University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository New Mexico State Record, 1916-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 10-17-1919 New Mexico State Record, 10-17-1919 State Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/nm_state_record_news Recommended Citation State Publishing Company. "New Mexico State Record, 10-17-1919." (1919). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ nm_state_record_news/171 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in New Mexico State Record, 1916-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. NEW MEXICO STATE RECORD SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY OCTOBER 17. 1919 NUMBER 263 SPLENDID PROGRESS IN at Los Lunas, which is centrally loc-jN- RELIEF FOR RIO of the Valley, but very little damage SOLDIER VOTING AMENDMENT ADOPTED AT ELEC- STATE ROAD BUILDING ated. Here is also located a well GRANDE MILLERS NEW MEXICO was done to the low lying farms. j appointed machine shop. Extra parts i This is the highest water in the river TION SEPTEMBER 16; OTHERS SNOWED UNDER Building a comprehensive statewide for all motor-propelle- d vehicles are The U. S. Railroad Administration since May, 1914, when the rise system of highways is a very serious supplied in liberal quantities by, the declines to grant reduced freight NEWS REVIEW to 12 feet. problem n New Mexico, more so than war department without cost to the rates on wheat into the Rio Grande The votes cast on September 16 on the three amendments to the consti- in in Union. A state. It is a to the any other state the credit state that Valley from the eastern part of the Five carload lots of apple- - were tution were canvassed Saturday by Governor Larrazolo, Secretary of State is so much road is actual-- ! Kio considerable part of the state construction state, to relieve the Grande shipped from Fort Sumner during the Martinez and Chief Justice Parker. The soldier amendment carried by requiring expensive high-jl- y under way. Handicapped by Edward Chambers, director of BERNALILLO present season, besides dai'y sliio- - 1,673 votes; the other two amendments were defeated, the board of control way construction. Many streams ,cessive mileage, difficult construe-- ! traffic, so advises the state corpora-ris- e ments in baskets and boxes 9.257 votes and the road bonds 7,676 votes. Mex-tio- by parcel by by within the state, for much tion, and limited revenue, New n commission. Mr Chambers - on calling Fire which started about 1 a. m post and express, which are estim.it- The total vote the amendments follows: ico is a in it not so a 'ea-- and otten costly bridge construction, setting pace highway states that much matter the barn 'ed to m"ke t three l..a.l. Soldier vote For, 6.742; against, 5009. in the section is high- - building that well for tin-wa- of insufficient wheat for the Saturday morning destroyed c.y Hoar-- ! 10,602. Only plains promises keeping ot tne com n.,i c wiic ui me v anrv i.iiii.eis of control 1,345; against, at a mod- - future of the mills as to obtain a nut!iciarger trauster 41 construction possible development natural going hiuhrr 11 stated that he had picktsl bushels. koad bonds For, 1,731; against, 9,407. erate cost. resources of the state. of wheat for Mr pany, burned head of horses n grade blending. twelve ton of haled h:if from two trees, which at prevailing! The vote by counties follows: set- destroyed New Mexico is still sparsely ' ' makes a neat inc.. me i , stored in the barn The loss is esti prices mighty Soldier Board of Control Roa.l tled and de- CHANGES IN FREIGHT ..t .l l - as from Srm- its natural resource? u,e '""- propose! ,,,, at orchard property. Fort For For A For A to a limited event. RATES PROPOSED the jooo ' County Against gains gainst veloped only disrupt seriously rate $1.5iH "der. 1 '"J" ti,. k,, for . 4 2fU 18 716 39 691 More than thirty-seve- n cent ot m ram- - I'crnaliIIo ... per . "m.iuic section, would on but there waJ ills,lrance the ( haves . 614 21 756 35 739 the area ot the state i still under j nc state r commission m otner ions lo a ....157 corporation ny airect serious animals. t 135 So 410 157 317 the control of the govern- has received notice that the Kan-a- s extent and deplete the revenues ol DONA ANA oha ....330 According to J. H. Shufflebargcr. 00 154 11 103 19 197 ment and therefore does not cuu- - District Tariff Commit- - the Liuited States Kailroad Admin- urry .... City Freight owner, who was in the otnce 21 25 tribute in taxes tor tee will consider chanues n istration in a not asleep !) II.uu .. ....102 124 94 89 anything directly many way warranted in the front of the barn, and B. L. Cook ten he e. 18 102 605 'ihe burden of building freight rates New Mexico under the conditions and we could part spent days fJona Ana . ...35.1 353 (.85 highways. affecting who discovered the fire, the confla- leaving Wednesday for his home at -i 172 27 285 .V. 278 the highways in the state therefore at hearings in the near future. not justify compliance with b ....144 your gration was of incendiary oriuin. Sioux City, Iowa, where he is Grant ....507 : ;o n't 911 l'(3 812 laus oa a small I ronosed chanues in on ore eni,; comparatively pari rates (Albuquerque Herald. ed in the real estate business, lie ....213 52 22 243 2X 2.M of the road ot ;n A .i.- .......... .4 Guadalupe tate. Federal aid, carloads, minimum weight 90 per state commission Tk- - - came i Ihe corporation to give the once over to lea . 42 133 1 173 3 172 is but to the er-- course, available, only cent of marked capacity of car, from on the request of the extension ; viction of believed hv I H acres I able persons ' Ml northeast of town, ail oi .incoln . ...IM 2 " 5o 157 extent that the state is to meet Marathon. Texas to Waldo will be vice asked that reduced be i li rates Shufflebarger to have burned Ins which will come under the h (4 line i.uiia . 73 15 18 (j' 50 such aid dollar for doMar. Oc- - ... it, considered by this committee on established from drouth sections in bam with the loss of eleven horses canal. ...102 24 23 102 32 93 21st. $12- - Montana McKinlcy Considering the difficulties that tober The present rate of and Wyoming into New was raised to $1 s00 Tuesdav niuht ' 307 217 44 475 59 4oO M II . .. I. : I i tn . - i. : . 11 : k I i I . i . '.' . Mora icw iucailu iiiusii UVCO.UHIC mi uuhu iu a ion is a Luiuu 111 A'.iuii on r.i mcAnu. many lucaiiuc in mis state when t ti e central l..itior union t .t. it ... ' . Itero K4 m 11 466 16 449 an state-wid- e Fa-.- The is $400 a have abundant feed to take care ing adequate highway proposed rate offered $500 in addition to the $l.iiHt kids js iOOKjn tht. 175 91 19 245 228 the is remark- - ton. value of not to exceed Sal), more stock. lere countover "lay system, mate doing ore The commission took previously offered by the Knsinc s wj,,' view Mr Hamn-iRi- rriba 5 1 111 117 511 I 452 in re- - a to locating able well not osrly providing ton. The Zinc Oxide plant at the matter up with the U. S. Rail-- j Men', association. ston it of firm Koosevelt .'.i.i7 109 10 240 II 238 allot- - the be,f ,at cotton venue to meet the full Federal Waldo is douhlingi its capacity and road Administration. Hale liolden, will soon be one of the best Sandoval 145 49 15 175 fit 116 111 s new source ot A county's ment ot road funds, but provid-Ji- seeking supply. regional director, writes the com- He has almost made his aii Juan tz 98 14 296 20 299 for and local Irate which will bear a fair relation mission that he is CHAVES crops. up ing money county ready to consider mind to come here to live. i San Miguel 55o 424 472 910 143 336 roads. This is so much the more to rates from Marathon to Oklahoma the request and asks for iuforma-creditabl- e 'Santa Fe 349 209 22 526 33 5k j Kansas is asked as the state only recent-- ard smelting points tion as to what stations such rates Koswell is face to face with' I R Sierra I0h 94 45 134 55 107 - today n , ha. i,.! ly began systematic highway build- The proposed rate it is contended if should apply. The commission will - M., I. 181 86 545 115 001 a serious situation in re4- bought an additional 70 acres fron.i"corro ing. necessary to enable operators to have the extension service advise houses. are ao5 100 57 459 7o 447 ore- Daily many people being! Mr Gallagher of California. Mr f The in 1903 made tlie'hanrt,e 'Mr. Holden localities that awav f f i : l 120 23 238 4o 215 legislature regarding turned from tn citv netrausc t .t orranrc lJv will - .l.
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