1955-05-12, [P ]

1955-05-12, [P ]

Thursday, May 11, IN* AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE Nash 1955 ITCHY TO TRAVEL? Reductions $50 r SALE! These Values Will Get 'You NO MONET DOWN AT 22 CARS Dodge — Plymouth Bonded! Collinwood Motors New There AND Bring You Back! 1954 Metropolitan, dark Big Used Car Lot green, an economy Comer Euclid and Ivanhoe USED CAR TRADE-IN car, #1348 81395 1853 Rambler station wagon, 1940 BUICK 4-Door UNDER ‘678 SPECIALS I960 CHRYSLER light green, #132A. $1395 1941 BUICK 4-Door 1958 Rambler station wagon, 1947 BUICK 4-Door 1952 CHEVROLET Styloline 2-Door . 1954 Plymouth 4-Dr., 2-tone . .81489 1951 Hudson Hornet 4-Door .. .8689 For many miles of trouble free vacation travel you must reconditioned, # 273A $895 .8598 1948 CHEVROLET CluB Coupe 1952 PLYMOUTH 4-Door .8668 1954 Plymouth CL Cpe., 2-tone $1388 1951 Plymouth CluB Coupe .. .8689 see this sparkling maroon Windsor 4-door with CDjIC 1951 Rambler station wagon, fins second car, 1947 CHRYSLER 4-Docr 1951 CHEVROLET DeLuxe 4-Deer . ... 1953 Plymouth Station 1950 Dodge 4-Door 8589 all its custom equipment ............................ *vHw ■.8678 Wagon, O.D 91399 #187 A $895 1939 DODGE Coupe 1949 DODGE Club Coupe 1949 Dodge CluB Coupa ......8589 .8438 18S3 Plymouth 4-Door .. 91089 1951 Rambler hardtop, Ivory 1948 HUDSON 4-Doer 1950 MERCURY 4-Deer .8588 1953 Pontiac Convertible .91589 1948 Hudson 4-Dooc .8189 1953 CHEVROLET BEL-AIR 4-DR. and rust, fully equipped, 1950 FORD Tudor 1949 CHRYSLER 4-Deor .8388 1952 Dodge CluB Coupe .9889 1848 Ford 2-Doer .. ..$89 #203A $895 1948 FRAZER 4-Docr Here is a car that will definitely appeal to one and all 1954 Ambassador 4-door cus­ 1941 HUDSON 2-Doer 1950 STUDEBAKER Club Coupe .8388 MOST HAVE RADIOS AND HEATERS 1948 OLDSMOBILE 4-Door 1051 NASH Statesman 4-Door in the family with its 2-Tone green and ivory $HQC tom, red and gray, .8488 finish and its long list of equipment................... *11 vu Hydramatic, 12,000 actual 1947 NASH 4-Door 1951 CHEVROLET Styloline DoLuxo . .8648 miles, #214A $2395 1947 PACKARD 4-Door 1949 CHEVROLET 2-Door 1954 Ambassador 4-door, gray 1948 PACKARD 4-Door .8148 and green, overdrive, 1950 PACKARD 4-Doar 1947 FORD 8-Cylinder 2-Door .8148 1951 CHRYSLER WINDSOR #68A $1995 1948 BUICK 4-Door 1950 HUDSON 4-Door Sedan 8188 1942 PONTIAC 2-Door 1853 Ambassador Country 1940 PACKARD 4-Door Sedan .8148 CANNING'S CONVERTIBLE 1948 PONTIAC 4-Door Club, 1-owner, low mile­ Your Headquarters for DODGE * PLYMOUTH CARS and DODGE TRUCKS 1947 PONTIAC Sodanotte .8138 Here is your dream come true. A sleek looking convertible age, hydramatic, 1947 PONTIAC 4-Door #2045A $1795 1950 STUDEBAKER 2-Door 1950 PLYMOUTH 2-Door . .8388 14401 Euclid Ave. GLcnvilla 1-5300 to enjoy those week end drives and your vacation trip CHEVROLET tt-Ton Pick-Up . / 1952 Ambassador 4-doar MANY OTHER MAKES AND 1951 .8538 12 Block East of Rapid Transit Station in. Its color is one of the finest. Light Gray with MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM I $QQC sedan, hydramatic, 1949 CHEVROLET DeLuxe 2-Door .8285 a new Black Top. A-l tires and body...................*vvu equipped $1195 NO MONET DOWN 1947 OLDSMOBILE "78" 4-Door .8135 1953 Stateeman 4-door, 1949 FORD 8-Cyl. Special DeLuxo .8315 BANK FINANCING 2-tone, many acces­ 1950 CHEVROLET 4-Door Sedan sories, #57A $1395 Collinwood .8395 BUICK CORNER SPECIALS! 1952 Stateeman 4-door sedan, 1950 STUDEBAKER* 2-Doer Sedan .... 8245 #1133, maroon $895 1949 CHEVROLET Convertible .8345 1951 Statesman 2-door, Motors 1953 BUICK $1795 AU CARS HAVE RADIO AND HEATER P. R. WARD CO equipped, #10858 ...$595 SUPER. DYNAFLOW. RADIO HEATER SHARP New Used Car LocaSou Senior Chrysler Dealer 16403 Euclid IV. 6-0200 YOU CAN BE SURE AT 1951 NASH $695 OVER 40 YEARS Genuine RAMBLER. HARDTOP, RADIO, HEATER FOR RENT 870 East 152nd near 5 Points MU. 1-7600 Reductions 1950 PONTIAC $895 1007 EAST 147th st., 4 rooms, down] DORNER Chevrolet Co. steam heat, nowly decorated, 3 adulta CATALINA. HYDRAMATIC. RADIO, HEATER Bonded! only._____________________ SENVINO CLEVELAND 27 YEANS 2 ROOMS adjoining, for lather and 1952 BUICK $1095 Buy with Confidence 1951 Austin 4-door, * Pt’S? near 3 Nn** Call THE OK LOT WITH THE CLOCK ON TOP SPECIAL 2-DOOR SEDAN, RADIO AND HEATER at ALLAN MOTORS! #1106 A $595 after 2:30, RE. 1-4404._____________ 1953 Chrysler Now Yorker SLEEPING room for 2 or 3, near Five 14000 St. Clair Ave. MU. 1-2000 13415 SL Clair Ave. Points. MU. 1-5829._______________ 4-door, light blue, power 1952 PONTIAC $1195 ROOM and board, southern cooking, DUAL RANGE HYDRAMATIC — RADIO, HEATER Don Sanzo, Gen. Mgr. steering and brakes, ULri-SS6d* °r kltchen Privileges. 1- owner car, #177A. $1995 Formerly of TAPCO WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT 1949 Cadillac "62" 4-door, SLEEPING room, quiet, sober gentle^ 1952 OLDS "88" $1295 Euclid and Coft Rd. Branches man. 13813 Rugby rd. 2-DOOR. HYDRAMATIC — RADIO, HEATER light Hue. whitewalls, UPPER or lower 5-room duplex wanted 3 ON < furnished rooms, quiet, sober, hydramatic, sharp, 1- by young engineer ana wife; no middle aged working couple; north owner car, #256A . .$1195 pete or children; to $75 a month. Euclid area. WI. 3-3771. 1953 DODGE $1195 SUPER SALE! Hall Available UL. 1-4921 after 5 p. m. YOUNG couple with baby 4 months V8 4-DOOR. AUTOMATIC TRANS., RADIO AND HEATER 1952 De Soto 4-door, Firedome FOB WEDDINGS. MEETINGS. TWO adulta want 2-bedroom apart- old, desires 4-8 rooms. TV. 1-3537. DEALERS EXCLUDED V-8, many accessorieo, ment or duplex by June 1st. KE. #188 A $1195 PARTIES, ETC. 1-1858 after 2 p. m. 1952 DESOTO $995 Immediate Financing 1952 ___ ——-------- ----------.A. — - ____ FOB SALE—Roue Trailers 2-DOOR, V-8, RADIO, HEATER — AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION De Soto hardtop, 2-tone, COUPLE with 2 school-age children V-8, #55B $1195 LUDWIG'S BARN NO DOWN PAYMENT! desire 2-bedroom apartment in Eu­ I960 HOWARD, 36 foot, completely We re Just 2 Blocks West of Haydon 1953 Dodge 4-door sedan, 20160 Lindbergh Ave. IV. 1-6828 clid: exchange part-time custodial modem, A-l condition, 11,850. RE. 2- tone green, radio, service for part of rent. YE. 2-7446 after 5 p. m. 1-5968. Pull Month heater. #8A . $1195 Price Month Full EAST Cleveland, room, lady, cooking SUITABLE for smaH family or for 1952 Plymouth club coupe, 4 FURNISHED rooms, 2 bedrooms, Ralph Stewart Buick '54 MERCURY Monterey 2196.17 103.24 '50 CHEVROLET Bal Air . 396.22 24.10 close to Euclid ave. bus, 3 adults. vacation purposes, 35-ft. Westcraft, MERCURY Hardtop 1495.00'53 -------------81.20 -----------------------'50 MERCURY -------2-Door 396.19 24.76 light blue, equipped, refrigeration and bath room: will '53 PLYMOUTH Cl. Cpe. 823.10 52.88 '50 NASH 4-Door 197.61 TV. 6-0158. sleep four: priced for quick sale. Call "BOY WITH CONFIDENCE" — EASY TEEMS 16.12 #161A $895 GARAGE near Hayden and Wood­ NASH 4-Ooor 967.03 43.76 '50 FORD 4- or 2-Door 287.14 24.48 worth aves. LI. 1-8095.___________ 1952 Studebaker Commander '53 BUICK Hardtop 1497.00 79.28 ‘50 Buick, reol thorpl 394.91 24.48 6 ROOMS, ujx Nottingham section, '52 OODGE 4-Door 698.00 34.10 ’50*" PONTIAC, sharp 497.14 24.08 V-8 4-door, light gray, Furnished Room TWO LOCATIONS '52 PONTIAC 4-Doer 897.00 '50 OLDSMOBILE ' 98'' 497.15 cl ren not preferred, no pets. KE. 44.10 new tires, clean through­ Musical Instruments 52 HENRY J, green 392.01 28.16 '49 HUDSON Convertible . 245.82 21.00 1-U2;3. ______________Or small cottage; widower______ with small St. Clair at E. 125th St. UL. 1-2200 '52 FORD Club 598.20 35.24 '49 CHEVROLET Convert. 396.10 19.10 out. #161 A, reduced $895 PLEASANT room for lady; overlook­ pet dog. Box 13, 814 East 152nd St. ACCORDIONS, 1 Italo American Poly­ '52 FORD Victoria 897.00 46.48 '49 FORD Tudor, clean . 243 22 18.20 1951 Henry J 2-door, light ing lake, off Lake Shore blvd.. tone, like new; 1 Italian accordion, ‘51 PLYMOUTH 2-Door — 487.22 28.04 '49 MERCURY, 2-Door . 197.10 16.04 blue, #95B $295 Euclid. Ohio. KE. 1-6473. 3-switch; reasonable. Petromlllis, TV. '51 FORD Tudor "8" 498.26 28.32 '49 PONTIAC, 2-Door 1 22 23.56 f FURNISHED rooms, bath, private YOUNG couple. 3 well behaved chil­ dren, 6 rooms, reasonable rent; ref­ 1-8648, 917 East 185th st. 12604 St. Clair Ave UL. 1-2204 51 CHEVROLET 2-Door 398.79 21.12 '49 PONTIAC Convertible 1 34 16.20 Many Other Nash Models on entrance, on Holmes ave. EX. 1-5914 '51 BUICK Super 4-Door . 569.10 32.28 '49 BUICK Convertible . 396.10 19.02 or KE. 1-1529._______________ erences. UT. 1-7740.______________ E FLAT asxaphone, tenor banjo, trap '51 BUICK Convertible — 695.01 55.04 '49 DODGE Club Coupe . 278.22 13.10 Display at our 2 Big Addresses drums and traps: by owner. 1835 SHARE home with couple or woman, YOUNG executive salesman and family '51 MERCURY 4-Doer 597.38 17.32 '49 CHRYSLER Convertible 296.00 14.22 desire single home, Euclid or sub­ Haldane. IV. 1-5599. PONTIAC 2-Door 697.49 33.68 '49 PLYMOUTH, 4-Door 287.30 Large Selection of Other Nash employed, kitchen privileges, refer­ '51 14.10 ences, East Cleve d.

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