3183 westernmost Ingoe branch of the River Pont, called tion with the main aqueduct of the said Company, or known as the Fenwick Burn, at or near the near to where the said aqueduct crosses the Wreath place where the public highway leading from Mat- Burn, in the township of Newburn, and parish of fen Low Hall to Stamfordham, passes over such Newburn, in the said county of Northumberland, branch in the township of Fenwick, in the said and there to take water from the said river. Also parish of Stamfordham, and terminating at or in the an aqueduct or pipe commencing at or near the existing aqueduct of the said Company, in the town- lower end of the Company's present reservoirs near ships of East Matfen, and Hawkwell, or one of Welton, in the township of Harlow Hill, in the said them, in the said parish of Stamfordham, in, near, parish of 0 vingham, and terminating at or near the or adjoining certain fields on the eastern side of cattle market, in the said parish or parochial cha- Thornham-hill. Also, an aqueduct or conduit, pelry of St. John, in the said parish of St. Nicholas. with works and conveniences as aforesaid, con- Which said several aqueducts or conduits, branch nected therewith, commencing at or in the Matfen aqueducts or conduits, cuts, channels, pipes, reser- branch of the River Pont, in the townships of East voirs, and other works and conveniences herein- Matfen and Fenwick, or one of them, in the parishes before described or referred to, for the construction of Stamfordham and Matfen, or one of them., at or of which powers will be applied for in the said Bill, near the junction between such river and the exist- will be situate in or pass from, in, through, or into ing aqueduct of the Company, and terminating in the several parishes, townships, and extra-paro- the aqueduct authorized to be made by " The chial places of Chollerton township, Chollerton Whittle Dean Waterworks Act, 1853," at or near parish, Barrasford, Gunnerton, Chipchase, Colwell, the north end thereof, in the said township of Eaat Colwell and Great Swinburne, Little Swinburne, Matfen. Also, branch aqueducts and conduits, for Tone, Whiteside Law, Throckrington parish, the purpose of conveying the waters of the streams Throckrington township, Little Bavington,- Gary- called Coldwell Springs, or Coldwell Burn, other- coats, Saint John Lee, Bingfield, Hallington, Port- wise Colwell Burn, and Small Burn, and their tri- gate, Sandoe, Fallowfield, Wall, Cocklaw, Bukeley, butaries, or the brooks supplied by them, from Ryal, Matfen, East Matfen, West Maften, Stamford- points above the main line of aqueduct firstly here- ham, Fenwick, Cheeseburn.Grange, Ingoe, Nesbitt, inbefore described, into such main line, near the Ouston, Hawkwell, Bitchfield, Heugh, Kearsley, points of crossings thereof, respectively in the said Ovingham, Harlow-hill, Welton, Nafferton, Spittal, township of Colwell and Great Swinburne, and Whittle, Horsley, Ovington, Wylam Houghton, parish of Chollerton, and for the purpose of convey- Houghton, and Close House, Heddon-on-the-Wall ing the waters of the several streams called Hal- .township and parish, East Heddon, West Heddon, lington Burn, Hallington West Burn, Hallington Tbrocldey, Newburn township and parish, New- North Burn, Hallow Well, Hallington East Burn, burn Hall, Sugley, West Denton, East Denton, and and Fair Spring, and their tributaries, or the brooks Benwell, or some of them, in the county of Northum- supplied thereby, from points above such last men- berland, Saint John, Elswick, Saint Nicholas, and tioned main line of aqueduct, into the said main Westgate, or some of them, in the borough and line, at or near the points of crossing thereof, re- county of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. And it is also spectively in the townships of Hallington and Ryal, intended to apply for the powers usually conferred in the parishes of Saint John Lee and Stamfordham, for the compulsory purchase of lands and houses, or some or one of them; and also such other branch and to enable the Company to purchase by compul- aqueducts and conduits, within the several parishes sion or agreement, or take on lease, all such lands, and townships hereinafter mentioned, as may be houses, streams, and springs of water, and heredi- necessary for conveying all such other waters to taments as may be necessary or desirable for the the said main lines of aqueduct as may be crossed construction, maintenance, and use of the said by such aqueducts, or situate near the line thereof. works or any of them, or for obtaining such further Aiso, a reservoir or reservoirs, with all proper supply of water or otherwise. Also, it is intended works and conveniences connected therewith, to to take powers to purchase, by compulsion or agree-t be situate on and near the Swin Burn, otherwise ment, all or any of the mills, manufactories, and Gary Burn, in the township of Little Swinburne, works, with the lands, houses, and easements con- and parish of Chollerton, near to and above the nected therewith, situate on the River Pont and place where such burn crosses under the said road its branches arid tributaries between the points of leading from Corbridge to Elishaw Bridge, called taking water from such river, in the said townships Watling-street. Also, a reservoir or reservoirs, of East Matfen and Fenwick, and the Junction of with all proper works and conveniences connected such river with the River Blyth, and also upon therewith, to be situate at or near to the lower end of the brooks or streams called the Erring Burn, the the Company's present reservoirs, at Welton, in the Swin Burn, otherwise Gary Burn, and the Halling- townships of Harlow Hill and Welton, in the parish ton Burn, and their tributaries, and which said of 0 vingham, in the said county of Northumberland. several mills, manufactories, and works aforesaid Also, a reservoir or reservoirs with proper works so intended to be purchased or taken are situate in and conveniences connected therewith, to be situate the several townships and parishes of Stamfordham, near Elswick West Farm House, in or near certain Newburn, Ponteland, Heugh, North Dissington, lands belonging to Richard Grainger, in the town- South Dissington, Dalton, Black Callerton, Throck- ship of Elswick, in the parish or parochial chapelry ley, High Callerton, Little Callerton, Berwick Hill, of St. John, in the parish of Saint Nicholas, in the Colwell and Great Swinburne, Little Swinburne, borough and county of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, with Ponteland township, Kirkley, Colwell, Swinburne, an aqueduct or aqueducts or pipes to communicate Barrasford, Chollerton township, Chollerton parish, between such reservoir and the Company's existing Hallington, Saint John Lee, Wall, Acomb, Cock- main line of aqueduct, at points on the same near law, Fallowfield, Portgate, or some of them, in the Greenhow-terrace, on the Scotswood-road, all in the county of Northumberland. And it is intended said township and parish. Also, a cut or channel to apply for powers within the several parishes, with pumping engines, wells, and other works and townships, and extraparochial places hereinbefore conveniences connected therewith, contiguous to the mentioned, or any of them, and in connection with river Tyne, commencing at or in the river Tyne, the reservoirs, aqueducts, conduits, and works at a point in the township of Heddon-on-the-Wall, hereinbefore set forth, and for the purposes thereof, and parish of Heddon-on-the-Wall, in the county to construct and maintain such sluices, embank- of Northumberland, in or adjoining and near to ments, gauge weirs, waste weirs, overfalls, bridges, the south-east corner of a field in the occupation drains, aqueducts, filtering beds, steam engines, of George Armstrong, and terminating by a junc- main pipes, tunnels, drains, roads, approaches, and.
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