pvresources.com August 2018 Denis Lenardič Large-Scale (Utility-Scale) Photovoltaic Power Plants 1980-2015, Literature Survey Predgovor pvresources.com Po uspešni uporabi fotonapetostnih sistemov v vesoljskih Pregled literature vsebuje naslednje podatke o posameznih programih so bile bogate izkušnje uporabljene tudi pri načrtovanju objavah oziroma publikacijah: in izvedbi fotonapetostnih sistemov na zemlji. Prvi primeri avtor(-ji), urednik(-i), Large-Scale (Utility-Scale) Photovoltaic Power Plants 1980-2015, Literature Survey prizemnih fotonapetostnih sistemov so bili sistemi za uporabo leto izdaje, v nerazvitih deželah: na podeželju za črpanje vode, sistemi za naslov, potrebe telekomunikacij in podobno. publikacija, letnik, številka, strani, Pomemben mejnik predstavlja konferenca “The Ninth IEEE Author/Publisher založnik, Photovoltaic Specialists Conference”, ki je potekala v Silver Springu, Denis Lenardič spletna povezava, Maryland, maja leta 1972, kjer so bili prizemni fotonapetostni sistemi Jesenice, Slovenia ISBN, prvič obravnavani kot samostojna skupina fotonapetostnih sistemov. contact(at)pvresources.com DOI. Prvi veliki fotonapetostni sistemi so bili načrtovani in zgrajeni Pri vsaki objavi je tudi kratek seznam projektov, na katere se objava v okviru različnih razvojnih in raziskovalnih programov konec nanaša, dodan je še kratek seznam ključnih besed. Translations sedemdesetih let v ZDA in kasneje v osemdesetih letih tudi v Evropi. Alkemist, Ljubljana Po uspešni realizaciji in pridobljenih izkušnjah je sledil razvoj Poleg znanstvenih člankov pregled literature zajema tudi: tržišča s pomočjo različnih spodbud, ki se je začel v devetdesetih pomembnejše objave v tehniških publikacijah, Proofreading letih z nemškim programom “1000 streh”, ki mu je kasneje sledil različna poročila. program “100.000 streh”, ki je predstavljal tudi osnovo za pripravo Samantha Lyle, Edinburgh Pri pripravi publikacije so bile zajete naslednje skupine dokumentov: subvencij in ustrezne zakonodaje ne samo v Nemčiji, pač pa tudi v konferenčni zborniki, drugih evropskih državah. Prav ustrezna zakonodaja je omogočila, objave člankov in plakatov na konferencah, Design da so veliki fotonapetostni sistemi v zadnjih dvajsetih letih postali znanstvene objave v tiskanih publikacijah, stalnica, nameščeni širom po svetu. Atelje Globočnik Andreja Globočnik s.p. poročila in zborniki delovnih skupin, Pričujoča publikacija bralcu ponuja pregled znanstveno-strokovne druga poročila, literature s področja velikih fotonapetostnih sistemov. V zadnjih knjige, URL štiridesetih letih je bilo o velikih fotonapetostnih sistemih objave v tehniških publikacijah, http://www.pvresources.com/download/LiteratureSurvey_1980_2015.pdf objavljenih veliko znanstvenih člankov in drugih publikacij. Glavni baze podatkov GIS, namen pregleda literature je bil ustvariti zbirko naslovov publikacij druge baze podatkov, in drugih podatkov, povezanih z velikimi fotonapetostnimi sistemi, karte v knjigah in drugih publikacijah, stenske karte. Copyright ©Denis Lenardič, All rights reserved. ki ne bi vključevala zgolj znanstvenih prispevkov, pač pa tudi druge Reproduction and distribution of the whole or any part of the contents in any form or Te publikacije ne bi bilo brez nekaterih ustanov in posameznikov, ki pomembne tehniške publikacije. by any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the publisher so prispevali slikovno gradivo, vsi so navedeni v zahvali. Posebna is prohibited. No rights are granted by the author/publisher of this report for the use Pregled literature zajema obdobje od sredine sedemdesetih let do zahvala gre knjižnicam, še posebej knjižnici TIB Hanover, brez of material (images, maps, photos…) owned by any third party. Before using such leta 2015 in vključuje strokovne objave v angleškem in nemškem katere te publikacije ne bi bilo, velika zahvala pa gre tudi oddelku material, permission from their author(s) and/or copyright owner(s) is required. jeziku, o več kot 350 velikih fotonapetostnih sistemih po svetu. za medknjižnično izposojo Centralne tehniške knjižnice Univerze v Ljubljani. Pregled literature zajema naslednje teme oziroma publikacije: temeljne študije, Kataložni zapis o publikaciji (CIP) pripravili v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici v Ljubljani predloge pomembnih projektov, COBISS.SI-ID=296037376 posebej pomembne projekte v posameznih državah, ISBN 978-961-288-634-9 (pdf) velike fotonapetostne sisteme z baterijami, velike fotonapetostne sisteme kot del zgradb, velike fotonapetostne sisteme na stanovanjskih naseljih. Žal za pojem veliki fotonapetostni sistemi ni enotno veljavne definicije. Grobo pravilo, kakšne moči fotonapetostnih sistemov so bile v literaturi obravnavane kot veliki fotonapetostni sistemi, je naslednje: 1975–1989, obdobje razvoja in raziskav, 20 kW – 6 MW, 1990–1999, začetek finančnih spodbud, 200 kW – 6 MW, 2000–2010, zakonodaja s področja finančnih spodbud, 1 MW – 100 MW, Denis Lenardič, 2011–2015, > 20 MW. na Jesenicah, avgusta 2018 2 LARGE-SCALE (UTILITY-SCALE) PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER PLANTS 1980-2015, LITERATURE SURVEY PREDGOVOR 3 Introduction 1980 and earlier FOREWORD ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS PROCEEDINGS – EU Photovoltaic BÖER, Karl W. and Barbara H. GLENN. Eds. 1979. Sun II - ISES Solar Energy Conferences Silver Jubilee Congress; International Congress of the After the successful implementation of photovoltaic (PV) This survey did not receive any grants from funding agencies in International Solar Energy Society; Annual Meeting of the systems in space programmes, rich experiences were used the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors, but it would not STRUB, A. S. Ed. 1977. Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference American Section of the International Solar Energy Society for the realisation of terrestrial PV systems. The most common be possible without the following libraries and organisations: Proceedings, Luxembourg, 27–30 September 1977. Brussels: (AS/ISES), Atlanta, GA, 1979, 1–3. New York: Pergamon Press. terrestrial PV applications in the beginning included small rural Commission of the European Communities, D. Reidel ISBN 0080250742. – PV power plants, PV systems for telecommunication purposes, Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB), Hannover Publishing Company. ISBN 90-277-0889-4. for allowing me access to their library collection and for PV systems for water pumping and similar applications. supporting me during my stay in Hannover in April 2016 and VAN OVERSTRAETEN, Roger J. and Wolfgang PALZ. Eds. 1979. An important milestone, considering terrestrial photovoltaic in March and November 2017. Without Library TIB Hannover, 2nd E. C. Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference Proceedings, systems, was the ninth IEEE photovoltaic specialists conference this survey would not have been possible. Berlin (West), 23–26 April 1979. Brussels: Commission of the held in Silver Spring, MD, in May 1972 where terrestrial PV European Communities, D. Reidel Publishing Company. ISBN PROCEEDINGS – American Solar systems were discussed in a dedicated section for the first time. Central Technological Library at the University of Ljubljana, 90-277-1021-X. Energy Society, ASES Interlibrary Loan Department (CTK IIL) - for providing an Based on national and international photovoltaic R&D extensive amount of requested papers and other information PALZ, Wolfgang. Ed. 1980. Third E. C. Photovoltaic Solar Energy BÖER, Karl W. and Alec F. JENKINS. Eds. 1978. Solar programmes, the first large-scale PV power plants were while I was conducting the survey. The documents provided by Conference Proceedings, Cannes, France, 27–31 October Diversification, Solar Energy Symposia of the 1978 Annual constructed at the end of the 1970s. After the first successfully CTK IIL, especially tables of contents of numerous proceedings 1980. Brussels: Commission of the European Communities, D. Meeting, American Section of the International Solar Energy realised large-scale photovoltaic power plants, based on R&D represent the initial collection of data upon which this survey Reidel Publishing Company. ISBN 90-277-1230-1. Society, Denver, CO, 28–31 August 1978. ISBN 0895530147. projects in the USA and later in Europe, the second phase of has been built. market development driven by feed-in tariffs and initiated by FRANTA, Gregory E. and Barbara H. GLENN. Eds. 1980. Solar the German 1,000 roofs solar programme followed in the 1990s. Universitätsbibliothek der Technischen Universität München Jubilee, 25 Years of the Sun at Work, Proceedings of the , for permission to access proceedings from their PROCEEDINGS – IEEE Photovoltaic The next important milestone in market development was the (TUM) 1980 Annual Meeting American Section of the International magazine and to study them in the library's reading hall for Specialists Conferences German 100,000 roofs programme, substituted later by the Solar Energy Society, Phoenix, Arizona, 2–6 June 1980. ISBN several weekends between December 2016 and November 2017. feed-in tarrif law and also used as a prime example for similar 089553021X. IEEE. 1975. The Conference Record of the Eleventh IEEE PV programmes and activities that followed later in Spain, Italy and International Solar Energy Society, ISES - for allowing me Specialists Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona, 6–8 May 1975. in other countries. access to the ISES archive and to conduct a survey at the ISES headquarters in Freiburg in November 2016. Over the last forty years, many scientific papers and other IEEE. 1976. The Conference Record
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