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Developer: Game Freak Publisher: NintendoPlatform: GAMEBOYRelease Date: Red, Blue, Green (1996) - Yellow (1998) Developer: Game Freak Publisher: Nintendo Platform: GAMEBOY ColorRelease Date: Gold, Silver (1999) - Crystal (2000) Pokemon GoldDownLoadPokemon SilverDownPokemon CrystalDownload Developer: Game Freak Publisher: Nintendo Platform: GAMEBOY ADVANCERelease Date: Ruby, Sapphire (2002) - Emerald, FireRed, LeafGreen (2004) Developer: Freak Game Publisher: Nintendo (The Pokemon Company) Platform: Nintendo DSRelease: Pearl (2006) - Platinum (2008) - HeartGold, SoulSilver (2009) Developer: Game Freak Publisher: Nintendo (The Pokemon Company) Platform: Nintendo DSRelease Date: Black, White (2010) - Black 2, White 2 (2012) Developer: Freak Game Publisher: Nintendo (Company Pokemon) Platform: Nintendo 3DSRelease Date: X, Y (10/2013) - Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire (11/2014) Pokemon xDownDownPokemon YDownload Pokemon Omega RubyDownLoadPokeMon SapphireDown Developer: Nintendo/HAL Labs (Stadium, Stadium 2) - Genius Sonority (Battle Revolution) Publisher : Nintendo (Pokemon Company) Platform: NINTENDO 64 (Stadium, Stadium, Stadium 2) - Wii (Battle of the Revolution)Release Date: Stadium (1999) - Stadium 2 (2000) - Battle of the Revolution (2006) Pokemon StadiumDownloadPokemon Stadium 2Download Pokemon BattleDown RevolutionDown Developer: Genius Sonority (Colosseum, XD) Publisher: Nintendo (Company Of Pokemon)Platform: NINTENDO GAMECUBE (Colosseum, XD)Release date: Colosseum (Colosseum) 2003) - XD (2005) Developer: Pokemon Company (Pokemon Box RSS) - Umbrella (My Pokemon Ranch)Publisher: Nintendo (Pokemon Company)Platform: NINTENDO GAMECUBE (Box R s) - Wii (Ranch)Release date: Box R'S (2003) - Ranch (2008) Pokemon BoxRuby : Umbrella (Hey, Pikachu!, Pokemon Channel) - Creatures, Inc. 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(1998) - Pokemon Channel (2003) - Pokepark (2009) - Pokemon2 (2012) Developer: Genius Sonority (Red Rescue Team) - Umbrella (Blue Rescue Team) - Chunsoft (Time Explorers/Darkness/Sky, Blazing/Stormy/Light Adventure Squad, Infinity) Publisher: Chunsoft (Red/Blue Rescue Team) - Nintendo (Time Researchers/Darkness/Sky, Burning/Storm/Light Adventure Squad, Infinity) Platform: GAMEBOY ADVANCE (Red Rescue Team) - Nintendo DS (Blue Rescue Team, Time Explorers/Darkness/Sky) - Исследователи времени / Тьмы (2007) - Исследователи неба (2009) - Пылающий / Stormy / Light Adventure Squad (2009) - Ворота в бесконечность (2012) Покемон Тайна DungeonRed Спасательный TeamDownloadPokemon Mystery DungeonBlue Rescue TeamDownload Pokemon Mystery DungeonExplorers of TimeDownload / MirrorPokemon Mystery DungeonExplorers of DarknessDownloadPokemon Mystery DungeonExplorers of SkyDownload Pokemon Mystery DungeonKeep Going! Пылающий Приключения SquadDownloadPokemon Тайна DungeonLet's Go! 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Платформа: GAMEBOY Color (TCG, Card GB2) - PC (Play It! , TCG Online) - Nintendo DS (Как играть dS)Дата выпуска: TCG (1998) - Card GB2 (2001) - Play It! (1999 - 2000) - TCG Online (2011) - Как играть DS (2011) PokemonTrading Card GameDownloadPokemon Card GB2Here Приходит команда GR! Скачать Pokemon Play It!DownloadPokemon Play It! V2Download Pokemon TCG OnlineWebsitePokemon Карточная играКак играть DSDownload Разработчик: HAL Labs (SSB, SSB Melee, SSB Brawl) - Namco Bandai (SSB для 3DS, SSB для Wii U) Издатель: Nintendo Платформа: NINTENDO 64 VC (Super Smash Bros.) - NINTENDO GAMECUBE (Super Smash Bros. Melee) - Wii (Super Smash Bros. Brawl) - 3DS (Super Smash Bros. для 3DS) - Wii U (Super Smash Bros. для Wii U)Дата выпуска: Super Smash Bros. (1999 ) Melee (2001) - Super Smash Bros. Brawl (2008) - Super Smash Bros. для Nintendo 3DS/Wii U (2014) Super Smash Bros.DownloadSuper Smash Bros. MeleeDownloadSuper Smash Bros. BrawlDownload Super Smash Bros. для 3DSDownloadSuper Smash Bros. для Wii UDownload Developer: Ambrella Издатель: Nintendo Платформа: Wii (Rumble) - Nintendo 3DS (Rumble Blast) - Wii U (Rumble U)Дата выпуска : Rumble (2009) - Rumble Blast (2011) - Rumble U (24/4/2012) Pokemon RumbleDownble BlastDownload / MirrorRumble UDownload Developer: Genius Sonority DS (Throzei) - Nintendo 3DS (Битва Throzei) выпуска: Throzei (2005) - Битва Throzei (3/2014) Pokemon Throzei! (Ссылка) DownloadPok'mon Битва ThrozeiDownload Разработчик: HAL Labs, Inc(Snap) - Амбрелла (Dash) - Genius Sonority (Typing) - Koei (Художественная Завоевание) - Неизвестный Издатель: NintendoPlatform: NINTENDO 64 (Snap) - Nintendo DS (Dash, Типирование, Завоевание) - Nintendo 3DS (Художественная) выпуска: Snap (1999-2007) - Dash (2004) - Типирование (2011) ) - Завоевание (2012) - Художественная (7/2014) Разработчик: Существа, Inc. (Покедекс 3D, Покедекс 3D Pro, Dream Radar) - Nintendo (Покемон Банк) Издатель: NintendoPlatform: Nintendo 3DSRele ПокеDex Покедекс ase D Pro (2012) - Dream Radar (2012) - Покемон Банк (2014) Nguồn: VN Обмен сообщество инициативе покемонов энциклопедии I'm этой статьи of the официального английского названия. Название, настоящее используется является фан является фан переводом японского Покемон Тайна Подземелье: Продолжайте's a kite! Пылающий Pokemon Приключений Dungeon Японский логотип Покемон Тайна Подземелье Продолжайте! пылающий Приключений Покемон Тайна Подземелье: Пойдем! Штормовой Pokemon Wonder приключений Let's Go! Arashi Adventure team японский логотип Покемон Тайна Подземелье: Пойдем! Stormy Adventure Squad Pok'mon Mystery Dungeon: Go For It! The Adventures of Light Japanese Logo of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Go For It! Light Adventure Squad Ratings CERO: A ESRB: N/A ACB: N/A OFLC: N/A PEGI: N/A GRAC: N/A GSRR: N/A Release dates Japan: August 4, 2009[1] North America: N/A Australia: N/A Europe: N/A South Korea: N/A Hong Kong: N/A Taiwan: N/A Websites Japan: Official Site English: N/A Japanese boxart [[File: [[File:][File:]250px]][StrategyWiki has more about this subject: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (WiiWare) (Japanese: Pokemon Wonder Dungeon Recommendations!) Fire Adventure Team Pok'mon Mystery Dungeon: Keep Going! Пылающий Приключений), (японский: Pokemon Wonder Покемон Тайна Подземелье Dungeon Let's Go Пойдем! Stormy Adventure Squad), zhao (японский Покемон Тайна Подземелье Покемон Тайна Подземелье являются набор игр для: Pokemon Wonder Dungeon Aim! Сериал является адаптацией игр Mystery Dungeon для покемонов. Каждый титул стоил 1200 очков Wii (1234 Wii Points апреля 2014 года). Были выпущены исключительно Японии 4 августа 2009 года, что также делает их сих пор единственными, международного релиза. Эти названия больше являются законно получить, Wii Shop Channel был закрыт 31 In April 2020, a fan translation of these games was released. The three games are collectively called (Japanese: ポケモ不思議ダジョ冒険団シリズ Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Adventure Squad series). The games contain the mythical Pokemon Arceus, who went missing but made a cameo-like statue in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky. The games focus on water, electric and fire-type Pokemon depending on the version, and the design of the native village changes accordingly. The games are not as plot-based as previous Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games. Pokemon features use the same 3D models as my Pokemon Ranch and the Pokemon Rumble series. The player can use the Nintendo DS as a controller. Using the Internet, the player can ask for salvation from another player. The WiiConnect24 has been used to load special missions. Pokemon can now develop inside the Dungeon. If the enemy defeats a party member, he will move on to the next stage, if any, by gaining new moves and levels; The revived seed does not prevent this. Four different save files are available, making it one of the few titles in the entire Pokemon series, allowing more than one person to play the same copy of the game. If a player buys more than one version of the game, his save file can be used with any version to access different Pokemon. The new mechanic allows Pokemon to ride on top of each other, called Pokemon Tower, which allows them to perform simultaneous attacks with each other and move like one. The towers also allow Pokemon to learn egg moves by watching another Pokemon in the tower perform a move a couple of times, allowing the Pokemon in the tower that can learn to move as
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