15UI91:5BX, J PRIYAl,E HESJ DENTS. O.AL 685 :Burrows Mrs. Yewhurst, Spithurst, Ba~­ Bussey W. E. 15 Aymer rd. Hove,Brightn Bu.·don Viscount P.C., G.C.M.G. New­ combe, Lewes Bussy Baroness de, 1 The Marina,Brighton timber Place, Hassocks; & li Bucking­ Burrows Ogden Hoffman, 21 Brunswick road, Worthing ham gate 8 W & Athenreum & Brookd's square, Hove, Brighton Butcher Rev. Louis Betnard B.A. 33 Vie· clubs S W, London .Burstow .A.bram, 27 Grange road, Lewes toria drive, EastbournP. Buxton Miss, 45 Church rd. Burgess Hill Burstow C.7Gladstone ter.Lewes rd.Brghtn Butcher Oecil Frank, 20 Worcester villas, Bu.x:ton Travers, View field, Beacon road, Burstow Charles Henry, Westlands, King';; Hove, Brighton Crowborough road, Horsham Butcher Daniel, 4 Ratton rd. Eastbourne Buzzard Rodney, Hillcote, Buxted,Uckfield. Burstow Mrs. Harewood, Alexandra road, Butcher Frederick James, Oalncourt, New Byam Misses, Avenel,Richmond rd.Wrthng Burgess Hill Church road, Portslade, Brighton Byass Ed.gar M.B. 2 Lancaster villas, Old :Burstow W. J. Fairfield, St. Lawrencl' Butcher George, Ashington, Pulborough Shoreham road, Brighton avenue, West Tarring, Worthing Butcher George Stephen, Aldwich, Rugby Byass Miss, Maltravers street, Arnndel .Burt Rev. Emile, St. John's presbytery, road, West Worthing Byerley Mrs. 25 Rugby rd. Preston,Brghtn Heron's Ghyll, U ckfield Butcher W. J. Delgany, Heene rd. West Hygott Rog-er, The Poplars, Beckley Burt A. H. 23 Palmeira ~q.Hove,Brightor. Worthing Byham Geo. Middle hth.Graffham,Petwrth Burt A. T. 26 Cantelupe rd. E. Grinstead Butcher Waiter, Ecclesden manor, Ang­ Byham Miss, Newstead, Easebrne.Midhrst .Bnrt Alfred, Holmlea, Yapton, Arundel mering, Worthing Ryles Mrs. Aysgarth, Burst rd. Horsham .Burt Charles, Selwyn, Park rd. Worthing Butcher Wm. 22 :Milward ores. Hastings Byres-Leake John J.P. The Limes, Frant, Burt Frederick B. Bankside, Mayfield Butchers Fred.erick, Glenavon, King Tunbridge Wells ilurt George J.P. Castle hill, Rotherfield, Henry's road, Lewes Byrn Miss, 8 Park crescent, Worthing Tunbridge Wells Butchers George Alexander, Cairn Reigh, Byrne Major Gerald B. Rusper house, Burt H. J. Penland, Bramber rd. Steyning King Henry's road, Lewe11 Rusper, Horsham Burt Hy. Loseley, London rd.Burgess Hill Butian H. Wellsmead, Belmont st. Bognor Byrne John, 10 Sudeley terrace, Kemp Burt James, 2 Alfred road, Hastings Butland J. 11 St. Swithun's ter. Lewes town, Brighton Burt John, 9 Sedgwick road, Bexhill Butler Capt. Thomas Dacres C.V.O. Chi· Byrne Miss, Eynesbury, Little Common Burt Mrs. Pen-y-Gwryd, Boundary road, chester house, Chichester terrace, Kemp road, Bexhill West Worthing- town, Brighton Byrne Mrs. 46 Springfield rd. St.Leonards Burt Mrs. Thetford ho.Shelley rd.Worthng Butler Rev. James, The Presbytery, Mag­ Byrne St. Quentin, Avon Tyrell,Balcombe, Burt Rd. 4 Bigwood aven. Hove, Brighton dalen road, St. Leonards Haywards Heath Burt Samuel, Pattenden, Gloucester road. Butler Alfred, 48 New road, Littlehamptor Byron John, Downlands, Ringmer, Lewea Burgess Hill Butler Alfred Morris F.R.I.B.A. Hillmor­ Bythesea Mrs.36Adelaide cres.Hove,Brghtn Burt Waiter, 18 Lancaster road, Brightor: ton lodge, Rugby road, West Worthing Bywaters Misses, 17 Preston Park aven. Burt Walt. Hy. 26 Upper av. Eastbourne Butler Charles Edward, Normanhurst, Brighton Bur~ William, 5 Moat rd. East Grinstead Buckingham road, Shoreham-by-8ea Cable W alter George Hughes, 12 Cam­ Hurt William, 69 Waldegrave road Butler F. T.l2 Clermont rd.Preston,Brightn bridge road, Ha.stings Preston, Brighton Butler F. W. Gartref, Hurst road,Horshan, Cadby Mrs. 16 Victoria. road, Worthing Burtell ;\fiss, 1 Ellasdale road, Bognor Butler Frank F.R.C.O. 33 Fonthill road. Cadman Miss E. Seasheen, St. George's Burtenshaw A., J.P. Market sq. Hailsham Hove, Brighton · road, Worthing • Burtenshaw A. K. Kingscote, Hailsham Butler Frederick, 8 The Esplanade, Brigh- Cafe Col. Charles Haydon Wilkinson J.P. Burtenshaw Mrs. 19 Eriswell rd. Worthin!' ton road, Worthing 3 St. John's road, St. Leonards _Burtenshaw Mrs.Westgate vil.Billingshun Butler Harry, 11 The Croft, Hastings Caffin A. C. Hazlewick, ThreeBridges,Crawly Burtenshaw Phi1ip, 12 East street, Lewes Butler Henry, 29 Westcourt rd. Worthin12 Ca.ffi.n Misses, 10 Eastgate sq. Chichester Burtenshaw Wilfrid, The Grange, Ershan:; Butler Henry Richard, 51 Lansdowne pf. Caffin Misses, Old Mailing farm, South road, Hailsham Hove, Brighton Mailing, Lewes Burton A. C. The Almonry, High st.Battlt Butler John J. Quarry cottage, Moum Caffin Mr~. 15 Elm road, Worthing Burton A. G. T. St. Ronans, Selsey Pleasant crescent, Hastings Cafiin P. Hazlewick, Three Bridges,Crawly Chichester Butler Miss, 14 Bradford road, Lewes Caffyn Cecil, Conisboro', Charles ton road, Burtcn Albert, 21 Vict-oria drv.Eastbourm Butler Miss,28 Brunswick ter.Hove,Brightn Eastbourne Burton Alfred Henry D.L., J.P. St Butler Miss, Hi Goldstone villas, Have, Caffyn Harry B. Gaultier, Tilsmore road, Leonards lodge, Maze hill, St. Leonard Brighton Heathfield Burton Frank Hy.26 Charles rd.St.Leonrd Butler Miss, 54 Sedlescombe road south. Ca:ffyn Percy T. 33 Lewes rd. Eastbourne Burton Fredk. A. 8 Ambrose pl. W orthin~ St. Leonards · Caffyn Thomas, lngrams, Ashenground Burton H.South View cot.Nutbrne.Emswtl Butler Miss M. Adsdean, Harrow road. road, Haywards Heath Burton Joseph, 16 Bedford road, Horshau West Worthing Ca:ffyn Wm. M. 16 Whitley rd. Eastbourne Burton Miss M. 2 Montpelier house, Ock Butler Misses, The Rectory, South Hart- Cahill Capt. Frank Sitwell,73 New Church lynge avenue, Eastbourne ing, Petersfield road, Hove, Brighton . Bnrton Misses, 26 Waterloo street, Hov~> Butler Mrs. 30 Hyde gardens, Eastbourn1 Cainard E. 21 Wilbury rd. Hove, Brighton Brighton Butler Mrs.45 Oving rd.Portfield,Chichestr Caillard Mrs. Aazeem, Baslow road, Burton Mrs. 23 Burst road, Eastbourne Butler Mrs.9St.Matthew's gdns.St.Leonrd~ Meads, Eastbourne Burton Mrs. Overnoons, North Ambers Butler Mrs. 3 Warleigh road, Brighton Cain H. F. 45 St. Aubyn's, Hove,Brighton ham, Haslemere (Surrey) Butler Thos.Alfd.18 Windlesha.m rd.Brghtn Caine Miss Hansen, Tuxlythe, Milland., Bul'tou Mrs. 31 Wilbury rd. Hove, Brghtr Butler Waiter Gasking B.A. Christ's Liphook (Rants) Burton Mrs. 57 York rd. Hove, Brighton hospital, West H<lrsham Cairnie J. B. Dunedin, Corsica rd. S~aford Burton Mrs. H. A. 30 Madeira av.Worthm Butler William, 1 Vere road, Brighton Calcutt L. H. 24 Northcourt rd.. Worthing Burton Mrs. M. 20 Granville rd. Butt Andrew E. P. Crowhurst, Windsor Caldbeck Mrs. Acres gate, Hurstpierpoint, Eastbrn~ Hassocks · Bl'lrton W. Elmer, Westbourne av.Worthn~ road, Worthing Burton-Brown C1Jl. Alexander R.A. Butt G. W. 25 Beach road, Littlehampton Caldecott Rev. .A.ndrew M.A. Rectory, F.R.A.S., F.G.S. The Burst, Hoad Butt H. A.,J.P.64 Norfolk rd.Littlehamptn · West Chiltington, Pulborough Butt H. C. 3 Norman rd. Hove, Brighton Calder Mrs. Ferns cottage, The Green, Wood road, Hastings Wivelsfield, Hay wards Heath Burtt George Frank, 46 Malling st. Lewe~ Butt .John, 2 High street, Littlehampton Burwash Mowbray, 14 Colebrooke rd.Bexh: Butt John H. S. Langley cottage, Tenny- Ca.lder Mrs. 40 Norfolk road, Brighton son road, Bognor Calder William, Springfield., Woodlea rd. Bnrwash Mrs. Ye Olde house, Upper West Tarring, Worthing Lake, Battle Butt Lewis John Dalgleish, Mill house, Bignor, ~ulborough Caldwell S. 7 Brunswick pl.Hove,Bright-on Busby Miss, 116 Northcourt rd. Worthing Call Mrs. 2 Maze Hill terrace, St.Leonard.s Busby William, Braeside, Ashurst Wood. Butt Mrs. 6 Bridge road, Worthing · Butt Mrs. 6 Markwick ter. St. Leonards Callaby Harry, 40 Eastcourt rd. Worthing East Grinstead Calladine Ernest, 18 Priory av. Hastings Busch Wm. 71 St. Leonard.s rd. Horsham Butt Mrs. Arthur, 37 Brunswick place, Hove, Brighton Callan Mrs. 6 College road, Kemp town, Buse Mrs. 31 Mod.ena. rd. Hove, Brighto!' Brighton Bush Frederick, Holme chase, Heathfield Butt Mrs. W.A.43 Arund.el rd.Littlehmptn Butt-Thompwn E.J.13Richmond ter.Brghtn Callaway Miss, 15 Palmeira avenue, Hove, Bush rrenry Geo. 26 Mayfield pl. Eastbrm Brighton Bush Henry James, Nerrycroft, Broomer~- Buttanshaw Major William Henry, 36 Ver- non t-errace, Brighton Callf G. H. Rosedene, Corsica rd. Seaford hill, Pulborou~rh Callf George 8. The Mill lodge, Milldown Rush J. E. 64 FJaton pl.Kemp twn.Brightn Butterfield Miss, 50 The Drive, Hove, Brighton road, Seaford Bush Jame~, 65 The Drive, Hove, Brightn Callon Mrs. Carmel lodge, Paddockhall Hush Mrs. 109 Waldegrave road, Preston, Butterfi.eld Mrs. The ~ook, North Ber- sted, Bognor road, Haywards Heath Brighton Callow Chas. F. 2 St. John's rd.St.Leonrds Bush Percival Robert, Fairlight, Denton, Bu~ters Mrs. 8 Selden road, Worthing Butterworth A. 2 Maze hill, 8t. Leonanl8 Callow Charles Jenner, Millgrove, Mill Newhaven road, Burgess Hill Bush SL 1 Melville rd. Hove, Brighton Butterworth George Richard F.S.A.A. Bel- :Bushby A. 24 Wilbury gdns.Hove,Brighton mont house, Belmont, Hastings Callow Misses, 22 Eriswell road, Worthin~ Bushby Artlmr E. Chatsworth, Woodlea Butterworth Harry, 8 Bradford nl. L<-we· Ca.lman Mrs. Roseneath, Lyndhurst road, road, W-est Tarring, Worthing Butterworth Joseph Stead, 9 Sdbol"lt Hove, Brighton Bushby F. W. Henley, Bridge rd.Worthng road, Hove, Brighton Calrow Miss, 18 Linton road, Hastings Bushby G. W. 12 New Park rd. Chichester Butterworth Wilfred, Shedding dPan. Calrow Miss, Roxburgh, Meads st. Eastbrn Bnshby John, Ockman house, Rye Lynd.hurst road, Hov~, Brighton Calrow Mrs. 9 Adelaide crescent, Hove, Bushby Mrs. 12 Bigwood av. Hove,Brightn Buttery Mrs. L. 2 Steyne, Worthin:.:­ Brighton Bushby Mrs. West Preston manor, Rust- Buttfield Mrs. 45 Carlisle rd. Hove,Brghtn Calthrop Donald C. Angmering, Worthing ington, Worthing Buttifant John Geo. 9 Arthur rd.Horsham Calver Mrs. 2 Hanover crescent, Brighton Bushby Thomas, Heene croft, Heene rd. Button .John 8. 7 Belgrave place, Kemp Calvert Maj. Char1es Archibald, Wymarks, West Worthing town, Brighton Shermanbury.
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