, . Br Mall. SUM DM w. Hanunonton, N. j., APRIL $9, 192J. Th Plac for "FOR THE GOOD OF LOCAJ, BOVS BIG ODD FELLOWS MEET * *, Good Eats ' JL A JL HAMMONTON.'; ' - Hammonton HigJ dents Hammonton Odd Fellows will ipeet "To emr man there openeth • way. were unUeual)y iubl ek be- to arronga^ans for attending tie big 'A And the high tonl climbs the Men way. cause of a decisive . ! by meet of O*l Fellows to be held on s s And the low *>nl gropes the low; s the Hrimmonton Hij leball Saturday night this week in the Cam- PABACE THEATRE np"l_ • ' iv '• * - i In * 'i» And In between an tne mbtjr flats, team on their, riv Saddon den armory. Hammonton expects to The rent drift to and fro.. Heighta team, Hat tnrry off the honor of having the old- But to every man there openeth tha score of 8 to I field- ' This Saturday Night 1 f Tina Dried Beef A Ugh way and »law. est Odd Fellow at the meeting, Wil- " ' „ * * And every man detidrth ing better thurt KMT; liam Bernshouse, • who has , been a The way MJ-Mul shall to." member of the order for 64 years. "CLEAN The Chamber of Commerce meets Hobart Bosworth 1OOO to 1 QRIFr^lTH'8 L«TEftT 8UCCE88 s clean on Tuesday evening next. Come. TASTES BETTER up week at Hammo eh but LONG RIDE .TO FIRE Chester Comedy Torchy Toms Capfd The latest production made by 1). VT. the Griffith, "Drctm Street" foiraflwl «u little Interest is bete Hammonton firemen Sunday night storlto by Thomns Burks IB n fcreat project this year, it M t con- took ft. 16 mile ride answering a tall MieceUB at the Chestnut Street Onmtn siderable benefit of Jkl lature for help, from Cedar Brook, Camden The Thimnest atfcl Best Houne? Philadelphia. It i» n production will result. Coma o I even county. The trip to the scene of the entirelV different In themr- and twatmfpt if no proclamation the fire, Hotel Central, at that place, was from the tremendously nuccewiful 'Wav "Star." ' ;L.;< j made in 18 minutes from the time Down Fast." but In <-very reswgt to as word was phoned .to Hammonton. The nrttablp B» that trhimphoht Grlffi'h <•«•• Hammonton .. Troop . You Ever Taste*• i d atlon. Flanhen. of the unique Griffith •uts services'of the Hammonton fire lad- r comedy are dlncoverable and-them.,!* a are, having beneflt- he <^es were Tiot required on their arrival tale that 1« of cumulative Interert. nre- List of Oie MoWcari, t°.n' us the flames had bacn extinguished by gfe A T tjjk * xented with the distinctive- Jirt nf the Theatres, Thursday t this volunteers who threw sand upon the famed director and with a company that Week. flames, water not being available. The Is Impeccable with respect to fldelUv of CENT-A.\ file started in a. small frame structure characterisation. The love tale- IB as nolgnant as that of "Romeo and Juliet, near the hotel, used to store gasoline. Jackson's Market but there IB a difference In a lexical and Minimum cha This was totally destroyed,' preventing -., . 25c.; tl the securing if water with which to An Is customary in the ease nf * Orlf> quench the flames which later attacked fith lU-oduorlnfc the picture IB Bhown^wlth straight , the hotel. Approximate' loss about ine regard for detail of lighting;, of eft $1000.' fecta and of inimical settlnj. A large- ntchiMra plays the special music that WEDDING BELLS h»R been nrrnngcd to fit the tale in Us You can get' Various makes of typiwjt i Oliver, Announcement was made here today >HEAB THIS PR&VCHI2R.8PEAKER \arlOun mahlfrtitallona. At the'op»ninit CLEANUP WEEK -presentation Orifflt* was In attendance Underwood, SmithTE at the of-the coming marriage of- Joha H. The Rev. Samuel B. Williams, ot to ette nerwnol pupervlslnn and,leading "Star" office at 76 f Price, well known in this community, Philadelphia, will deliver an address Council h«a dedRnated the period of members of the cast -we're nrm*pt from to Anna M. .Murray, of Atlantic City. ou "The Funny Bide, ot » Minister'* May 2 >to 7 as official "cleanup week." New York including Mlsa qarol pemp- The ceremony will be performed here Life." In the Nesc* Church, on Monday Thin action woo taken In conformity nfor, wb« has the lendln" role, "IB* •)»• FARM WANTEO- hear on Saturday,.May 7, at the home of «T«Bta», Msy 8. - with a .request-, from the Uammonton Ovri»r Pair, a girl of the music,ha from owner of - land the groom on. Central avenue. _rr:—-—<•—t Board of Health ttmt Council proclaim stage of London. for sale Vbrth * bed. L. YOU ARE WELCOME ~ auch a period. 'J — The picture has beenJJirensi'e'' that wondron* art that ha" made GrlfBt Jonas, Box 8S1> Oil rtAMMONTONfrANS TO Come and hear the good new* of the famed, throughout the World. Tri» enac HONOR DEAD VETS Goipel. Preaching every Sunday eve- Be sure to read this aerial. mcnt is of the fluent and it Is believec HOUSEWORk- Dedication of $4000 Granite Monument HUIB nt 7.30 o'clqck to "Monfott's Ball, that the ntnrr an It tm<i •"'"•i told wi • ' : wanted, on Memorial Day; Committee* lielnvue avenue. "THE PRODIGAL VILLAGE." find a world-wide appreciation. Address Mrs. ROB*, 1 lainraoix- - Are Arranged. - toy, N. J.. •'At least eight organizations of this FOB place are represented on the various HORSE/ TWO' farm subcommittees appointed by Herbert tools, etc. Apply 1 , El- C. Doughty, chairman of the Service wood, HTJT J. PARKER READ Jr. arranging for the dedication of the FOB $4000- granite monument, and eight HORSE, ten . granite markers, the ceremony to take presents good condition, I Mur- place, on tha ' afternoon of Memorial pby, Elwwd, N< Day. , Hammonton. Tho organizations represented are Fnnston Post of the American Legion, THE MODERN FtfNfcRAlT"" Kate .Aylesford Chapter ,bf the Daugh- Hobart Bosworth Real 'Estate,- 'Flint • ters or the American Revolution; Itisu Womans' Civic Club, 'the Town Coun- in cil, Harrimonton Chamber of Com- How exalted the dignity of that profession whose member* have Vfe Sf merce, Washington Camp No. 73, of „ th» hallowed privilege of composing those lifeless featured and mem- Bell phone, 6-R the Patriotic Order Sons of America; ber* and making beautiful even in death-the clayed casket that tmco Hammonton High School and Ham- ATHOUSAND TO ONE monton Troop of Boy Scouts. - held an imperishable )'«wel*-the-immortal i^ul. , , House contains 7 1 The various sub-committees and Directed by Personally supervised end cold w»ttr. ' their respective chairmen are a« fol- RVLEE By J PARKER REAP Jc. How honored that vocation which admit* it» memben Into the V bbr Road and .Price fsaoS to lOws: i afflicted home the sanctuary of •otrow, . ^Program — Charles Davenport^ chair- furnish mortl man; Mrs. L J. Rider, Mrs'. S. A. Jfte Story oftfa manwfio wfapped himself For morvi Goforth, Mm. H. 0. poughty, James k noblt that call f rnembtrt 'dread no diMM< bow- s W. Cottrell. j. »ver malignant in its c »«Wnk foo»no iwrviice', )wv«^«r a ' Entertainment-anil Reception— H. ' Wt**A-%f '& J>-' - ,*airtnan; Mayor ~ ' TMlX*SSr * !&l:tibiiM ' U - \*!SSj&^fess f , w -, *r. -4f!NiL; and •yrnpathy I Deeoratidns—<T. L. Q'Donnell,' chair- man; Mrs. t. A. Wilson, Thomaa D. PRIZS WINNERS" »f Hanunontcn Uelkir. Peter Costa, Lino Rubba, Ir- Bud Jonef s , j The One ToultrV Bhow. Black Minorcan, Set- vin I. Hearuig, ' tings'of 16 select WTO, 1360. T. V ^ Finance—Clarence I, Littlefleld, Chester Comedy Shuffle (he Trail Harding, Hammonton, N. J. ' chairman; Prof. William A. Brarajm, TIHE JONES SERVICE Petel Tell, H. M. Carroll, Samuel B. Gunk, Samuel Anderson, Harry P. 10-room house, electric llghta, three- Mottola, John C. Rlizotto. ,. Funeral Director and Sanitarian quarter acre, land, bear and apple i Memorial—Prof. A: J. Rldar, ahair- EAGLE THEATRE treea, atruwberriea. Mary Vuotto, man; Dr. Frederick C. Burl, Prof. N. Main Road near C.,HoklHi)g<>. Hammonton • - - N. J. Th a tar Jay Night BERRY PUNT9 WATCH FOR WEEKLY Wanted—Ranere raspberry' plants, must be good.' for solo—-Superb ana SPECIALS Bebe DaUlcAs , You. Never Can Tell Progreanlvo everbearing utraWberry paste, in tubes or bottles. Spe- ' Sunshine Comedy The-Bill Secret • plonta. Frank A. Tomkinoon, 12th and : cial dozen price. Grand «tr««U.r .; :': _ ••. '_'• i'Extra Heavily Inked J?ada for Rubber Stamp»—$1.80'Cach.-tjr 2 Next Tuesday ~LARG^ E CABINEFO1R8ALT OAE S RANGEI •* i r TWO RIFLES) SMALL STOCKING for $2.00. In Red, Black and Eui|ene O'Brien MACHINE; LARGE PLATE CAM- Purple, Broadway and Hom« BRA. PHONE, 1095. Big Jumbo Pads for 25c. ' Curjreut Episode lldhtlnrf Fate • Ribbons fof Oliver, Underwood, "' FOR SALE OB RENT Old-obtabUnhed meat and grocery Royal, Smith Premier and Rem- Next Saturday utoreJfvty, locateluvufc^idu aHIt. junctiojuiit.,-- n of t*o main ington Typewriters always on atreeia, Hammonton. Apply'to RUB- hand, 78c each; 3 for $2.00. Mary Flcbford Sad. ao'o'aQua Qualita y Markut, corner Thlrteentli SOUTH JERSEY and *» Current Episode StreeItreect anat d RallroaS Avcnuo, Hammon SPECIALTIES ton, N. J. CO., 1 . ' , Star Building,, V AGENTS WANTED ; Second Street^ Hammonton Earn money In ypur Bpur*t!m« *oll> 1 n« to families Dr. S. U, Smith * Mag- SALESMEN . Furniture For Sale netic Salv* for rheumatlum and, aMn dlieaaes. Steady «mle», pood prollt, Pour salesmen wanted for Eatabllihed 80 yeara. Adren Smith, this territory; hustlers, that are •Only ..))&& used 6 months; dining "room, THE UNIVERSAL CAR ' i828 KADOM jJT.,JMnLA., FA.
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