THE STANDARD SOUTHERN NEWSPAPER THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION Daily «»d Sunday, rmrtlrr delivery. 13 ecat> Vol. XLVH.—No. 200. ATLANTA, GA., FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 1, 1915.—FOURTEEN PAGES. copies «• the streets and at ncTrMrtaad*. B 1LO YEAR PASSES EFFQRITO STRIKE The New Chief BRITISH TAKE GERMAN ISLE; TESIOF LITERACY RUSSIANS CHASE AUSTRlANS JOY FAILSIpATE BACK ACROSS CARPATHIANS GERMANY STARTS NEW YEAR .t the Hour of 12 O'Clock j Vote of 47 to 1? Against WITH WATCH STANDING FIRM Germans and French Each London, January 1.—(12:50 a. m.) Hold Part of the Strategic Every Whistle and Bell Amendment Regarded as The following; official communica- tion from Berlin has been received Town of Steinbach, in Al- and Horn in Atlanta Was Indication ThatfBill Itself here by wireless:' ."Since the war 'began arid up till sace, Where, a Desperate Working Overtime. | Will Pass. | the end of the year we still stand firm on the old German watch, Battle Is in Progress. .-.. " | "~ .waiting what the future has In etore for us.- AY CROWDS THRONG {AFRICANS EXCLJDED, "We are still united. No enemy- can force us in isplte of rage and RUSSIAN AND TEUTON ALL OF THE HOTELS] AND POLYGARJSTS ALSO hypocrisy. "In the east as well as the -west ARE WAGING CRUCIAL may victory ever attend you. Q many over all! ..-••—• STRUGGLE IN POLAND lubs Kept Open House and I Amendment to Ixclude All "The whole -world learns 1 we can do when we are attacked Dancing and Merriment Bu|t Members <f the Cau- and that German pluck rings throughout the world. •< Fighting Confined to Artil- \bounded~Churches Hold j casian Race Fdls by Vote "Main headquarters reports to- night (Thursday) that our troops lery Engagements Along iA/atchnight Services. | of 47 to 9. fighting in Poland have made over 36,000 prisoners In the region of Belgian Coast—Westende Downtown Atlanta went on. a j<Sy j Washington, Decemer 31—Efforts Lodz and Lowlcz and besides have taken many guns. " and (pther Small Towns ,g at midnight when the first bell , to strike the literaej test from the "The total number of prisoners BBan to toll the death of the old year' pending immigration .ill failed in the taken since the llth of November Are Leveled by Shells of nd a dim. Jar away whistle .boomed! senate toflay. Senatr Marline's mo- tion to eliminate the revision was de- Amounts to 136.000. Over 100 guns Kladsome welcome to the new. and 300 machine guns also have the Allies. feated 47 to 12. Thlsjvas considered-a There was merriment ami revelry been captured.'* veryjvhers. test vote on the bill,taelf, which sen- Cowbells janglert, whistles shrieked, ate leaders expect t Pass Saturday. \ London, December 31.—-The new year lorns snorted, bells i-langed, pedes- 'Amendments werojoted on In ciulck finds belligerent Hurope aftor f!v<» rians -whooped nnd howled. Twn- succession during, th last hour of to- months of war fighting us sternly as .hirds of the population kept, the day's sifssion. Two /ere adopted, one Savannah Cotton at thpv beginning, hut seemingly with- >ther and slumberous thlrrl awake. to exclude a.11 Immjrants of African out, iprospects of immediate big vic- The police had said "hands off." blood, or the black.ace. and another tories. i\nd thus they kept them. An unre- to strengthen the johibltion against Sent to the Bottom The Austrian* again h»v» been driv- strained spirit of carnival reigned believers in poly gaff. en out of the greater part of Oallcla, along- th" downtown streets that has 411 amendments I the literacy test :uid according? to a.Vienna statement, never been equaled before. Girls and voted dovvri, iniidlng those which By European Mine the Russians have crossed the Carpa- women joined \n the madly joyous . woum have added tits exemption per- _. l thians for the third time, but In Po- throng with an abandon that made sona fleeing' from rigious persecution land, wHere 'a mpiro Important battle them as noisy as their trousered es- and those who migtHeek asylum from Danish Ship, With Cargo Is In progress, the armies of tho Ilus-. corts. political or racial jrsectition. On the si;ui and German emperor's are still . Up 'until midnight the thousands motion to ellrnlnat the literacy teat. for Norway, Is Sunk fighting for tho banks of the rivers, who had'trooped downtown entertain- t senators who voteffor it- were Bran- which Intersect tho country between eil themselves with the elaborate New L|ogco. dark of WJmitig, La Follette, ' Off England. the upper .Vistula and Pllica rivers. *• Tear dinners that were served in the r^apitt, McCumbe) Lewis. MoLean, In Iflandbrs and France there ha,i .big hotels. Iirinks, food and vaude- been a lull in the fighting on mo»t of Mai-tine, O'CJormu.n,'lanadoH, Reed and London, January 1\—(1:30 n. m.) — ville were nerved liberally. At tlio i the front, disturbed occasionally', how- Walsh. - ! The Danish steamer M. C. Holm, ,from stroke of twelve the various railroad African Rf Excluded. ever, by artillery firo, livfantry a(- yards set up a combined scream that Senator Heed of|ed the African ex- Savannah, December 1, for Christiania, tneks and counter attacks. The Preach outrivaled a German invasionl clusion amondmenWhieh vv-as adopted laden with cotton, struck a mine and tonight fuinolunce that they havo car- Sleep Imi»ON«H>le. an to 2v>. Benator"WJiams, of Mississippi, sunk off Flarrvborough Head, Eng- ried half of the vlllaige of Steinbach, 1 Churc:hv bells rang out the joyous debated this propcfl at length, declar- land. All tho mem'bers of the crcwf es- In upper Alsace wihlch, while of little tidings. !Hovns blew factory ing- there were eiiigh negroes In this caped in life boats. They narrowly or no importance ItseK, stands'at the whistles sounded, it seemed, from all '' .y . statics were given to oountl I1OW Here Is American Note escaiped injury £rom fragments of tho foot of a hill which connmandB a large parts of'tha earth. .Sleep was as in'- .show t'hat only 8|> people of African SEC. REDFIELO part of tho surrounding country. It mine" casing. T/b/e ship went down in possible as peace in Europe. Church blood came to thjcounu-y last year. is In this region, as In the vicinity of bells Joined In the uproar created by Another amen nit by Senator Heed fifteen minutes. Noyon and between the Argonne irldg't to exclude all bi >ersons of the Cau- the inebriated pedestrian who sought Of Protest to England Fla'mborough Head is on the North and the Mouse, that the French havo to make all the noise In the world casian was eated, but not until sea, in the county of (York. It wa« off after it had ca d considerable dts- MESSAGE OF been pushing their offensive' with tire with a cowbell and tin horn. the Japanese. Many AIVOI.O-AMKHICAN WAB. here in 1779 that Paul Jones won his greatest forco and where they claim After midnight the festive throng cusalon relating senators declare world affect treaty Document Is Made Public •;. 10O TO "I I.I/OTIVS BBT most famous naval victory^ • to have made the mo^t iprogress. turned its hearts to dancing. IMiey relations. Tells Merchants and Manu- London, -December 31.—Lloyd'w- 'V' :''-'7- ' - • . ' Along the Belgian coast fighting is danced oil the sidewalks, - In the "Of course th niendment will irt- by Agreement Between- the piremltim to Insure against the out- confined to artillery bombardments. streets, the clubs and in the hotels. elude the Japan in its effect/' said break of war between the Un'ltod TURKS MOVE ON SUEZ. if t lere is any dlf- facturers to Reach Out for State Department and the Westende and many othor little towns Some couples were courageous Senator Reed, "1 States and Great Britain was cut which lone: bgo were dosarted by the fleulty about th< eaty I will co-oper- enough to prance upon tl^e tables of Prosperity He Sees With- in half today. Seven guineas per Important Forces Reported civilian populations, have been rnado the Institutions In which they ha'd ate in a further ; mdment to postpone British Foreign Office. cent Is now asked, as against the the i operation (this clause until Commanded by Germans. the target for shells of tho allies. eaten. treaties may beliang-ed. This bill, as in Their Grasp. fifteen guineas por cent quoted when Walflsh Bay, a British possession on Carnival in Hotels. Washington, December 31.—By aigree- the contents of the American note now drawn, viifes the spirit if not the coast of German Southwest Africa, The Ansley presented a scene of the letter of O| treaties. "We prefer .ment between the state department of protest first became known in Paris, December 81.-—A llavas dis- n what we have not Washlngtoh, December .SI,.—..Heart- and the British foreign office, tho text Kngland. which the Germans took at the com-, carnival that will long- bo remember- to do by Indire patch from Athens says: moncement of the war, has foeon re- ed by festive Atlanta. ""More than 300 the courage tc o by direction. We ened by months of close study of the of the note sent by the United States propose to pas i exclusion bill, but nation's business outlook. Secretary to Great Britain Insisting on an early "The Turks have sent important taken by Union erf South Africa forces. reservations had been taken for ,the forces toward ijuey.. commanded by while the Australians havo annexed big dinner that was served during the.
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