowell from Ihe school board for con- Ihe lines. not been put on paper. Once Water project, cont'd., Arts Council at 149 S. Hudson, P.O. Box 53, Lowell, MI 49331 or phone 897-8545, daily. TICKETS ON SALE FOR " A MOUSE THAT ROARED" The Lowell Area Arts Council is presenting "The Mouse Thai Roared," a comedy in two acts, on Feb. 26 and 27. Tickets for Friday and Saturday performances will have cafe style seating with reserved seats for $6 each. Blocks of 20 or more may be purchased for $5 each. All performances begin at 8 p.m. at the Lowell Middle School. Tickets are on sale at the Lowell Area Arts Council Center, 149 S. Hudson Street. For more information call the Center at 897-8545. OFF THE BLOTTER Karen Kelly, 23, ol Lowell failed to yield right of way Feb 16 al Chatham and Broadwav Street and collided with a vehicle driven by Connie Reedy, 51, of Alto. No injuries were reported. Arrested lordriving under the inlluence of alcohol Feb. 16 was Kenneth Maddux, 38, of Lowell. Lowell officers arrested Ty Gemniell, 40, of Lowell for driving under the influence of alcohol Feb, 16. Dawn Kramer, 32, of Saranac, was arrested by Lowell officers Feb. 17 lor driving under the inlluence of alcohol. A 15 year old juvenile from Lowell escaped serious injury Feb. 16 w hen she ran out into traffic on West Main Street near Pleasant and was struck by a vehicle driven by Judith Picket, 40, of Belding. Arrested on a warrant issued by 63rd District Court Feb. 20 District Champions for lailure to appear in court was Thomas Vernon, 25, of liiiwell won Us second consecutive district title on Wednesday at l^ike Odessa. Wrestling story and pictures on Main Stmrt, cont'd., pf>. X pa«e 19. I ht* l .owell I.edj»er-Wednesday. February 24,1993-Pajje 2 The Lowell I>edger-Wednesday, February 24,1993-Page 3 PKARSON - Zelma M. dren, Linda Craig of Ionia, Courier; one greal-grand- nephews. Funeral Services Pearson. aged 62, of Lowell, Shirley Reminga of Belmonl, child. Erika Baker: special were held Friday at the Rmh- Gerst Chapel, Rev. Kirk died Tuesday, Februarv lh. PaI(Richard)CourlerofBeld- lamilymembers,Dale,Craig, TOUW TALK OBITUARIES 1^3. She was preceded in ing: ihree grandchildren, and Elaine Wandel,Stuart and Starkweather officiating. deaih In her husband, Leo. Shelly(John)Williams.Mich- Danny Mortenseii: brothers She is sur\ived bv her chil- elle (Paul) Baker. Rick and sisters: many nieces and ( I \lMIM(iS-Mr. Frcdcnck Burial and Commiltal Sen iee What was your initial response to President A. C'uinmincv aecd D. ol was celebrated Thursday al Grand a I . S. Na\\ Si. Isidore Chureh. Inlermenl \ derail o\ WWII, passed Holy Cn^ss Cemelery. Me- Vibrant, young sounds come to Lowell Bill Clinton's speech on Wednesday? aw in Mi>nday. Febnian 15. morial eontributions lo Si. IW.V Surs i\ iin: are his w ile. Isidore Youlh Group will be Ka\ (Casinnra): Iwo sons appreciated. Enjoy an inspirational and a dauehier. Pamela program of music and drama W GKRAKl) - Mrs. Doris E. by The Proclamation and Ciimmiiies ol MemphiN. TN. I Pennis (Man) Cummines i^l Gerard, aged S3, ol* Lowell, Stage Right groups from • lowell. Timoiln (Linnea) died Friday. February N. Grand Rapids Baplist College. W^3. She is survived by her These vibrant young Ciiniininc^ o\ Spana: eiehi Jim MacDonald Kd Bartolussi children. Allen (Juanita) people are excited about Jesus urandehildren. Aaron I feel it is a good thing. I like what I heard. He was Gerard of Soulh Bend. IV Christ and about Iheir Chris- (Anabel) Haseher ol Ger- With all this world stuff going specific and laid out the facts, Dr. Donald (Donna) Gerard lian college. Singing familiar inany. \lallliew. Nalhan. on. we've got to come up with Everyone will have to con- of Lowell. R. \ ernon and fresh vocal music. Ihe stu- Sarah Haseher. Daniel and money someplace. My only tributeorwewillbeintnmble. (Charlene) Gerard ol Ada. denls inspire and encourage V\elle C uniniiiiiis. Andrew question is how far down will He's on the right track, Mrs. Haney (E.Joyce)Breen all ages. Mixing music, testi- and Eli/alvihC unimiimN'.iwo he come with the taxes? I ol Newaveo. Mrs. Ann mony. mulli-iniage and mnUts. X'irmnia (Carl) Mon- think the millionaires will find XenderKuvI ol Riverside. drama, they exalt Jesus Christ roe ol Culpepper. \ A. the loop holes. People I ike you CA: broiher. Ronald Gray ol and demonstrate ihe values of Mereede^ RoN'rts ol and myself can't afford the Han: 2S jzrandchildren: 51 Christian college education. Jenison: sisler-in-law. lawyers to find loop lu ties for Please come and bring a Becky Thatcher Richard Garrett Roger Kimble Jim Alexander fheresa Seeord: several greai-erandchildren. Funeral us. nieees. nephews ;md eousins. Services were held Monday friend lo meet and enjoy The Wlmt he's doin# is shifting It was favorable.
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