.■•'f \ r • . \ . 7 ' .1 ■>v WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 196(1 PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT Average Daily Net PreM Run Hie Weather; For the Week Ended l•rl7 . a.-' £ Sept 17. IBSO is! '‘-V lew In sea. fW as ___ 13,200 lag late rHdagnftareeea. ■/. Member of Oe Audit wans la afterasea. B0ik la Boreon ef Olraiilatlen 7«s. ■ -T: M anchetter— A City of Village Charm VOL. LXX IX , NO. SOI (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1960 (Classified AdrsiHsli g ea Faga IS) PRICE FIVE CENli w ’iL\ ' T Dares^ \ ANNOUNCES THE ARRIVAL OF THE THE NEW STATE OF JERSEY... Conference on m a m e n t Im m miigical arnel triacetate jersey . designed tor autumn days and evening?! easy to wash, need? no ironing to retain the elegant State New$ ease of the crystal pleated skirt. 12 to 20i FBI Reported Probing Defies Reds toYIelp l2'/j to 20'/j in black, toast or moss. Union Parley ‘Terror’ R ounjhip Insure UN’s Futui^ Atlantic ^ y . N. J., Sept.f-upporter was b«^ vention halt Monday. Both sides D ^ocrat .Raps 22 . (JP)—An FBI-investigation blamed .the other for starting the By RBLMAN MOIUN is reported underway today trouble and . there seemed no way Rnd of Counties United Nations, N. Y., Sept. 22 (JP)—President Eisenhower Into convention session vio­ to ascertain which was right, today flung a forfnidable challenge at Soviet Premier NBcits lence between factions vying Secretary'of Labor Jame^ P. Norwichi Sept. 22 (/P)—^The S. Khrushchev; To work primarily through the United Na­ for control of the million- Mitchell, whose department en­ forces the nmion riwmber demo­ Democratic state administra­ tions in attacking the world’s most dangerous problems and member United Steelworkers cracy guarantees-df the Landrum- tion was criticized last night thus ‘‘build a structure of a true world community.” Union. Grlfhn Iaw,.^unrder Whilih it is pos­ by one of its own party mem­ The President dared the USSR to join in an immediate re­ One faction complained to the sible to void convention proceed- Labor Department in Washington bers for leading tlie figrht to sumption of di^rmanicnt talks, with the aim of serappin|r that “a reign of terror” at the abolish Connecticut’s three all nuclear weapons while U.N. inspection m ^es sure that convention made even elementary (CJoatbiiied on Page Eight) . centuries’ old county system. Outer Space will not be used for war. democratic processes impossible. "I am a Democrat," said James Representatives of 96 member nations of the U.N., in a H said it received a reply iSst W h a 1 e, n..', Bridgeport, "but the night the matter had been re­ Democratic leaders made a ter­ historic General Assembly session, listened sobOrly aa the ferred to the Justice Department Air 29 Aboard rific mistake when the.v decided to President, in a firm and confident voice, pronounced U.S. in­ for an FBI probe. end county government. tentions. He challenged Khrushchev, who listened intently This faction, headed by Don^d trilled in Crash "It was an important function of with earphones: SUIT C. Rarlck, McKeesport, Pa., edn- Connecticut government and its To work for peaceful change in a swiftly changing world, tender fbr the top union post held end will cost the state a lot of by President David J. Mc£>onaId, money." , with the U.N. in the guiding role.«! '7; blamed two convention beating Of Marine DC6 Whalen spoke at the last meet­ To guarantee that Outer Space will not be used fpr niMS incidents on McDonald’s "goons.” ing of the Connecticut Association destruction. ’ But McDonald, filin g Rarick Naha, Okinawa, Sept. 22 (4>>— of County Commissioners. He is To avoid claiming sovereignty over celestial bodies. The "an absolute confounded liar,” A 4-engine U.S. Marine transport its chairman and has been a county said he was 'aeliberately placing plane carrying 29 persons crashed commissioner for 10 years. USSR has already planted a Soviet flag by rocket on the moon. "two-bit politics” to provoke trou­ into the sea today 180 miles The Democratlc-contrqlled 1959 To resume immediately the efforts to reach agreement* ble and attract attention. southeast of Okinawa. A U.S. de­ Legiislature ordered abblition of on arms control.. Rarick claimed his "organiza­ stroyer which reached the site the county aystern at the end of To launch a food for peace program throughout the world. tion for membership rights” is said it had found no survivors. this month. President Elsenhower speaks at the UN General Assembly meeting in New York this morning. seeking to restore democracy to Thei DC6 Marine aircraft was Whalen 200 persons at­ Interested llstehcrs. both with serious expressions, are Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev and Cuban To give substantial help to the emerging new nations of the union and he said the conven­ carrying 23 passengers and a tending the meeting that the Premier Fidel Castro. (AP Photofax). Africa, under the U.N. and to other developing nations. - tion is atacl^ed with union pa>ToU crew of six from Atsugi, Japan, syatem’a Idemise takes government - /A m ong Eisenhower'* listener* 55.00 men loyal to McDonald. to Subic Point, Philii$pines, when one, etep further from the people many were aware of the role-the / Rarick was himself beaten yes­ it reported an engine afire and “abd that Is not good,” he said. So'viet Union had played in ag­ terday in a fracas near the Atlan­ said it was ditching. Brazil for UN Wants Red China in UN gravating tensions .In Africa Nikita Due tic City convention hall as a man Cmdr. John P. Crosby, opera­ through its activities In the tur­ Identified as George Elliott, a tions officer of Naha Naval Air tVUl Affect Voting bulent, newly, Independent O>ngo. Beeaemer, Ala., union staff repre­ facility said the carrier- (Jriskany New Haven, Sept. 22 (d»)—Both Fund of Arms Atf enthusiastic burst of ap­ In Havana sentative, got a bloodied nose. reported: candidates for U.S. representative- plause greeted the President as Scores of delegates to the con­ at-large agree that the religion of Tito Urges Neutrals he entered he hall from the rear "Tlibre are a lot bf bodies in life Havana, Sept. 22 (IP)—^R0i> / vention pushed and shoved around jackets and the destroyer Perkins Sen. John F. Kennedy may have an Slash Savings of the podium. Yugoslavia’s Com­ the participants. Many were is picking up bodies. 'Diere are a effect on the voting in Connecti­ munist president, Tito, and even ports recurring here aay Nl'* cut. kits S. Khrushchiev’s liner Bol* floored before order was restored. United Nations. N.Y., Sept. 22 i/P) Fidel Castro, Yankee-hating Cu­ tika may bring Fidel Castro In a similar incident, a Rarick (Cofltiaued OB Page Eight) However, neither Frank Kowal­ ban premier, joined in the ap­ ski, the Democratic incumbent, —Brazil proposed today that the Help End Cold War plause. but Khrushchev and hla and East European oatelllta nor former Rep. Antoni E. Sad- chiefs on a Cuban 'voyage fttxn nations of the world set up a sys­ foreign minister, Andrei A.. Gro­ New York. lak. the Republican candidate, said myko, did not. EJisenhOwer 'waved in a television debate (Channel .8, tem fbr pooling savings on arms StrongesCJLinkes -Omitted__ United Nation*, N.V.. Sept. 22,<, would recognize Red China'* right hia-hoods, -frinnlngr and bowed to Sources close to the CaatrO »piyiisa—■■■ ■l■ylll■^ ^11 MiK ■ ■ • I-*/' WWHC-’rv r -lart>’)diliit^^ and depositing them -thto (JPj—President Tito of Yugoslav!* the aasemblanes of world leaden government soy .that details 45.00 effikst might be. a U.N. international development to a seat in the U.N. of a Khrushchev visit to Cuba KouWlski, Meriden, said religrioh fund. called on the noncomm+tted coun- In other statements he at­ and diplomats. triea In the United Nations, to tacked what he called the revival Eisenhower was the first chief when the Soviet premier leave* was k "quiet spectoi;” in the elec­ Brazilian Foreign Minister Hor- play a greater role in ending the New York already ore woriied Nixon Says Kennedy tion in Connecticut this year. Sad- acio Lafer, opening the policy de­ of militarism In West Germany of a major power to address the out. Official spokesmen refuse lak, RockvlUe, akid the question of bate of the I6th U.N. General As­ Cold War. and called for an end to the five 16th assembly session. Khrush­ to confirm such plane. religion was first bought up in sembly, called on the assembly to Demanding peaceful coexistence year war in Algeria. chev delivers hi* major address Khrushchev himself admit­ H ^ fo rd Sept, fl by Sen. Lyndon set up a special U.N, conference in a world threatened by big pow­ The Yugo-alav chief, wearing a tomorrow, almost a year to the ted to reporters yesterday ha On ^Surrender’Gourse B.‘ Johnson. Democratic candidate for adopting such a system.^ er conflict, the Yugoslav chief of dari< blue suit with a square­ day after he broached his block­ Intends to visit Chiba "os soon for vice pretddent. Brazil, by tradition, is the first state said "we are attaching par­ shaped white handkerchief in his buster- total world disarmament as we come to terms with Fidel V Like the Democratic president-, speaker in U.N. Assembly debate. ticular importance to the con­ breast pocket, told the Assembly proposal to the assembly during Castro about the travel Ume." Bn Route with Nixon, Sept. 22bmeant to infer that Kennedy "is ial candidate.
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