Price List of GUINEA (Guinée)

Price List of GUINEA (Guinée)

GUINEA (Guinée) - 25 02 2021 Code: GU210119a-GU200136b Newsletter No. 1407 / Issues date: 25.02.2021 Printed: 03.10.2021 / 07:12 Code Country / Name Type EUR/1 Qty TOTAL Stamperija: GU210119a GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Owls (Owls (Ptilopsis leucotis; Bubo poensis; Strix FDC €7.45 - - woodfordii; Glaucidium perlatum) [4v 60000 FG]) Imperforated €15.00 - - FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GU210119b GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Owls (Owls (Bubo lacteus) Background info: Tyto alba FDC €7.45 - - [s/s 60000 FG]) Imperforated €15.00 - - FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GU210120a GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Kingfishers (Kingfishers (Ispidina picta; Halcyon FDC €7.45 - - leucocephala; Halcyon senegalensis; Halcyon Imperforated €15.00 - - malimbica) [4v 60000 FG]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GU210120b GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Kingfishers (Kingfishers (Corythornis cristatus) FDC €7.45 - - Background info: Megaceryle maxima [s/s 60000 FG]) Imperforated €15.00 - - FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GU210121a GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Frogs (Frogs (Leptopelis macrotis; Odontobatrachus FDC €7.45 - - ziama; Odontobatrachus natator; Phrynobatrachus Imperforated €15.00 - - calcaratus) [4v 60000 FG]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GU210121b GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Frogs (Frogs (Odontobatrachus smithi) Background FDC €7.45 - - info: Hyperolius tuberculatus [s/s 60000 FG]) Imperforated €15.00 - - FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GU210122a GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Pythons (Pythons (Python regius; Python molurus FDC €7.45 - - bivittatus; Python reticulatus; ) [4v 60000 FG]) Imperforated €15.00 - - FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GU210122b GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Pythons (Pythons (Python regius) Background info: FDC €7.45 - - Morelia spilota cheynei; Malayopython reticulatus [s/s Imperforated €15.00 - - 60000 FG]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GU210123a GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Bats (Bats (Pteropus edwardsii; Megaderma spasma; FDC €7.45 - - Plecotus auritus; Lasiurus noveboracensis) [4v 60000 Imperforated €15.00 - - FG]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GU210123b GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Bats (Bats (Noctilio albiventris) Background info: FDC €7.45 - - Centurio senex; Lasiurus blossevillii [s/s 60000 FG]) Imperforated €15.00 - - FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GU210124a GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Caracal (Caracal (Caracal caracal) [4v 60000 FG]) FDC €7.45 - - Imperforated €15.00 - - FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GU210124b GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Caracal (Caracal (Caracal caracal) [s/s 60000 FG]) FDC €7.45 - - Imperforated €15.00 - - FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GU210125a GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Foxes (Foxes (Vulpes vulpes) [4v 60000 FG]) FDC €7.45 - - Imperforated €15.00 - - FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GU210125b GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Foxes (Foxes (Vulpes vulpes) [s/s 60000 FG]) FDC €7.45 - - Imperforated €15.00 - - FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GU210126a GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Striped polecat (Striped polecat (Ictonyx striatus) [4v FDC €7.45 - - 60000 FG]) Imperforated €15.00 - - FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GU210126b GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Striped polecat (Striped polecat (Ictonyx striatus) [s/s FDC €7.45 - - 60000 FG]) Imperforated €15.00 - - FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GU210127a GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Giraffes (Giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis peralta; FDC €7.45 - - Giraffa camelopardalis; Giraffa camelopardalis Imperforated €15.00 - - rothschildi) [4v 60000 FG]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GU210127b GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Giraffes (Giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis) FDC €7.45 - - Background info: Giraffa camelopardalis giraffa; Equus Imperforated €15.00 - - quagga burchelli [s/s 60000 FG]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GU210128a GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Speed trains (Speed trains (SNCF TGV Thalys PBKA; FDC €7.45 - - E5 Series Shinkansen; Fuxing CR400AF; AVE Class 102) Imperforated €15.00 - - [4v 60000 FG]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GU210128b GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Speed trains (Speed trains (KTX-I) Background info: FDC €7.45 - - Fuxing CR400AF; E5 Series Shinkansen [s/s 60000 FG]) Imperforated €15.00 - - FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GU210129a GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Russian trains (Russian trains (ES1-027 Lastochka; FDC €7.45 - - ED4M-0461; Sapsan; Chs200 Nevsky Express) [4v Imperforated €15.00 - - 60000 FG]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GU210129b GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Russian trains (Russian trains (Allegro) Background FDC €7.45 - - info: Sapsan; ED4M-0461 [s/s 60000 FG]) Imperforated €15.00 - - FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GU210130a GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Norwegian trains (Norwegian trains (MX3000; GMB FDC €7.45 - - Class 71; NSB Class 93; NSB Class 70) [4v 60000 FG]) Imperforated €15.00 - - FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GU210130b GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Norwegian trains (Norwegian trains (NSB Di 4) FDC €7.45 - - Background info: GMB Class 71; NSB Class 93 [s/s Imperforated €15.00 - - 60000 FG]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GU210131a GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Fire engines (Fire engines (Rosenbauer Panther; FDC €7.45 - - Magirus DRAGON X4; Brandbil Scania P360; HME Imperforated €15.00 - - Ahrens-Fox) [4v 60000 FG]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GU210131b GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Fire engines (Fire engines (Brandbil Scania P360) [s/s FDC €7.45 - - 60000 FG]) Imperforated €15.00 - - FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GU210132a GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Lighthouses (Lighthouses (Alnes Lighthouse, Norway; FDC €7.45 - - Larus marinus; Sandy Hook Light, United States; Cape Imperforated €15.00 - - Mudge Lighthouse, Canada; Nojimazaki Lighthouse, FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Japan; Uria aalge) [4v 60000 FG]) Stamperija: GU210132b GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Lighthouses (Lighthouses (Anorisaki Lighthouse, FDC €7.45 - - Japan; Larus crassirostris) Background info: Lindesnes Imperforated €15.00 - - Lighthouse, Norway; Stercorarius parasiticus [s/s FDC imperf. €17.50 - - 60000 FG]) Stamperija: GU210133a GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Shells (Shells (Pleuroploca trapezium; Placopecten FDC €7.45 - - magellanicus; Lobatus gigas; Chicoreus palmarosae) Imperforated €15.00 - - [4v 60000 FG]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GU210133b GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Shells (Shells (Lambis chiragra) Background info: FDC €7.45 - - Turritella communis; Cypraecassis rufa [s/s 60000 FG]) Imperforated €15.00 - - FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GU210134a GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - P-47G Thunderbolt (80th anniversary of the Republic FDC €7.45 - - P-47 Thunderbolt fighter-bomber plane making its first Imperforated €15.00 - - flight (P-47G Thunderbolt) [4v 60000 FG]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GU210134b GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - P-47G Thunderbolt (80th anniversary of the Republic FDC €7.45 - - P-47 Thunderbolt fighter-bomber plane making its first Imperforated €15.00 - - flight (Republic XP-47 and Republic P-47B FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Thunderbolt) [s/s 60000 FG]) Stamperija: GU210135a GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Queen Elizabeth II (95th anniversary of Queen FDC €7.45 - - Elizabeth II (Pope John Paul II 1920–2005; Queen Imperforated €15.00 - - Victoria 1819–1901; Pope emeritus Benedict XVI; Pope FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Francis) [4v 60000 FG]) Stamperija: GU210135b GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Queen Elizabeth II (95th anniversary of Queen FDC €7.45 - - Elizabeth II Background info: By right of prerogative, Imperforated €15.00 - - the British Crown enjoys ownership of all mute swans FDC imperf. €17.50 - - in open water; Cygnus olor [s/s 60000 FG]) Stamperija: GU210136a GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Rabindranath Tagore (80th memorial anniversary of FDC €7.45 - - Rabindranath Tagore (Rabindranath Tagore Imperforated €15.00 - - 1861–1941; "Mother and child" (detail); Mahatma FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Gandhi 1869–1948; "Landscape" (detail), 1937); University of Visva-Bharati founded in 1921 by Rabindranath Tagore 1861–1941) [4v 60000 FG) Stamperija: GU210136b GUINEA (Guinée) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Rabindranath Tagore (80th memorial anniversary of FDC €7.45 - - Rabindranath Tagore (Rabindranath Tagore Imperforated €15.00 - - 1861–1941) Background info: Stylized animal, painting FDC imperf. €17.50 - - by Rabindranath Tagore, 1920; "Animals/Composites (3)", c. 1930; "Woman Face", c. 1930 [s/s 60000 FG]) Total 36 diff. Perforated x 1: €178.20 STAMPERIJA Ltd. POBOX 5 RIESES POST, Vilnius distr. LT-14028 Lithuania E-mail

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