LARGEST AUDITED COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER IN QUEENS July 12-18, 2013 Your Neighborhood - Your News ® 75 cents THE NEWSPAPER OF FLUSHING, AUBURNDALE, KEW GARDENS HILLS & FRESH MEADOWS Whitestone residents Artists of divided on bridge exit Queens Page 2 QGuide Page ? Mystery music Council doles out Halloran cash bugs Flushing Embattled lawmaker from far away MELODIES OF THE EMERALD ISLE has funding slashed BY JOE ANUTA in wake of scandal Residents of a serene North Flushing block spent six weeks BY JOE ANUTA AND RICH tracking down the elusive source BOCKMANN of blaring music — and were shocked to find it across a river Lawmakers kept a promise and more than a mile away. this week to give out earmarks to Peter Condiles lives near the nonprofits and schools on behalf corner of 33rd Avenue and 149th of embattled City Councilman Street in a leafy section of Flush- Dan Halloran (R-Whitestone), but ing where lawns, driveways and this year his share of the pot was carefully manicured bushes are greatly diminished. the norm. Halloran’s funds were wrest- It was a quiet place to grow ed from his control following his Continued on Page 41 April 2 arrest on charges he at- tempted to get state Sen. Malcolm Smith (D-Hollis) a spot on the Re- publican line in the mayor’s race through bribery. But Councilman Leroy Com- rie (D-St. Albans) announced Tuesday he and his Queens David Kincaid performs Irish songs from the Civil War during a Tribute to the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of compatriots were guided by Hal- Gettysburg, held at the Poppenhusen Institute in College Point. See more photos on Page 24. loran’s citizen budgeting process, Photo by Christina Santucci where residents of the district MAILING ADDRESS GOES HERE Continued on Page 42 A CNG Publication Vol. 22 No. 28 52 total pages CATS For MAYOR A New Yorker for all New Yorkers cats2013.com Paid for by Catsimatidis 2013 2 FT Whitestone exit sparks spat Students at QCC learn COM . Malba Gardens block wants one-way streets, off ramp closed for good from comfort women TIMESLEDGER BY PHIL CORSO in person Thursday. “The BY JOE ANUTA reactions are the same for History traveled more our Holocaust survivor stu- A group of Malba Gar- than 6,000 miles to meet dent interns who study the dens residents want cars face-to-face with students history of the Holocaust, 12-18, 2013 12-18, 2013 taking the last exit from the at Queensborough Commu- interview survivors and ULY Whitestone Expressway di- nity College. then share their stories , J verted to another street or Over the past year, stu- with others, ensuring that EDGER stopped altogether. dents at the Bayside cam- when the last survivor is L Alfredo Centola, presi- pus were able to hear the gone their stories shall not IMES T dent of the Malba Gardens horrific stories of Korean be forgotten.” Civic Association, is push- and Chinese comfort wom- Nine students at ing to have 4th and 5th av- en, who were kidnapped Queensborough took part enues made one-way from and forced into sexual slav- in one of the college’s new- 147th Street to the Whites- ery for the Japanese army est East Asia history in- tone Expressway service during World War II. They ternship program, pairing road and opposes the re- were scheduled to take the them up with comfort wom- opening of the temporarily lessons one step further an with the ultimate goal of shuttered 3rd Avenue exit, this week when the women keeping their stories alive. although his plan is not from South Korea flew to The program was launched popular with the rest of the New York to meet the stu- in partnership with the neighborhood. dents in the company of advocacy group Korean The one-way arrange- college officials and elected American Civic Empower- ment would prevent cars leaders. ment in the fall. and commercial trucks get- “Our students — sever- “It is a very impor- ting off the exit from turn- al of whom had never heard tant project for all of us,” ing eastward down those of the Korean comfort wom- Queensborough President streets, which he said are en — were visibly shaken Diane Call said. “This is populated with children by what they learned dur- an opportunity for our stu- Alfredo Centola (l.) and neighbor Sylvia Kanellos stand in front of the now-shuttered 3rd Avenue exit, who often play outside. ing these interviews,” said dents to learn about history The exit currently is closed which they say brings all manner of problems onto their residential street. Dr. Arthur Flug, executive and the prejudice that can while crews refurbish the as high as 38 mph, the study injuries identified in the Gene Kelty, who said they director of the Kupferberg lead to horrifying results.” Whitestone Bridge, but it showed. study. A maximum of 152 have been receiving com- Holocaust Center and Ar- Hephzibah Premku- is set to open again in early The department found vehicles per hour traveled plaints about backup on the chives, where the students mar was one of the student 2015. no imminent danger and eastbound down that road, detour route. were to have met the women Continued on Page 42 “We’re looking to get decided to leave it up to which runs between Fran- The board previously this street changed to a Community Board 7 wheth- cis Lewis Park and a row of conducted a survey that one-way with traffic go- er or not to go ahead with houses. Speeding data was found residents along the ing toward the bridge,” he the change. not available. avenues in question sup- said. “Once they open that If the two avenues were Centola believes the ported the one-way con- exit, there is going to be a switched, the only option ultimate solution would be versions and exit closure, flood.” for cars heading east would to permanently close the while homeowners in the In 2010, the city De- be to take 3rd Avenue, 3rd Avenue exit. surrounding blocks who partment of Transporta- which the study showed “With the exit closed also used the thorough- tion did a study and found was even more fraught with now, everybody was wor- fares did not. CB 7 does not that 107 cars per hour trav- problems. ried that there was going support Centola’s idea of eled eastbound down 5th Six accidents oc- to be a headache,” he said. closing the exit on a per- Avenue and caused two ac- curred between the service “But it has been working manent basis, Kelty said, Queensborough Community College student Alexander Crombez cidents between 2004 and road and 147th Street be- out fine.” but will revisit the one-way (c.) shares his story of speaking one-on-one with Korean comfort 2008. More than 30 percent tween 2004 and 2008, two That assertion was conversions once the exit is women earlier this year. of those cars were speeding of which caused the only disputed by CB 7 Chairman reopened. IN THIS ISSUE HOW TO REACH US Police Blotter ........................................................8 Education ......................................................27-28 MAIL: 41-02 Bell Boulevard, Bayside, NY 11361 Editorials & Letters .......................................10-11 Q Guide .......................................................... 33-38 PHONE: Display Advertising: (718) 260-4537 — Editorial: (718) 260-4545 New Voices ............................................................12 Business ............................................................... 40 FAX: General: (718) 225-7117 — Editorial (718) 224-2934 QueensLine ...........................................................12 Sports ............................................................43-46 Display: (718) 260-4537 — Classified: (718) 260-2549 On Point .................................................................13 Classified ........................................................47-51 E-MAIL: Editorial: [email protected] Display Advertising: [email protected] Mayoral Spin Cycle .............................................13 Classified: [email protected] TO SUBSCRIBE: Call (718) 260-4590 FLUSHING TIMES (USPS#03925) is published weekly by News Community Newspaper Holdings Inc., 41-02 Bell Boulevard, Bayside, NY.11361, (718) 229-0300. The entire contents of this publication are copyright 2013. All rights reserved. The newspaper will not be liable for errors appearing in any advertising beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error. Periodicals postage paid at Flushing, N.Y. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the FLUSHING TIMES C/O News Community Newspaper Holdings Inc. 41-02 Bell Boulevard, Bayside, N.Y. 11361 3 Bell Boulevard set to shut down for BID’s Weekend Walk BT T IMES L Group hopes DOT-sponsored event will bring foot traffi c and attention to member stores on strip EDGER BY PHIL CORSO always been our main goal Bloomberg’s World Class , J through all the different Streets initiative to pro- ULY Bell Boulevard will events we have put togeth- mote new ways to use pub- 2013 12-18, be closed for an entire day er.” lic spaces throughout the this September for what the The event was just five boroughs. Bayside Village Business one of several on the BID’s The city said 23 total Improvement District an- agenda for the upcoming sites were slated for the nounced as Bayside’s first year, Sclair said, as the 2013 season, which goes TIMESLEDGER weekend walk event. group looks to build on its from May through October. Lyle Sclair, executive momentum gained during The BID was listed by . director for the BID, said the first half of 2013. the city as one of several COM his group signed on to the “Our accomplishments community partners work- city Department of Trans- lie in the sheer number of ing to make the Weekend portation event earlier this events we have done so far,” Walk program more robust year with hopes of bringing said Sclair, who joined the in the borough, joining more foot traffic and atten- BID in the middle of 2012.
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