CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY THE GEORGE LINCOLN BURR BOOK FUND Established in 1931 Library Cornell University BX 830 1414.W98 the dea^^^^^ The Council of Constance to Cornell University Library The original of tinis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924006444636 THE COUNCIL OF CONSTANCE TO THE DEATH OF JOHN HUS BY THE HISTORY OF The Council of Constance to the Death of John Hus BEING THE FORD LECTURES DELIVERED IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD IN LENT TERM, 1900 JAMES HAMILTON WYLIE, M.A. ONE OP HER majesty's INSPECTORS OF SCHOOLS AUTHOR OP "HISTORY OF ENGLAND UNDER HENRY THE FOURTH" LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. 39 PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON NEW YORK AND BOMBAY 1900 NAJ^8 K. \U(L\0C^O TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Preliminary i LECTURE I. SlQISMUND 7 LECTURE 11. Constance 41 LECTURE in. The Council 61 LECTURE IV. Deposition 96 LECTURE V. John Hus.—Trial 128 LECTURE VI. John Hus.—Death 162 VEnvoi ^*9 PRELIMINARY. I HAVE as yet found no complete bibliography of the Council of Constance, though there is every hope that before long we may have a full list from that diligent student of the subject, Dr. Heinrich Finke of Frei- burg, who has long been busied with the history of the Council. His introductory treatise, entitled For- schungen und Quellen zur Geschichte des Konstanzer Konzils, was published eleven years ago, and the first volume of his Acta Concilii Constanciensis followed seven years later, but as this only deals with prelimin- ary documents bearing upon the months immediately preceding the actual opening, I fear that it may be long ere the work approaches its completion. In the meantime I have myself accumulated some biblio- graphical material which I hope I may be able some day to prepare for publication. To deal here with a few contemporary sources only, it is known that careful notes of official documents were made by notaries officially appointed to record the proceedings both in the public sessions of the Council and the separate meetings of the nations, though of the latter series none appear to have been preserved. A collection of these official Acta was 2 FORD LECTURES. made by Cardinal Zabarella, though it cannot now be identified, and many such were certainly circulating in various parts of Europe. One of them is known to have been given to Durham College in this uni- versity by one of the English envoys, and it was fre- quently consulted and quoted by Thomas Gascoigne, whose Liber Veritatum is still in MS. in Lincoln College Library. Last year I saw another copy in the library of St. John's College at Cambridge, but had not time to examine it critically, and there are doubtless many other copies elsewhere in England whose existence will be known to many in this audi- ence. But it was not till the year 1500, i.e., some eighty years after the Council had closed, that a lawyer of Tubingen, named Jerome of Croaria, pub- lished a volume of these Acta at Hagenau, and since his day many similar and enlarged editions have appeared, chiefly through the industry of successive librarians at the Vatican. But besides official acts there were also unofficial diaries kept by several Churchmen who were present, in which they recorded current events that befell from day to day. The best known of these are the diaries of the French Cardinal Guillaume Fil- lastre, and Jacob Cerretanus who was then a priest at Turin. Others again wrote formal histories of the Council, such as John of Wallenrod, a knight who had seen much travelling (whose book has now apparently disappeared), John Dorre (Dean of the Andreaskirche at Worms) and an Austrian, Nicholas PRELIMINARY. 3 Elstrawe, whose MS., finished at Constance on October 8th, 1416, is still preserved at Vienna. To these may be added the rhetorical and semi-poetical his- tory written by Dietrich Vrie, an Augustinian from Osnabriick, and entitled De Consolatione Ecclesice in imitation of Boethius. It was finished at Constance in 1417. All these j^«^gj, so far as they remain, have been more or less consulted and incorporated in the great collections of the Church annalists and council- writers, and the substance of them will be found in the twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth volumes of Mansi published in the latter part of last century and never improved upon since. But before the fontes had reached this stage the Council of Con- stance had received the special attention of Hermann Van der Hardt, Professor of Hebrew and Librarian in the University of Helmstadt, who published his four folio volumes in the beginning of the eighteenth century, a work whose monumental industry is only equalled by its monumental confusion of arrangement. But if oflficial Acta were all that we possessed we should be but poorly off, and we are fortunately well supplied from other sources with much necessary human cement to tie and bind the official bricks together. The age was an age of quarrelling, and if it is often true that " the living do not give up their secrets with the candour of the dead " yet the living age of Constance certainly gave up its secrets with candour enough for most of us. A single Pope, offici- ally revered by all, has too often passed for a colourless 4 FORD LECTURES. though saintly personality, but three deposed and discredited Popes, all living amidst their haters as well as their admirers, let loose men's tongues, and old Dietrich of Nieheim, who had personally known the Papal Curia for many years, and wrote his life of John XXIII. in Constance in the summer of 141 5, being an eye-witness of much that he describes, was not the only critic of the great and fallen, for pamphleteers were all about, and many of their anonymous broadsheets have drifted down to us, in whole or in part, from the turmoil of that forgotten world. There, too, were many keen reformers who worked with heart and soul to stem the scandal and depravity that were ruining many of the religious houses. Among these we may name Gobelinus (or Gabriel) Persona who wrote his Weltchronik (which he called Cosmodromium) in the convent of Bodek- ken in 141 8, and Ludolf Meistermann, the Abbot of Sagan in Silesia, whose book on the schism and the Hussites has a curious connection with some of the phrases used by Gascoigne in his Book of Truths written a little later in Oxford. It is true that neither Meistermann nor Persona appears to have been actually on the spot at Constance while the Council sat, but their information was first-hand and direct. Touches of great interest are likewise found in the writings of young Felix Hemmerlin of Zurich, who attended as one of the representatives of the town of Lucerne. Poets, too, like Muscatblut and Thomas Prisschuch of Augsburg, contributed songs and ballads, and we PRELIMINARY. 5 have many dated letters sent home by representatives of Cologne, Frankfurt and Vienna, as well as by Italian Humanists like Poggio and Leonardo Bruni. But the greatest and most matchless collection of letters are those of John Hus preserved in the narra- tive of Peter Mladenowicz who travelled with him from Prague and watched him dying at the stake. Of dry statistics the supply is somewhat thin, for the Rathbuch of the town council of Constance is missing for the opening year, but the true researcher finds his heart positively jumpy as he reads the de- tailed items set down from day to day by the Pope's registrar, Stephen Prato, Bishop of Volterra, who fled with his master to Schaffhausen and whose account flickers out in the intervening days between the flight and the surrender at Freiburg. But of all personal records the most intensely personal is the story told by Ulrich Richental, a burgess of Constance, who passed about the streets and saw t;he crowds of strangers coming in and out ; though such an in- estimable witness is largely to be discounted by the fact that he did not write down his recollections till some years after the Council was at an end. Among the chroniclers proper, the foremost place must be given to Rumbolt Slecht, a Cantor from Strass- burg, who was certainly still writing his chronicle at Constance in March, 1415, and the French friar, Peter of Versailles, who is supposed to have contributed the events of these years to the great chronicle of St. Denys. Outside of the town, but at no great distance 6 FORD LECTURES. away, were the chroniclers of Bern (Conrad J ustinger) and Strassburg (Jakob Twinger), and light is here and there shed from the chronicles of Engelhusen, Fis- tenport, Ebendorfer and others who were living and writing at the time. Sermons and theological tracts loom largely under the great names of Gerson and D'Ailli and others of less note, among them being at least one Englishman, Richard Ulverston or UUerston, who was chancellor of this university in 1408 and Rector of Beeford in the East Riding of Yorkshire. Few of these disquisitions, however, contain much local colour, save perhaps the letters of Stephen Dolein against the Hussites, while complimentary and barren harangues abound, as the various envoys arrived and poured forth their floods of adulation upon Sigismund with a lively sense of favours to come. But in this summary account I feel that- 1 have only touched the fringe of the matter.
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