Bibliography of Fish Reproduction 1963-1974 Part 1 of 3 Parts General, N on-teleostean Species and Teleostei, Abramis toClinostomus Edward M. Donaldson Research and Resource Services 41 60 Marine Drive West Vancouver, British Columbia V7V 1N6 September 1977 Fisheries & Marine Service Tecllnical Report No. 732 Fisheries and Marine Service Technical Reports These reports co ntain scientific an d tec hnica l information that represc nts an important contribution to ex isting knowleel ge but which for . ome reason may no t be appropriate for primary sc ientific (ie. Journal) publication . T ec hnic,ti Reports are elirec teel primari ly towar el s a world w iele audience an el have <I n in tern at iona l distribu tion. No res tri cti on is placeel on subject malleI' ami th e series ren ects the broad in terests ,Inel po licies o f the Fishe:'ies an d M arine Se r vice , Ilamely. f'i shel'ies m ana ge m <.: llt, tec hnology and deve lopment , ocean sci ellces alld aqua ti c env irOIl­ m ellts releva llt to Ca llacia . Tec hllica l Reports ma y be ci ted as fu ll publ ica ti olls. The correc t cit,lti oll appea rs above the <lb stl'<lct o f'e,lch report . Each report wi ll be ,Ibstractcci ill Aquaric SciellCl?s olld Fis/iNies Abslracrs and w ill be illdexed allilua lly ill th e Se rvice's illelex to scie lltiric anel tec hnica l public ltioll s. Numbers 1-4'\6 in thi s se ri es wcrc iss ueel as T ec hllica l Rel'O rt S or th e Fisheries Resea rch Board of Canada Numbers 4:57-7 14 lVe re iss ueel as D ep<lrt lrlellt o r t he En vi l'O nmellt , Fishc ri es <lnd M ,lrine Sen'ice , Reseal'C h and D cve lop m ent Direc tor­ ate Tec hllica l Reports The se ri es naille \\'as changed w i t h I' eport num be r 715. Detai ls on th e av,l ilabilit y u f T ec hnica l Reports In hard copy Illay be ob tai ned I'rom the i ~s uin g es t,lblishment indica ted on t he i'r ont cover. Service des peches et des sciences de la mer Rapports techniques Ccs rapp ort s cO lltiennellt des rense iglleillents scielltifiques et tec hni ques qui co nstituentulle contributioll ill1po n ante <lU X CO llnaiss ance s actue lles m ais qui , pour une rai so n ou pour un e ,Iutre, Il e se mblent pa s app ropries pour la publication dalls un jourll,iI sc ielltilique. II n'y a auculle res tri cti oll quallt au suj et, de rail. la se rie refle te la \',Iste gd illme des illteretS et des politiques du Sen'ice des pec hes ct de la m er, Ilo t<lmm ent ges tion des pec hes, tec hniques et deve loppem enl. ~c i e ll ces oc ealliques et en virolllleillellts aq uatiques, au C'lllaeia. Les Rapports tec hlliques pe u vc nt etre co nsiel c res co mme el es publica ti ons co mple tes. L e titre eX,lc t paraltra au hau t elu res ull1 e de chaque rap port . qui sera Iwblic clan s la revue ,-Iqll{[/ic Scicllces olld Fis/i er;('\' ,-Ib s rro cr~ et qui fi gurera dans I'inelex alliluel des publicati olls sc iclltif'iques et tec hlliqucs clu Service. Les nUllleros 1-4 56 de ce lle "erie ont etc publi es il tit re de Rappo rt s tec hniques de l'O llice des rec herches sur les pec heri es .:.lu Ca nada . L es nUllleros 45 7-700, iltitre de Rapports tec hlliques de la Direc ti oll ge llcrale de 1<1 rec herche ct du dC ve loppclllellt, Se r vice dcs pcches et de la Iller, Illinistere cl e l' Ell\irOllnelllelll. L e no m de la se ri e a ctc Illoclifi e i1 partir dLi Iluillero 70 1 La p,lge co uve rt Lire porte Ie Il OIll de I'eta bl isse illellt ,Iuteur oLI 1'011 peut se pl'OC LIrer les r,lpPOrlS SO US couverlu re Ca rlOll llce . • Cover design by Christine Rusk Fisheries and Marine Service Technical Report 732 September 1977 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISH REPRODUCTION 1963-1974 PART 1 OF 3 PARTS GENERAL, NON-TELEOSTEAN SPECIES AND TELEOSTEI, ABRAMIS TO CLINOSTOMUS by Edward M. Donaldson Research and Resource Services Directorate Fisheries and Marine Service Department of Fisheries and the Environment 4160 Marine Drive West Vancouver, British Columbia V7V 1N6 ii (c) Minister of Supply and Services Canada Cat. no. Fs 97-6/1977-732 ISSN 0701-7626 iii CONTENTS OF PART 1 Abstract vii Introduction 1 Torpedo 67 Scope 1 Trygon 69 Arrangement 1 Uro1ophus 69 Sources 2 Squa1omorpha 69 Request for feedback 3 General 69 Acknowledgments 4 Carcharhinus 69 Feedback forms 5 Centrophorus 70 References Centroscymnus 70 Review 8 Cepha1oscy11ium 70 Bibliography 11 Cetorhinus 70 General 12 Ga1eus 71 Agnatha 51 Ging1ymostoma 71 General 51 Ha1aelurus 71 Branchiostoma 51 Heptranchias 71 Caspiomyzon 51 Muste1us 71 Entosphenus 52 Prionace 72 Eptatretus 52 Rhincodon 72 Ichthyomyzon 52 Scy1iorhinus 72 Lampetra 52 Scy11ium 76 Mordacia 57 Sphyrna 77 Myxine 58 Squalus 77 Petromyzon 59 Triakis 80 Po1istotrema 60 Dipnoi 81 Holocephali 61 Lepidosiren 81 Chimaera 61 Neoceratodus 81 Hydrolagus 61 Protopterus 81 E1asmobranchii 62 Coe1acanthini 83 General 62 Latimeria 83 Rajomorpha 63 Chondrostei 84 Dasyatis 63 General 84 Gymnura 64 Acipenser 84 Narcine 64 Ca1amoichthys 94 Raia 64 Huso 94 Raja 65 Po1yodon 95 Rhinobatus 67 Po1ypterus 95 iv Ho1ostei 96 Amphiprion 125 General 96 Amphiuma 125 Amia 96 Anabantidae 125 Lepisosteus 96 Anabas 125 Te1eostei 97 Anarhichas 126 General 97 Anchoa 126 Abramis 113 Anchovie11a 126 Abud efduf 116 Ancy10psetta 126 Acanthemb1emaria 116 Anguilla 127 Acanthias 116 Anop1opoma 134 Acanthobrama 116 Anoptichthys 135 Acanthocepo1a 117 Anotopterus 135 Acanthochromis 117 Antennarius 135 Acanthoc1inus 117 Anthias 136 Acanthocybium 117 Apeltes 136 Acanthopagrus 117 Aphya 136 Acanthuridae 117 Aphyosemion 136 Acerina 117 Apistogramma 136 Achei10gnathus 118 Apogon 137 Achirus 118 Arapaima 137 Acrochei1us 118 Arbacia 137 Acyrtops 118 Arctogadus 137 Adinia 119 Are1iscus 137 Aequidens 119 Argentina 137 Agonidae 119 Argyrosomus 137 Agonus 119 Ariidae 137 A1bu1a 119 Aristichthys 138 A1burnus 120 Arius 139 A1ectis 120 Arothron 140 A1episaurus 120 Arripis 140 A1estes 120 Aspasma 140 A1 0sa 121 Aspasmichthys 140 Ambassis 124 Aspidophoroides 140 Amblop1ites 124 Aspro 140 Ammod ytes 124 Asterropteryx 140 Amphipnous 124 Astrabe 140 v Astyanax 141 Brosme 156 Atherestes 141 Brycona1estes 156 Atheresthes 141 Bu11isichthys 156 Atherina 142 Bunocepha1us 157 Austrofundu1us 142 Ca11inectes 157 Auxis 142 Ca11ionymus 157 Badidae 143 Carangidae 157 Badis 143 Caranx 157 Bagre 143 Carassius 157 Bairdiella 143 Carpiodes 168 Barbus 143 Cataetyx 168 Bari1ius 145 Cat1a 168 Bathophilus 145 Catostomus 169 Bathygobius 145 Centrarchidae 170 Bathy1agus 145 Centrarchus 171 Bathypterois 146 Centro1ophus 171 Be10ne 146 Centrophryne 171 Bentha1be11a 146 Centropomus 171 Benthenche1ys 146 Centropristis 171 Betta 146 Cepo1a 171 Biwia 147 Ceratias 172 B1ennius 148 Cetengrau1is 172 B1epharis 148 Chaenocepha1us 172 B1icca 148 Chaenogobius 172 Bo1eophtha1mus 149 Chalcalburnus 172 Boops 149 Cha1inura 173 Boreogadus 150 Chanda 173 Bothidae 150 Channa 173 Botia 150 Chanos 174 Brachydanio 150 Characodon 174 Brachydeuterus 155 Chasmichthys 174 Brachyga1axias 155 Chasmistes 174 Brachyrhaphis 155 Chasmodes 174 Bregmaceros 155 Chei1odacty1us 175 Brevoortia 155 Chei10dipterus 175 vi Chei1opogon 175 Che1onodon 175 Ch1oroscombrus 175 Chondrostoma 175 Chromis 176 Chrosomus 176 Chyrsichthys 176 Chrysophrys 177 Cich1asoma 177 Cichlidae 178 Cirrhina (Cirrhinus) 179 Citharichthys 181 C1arias 181 C1eisthenes 183 C1inocottus 183 C1inostomus 183 vii ABSTRACT Donaldson, F..M. 1977. Bibliography of fish reproduction 1963-1974. Part 1 - General, Non-teleostean species and Teleostei, Abramis to Clinostomus . Part 2 - Teleostei, Clupea to Ompok. Part 3 - Teleostei, Oncorhynchus to Zygonectes and Addendum. Fish. Mar. Servo Tech. Rep. 732 : 572 p. This bibliography contains references on all aspects of fish repro­ duction; ovarian and testicular development, o~ulation and spermiation, reproductive behavior, spawning, fertilization, fecundity, development of the egg, hatching and early larval development. All types of fish have been included from Agnathans to Teleosteans. The references have been grouped according to the major classification sub-divisions and within each ffiajor grouping alphabetically by genus. Key words: Bibliography, fish, reproduction, ovary, testis, pituitary, ovulation, spawning, fecundity, hatching. / / RESUME Donaldson, E. M. 1977. Bibliography of fish reproduction 1963-1974. Part 1 - General, Non-teleostean species and Teleostei, Abramis to Clinostomus. Part 2 - Teleostei, Clupea to Ompok. Part 3 - Teleostei, Oncorhynchus to Zygonectes and Addendulll. Fish. Mar. Servo Tech. Rep. 732: 572 p. L'aiteur a etabli une bibliographie des references relatives aux aspects suivants de la reproduction des poissons: maturation ovarienne et testiculaire; ovulation et spermiation; comportement reproducteur; frai; fecondation; fecondite; developpement embryonnaire; incubation et developpement larvaire aux premiers stades. Tous les poissons, des agnathes aux teleosteens,~ ~ ~ / / / . ~ ; , , ont ete repertor~es. Les references sont groupees selon les grandes subdivisions de la classification et rangees par ordre alphabetique suivant le genre. Mots-cles: bibliographie, poissons, reproduction, ovaire, testicule, hypophyse, ovulation, frai, fecondite, incubation. 1 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this bibliography is to provide a solid body of refer­ ences on reproduction in fish for use by fisheries scientists and fish culturists in both Canada ann the other countries of the world where fish provide a significant source of protein. It is intended that the biblio­ graphy will be of particular assistance to those scientists in the developing countries who do not have access to search facilities or the larger biblio­ graphic indices and abstract services at their place of work.
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