Abstracts 393 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 JOHN MORREALL 27 28 Humor as Cognitive Play 29 30 31 This article assesses three traditional theories of laughter and humor: the Superi- 32 ority Theory, the Relief Theory, and the Incongruity Theory. Then, taking insights 33 from those theories, it presents a new theory in which humor is play with cognitive 34 shifts. 35 The oldest account of what we now call humor is the Superiority Theory. For 36 Plato and Aristotle laughter is an emotion involving scorn for people thought of as 37 inferior. Plato also objects that laughter involves a loss of self-control that can lead to 38 violence. And so in the ideal state described in his Republic and Laws, Plato puts 39 tight restrictions on the performance of comedy. 40 This negative assessment of laughter, humor, and comedy influenced early 41 Christian thinkers, who derived from the Bible a similar understanding of laughter 42 as hostile. The classic statement of the Superiority Theory is that of Thomas 394 Abstracts 1 Hobbes, who describes laughter as an expression of »sudden glory«. Henri Bergson’s 2 account of laughter in Le Rire incorporates a version of the Superiority Theory. 3 For any version of the Superiority Theory to be correct, two things must be true 4 when we laugh: we must compare ourselves with someone else or with our former 5 selves, and in that comparison we must judge our current selves superior. But nei- 6 ther of these seems to be a necessary feature of laughter or humor. First, not all 7 laughter is about persons, and so there need be no comparison of persons. In an 8 experiment by Lambert Deckers, subjects were asked to lift a series of apparently 9 identical weights. The first several weighed the same, but then the subjects picked 10 up a weight that was much heavier or lighter. Most of them laughed, but not be- 11 cause they were comparing themselves with anyone. Even when what we are laugh- 12 ing about is a person, we need not compare ourselves with that person. We may be 13 amused by a stage comedian doing a perfect impression of some movie star without 14 comparing ourselves with that comedian or the movie star. And even if we do com- 15 pare ourselves with persons about whom we are laughing, we need not judge our- 16 selves superior to them. They may make us laugh by surprising us with unexpected 17 skills that we lack. 18 After two millennia in which the Superiority Theory was the only widely accept- 19 ed account of laughter, the Relief Theory and the Incongruity Theory emerged in 20 the 18th century.According to the Relief Theory,laughter operates like a safety valve 21 in a steam pipe, releasing built-up nervous energy. Herbert Spencer had a simple 22 version of the theory in which a laughter stimulus evokes emotions but then 23 shows them to be inappropriate. Sigmund Freud had a complex theory in which 24 there are three laughter situations: jokes (der Witz), the comic, and humor. In 25 jokes, laughter is a release of psychic energy normally used to repress emotions 26 such as hatred and sexual desire. The psychic energy »saved« in the comic is energy 27 used for thinking. And the energy »saved« in humor is the energy of feeling emo- 28 tions that are suddenly rendered unnecessary. 29 The simple version of the Relief Theory in which laughter releases emotions that 30 have been rendered superfluous faces several problems. Our enjoyment of simple 31 wordplay – »If it’s feasible, let’s fease it« – does not seem to require emotions at all, 32 much less their being rendered unnecessary. Some experiences of amusement, too, 33 seem to depend merely on surprise, as in Deckers’ experiment. 34 Freud’s complex theory of jokes, the comic, and humor faces even bigger chal- 35 lenges. There is no systematic way to sort laughter situations into his three catego- 36 ries. That is why no important theorist of humor after Freud has tried to maintain 37 this distinction. Freud’s distinction between three kinds of psychic energy – of re- 38 pression, of thinking, and of feeling – is also unworkable and does not figure in later 39 theories of humor. Several claims in Freud’s account of »the comic«, especially his 40 account of the mechanics of »mimetic representation«, are also counterintuitive. 41 The Incongruity Theory is the third traditional account of humor. Immanuel 42 Kant, David Hartley, James Beattie, William Hazlitt, Arthur Schopenhauer, and Abstracts 395 1 Søren Kierkegaard had versions of this theory, and in the 20th century it became the 2 most widely accepted theory of humor. The core of this account is that humorous 3 amusement is a reaction to something that violates our mental patterns and expect- 4 ations. To this we need to add, as Michael Clark does, that in humor, we do not 5 simply experience incongruity but enjoy it. Even that is not sufficient for humor, 6 however, for we can enjoy incongruity in other ways than amusement, as in the gro- 7 tesque, the macabre, the horrible, the bizarre, and the fantastic. There is also a more 8 general problem at the heart of the Incongruity Theory: it makes humor look irra- 9 tional, even psychologically perverse. Indeed, George Santayana and several con- 10 temporary psychologists have claimed that adults are not able to enjoy incongruity 11 per se. 12 Before turning to my own theory of humor, I derive from the traditional theories 13 four insights. First, humor is a cognitive phenomenon – it involves perceptions, 14 thoughts, mental patterns, and expectations. Secondly, humor involves a change 15 of cognitive state. Thirdly, that cognitive change is sudden. And fourthly, amuse- 16 ment is pleasurable. To these insights I add three of my own: 1) humor is a non- 17 serious activity in which we suspend practical concern and concern about what is 18 true, 2) humor is primarily a social experience, and 3) humor is a form of play in 19 which laughter serves as a »play signal«. Coining the term shift for a sudden change, 20 we can say that humor involves the enjoyment of cognitive shifts. 21 Putting all these ideas together, I present this theory of humorous amusement: 22 A) Someone experiences a cognitive shift. 23 B) They are in a play mode, disengaged from practical and noetic concerns. 24 C) Instead of reacting with puzzlement or negative emotions, they enjoy the cog- 25 nitive shift. 26 D) Their playful disengagement and their pleasure are expressed in laughter, which 27 signals to others that they can relax and enjoy the cognitive shift too. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Humor as Cognitive Play 259 1 References 2 3 Allen, Woody, Getting Even, New York 1971. 4 Aquinas, Thomas, Summa Theologiae, Volume 44, Well-Tempered Passion, trans. Thomas 5 Gilby, New York 1972. 6 Aristotle, The Basic Works of Aristotle, edited by Richard McKeon, New York 1941. 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