TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICAnONS Topology and its Applications 68 (1996) 205-239 A nonstandard approach to realcompactness with applications to the equation w(X x Y) = v(X) x v(Y) Hermann Render Department of Mathematics, University (fl Duisburg, Lothurst,: 65, D-47057 Duisburg, Germany Received 21 July 1994; revised 21 April 1995 Abstract The set psns*X of all pseudonearstandard points and its relationship to topological concepts will be systemically investigated. For example we obtain nonstandard characterizations for the property that the realcompactification U(X) is locally compact or a bi-k-space. The study of the equation psns* (X x Y) = psns*X x psns*Y is equivalent to the question whether the extension of the identity map id:X x Y + w(X) x u(Y) to the space v(X x Y) is a biquotient map and sufficient conditions are proved. Moreover we show that this question is not equivalent to the validity of the equation v(X x Y) = w(X) x V(Y) under the assumption of the existence of a measurable cardinal. If u(X) and V(Y) are bi-k-spaces both equations are equivalent to the property that the product of two bounded subsets is bounded. Keywords: Realcompactification; Topological completion; Biquotient map; Bi-k-space AMS classification: Primary 54505, Secondary 54D60 0. Introduction Realcompact spaces were introduced by E. Hewitt in 1948 and they play an important role for the investigation of the algebra C(X) of all continuous real-valued functions on a topological space X. One aim of this paper is to give a systematic study of the relationship of topological properties of the realcompactification w(X) and some nonstandard notions. Crucial for the discussion is the set of all pseudonearstandard points defined by psns*X := {z E *X: *f(z) E ns*W for all f : X + Iw continuous}, (1) which was already introduced in [43]. It is easy to see that psns*X always contains the set of all nearstandard points which will be denoted by ns*X (for definition see below). Similarly to the well-known nonstandard characterization of compactness by the equality ns*X = *X the equation psns*X = *X means that X is pseudocompact, i.e., 0166-8641/96/$15.00 0 1996 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved SSDI 0166-8641(94)00063-l 206 H. Render / Topology and its Applications 68 (1996) 205-239 that every continuous real-valued function is bounded. More generally, a subset B of a topological space X is called bounded if f(B) 1s. a bounded subset of R for every continuous function f : X + R. Define bd*X := U *B (2) B C X bounded as the set of all bounded points. It is easy to see that B is bounded iff *B c bd*X iff *B C psns*X. It will be proved that w(X) is locally compact iff psns*X = bd*X. Moreover we give nonstandard descriptions of so-called p-spaces and locally bounded spaces. Our main motivation for this work was the question of validity of the equation psns*(X x Y) = psns*X x psns*Y. @s> This problem is motivated by the following analogous equation for the functor v (where v(X) is the realcompactification of X) which was discussed by several authors, see, e.g., [2,5,16,21,27,32,41]: 7J(X x Y) = V(X) x V(Y). (v) It is easy to see that (v) always implies (ps). But under the assumption of the existence of a measurable cardinal we show that the converse is not true. Indeed, the condition (ps) is equivalent to the condition that the extension id” : v(X x Y) --+ u(X) x w(Y) of the identity map id : X x Y -+ w(X) x w(Y) is a biquotient map (for definition see Section 8). Moreover the condition (ps) is satisfied if either X is locally compact and realcompact or w(X) is locally compact and Y is a kn-space. The paper is divided in nine sections. In the first section we give a short nonstandard introduction to the theory of realcompact spaces. The main result of Section 2 states that psns*X x bd*Y c psns*(X x Y) holds provided that X is a kn-space. Hence equality (ps) holds if X is a kn-space and w(Y) is locally compact. Another consequence is the well-known fact that the product of two pseudocompact spaces is pseudocompact provided that one factor is a kn-space. Then we investigate the question for which classes of topological spaces the equation (ps) is equivalent to (w). As a preparation Section 3 is devoted to a nonstandard condition for the extendibility of a continuous functions f : X x Y + W to a domain 2 x Y. In Section 4 a survey is given about well-known sufficient conditions for the validity of equation (w). Section 5 deals with a certain subset of psns*X which turns out to be of special importance: co bbd*X := z E *X: 3A, c X (n E W) such that z E n *A, c psns*X . (3) i n=l 1 It is clear that bd*X c bbd*X c psns*X. It is shown that the important equality bbd*X = psns*X holds iff w(X) is a so-called bi-k-space. In Section 6 it is proved that (ps) is not equivalent to (w) provided that there exists a measurable cardinal. The main result of the next section states that for the class of H. Render / Topology and its Applications 68 (1996) 205-239 207 all bi-k-spaces the equation (ps) is indeed equivalent to (IJ). The proof is based on the important Theorem 7.1. Section 8 contains a standard characterization of the equality * f(ns*X) = ns*Y for a continuous map f :X + Y. It is proved that this is equivalent to the property that f is a biquotient map. As a consequence we obtain a standard characterization for the validity of equation (ps). Section 9 gives some more detailed results concerning Sbd’X. For example we show that the inclusion 6bd’X c ns*X holds for all h-spaces and the equality ns*X = 6bd*X holds for all metric spaces. Furthermore a characterization of the equation bd*X = 6bd*X is given. Throughout, we use the techniques of nonstandard analysis. Nonstandard analysis, as developed by A. Robinson and W.A.J. Luxemburg, is usually formulated in the framework of superstructures. Starting with a ground set X one defines PO(X) := X and inductively P,+t (X) := P,(X) U P(Pn(X)) where P(Y) denotes the power set of Y. Then Pw(X) := u P,(X) nEN is called the superstructure of the set X. Nonstandard analysis can be formulated in an axiomatic way avoiding a specific construction of a nonstandard model. In this framework it is assumed that there exists an extension *X of the set X and a mapping * : Pw(X) --) Pw('X) which obeys two principles, the first of them being the transfer principle: for every Al,... , A, E P,(X) and every bounded quantifier statement cP(zr , . , 2,) the state- ment @(AI,. , A,) holds if and only if @(*AI,. , *A,) holds. Moreover an object A E Pw(*X) is called internal if A E *B for some B E Pw(X). The second principle is rc-saturation where K. is a given cardinal: if (Ai)iEl is a collection of internal sets having the finite intersection property and if the index set I has a cardinality less than K then n,,, Ai # 8. Note that IC can be chosen in advance, and for simplicity we shall always require that K 2 IP, (X) I. W e use the saturation property frequently in the following form: If (Ai)iEl and (Bj)jE~ are families of internal sets and the cardinalities of I and J are less than K then n&c u Bj H Ai, n . nAi,, C Bj, U...U Bjm (9 iCI jEJ for some it, . ..,i, E 1 andjr ,..., j, E J. Let *X be a nonstandard model of the topological space (X, r). Fundamental in nonstandard topology is the notion of the monad of a point x E X which is by definition the set m(z) := &,Er,zEr, ‘U. Instead of y E m(x) we use the more intuitive notion y 25 Z. The set ns*X := u m(x) XEX is called the set of aEl nearstandard points. Recall that cpt*x := U ‘K KcX compact 208 H. Render / Topology und its Applications 68 (1996) 205-239 is the set of all compact points. It is well known that ns*X = cpt*X holds iff X is locally compact, i.e., that every point has a compact neighborhood. A subset A of a topological space is relatively compact if the closure 2 is compact. Frequently we use the fact that a subset A of a regular space X is relatively compact iff *A c ns*X. If (X, Q-) is a Hausdorff space the standard part stx(x) of an element z E ns*X is the unique element ~0 E X with 2 M 20. We call stx : ns*X + X the standard part map. If F is a filter on a set X we call m(F) := nFEF *F the monad of F. Note that m(z) is just the monad of the neighborhood filter of 5.
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