THANKSGIVING CHRISTMAS IS COMING! hat~s ISN'T FAR OFF! Official Publication of Hunter College High School Vol. 55, No.2 NEW YORK, N. Y., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1947 By Subscription . Clubs Swing Terms Elect Forty-Eighters Romp . Th~ough U.S.; Into Action And Select Senior Day Departs From Tradition Clubs, this November, are bursting The eighth term has elected some with varied and exciting activity. of its Senior Superlatives. They are: After weeks of rehearsal behind bolted doors, the Senior Class of January '48 at last presented The Hunter Aviation Club has an­ Senior Superlative, Mary Ann Thom­ nounced that as a result of recent its Senior Day show on November 14. The theme of the performance was a trip through the United as; Most Popular, Joanne Arnheim; elections, Joan Stuedtner is president; States as typified by scenes in the West, the Soutb, and the East. Toni Owen, vice-president; June Fer­ Most Likely To Succeed, Hellen Gug­ The first s.cene, taking place in California, satirized the more outstanding inhabitants of Holly­ yo, secretary-treasurer. Miss Jane genheimer; Most Intelligent, Carol wood. Patricia Drain, as Al J olson, attempted vainly and vociferously to attract the attention of the Kelley of the Physics department is Rosenfield; Prettiest, Ellen Rich. stage-struck waitresses (Arlene Davis, :the facuity adviser. As a project, the The seventh term has chosen Judy · Rose-Marie Brown, Lorraine Johns, club IS sponsoring a visit to La!Guar­ ·Chatfield, Francine DeMayo, Helene Council Drafts Groun ReVlews Gloria Behar, Naomi Walley, and dia Airport to stimulate futther in­ r Annette 'Littman) who wished only to terest in aviation. de Lodzia, Eleanor Julius, Gloria Club Activities wait on and recite for the director, /' ; Representatives from the terms for iMauer, . Alida Rognoni, Joan See.ry, New Document ", Norma Exler, while Barbara Weiss- Hannabelle Shenk in, and Frances the Play Day Committee of the Ath­ The G ..o. Constitution has been This term the extra-curricular ac- man, Esta Frost, and Florence Good­ Weinberg to serve on its Senior Day letic Association are: Judy Ross ana completely revised this term, and is tivities committee has reported a slight stein, as members of the Chamber of Writing Committee. Margot Mink, Junior High; Ruth awaiting ratificati~n by the council. falling-off in dub membership. This, Commerce, subjected that aug·ust body The sixth term has elected a com­ Misheloff and Erica Schwig, first Many of its former loopholes have the committee feels, i,s due to the stag­ to some good~natured laughter. Ann mittee for its project; a ·Christmas term; Estelle ' Stern and Sandra been removed. ger-system of three .lunch periods, Antullo, Leila Singh, and Gloria party. Its me~bers are: Rosalyn iGaines, second term; Patricia Jack­ The by-laws which went into effect making it necessary that all clubs Franklin sang "Tea for Three", or, Egelka, Ethel Hoffman, Rhoda Horo­ son and Yolanda Asterita, third term; last term,concerning the formation of meet after the seventh .period on Tues­ "Dirge of the Diet." witz, Audrey Miran, Eleanor Perry, Betty Fox and Alice Mulhall, fourth du.bs, permit the organization of any days, Wedne"sdays, and Thursdays. The Cumberland Mountain region, Marilyn Rosenfeld, Gloria Spiegel, term; Leila Haase and Pat Burke, ,group, outside of those against a par­ From an average membership of thirty­ "neither North or South," was the and Joan Steudtner. fifth term; ,Phyllis Lambert and Elea~ ticular religion or of a military nature. five in clubs last term, the number setting for the second 'scene, which The fifth term project will be or­ nor Perry, sixth term; Phyllis Giro­ The controversial subject of -awards has decreased to twenty-five thissem­ opened with a larger-than-life group phanage work. lamo and Barbara Brotman, seventh has not been ignored this term. After ester. It is the general opinion of the dance choreographed by Sylvia Mos­ Alice Mulhall io5 the President, San­ term; Ann McCready and Leila Singh. considerable debating, the Council has committee t-hat the number of very kowitz, with Ann Bunzel and Mar­ dra Kimmel, the Vice-president, Diana eighth term. The cheering-squad lead­ decided to abolish both Felt H's and active members, (mostly from the jorie Mahoney as the head couple. Reinetz, the Treasurer, and I~el!e er is Francine DeMayo. Service Shields. middle terms) has remained the same, Grandmaw (Janet Stone) and her Greenberg, the Secretary of the fourth At recent meetings of1he Bio Club, In the past there has been much dis­ but that the girls who formerly ate flock (Joan Steinberg, Joyce Fursh­ term. Its G.O. representatives are the topic of dissection was discussed, cussion as to whether the Athletic As- tended clu.bs merely to listen and not pan, and Ruth Freidman) provided the Florence Cohen, Phyllis Le Kashman, and a demonstration was given with sociation belongs in the classification of to act are the ones who now belong scene with hillbilly humor. The haunt­ and Arlene Schwartz. .The proposed chicken hearts. Nina Lowy, club pres­ dub or association. In the new consti­ to ne clubs at all. ingballad, "Who's Goin' to Shoe Yore term project is a squi re dance. ,Pretty Little I'eet?" was sung by ident, invited Dr. Prouty 'of the Cor­ tution, the A.A. will have a section de­ The lower termers, particularly the The ·first term offikers are: Elaine Judith Anderman and Rose Knopf, nell Medical School, now working in voted to itself, in which its new status, Juni0r Highs; have expressed a de­ Goldmuntz, President:; Natalie Sarapo, while Jeannette Hovsepian and Sylvia . New York Hospital, to ,speak to the which will depend upon the final deci­ sire for junior clu.bs, which would Vice-president ; P enelope ·Wiseltier, Moskowitz performed to their singing \ club on heart disease. sion of the council, will be ·set forth. meet at convenient times and appeal ::. ccr~ ti8 "Y; l)nlnres \I ::- ,; sing-cr, . T!~s ­ an original dance composed by Sylvia. 1 .- T li:e J-[;;-ter Forum had a debate on In -~~he :P2.S-t- -':t ~'! as ·c. er.n . n0 t ~~ t.hat . --to ~the.i'" '.l! ~I-'1. _.ta.s.t ~ urer, and Ruth Mishdoff and Joyce ~he.",~tlhject of-'comic books, and their several dubs have not begun to tunc~ As for term l;;n"e:;'e :-:ti~n"'g"s:;;;;'~t-;-h-e;'h~ig~h"e"'r""'----""Gt;-:--'turttJri:itlaT1i1~b_' ('b;:'·'''"'' '1.:·;:''T.io.:'''''' ' _.L.....- -: ''- . Quinn, G.O. Reps. effect on the normal development of tion until one or two months of the The J uni'Or High has. elected Honey the term, the greater the attendance. In the third scene, New York was children. Ellen Schleicher who spoke Brand as President ami' 'Ruth Aar'On­ term have elap sed, and even then, do This is, in part, due to the added in­ viewed from Fifth Avenue to Green­ against comics, said that not only did not seem too active. In order to do son as Vice-president. terest in term agenda, and, in part, wich Village through the eyes of Ar­ they retard the mental growth of a away with these inactive organizations, to the convenience of using the audi­ den Brown and Phyllis Funk. Joan child, but that they gave him an ex­ it has been decided to eliminate auto­ torium during the fifth-period lunch­ Kramer, as the supercilious matron, aggerated and distorted picture of matically any club that has not begun hour. In an effort ,to combat the fall- sang "Me and My Poodle", and Ros­ A merican life. Herth~ Striker, th ~ G.O. Banishes to function by the third week of the ing,off of club membership and par­ aria Morales,. the 'sadistic nursemaid, opposing speaker, expressed the opin­ term. This ruling employing the same ticipation, the extra-curricular activi- told the world in general ( ~l1 d her ion that the exaggerated heroes of the Felt H, Shield time limit will also apply to clubs ties committee has suggested a merg­ charge, Anna DiMartino, in particu­ comics were no more so than the that do not have an adviser or a pres­ la r) how to ra'ise "a most angelic A panel discussion on awards was ing of those less active clubs which prince-charmings ~f fairy tales, and ident, or that have fewer than fifteen child." But the advice, so it seemed, the agenda 'Of the October 10th meet­ have similar purposes and projects. no more harmful. She added that she members. These clubs may be re­ was wasted on the Dead End Kids, ing of the General".organization. Pro­ Term and club proj ects will be sub­ did not think reading comics took up instated, however, if the reason for portilayed, surprisingllY enough, by posals as 'to the retention or abolition j ect to, the .same rule.s and restrictions valuable time that could be spent more their tardiness meets with the approval - Guggenheimer, Rhoda Ratner, of service shields and felt H's were as in previous terms. H e ll~n profi tably. of the council. Joanne Arnheim, and Sara Evans, divided into four categories: 1) To The German Club at its meeting of There has always been some ques­ who sang "E-ducation." A more in­ keep service shields and ,reissue felt tionas to whether a majority or a tellect:ual group was represented by .october 15, initiated new members H's; (2) To retain the present sy.s­ and a new faculty member, Miss plurality vote is preferable and mOre Petits Messieurs Bianca Nielsen, who, as a .bored critic, tern, i.e., to keep service shields and democratic.
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